Fluke is not the "everywoman" portrayed by the media...

Really? This is what you're hanging your hat on? :lol:

Obama has a lot of people to ask Sandra to sit in front of the CC...come on Vast....you're really grasping at straws :eusa_whistle:

I'm grasping at straws??

You're the one trying to imply that Ms Fluke was some Obama "Secret Weapon", and that it was all a plot to force Rush Limbaugh to call her a prostitute.


Fluke had no significance whatsoever until Rush made his stupid-assed comments.

But somehow, someway, the "Obama Machine", as you call it, had some psychic premonition that Rush was going to turn her testimony into a giant media shit-storm.

And I'm grasping at straws.


Yes...grasping at straws.

I'm not the one who brought Rush into the conversation...only you did when you had your ass handed to you by me. I had nothing to say about Rush.
It was about Obama using this left wing activist as a tool to get off the subject of his Catholic debacle...or is your retention span so bad that you forgot...I doubt that. It's more of your typical spin that you do when you lose the discussion.

Show me where I said anything about Rush in my original post, Vast...go ahead..I'll post it for you and you can respond.
It was a diversion from the Obama camp to create damage control on Obama's gaffe regarding the Catholic debacle.
Make no mistake on that.

It worked, I will give the dems credit for it.
Really? This is what you're hanging your hat on? :lol:

Obama has a lot of people to ask Sandra to sit in front of the CC...come on Vast....you're really grasping at straws :eusa_whistle:

I'm grasping at straws??

You're the one trying to imply that Ms Fluke was some Obama "Secret Weapon", and that it was all a plot to force Rush Limbaugh to call her a prostitute.


Fluke had no significance whatsoever until Rush made his stupid-assed comments.

But somehow, someway, the "Obama Machine", as you call it, had some psychic premonition that Rush was going to turn her testimony into a giant media shit-storm.

And I'm grasping at straws.


Yes...grasping at straws.

I'm not the one who brought Rush into the conversation...only you did when you had your ass handed to you by me. I had nothing to say about Rush.
It was about Obama using this left wing activist as a tool to get off the subject of his Catholic debacle...or is your retention span so bad that you forgot...I doubt that. it more of your typical spin that you do when you lose the discussion.

Show me where I said anything about Rush in my original post, Vast...go ahead..I'll post it for you and you can respond.
It was a diversion from the Obama camp to create damage control on Obama's gaffe regarding the Catholic debacle.
Make no mistake on that.

It worked, I will give the dems credit for it.
Rush Limbaugh's comment is about calling women whores and prostitutes

He called ONE woman that. It is general only in that any woman who would demand such an entitlement from anyone can be viewed as one. SO the question is, are the women who are offended DEMANDING such? If not, they have no reason to be offended. Unless they're dense or trying to score political points or trying to find a reason to be pissed off at Rush.

Not about whether the Church is being forced to do anything.

That's what's trying to be hidden by all the spew from the left. It IS about forcing a religion to obey government.

If Rush Limbaugh had simply made a constructive argument about contraception and religious freedom, then you would have a point, but he did not.

Not to insane entitlement junkies and their defenders. No argument against the entitlement is good to them.

So, don't go pretending this is about contraception, because it's not.

Okay, let's call it what it really is about: Religious oppression by an out of control government violating it's own laws. Feel better?

This is about Rush Limbaugh behaving like a fucking asshole.

Still waiting for your demand for apologies and removal from the air, of Bill Maher.
Doesn't matter by your logic. She was made a public figure by testifying in front of congress to lobby for government interference with religion.

She's fair game for being called this and worse by your own rules. What'd Trig and Bristol Palin do to deserve abuse? Be born with Down's Syndrome and have a mother run for office while giving birth out of wedlock?

At least those two had done less for the abuse they suffered at the left's hands that Flucke. That piece of astroturf went in, eyes open and hoped for something to catch fire.

So anyone who testifies in congress automatically becomes a "target"?

Palin put Trig front and center. She made her little "blessing" a part of her campaign.

Palin put Bristol front and center when she preached the benefits of abstinence. Bristol liked being in the public eye so much, she tours, speaks and was even on "Dancing with the Stars" as, get this, a "star".

Sarah Palin Slashed Funding for Special Needs Kids 60% in One Year

Palin personally cut funding that gave unwed mothers a place to live

Why is it Republicans have to be "taught" what their candidates stand for? How come they don't know? It's THEIR candidates.

So wait wait wait, if a politician talks about their family, that makes the family members more morally acceptable for an attack than someone who puts -themselves- in the political spotlight? Interesting.

