Florida's good ol' boy system is alive and well.

It does not any more than drinking or smoking tobacco does.

People can smoke cigarettes all day without getting high

Beer and whisky in moderation are ok

But booze in excess only leads to more booze and a slower death

We have drug overdose deaths among teenagers
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People can smoke cigarettes all day without getting high

And people can chew TCH gummies without getting high. People can take a couple tokes off a bong and not be any higher than drinking a beer.

Beer and whisky in moderation are ok

So is pot. They are basically the same damn thing.

But booze in excess only leads to more mooze and a slower death

the same with anything in excess. The problem is not the substance, it is the excess.

We have drug overdose deaths among teenagers

and we have alcohol overdoes deaths among teenagers. We have drunk driving teens killing themselves and others.
It's unclear whether the pot use in adolescence may have led to more severe substance abuse or was an early sign of psychiatric or social factors that contributed to later disability, the researchers caution.
Dont expect too much from a study that was not about gateway drugs

What the Swedes did find was bad enough
Pot is INCREDIBLY dangerous and addictive, but the pot pimps don't care.

They want their WEED, dammit!!

As far as who should benefit from creating and distributing this poison?

No one or everyone.

But of course the rich will get richer.
Total bullshit.
Dont expect too much from a study that was not about gateway drugs

What the Swedes did find was bad enough
Yet when I asked for links to show pot is a gateway drugs, you gave me this one which cautions that it was not proven in their study.

you are moving the goalposts while discrediting your own link.
Yet when I asked for links to show pot is a gateway drugs, you gave me this one which cautions that it was not proven in their study.
Yet when I asked for links to show pot is a gateway drugs, you gave me this one which cautions that it was not proven in their study.

you are moving the goalposts while discrediting your own link.

I have not bothered to look for a study because some things are common sense that do not require confirmation by academics

The gateway drug question is one of them

Few if any heroin or crack addicts started out on those drugs
I have not bothered to look for a study because some things are common sense that do not require confirmation by academics

The gateway drug question is one of them

Few if any heroin or crack addicts started out on those drugs
so you can't prove it.

I can.

I know many people who smoke and have zero desire to do more.

the desire to do drugs leads to harder drugs. billions of people can drink without becoming an alcoholic. so drinking doesn't mean you will be an alcoholic.

lack of control does.
Few if any heroin or crack addicts started out on those drugs

Correct, they all worked their way up, most starting with beer and cigarettes.

But that is the wrong side of the equation, you need to look at how many pot smokes become heroin or crack addicts...the answer is a tiny, tiny percent.

Calling pot a gateway drug is the same as blaming violent video games for people's violent behavior....though maybe you do that as well
Correct, they all worked their way up, most starting with beer and cigarettes.

But that is the wrong side of the equation, you need to look at how many pot smokes become heroin or crack addicts...the answer is a tiny, tiny percent.

Calling pot a gateway drug is the same as blaming violent video games for people's violent behavior....though maybe you do that as well
If we go by Prog logic, if the government was going to expand a social program by 1 billion dollars and the Repubs pushed for 1 dollar less then a billion, Progs would be on the stage emoting about all the people that will suffer from that 1 less dollar. So if a small percentage of people smoking weed go to harder drugs, then we have millions of people who are addicts, former addicts and damaged. That would be closer to the truth then the spiels Progs use for their social programs.
If we go by Prog logic, if the government was going to expand a social program by 1 billion dollars and the Repubs pushed for 1 dollar less then a billion, Progs would be on the stage emoting about all the people that will suffer from that 1 less dollar. So if a small percentage of people smoking weed go to harder drugs, then we have millions of people who are addicts, former addicts and damaged. That would be closer to the truth then the spiels Progs use for their social programs.

Are you drunk?
Allow me to translate for OP:


That is REALLY what OP is saying.
Thats not proof

Its just your opinion the same as mine
heh, but a link to a topic we are not talking about that does refute your opinion was proof your opinion is correct?

I'm out.
Of course you have, you seem the authoritarian kind that wants to tell others how to live their lives
Me Authoritarian? OH boy---I try to avoid most everyone at all costs. Only till you create an issue for me do I get involved. Don't care how you live your life as Long as it doesn't hurt anyone else and I don't have to support it. Druggies hurt others and whine and bellyache for others to enable their life style choices.
Allow me to translate for OP:


That is REALLY what OP is saying.
Maybe the Author Scott Maxwell maybe saying that. I agree with Mike not just black farmers but white farmers as well. Did you notice the fee they are charging ? Only the wealthy can afford the fee. Fried is a democrat and she got a stake in it as well..
So to me it is not race but about the system rigged for the wealthy while the rest of us get pushed out by a government to be for'' all the people.''

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