Fluke is not the "everywoman" portrayed by the media...

Who the hell are "you guys"? Me? How do you know how I vote?

Oh, that's right. You don't.

But primarily, I think people get duped. I'm so sick of politicians, the scum. I think of them as lower than drug dealers and prostitutes. Often that's exactly what they are.

well, almost all politicians elected in our lifetime are republicans or democrats. if you voted for them, then you voted for less personal liberty.
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thats not point about joining... its about the church having say and companies not just becuase of morals
It is precisely the point. IF you don't like what a particuliar organization belives? WHY join it but for nefarious purposes?

im saying its absurd because then all comapnies should right to deny health care becuase of morals not just the churches

That didn't really hlp.

Whoops, help. I'm catching it, whatever it is...
thats not point about joining... its about the church having say and companies not just becuase of morals
It is precisely the point. IF you don't like what a particuliar organization belives? WHY join it but for nefarious purposes?

im saying its absurd because then all comapnies should right to deny health care becuase of morals not just the churches

I'll buy this...and they should indeed.

Private entities ahould have the right to discrimnate based on thier charter and motives...NO ONE has to buy into it.

And if they are wrong? Those entities will go under...as they should.
Dems are about giving people personal choice...and affordable guaranteed health care. Pubs are about screwing people for personal gain, including their idiot voters...
Really? This is what you're hanging your hat on? :lol:

Obama has a lot of people to ask Sandra to sit in front of the CC...come on Vast....you're really grasping at straws :eusa_whistle:

I'm grasping at straws??

You're the one trying to imply that Ms Fluke was some Obama "Secret Weapon", and that it was all a plot to force Rush Limbaugh to call her a prostitute.


Fluke had no significance whatsoever until Rush made his stupid-assed comments.

But somehow, someway, the "Obama Machine", as you call it, had some psychic premonition that Rush was going to turn her testimony into a giant media shit-storm.

And I'm grasping at straws.

You link to an article written by a woman who doesn't know how much contraception costs? What is she? About 90?

In the mean time, Catholic Charities gets nearly 70% of all it's money from the US Government. Since that's MY money too, I say, provide her with birth control.

Contraception is free, dipshit.

Aside from that, you're still full of shit. And once it leaves your pocket, it is NOT your money.

Not even the article you link to says contraception is free.

LOL!! What do these Unibrows do? Just read the headline, then copy and paste?
Really? This is what you're hanging your hat on? :lol:

Obama has a lot of people to ask Sandra to sit in front of the CC...come on Vast....you're really grasping at straws :eusa_whistle:

I'm grasping at straws??

You're the one trying to imply that Ms Fluke was some Obama "Secret Weapon", and that it was all a plot to force Rush Limbaugh to call her a prostitute.


Fluke had no significance whatsoever until Rush made his stupid-assed comments.

She HAD TO KNOW what the Catholic Doctrine was.

YOU may exit...stage left.


You don't think that perhaps she decided it was worth it because it was an excellent school that accepted her?

And that, upon studying law at said school, she decided she wanted to try and change the school's policies?

I have Jewish friends that attended Jesuit schools. Were they secret plants that were just there in an attempt to undermine the school's Catholicism?
Everything...every...thing...that comes out of the progressive movement is manufactured. EVERYTHING. Their only intent is to establish a new world order.

And babies, old people, Christian people, and poor people have no place in the new world order. None. They are expendable, and in fact, a nuisance that should be disposed of.

Reproductive Justice...Willow mentioned it to me and she's right...that's an insane term. Pregnancy, childbirth, childbearing are punishments that must not be tolerated. No woman must be responsible for herself. The state must mandate, the state must provide. Humans hurt the earth. Do your part....

Sound familiar?

I'm sorry, but... you... are... psychotic.

Seriously. Seek help.
She HAD TO KNOW what the Catholic Doctrine was.

YOU may exit...stage left.


