Florida's largest police union endorses Trump in unanimous vote.

One police union of 30,000 members voted to support Trump in Florida.

good to know but is it enough?
Add in the police spouses and business owners and their spouses, and soccer moms and....

Add in the taxpayers who are done footing the bill for police violence.
The police didn't cause any damage. So we taxpayers will send the rioters and democrats the bill in November for the damage they caused.
If the police don't cause any damage, why are cities paying out so much in "damages"?

Maybe you should be billing the police unions for all of this - including the costs of the riots, when they continued to protect abusive officers. This is in addition to the costs of locking up more citizens than any nation in the world - both the costs of the criminal justice system and the prison costs.

40 years after Ronald Reagan declared his War on Drugs, the black and brown communities are over policed, over charged, and far too many black and brown people are in jail for minor drug offences, because of minimun sentencing. White kids get let off with a warning. Minorities go to jail.
No one is "paying out" damages, yet. Its easy to sue and tough to collect.
Do cities have spare cash to pay for damages? No.
Its simpler and cheaper to keep appealing the rulings and then not pay.
Maybe you can convince the cities to "defund the police" to pay damages to rioters? That will shrink the tax bases.
Trump signed the prison reform bill that undid the harm from Biden's prior racist crime bills.

The money has been paid out and billed to taxpayers already - those are just the amounts paid out. Nothing to do with "pending payments' at all. Mostly, the cities settle, because if the cases go to court, the juries will pay out much, much larger settlements.

Sheriff Joe Arpiao cost the taxpayers of Maricopa County more than $20 million in court cases and settlements, which is why he was turfed out of office. His job was to enforce state and county laws, not lock up and abuse US citizens who don't care proof of citizenship around with them.

80% of Americans support Black Lives Matter. Americans are tired of living in a police state. Building and maintaining a police state which locks up minorities at disproportionate numbers, and kills more of its citizens than any first world police force. It's really expensive, and they're not getting good value for their money.

Policing is the only municipal budget that hasn't been cut to the bone, and the ONLY municipal budget that has been going up. School budgets have been cut. Recreational programs have been cut. All manner of social services and urban amenities have been eliminated in poor and low income neighbourhoods.

Policing in America started as "slave patrols" so the long sad history of white men just stopping black men alone in the road has been going on for so long that the police have forgotten what their jobs are supposed to be. None of my white friends have ever been stopped driving in black neighbourhoods and asked what they were doing there.

While Republicans have been driven into a frenzy of horror of graffitti on public buildings, the wealthy, stores being looted or burned, the corporations have been looting the public treasury and carrying off the billions of the money Congress set aside to save small businesses in the USA. Over 150,000 small businesses have closed, permanently. It is these businesses that are most likely to pay a fairer wage since small business owners know all too well, how their workers are faring versus corporate CEO's for whom front line workers are merely numbers.

Conservatives on this board haven't posted one word on this board about all of the real looting that's going or in the fraud and lack of oversight of the federal bailout programs. Right at the beginning of the pandemic, Trump said that he viewed the bailout money as an opportunity for corporations to stock upon free capital, whether they needed it or not. Free money doesn't come along every day. And that's what they did.

Never mind that the money was intended to go to small businesses who were forced to shut down, or deeply curtail their operations. The House and the Senate set up the programs with proper oversight, and Trump fired the guy they hired to do the job, and refused to even provide lists of who got what money, saying it would violate "privacy laws".

If you want taxpayer money, the taxpayers have a right to know who their money went to. At the very least.

You are correct money is being paid out and most of it probably goes to the lawyers instead of the victims family which is the real injustice.

this story put it in prospective of what the process is like.

One police union of 30,000 members voted to support Trump in Florida.

good to know but is it enough?
Add in the police spouses and business owners and their spouses, and soccer moms and....

Add in the taxpayers who are done footing the bill for police violence.
The police didn't cause any damage. So we taxpayers will send the rioters and democrats the bill in November for the damage they caused.
If the police don't cause any damage, why are cities paying out so much in "damages"?

Maybe you should be billing the police unions for all of this - including the costs of the riots, when they continued to protect abusive officers. This is in addition to the costs of locking up more citizens than any nation in the world - both the costs of the criminal justice system and the prison costs.

