Florida's good ol' boy system is alive and well.

The study says its unclear and you hang on that as proof the pot is not a gateway drug?

Sorry but thats a weak reed to hang on to

Most studies lean toward supporting your position

But not all

And the fact that Yale is a hotbed of liberal bias gives this study more weight

I use my own life as an example.

I know if I drink, I'll keep drinking.

I know if I smoke, I don't give a shit if I do it again later or not. I don't start doing much worse drugs.

the desire to alter your mindset leads to doing drugs til you find the one of choice.
Not so

Its still against the law and for good reason
not everywhere.

alcohol used to also be against the law. if you were truly focused on health, alcohol would bother you more, than pot.

every doctor I went to said stop drinking. no doctor ever said much about pot use.

buy hey, you found a study. maybe this one doesn't discredit your own statement
Medical marijuana permits? How lucrative can "medical marijuana" be when almost no legitimate medical management facility prescribes the crap?
Permits = It starts with Florida’s demand of a $146,000 non-refundable application fee.
Medical marijuana permits? How lucrative can "medical marijuana" be when almost no legitimate medical management facility prescribes the crap?
Did you notice all the government insiders who have a stake in it? Both Dems and Repubs.
( Thank's for the discussion all.)
It has happened a lot to me a lot . It is an article from my home town paper. I am paid up. I will try and fix it. Scott Maxwell is the Author. Florida Cracker here . :)

So you're a transplant?

Black farmers can’t get into Florida’s medical marijuana game. But political cronies do. | Commentary Regular folks get pushed aside when it comes to getting a chance to get in on the ground floor of money making enterprise. I would not grow it myself but if it is legal to do so it should be on to all in a fair way.

This OP is an attempt to stir race relations once again.

Black farmers aren't the only ones who can't. Neither can white, Mexican, Puerto Rican or Asian farmers...unless they are politically connected to the top.
No born and raised and still here in rural Florida. My family goes back to the 1600s in this state.

Then you need to go slap the crap out of your English teachers. The syntax you used in the OP is not American English.

This OP is an attempt to stir race relations once again.

Black farmers aren't the only ones who can't. Neither can white, Mexican, Puerto Rican or Asian farmers...unless they are politically connected to the top.
Maybe the author I just posted the article for discussion.
Reading an article by Scotty Barnes- Legalizing Marijuana in Oregon has had a negative effect on the state. Criminal organizations have moved in the state using legal Hemp growing operations for their illegal marijuana operations.
I can't find a link for it yet .I will post it or someone else can if they find one. Josephine County Sheriff's office put out the article. I read it in the Epoch Times newspaper.
I did not. I recommend answering the question, "NO", and staying off the radar, just as weekend pot smokers have tried to stay off the radar, clean back to the 60s. But, you do as you feel best or conscience allows.

I also favor federal legalization. This is just another prohibition, that did not work, doing more harm than good. Typical of Richard Milhouse Nixon, under whose administration, the Controlled Substance Act, was passed. He was, and always will be a problematic embarrassment to this country, the Republican Party, and all of us that voted for him.
tell us what republican president did you support and agree with ? what republican president did you support policy wise ?
tell us what republican president did you support and agree with ? what republican president did you support policy wise ?
Nixon, until watergate. Reagan to a great extent through both terms, except for policy and actions associated with the Contra/Sandinista illegal actions, funding denied by congress, but illegally carried out. George H.W. Bush, all the way through is one term.
Not even close. Laws should always err on the side of freedom and liberty....I cannot believe I am having to tell this to someone that claims to be rightwing.
Really? you cant believe that?

Most of the rightwingers here are obvious totalitarians, they think the government is justified in doing anything as long as it comports with what they agree with.

Small government and freedom have not been in the rightwing mantra for decades. The right authored the Patriot Act - the largest government expansion of power in the last 50 years. They back continuous warfare. They abandoned all pretense of lowered spending under Trump if not under Bush before him. They are now anti trade, instead favoring government controlling where you can get your goods and, of course, big government bailouts of farmers because government bailing out companies is now a republican goal if crushing free trade harms those companies. Local control of elections? No, that was abandoned for Trump too - now we want federal agencies rejecting states votes because..... well because. And nationalizing big oil, that evil democrat threat to bring communism here? Of course they are against that. Well, unless it is a company they don't like. They openly back essentially nationalizing Facebook and Twitter because those are things we all need to have access to. They are not even bothering to hide the same justifications they are taking from democrats that they called communism.

If you truly cannot believe you have to tell this to a rightwinger, you have been living under a rock for the last 30 years.
Nixon, until watergate. Reagan to a great extent through both terms, except for policy and actions associated with the Contra/Sandinista illegal actions, funding denied by congress, but illegally carried out. George H.W. Bush, all the way through is one term.
what policies did Trump implement that caused you to vote for the lol! so called moderate lol !
what policies did Trump implement that caused you to vote for the lol! so called moderate lol !
His policy of disregard for the constitution and rule of law. His insults to Goldstar families, servicemen wounded battle, as well as various General Officers, I admire. His policy of separating children from their parents at the border, without a system in place and plan to reunite those families whether kicking the parents out or releasing in this country. His policy of nepotistic hiring his kids to fill top-level positions with no experience. If they weren't his kids, he would have kicked them off his TV show, "The Apprentice". His executive hiring in general showed severe lack of judgement, as he hire crooks, tax cheats, agents of foreign governments, etc. I suspect him of being a tax cheat. He is a known liar. There is more, I am sure, but this was enough for me. He proved me correct in my judgement of his low character and low regard for patriotism, our country and the rule of law, when he hosted the "stop the steal" rally on January 6, (after he fairly lost the fairly conducted election) and sent them marching on the capital.

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