Fluke is not the "everywoman" portrayed by the media...

Call it what you want. But....it did force the Obama Machine to seek out the help of Sandra Fluke. Undeniable....
Fluk ('e') left off purposely...went to Georgetown precisely as an activist to try to change the Churchs' standard.

There is no other explination for the trotting her out by the Statists as a 'Victim'.

She's a tool.

i dont understand how anyone can back the church. they wont provide health care because of morals. What is next if you are gay they wont profile health care for you. this one stupidest crap i have ever seen. Why does church get to deny people but other comapnies cant. Why cant other companies say we wont provide them because of our company morals.

Sooo separation of church and state only works for the government? Only when it fits the governments needs? Really...is that what you think?
Fluk ('e') left off purposely...went to Georgetown precisely as an activist to try to change the Churchs' standard.

There is no other explination for the trotting her out by the Statists as a 'Victim'.

She's a tool.

Excellent, then I'm sure you have some proof that Ms Fluke attended said college for the express purpose of confronting the Catholic church on contraception.

Because that's a MUCH more likely scenario than her just attending the school for it's rather excellent educational standards.

Much more likely.

Especially since the leaders of said educational institution have come out and defended Ms Fluke.

Do you know how psychotic you sound when you make crazy shit up like that?
Call it what you want. But....it did force the Obama Machine to seek out the help of Sandra Fluke. Undeniable....
Fluk ('e') left off purposely...went to Georgetown precisely as an activist to try to change the Churchs' standard.

There is no other explination for the trotting her out by the Statists as a 'Victim'.

She's a tool.

i dont understand how anyone can back the church. they wont provide health care because of morals. What is next if you are gay they wont profile health care for you. this one stupidest crap i have ever seen. Why does church get to deny people but other comapnies cant. Why cant other companies say we wont provide them because of our company morals.
IF a private individual doesn't agree with the doctrine of ANY church? What or rather whom is making them join?

Freewill was another one of God's creations that the Founder's recognized.
Sir...you are the one trying to rewrite history...of this discussion between you and I...or maybe just trying to spin it.
I have always stated that the dems seeked her out to create damage control for Obama's gaffe......not Rush's. Sheesh.....

You made no mention of "dems" in your original comment, you mentioned the "Obama Machine" instead.

Certainly, the President had nothing to do with asking Ms Fluke to sit in front of a Congressional Committee, anymore than he had something to do with choosing all the old men the Republicans had testify for the other side.
If ya can't beat 'em, discredit 'em!

What a policy!

Conservatism: Rude and Damn Proud of it!
Fluk ('e') left off purposely...went to Georgetown precisely as an activist to try to change the Churchs' standard.

There is no other explination for the trotting her out by the Statists as a 'Victim'.

She's a tool.

i dont understand how anyone can back the church. they wont provide health care because of morals. What is next if you are gay they wont profile health care for you. this one stupidest crap i have ever seen. Why does church get to deny people but other comapnies cant. Why cant other companies say we wont provide them because of our company morals.

Sooo separation of church and state only works for the government? Only when it fits the governments needs? Really...is that what you think?
The poster fails to recognize that NO ONE made anyone join anything if they didn't belive in thier doctrine.

What we are dealing with here is infiltration from a person that is supposedly a victim as it is being portrayed by the left.

She is a victim of her own stupidity... by allowing herself to become a tool of the left.
Sir...you are the one trying to rewrite history...of this discussion between you and I...or maybe just trying to spin it.
I have always stated that the dems seeked her out to create damage control for Obama's gaffe......not Rush's. Sheesh.....

You made no mention of "dems" in your original comment, you mentioned the "Obama Machine" instead.

Certainly, the President had nothing to do with asking Ms Fluke to sit in front of a Congressional Committee, anymore than he had something to do with choosing all the old men the Republicans had testify for the other side.

Really? This is what you're hanging your hat on? :lol:

Obama has a lot of people to ask Sandra to sit in front of the CC...come on Vast....you're really grasping at straws :eusa_whistle:
Fluk ('e') left off purposely...went to Georgetown precisely as an activist to try to change the Churchs' standard.

There is no other explination for the trotting her out by the Statists as a 'Victim'.

She's a tool.

Excellent, then I'm sure you have some proof that Ms Fluke attended said college for the express purpose of confronting the Catholic church on contraception.

Because that's a MUCH more likely scenario than her just attending the school for it's rather excellent educational standards.

Much more likely.

Especially since the leaders of said educational institution have come out and defended Ms Fluke.