And yeah, calling Bristol Palin a star is somewhere between a serious stretch of the imagination and an all out joke. More of this Hollywood royalty culture that handed Ozzy's daughter a record deal. In all fairness, though, DWtS also had Chaz Bono on there and a whole slew of other "I'm related to somebody who is/was super famous" type jokes. Personally, I blame MTV and Us Weekly.
I tend to blame the Dumbmasses that are able to vote, and refuse to delve deeper into issues and take things at face value.
List please of all 28 companies.

Just to see how many sponsors there are, I'm listening to Rush right now, seems that there are a SLEW of new sponsors.

Oh yes, I'm sure there are a SLEW of new sponsors:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

As for those who have jumped off the sinking ship:

Deere & Co. (John Deere)



St. Vincent's Medical Center

Bethesda Sedation Dentistry

Cascades Dental


Hadeed Carpet

Service Magic

AccuQuote Life Insurance

Bare Escentuals



Tax Resolution Services

Heart & Body Extract





Thompson Creek




Sleep Train

Sleep Number



Quicken Loans

Add to that:


Philadelphia Orchestra
Huh... out of this list I use.... ummmmmm NONE of them. So what? They will be replaced soon enough. They may even come crawling back in about 6 months when they realize their advertising dollars don't go as far as they did.

The problem for the right is that when Rush called her a slut and prostitute and asked her to post sex videos everyone related her to their wives or daughters

Anyone who uses birth control whether they are married or not must ask.......does the right think I am a slut too?
Gotta throw Rush into it? How gratuitous of you.


Who else but Rush should be thrown in?
Call it what you want. But....it did force the Obama Machine to seek out the help of Sandra Fluke. Undeniable....
Fluk ('e') left off purposely...went to Georgetown precisely as an activist to try to change the Churchs' standard.

There is no other explination for the trotting her out by the Statists as a 'Victim'.

She's a tool.

i dont understand how anyone can back the church. they wont provide health care because of morals. What is next if you are gay they wont profile health care for you. this one stupidest crap i have ever seen. Why does church get to deny people but other comapnies cant. Why cant other companies say we wont provide them because of our company morals.
Fine. Make atheists provide for Religious Retreat fundings for Baptists. Let's make them fund Mormon Missionary trips. There's no reason why they shouldn't. I think we should force any agnostic or anti-Christian charities support the Catholic church's building funds.

After all, it's not like they're really a religion and have any morals against supporting other religions. It's only fair.
Everything...every...thing...that comes out of the progressive movement is manufactured. EVERYTHING. Their only intent is to establish a new world order.

And babies, old people, Christian people, and poor people have no place in the new world order. None. They are expendable, and in fact, a nuisance that should be disposed of.

Reproductive Justice...Willow mentioned it to me and she's right...that's an insane term. Pregnancy, childbirth, childbearing are punishments that must not be tolerated. No woman must be responsible for herself. The state must mandate, the state must provide. Humans hurt the earth. Do your part....

Sound familiar?
There is no reproductive justice if mothers are free to kill their children before they escape the womb.
Doesn't matter by your logic. She was made a public figure by testifying in front of congress to lobby for government interference with religion.

By what logic? When did I state that being called in front of a commission to testify makes one a public figure, subject to personal attacks?

That is certainly not my logic.

She's fair game for being called this and worse by your own rules. What'd Trig and Bristol Palin do to deserve abuse? Be born with Down's Syndrome and have a mother run for office while giving birth out of wedlock?

At least those two had done less for the abuse they suffered at the left's hands that Flucke. That piece of astroturf went in, eyes open and hoped for something to catch fire.

Who said anything about "Trig and Bristol" Palin? You were talking about Sarah Palin.

You know, the Republican candidate for Vice President in 2008?

And who exactly on the left was "making fun" of the Palin with Down's Syndrome? Now you're just making shit up.

Now, would you like me to find all the hundreds of nasty things that Rush Limbaugh said about the Clinton family?

It's a long, long list, and it will take a while to find everything. But I can, if you really want me to.
thats not point about joining... its about the church having say and companies not just becuase of morals
It is precisely the point. IF you don't like what a particuliar organization belives? WHY join it but for nefarious purposes?

Question...T, can you really understand what duck is saying? Cuz to me he doesn't make sense.

Please translate:

"thats not point about joining... its about the church having say and companies not just becuase of morals"

Ahhh the old "Agent Provocateur" or undercover agent routine. The FBI does this with organized crime all the time. Put someone in, gather lots of evidence, then bring down the whole thing. You can even push for people in the organization to do crazy things and then when the time is right, yank the rug out from under them, claim innocence while all the time orchestrating the very behavior you claim to abhor.

Its the penultimate expression of hypocrisy in many ways when done for political gain.
Who threw a fit when Rush said what he did?


That's like someone committing murder and then blaming society for making a big deal out of it.

I mean, really? "Who threw a fit when Rush said what he did?"