40 years after Ronald Reagan declared his War on Drugs, the black and brown communities are over policed, over charged, and far too many black and brown people are in jail for minor drug offences, because of minimun sentencing. White kids get let off with a warning. Minorities go to jail.
No one is "paying out" damages, yet. Its easy to sue and tough to collect.
Do cities have spare cash to pay for damages? No.
Its simpler and cheaper to keep appealing the rulings and then not pay.
Maybe you can convince the cities to "defund the police" to pay damages to rioters? That will shrink the tax bases.
Trump signed the prison reform bill that undid the harm from Biden's prior racist crime bills.

The money has been paid out and billed to taxpayers already - those are just the amounts paid out. Nothing to do with "pending payments' at all. Mostly, the cities settle, because if the cases go to court, the juries will pay out much, much larger settlements.

Sheriff Joe Arpiao cost the taxpayers of Maricopa County more than $20 million in court cases and settlements, which is why he was turfed out of office. His job was to enforce state and county laws, not lock up and abuse US citizens who don't care proof of citizenship around with them.

80% of Americans support Black Lives Matter. Americans are tired of living in a police state. Building and maintaining a police state which locks up minorities at disproportionate numbers, and kills more of its citizens than any first world police force. It's really expensive, and they're not getting good value for their money.

Policing is the only municipal budget that hasn't been cut to the bone, and the ONLY municipal budget that has been going up. School budgets have been cut. Recreational programs have been cut. All manner of social services and urban amenities have been eliminated in poor and low income neighbourhoods.

Policing in America started as "slave patrols" so the long sad history of white men just stopping black men alone in the road has been going on for so long that the police have forgotten what their jobs are supposed to be. None of my white friends have ever been stopped driving in black neighbourhoods and asked what they were doing there.

While Republicans have been driven into a frenzy of horror of graffitti on public buildings, the wealthy, stores being looted or burned, the corporations have been looting the public treasury and carrying off the billions of the money Congress set aside to save small businesses in the USA. Over 150,000 small businesses have closed, permanently. It is these businesses that are most likely to pay a fairer wage since small business owners know all too well, how their workers are faring versus corporate CEO's for whom front line workers are merely numbers.

Conservatives on this board haven't posted one word on this board about all of the real looting that's going or in the fraud and lack of oversight of the federal bailout programs. Right at the beginning of the pandemic, Trump said that he viewed the bailout money as an opportunity for corporations to stock upon free capital, whether they needed it or not. Free money doesn't come along every day. And that's what they did.

Never mind that the money was intended to go to small businesses who were forced to shut down, or deeply curtail their operations. The House and the Senate set up the programs with proper oversight, and Trump fired the guy they hired to do the job, and refused to even provide lists of who got what money, saying it would violate "privacy laws".

If you want taxpayer money, the taxpayers have a right to know who their money went to. At the very least.

You are correct money is being paid out and most of it probably goes to the lawyers instead of the victims family which is the real injustice.

this story put it in prospective of what the process is like.

If the police department would just admit fault, we wouldn't have to go thru this exercise of a trial and then finding "damages!" I'm still trying to figure out how any cop can say "not guilty" of anything when someone dies under their custodial care! When it's on video for all to see how someone was abused, probably begging for their life, and the cop just keeps on going until it's a tragedy that could have been avoided! In Chicago they tried to settle a case without a lot of fanfare, but wound up being an ugly scene anyway when the video shows cops shooting the kid almost 20 times in the back just because he had a knife! These people need to find another fk'n vocation if they're afraid for their lives with a ton of other cops around in support! :dunno:
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Doesn’t make them look good, he represents lies and corruption.
Crazy Joe represents senility, Socialism, and domestic terrorism.
4 years ago was a whole lot better than this garbage.
Crazy Joe is worse than Hitlery?

4 years ago Joe was VP and things were way better. You clowns can keep lying, but nobody is buying it. Country is in ruins .

only the dem cities where the mayors have ordered the cops to stand down.
Brazilian death squads support Bolsonaro. Philippine death squads support Duterte. Is this supposed to be a surprise?

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