You don't think that perhaps she decided it was worth it because it was an excellent school that accepted her?

And that, upon studying law at said school, she decided she wanted to try and change the school's policies?

I have Jewish friends that attended Jesuit schools. Were they secret plants that were just there in an attempt to undermine the school's Catholicism?

She testified that she knew exactly what the school's policy on birth control was, and she has pretty much admitted that her entire focus is to undermine the school's Catholocism.

"Reproductive Justice". Seriously.
Look at the other right wing threads on this young lady.

Is she a lesbian?

Does she want to be paid to have sex?

Right wingers are so dirty. They just smear. There's no discussion here. No counterpoint. Nothing serious.

Remember, pigs like to drag you down and play in the filth, and the pig likes it.
She HAD TO KNOW what the Catholic Doctrine was.

YOU may exit...stage left.


You don't think that perhaps she decided it was worth it because it was an excellent school that accepted her?

And that, upon studying law at said school, she decided she wanted to try and change the school's policies?

I have Jewish friends that attended Jesuit schools. Were they secret plants that were just there in an attempt to undermine the school's Catholicism?

She testified that she knew exactly what the school's policy on birth control was, and she has pretty much admitted that her entire focus is to undermine the school's Catholocism.

"Reproductive Justice". Seriously.

^^This. She is a willing participant...and a tool that will soon enough be forgotten.
Oh I think she has a big future ahead.

Or maybe she is just a tool, time will tell. It depends on whether she really means the garbage she says, or even really understands it.

Chances are she doesn't mean it, and doesn't understand it. But you never know with zealots.
She testified that she knew exactly what the school's policy on birth control was, and she has pretty much admitted that her entire focus is to undermine the school's Catholocism.

"Reproductive Justice". Seriously.

"Pretty Much" meaning: In your imagination.
Look at the other right wing threads on this young lady.

Is she a lesbian?

Does she want to be paid to have sex?

Right wingers are so dirty. They just smear. There's no discussion here. No counterpoint. Nothing serious.

Remember, pigs like to drag you down and play in the filth, and the pig likes it.

They figure, if they throw enough shit against the wall, something is bound to stick.

At least, stick in the public eye long enough for them to undermine their credibility.

It's fucking disgusting is what it is.
She testified that she knew exactly what the school's policy on birth control was, and she has pretty much admitted that her entire focus is to undermine the school's Catholocism.

"Reproductive Justice". Seriously.

"Pretty Much" meaning: In your imagination.

Wrong answer.

She is a fake...and she advocates "Reproductive justice" which is a false issue in of itself.

And it isn't Republicans in women's wombs...

But you go ahead and press on will you?
Look at the other right wing threads on this young lady.

Is she a lesbian?

Does she want to be paid to have sex?

Right wingers are so dirty. They just smear. There's no discussion here. No counterpoint. Nothing serious.

Remember, pigs like to drag you down and play in the filth, and the pig likes it.

They figure, if they throw enough shit against the wall, something is bound to stick.

At least, stick in the public eye long enough for them to undermine their credibility.

It's fucking disgusting is what it is.

The situation was so ridiculous, it seemed something was missing in a valid argument from Ms. Fluke.
She testified that she knew exactly what the school's policy on birth control was, and she has pretty much admitted that her entire focus is to undermine the school's Catholocism.

"Reproductive Justice". Seriously.

"Pretty Much" meaning: In your imagination.

I guess you missed this, in the article, then when I quoted it early, and linked it:

"She told the Washington Post that she chose Georgetown knowing specifically that the school did not cover drugs that run contrary to Catholic teaching in its student health plans. During her law school years she was a president of "Students for Reproductive Justice" and made it her mission to get the school to give up one of the last remnants of its Catholicism. "
The problem for the right is that when Rush called her a slut and prostitute and asked her to post sex videos everyone related her to their wives or daughters

Anyone who uses birth control whether they are married or not must ask.......does the right think I am a slut too?

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