Who turned it into a raging firestorm of fauxrage? the left. If they'd have said nothing, this would have been a 'Oh Rush, you so crazy!" moment and been over and done with in 48 hours. Nope. P-BO and his psychosycophants NEED DESPERATELY this manufactured scandal because P-BO is floundering and looking VERY bad overseas and extremely inconsistent to his supporters.

Not to mention, it buries Joe Arpaio's Cold Case Crew discoveries, the KeystoneXL backtracking, the reversal on energy policy that is being considered and generally really fucking up the works with Israel and Iran.

Yep. The left needs this bad, lest more of the public get a case of WTF.

Bullshit. It's an attempt to end run the whole conversation and undermine a reasonable rejection of the Abortion concept by muddying it over contraception in hopes of creating a wedge issue at election time.

Too bad the real issue, that even my liberal relatives can see, know its about forcing a church to violate it's religious views and precepts. Yes. It's a loser no matter how the libs try to spin this about the accepted practice of contraception, which even the most blind can see when told what's going on. The damage control is failing, and the situation is getting worse the harder they try.

Lying to oneself always is a winning argument when it faces off against objective reality. Yep... mmmmhmmm.

None of this was caused by the left. It was caused by Rush Limbaugh.

You can try to blame Rush's assholery on anyone you want, but Rush did it to himself, and he did it to conservatives everywhere, because Rush Limbaugh has been their official mouthpiece for decades.
thats not point about joining... its about the church having say and companies not just becuase of morals
It is precisely the point. IF you don't like what a particuliar organization belives? WHY join it but for nefarious purposes?

Question...T, can you really understand what duck is saying? Cuz to me he doesn't make sense.

Please translate:

"thats not point about joining... its about the church having say and companies not just becuase of morals"

He is trying to excuse her joining with a nefarious intent all-along....to infiltrate an institution run by a church...in order to make them change thier stance...by embarrassing them...

It didn't work.

She has been exposed, as has the left in the effort for parading her around.

Moral traditions and the First Amendment be damned.

She knew what they were about...but know she acts like the victim.
Oh I think she has a big future ahead.

Or maybe she is just a tool, time will tell. It depends on whether she really means the garbage she says, or even really understands it.

Chances are she doesn't mean it, and doesn't understand it. But you never know with zealots.
Of course. She's the darling of the pro-abortion set now. She'll become a featured speaker and probably get some no-show trust, PAC or Lobbyist job somewhere in the beltway. She just made her career, because that's how leftists roll.
No, I'm waiting on you to go after him. You know... something different than the left's typical hypocrisy.

By your own logic, Flucke is a valid political target too then and Rush should not have apologized or lost sponsors.

And are you saying that slut is worse than c***? my my my.. Maybe Rush should have called her that instead.

What office was Fluke running for?

What political opponents had Ms Fluke made previous disparaging remarks about?
Doesn't matter by your logic. She was made a public figure by testifying in front of congress to lobby for government interference with religion.

She's fair game for being called this and worse by your own rules. What'd Trig and Bristol Palin do to deserve abuse? Be born with Down's Syndrome and have a mother run for office while giving birth out of wedlock?

At least those two had done less for the abuse they suffered at the left's hands that Flucke. That piece of astroturf went in, eyes open and hoped for something to catch fire.
Good citizenship means squat to Conservatives!
Yes...grasping at straws.

I'm not the one who brought Rush into the conversation...only you did when you had your ass handed to you by me. I had nothing to say about Rush.
It was about Obama using this left wing activist as a tool to get off the subject of his Catholic debacle...or is your retention span so bad that you forgot...I doubt that. It's more of your typical spin that you do when you lose the discussion.

Show me where I said anything about Rush in my original post, Vast...go ahead..I'll post it for you and you can respond.


This entire thread is about Ms Fluke.

The only reason the public started paying attention to anything Ms Fluke had to say is thanks to good old Rush Limbaugh.

The only reason you, or any of the other posters on this board are talking about Ms Fluke is in an attempt to discredit her, with the purpose of defending Mr Limbaugh.

Therefore, any conversation at this point that involves Ms Fluke, involves Mr Limbaugh.

In fact, the very topic of this thread:

Fluke is not the "everywoman" portrayed by the media

Was specifically the topic of Mr Limbaugh's show just a few days ago.

So, I'm right on topic. Thank you very much.
Oh I think she has a big future ahead.

Or maybe she is just a tool, time will tell. It depends on whether she really means the garbage she says, or even really understands it.

Chances are she doesn't mean it, and doesn't understand it. But you never know with zealots.
Of course. She's the darling of the pro-abortion set now. She'll become a featured speaker and probably get some no-show trust, PAC or Lobbyist job somewhere in the beltway. She just made her career, because that's how leftists roll.
I would NOT be suprised if she addresses the DNC Convention...

MARK this post...

She will be there.

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