Do you know how psychotic you sound when you make crazy shit up like that?
She HAD TO KNOW what the Catholic Doctrine was.

YOU may exit...stage left.
It was a diversion from the Obama camp to create damage control on Obama's gaffe regarding the Catholic debacle.
Make no mistake on that.

It worked, I will give the dems credit for it.

This was my first post about it, Vast. FYI :eusa_angel:
i think Rush loves this kind of controversy. he doesn't really care about his base. he obviously doesn't care about the left. he doesn't care about men or women or boys or girls.

the man loves green.
Everything...every...thing...that comes out of the progressive movement is manufactured. EVERYTHING. Their only intent is to establish a new world order.

And babies, old people, Christian people, and poor people have no place in the new world order. None. They are expendable, and in fact, a nuisance that should be disposed of.

Reproductive Justice...Willow mentioned it to me and she's right...that's an insane term. Pregnancy, childbirth, childbearing are punishments that must not be tolerated. No woman must be responsible for herself. The state must mandate, the state must provide. Humans hurt the earth. Do your part....

Sound familiar?
Everything...every...thing...that comes out of the progressive movement is manufactured. EVERYTHING. Their only intent is to establish a new world order.

And babies, old people, Christian people, and poor people have no place in the new world order. None. They are expendable, and in fact, a nuisance that should be disposed of.

Reproductive Justice...Willow mentioned it to me and she's right...that's an insane term. Pregnancy, childbirth, childbearing are punishments that must not be tolerated. No woman must be responsible for herself. The state must mandate, the state must provide. Humans hurt the earth. Do your part....

Sound familiar?
Liberty of the individual being erroded.
Pretty soon there won't be any left at all. And this will be a memory of heaven compared to what the world will be like then.
Pretty soon there won't be any left at all. And this will be a memory of heaven compared to what the world will be like then.

if you're speaking of personal liberty, yeah it's disappearing. my question? why do you guys keep voting in those who pass laws that take it away from us?
i dont understand how anyone can back the church. they wont provide health care because of morals. What is next if you are gay they wont profile health care for you. this one stupidest crap i have ever seen. Why does church get to deny people but other comapnies cant. Why cant other companies say we wont provide them because of our company morals.

Sooo separation of church and state only works for the government? Only when it fits the governments needs? Really...is that what you think?
The poster fails to recognize that NO ONE made anyone join anything if they didn't belive in thier doctrine.

What we are dealing with here is infiltration from a person that is supposedly a victim as it is being portrayed by the left.

She is a victim of her own stupidity... by allowing herself to become a tool of the left.

thats not point about joining... its about the church having say and companies not just becuase of morals
Who the hell are "you guys"? Me? How do you know how I vote?

Oh, that's right. You don't.

But primarily, I think people get duped. I'm so sick of politicians, the scum. I think of them as lower than drug dealers and prostitutes. Often that's exactly what they are.
Sooo separation of church and state only works for the government? Only when it fits the governments needs? Really...is that what you think?
The poster fails to recognize that NO ONE made anyone join anything if they didn't belive in thier doctrine.

What we are dealing with here is infiltration from a person that is supposedly a victim as it is being portrayed by the left.

She is a victim of her own stupidity... by allowing herself to become a tool of the left.

thats not point about joining... its about the church having say and companies not just becuase of morals
It is precisely the point. IF you don't like what a particuliar organization belives? WHY join it but for nefarious purposes?
The poster fails to recognize that NO ONE made anyone join anything if they didn't belive in thier doctrine.

What we are dealing with here is infiltration from a person that is supposedly a victim as it is being portrayed by the left.

She is a victim of her own stupidity... by allowing herself to become a tool of the left.

thats not point about joining... its about the church having say and companies not just becuase of morals
It is precisely the point. IF you don't like what a particuliar organization belives? WHY join it but for nefarious purposes?

Question...T, can you really understand what duck is saying? Cuz to me he doesn't make sense.

Please translate:

"thats not point about joining... its about the church having say and companies not just becuase of morals"

The poster fails to recognize that NO ONE made anyone join anything if they didn't belive in thier doctrine.

What we are dealing with here is infiltration from a person that is supposedly a victim as it is being portrayed by the left.

She is a victim of her own stupidity... by allowing herself to become a tool of the left.

thats not point about joining... its about the church having say and companies not just becuase of morals
It is precisely the point. IF you don't like what a particuliar organization belives? WHY join it but for nefarious purposes?

im saying its absurd because then all comapnies should right to deny health care becuase of morals not just the churches

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