Fluke is not the "everywoman" portrayed by the media...

Appearing before congress when called is simply good citizenship.

Attacking someone for doing their civic duty is a losing proposition.

Not that you dunderheads ever learn from you mistakes.

Continue to double down on stupid.
What office was Fluke running for?

What political opponents had Ms Fluke made previous disparaging remarks about?
Doesn't matter by your logic. She was made a public figure by testifying in front of congress to lobby for government interference with religion.

She's fair game for being called this and worse by your own rules. What'd Trig and Bristol Palin do to deserve abuse? Be born with Down's Syndrome and have a mother run for office while giving birth out of wedlock?

At least those two had done less for the abuse they suffered at the left's hands that Flucke. That piece of astroturf went in, eyes open and hoped for something to catch fire.

So anyone who testifies in congress automatically becomes a "target"?

Palin put Trig front and center. She made her little "blessing" a part of her campaign.

Palin put Bristol front and center when she preached the benefits of abstinence. Bristol liked being in the public eye so much, she tours, speaks and was even on "Dancing with the Stars" as, get this, a "star".

Sarah Palin Slashed Funding for Special Needs Kids 60% in One Year

Palin personally cut funding that gave unwed mothers a place to live

Why is it Republicans have to be "taught" what their candidates stand for? How come they don't know? It's THEIR candidates.
So anyone who testifies in congress automatically becomes a "target"?

This has been the case for decades. Ever since the Robert Bork confirmation hearings. Your side set the tone. We're just finally living down to it, and now you bitch. Flucke is just the next version of Anita Hill at the Clarence Thomas hearings and you want her treated like a sacred cow. Sorry, but you can't have that anymore.

Palin put Trig front and center. She made her little "blessing" a part of her campaign.

"Daddy did you plug the hole yet?" Oh I remember the screams of outrage when Obama tried to use his little dumplins as political props during the Deepwater Horizon. Oh they were SOOOOO Untouchable! You can't do that I seem to remember many lefties wail. That's just wrong!

Yeah, right. See how YOU are.

Palin put Bristol front and center when she preached the benefits of abstinence.

I thought the left supported the CHOICE of sex before marriage? Where's your moral foundation to attack a girl who just did as culture permitted? I seem to recall slut allegations there too.

Bristol liked being in the public eye so much, she tours, speaks and was even on "Dancing with the Stars" as, get this, a "star".

And yet we suffer through both Hiltons (Paris and Perez) being famous for... what again? One for being a gossip slut, the other for being a gossipy ass. You can pick which is which.

When you give fame, don't whine with the buyer's remorse later over what you've done.

Why is it Republicans have to be "taught" what their candidates stand for? How come they don't know? It's THEIR candidates.

Really? Has someone explained to Tom Brokaw or was it Peter Jennings who Obama was 2 years into his presidency and he said "nobody really knows who this guy is"? Where is your side's vetting process beyond "well he says he's liberal and goes to the party meetings."

Damn, you're fucking dumb hairnet. You gonna start screeching 6% yet? Obviously you're not the one paying attention. That dreamy professor with the bow tie wanting fries with his hamburger distracting you?
Yes...grasping at straws.

I'm not the one who brought Rush into the conversation...only you did when you had your ass handed to you by me. I had nothing to say about Rush.
It was about Obama using this left wing activist as a tool to get off the subject of his Catholic debacle...or is your retention span so bad that you forgot...I doubt that. It's more of your typical spin that you do when you lose the discussion.

Show me where I said anything about Rush in my original post, Vast...go ahead..I'll post it for you and you can respond.


This entire thread is about Ms Fluke.

The only reason the public started paying attention to anything Ms Fluke had to say is thanks to good old Rush Limbaugh.

The only reason you, or any of the other posters on this board are talking about Ms Fluke is in an attempt to discredit her, with the purpose of defending Mr Limbaugh.

Therefore, any conversation at this point that involves Ms Fluke, involves Mr Limbaugh.

In fact, the very topic of this thread:

Fluke is not the "everywoman" portrayed by the media

Was specifically the topic of Mr Limbaugh's show just a few days ago.

So, I'm right on topic. Thank you very much.

In your mind you are....but you keep trying to spin away from my point, which I keep refreshing your message. It had nothing to do with Rush. It was Obama creating an issue to avoid his gaffe. I've been on topic through out our conversation....you...not so much.
But I digress.....Yes, in your mind you are. :cuckoo:
Appearing before congress when called is simply good citizenship.

Attacking someone for doing their civic duty is a losing proposition.

Not that you dunderheads ever learn from you mistakes.

Continue to double down on stupid.
Remember that the next time you see someone on your side calling a cop a pig, or a soldier a baby killer.
Oh I think she has a big future ahead.

Or maybe she is just a tool, time will tell. It depends on whether she really means the garbage she says, or even really understands it.

Chances are she doesn't mean it, and doesn't understand it. But you never know with zealots.
Of course. She's the darling of the pro-abortion set now. She'll become a featured speaker and probably get some no-show trust, PAC or Lobbyist job somewhere in the beltway. She just made her career, because that's how leftists roll.
I would NOT be suprised if she addresses the DNC Convention...

MARK this post...

She will be there.

So what?

Limbaugh has created the political capital here. Don't blame people for taking advantage of it.
Appearing before congress when called is simply good citizenship.

Attacking someone for doing their civic duty is a losing proposition.

Not that you dunderheads ever learn from you mistakes.

Continue to double down on stupid.

Yes, it's her "civic duty" to piss and moan about how GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY, a CATHOLIC SCHOOL, should provide birth control for LESBIAN STUDENTS who HATE THE CHURCH AND WANT TO SEE IT BROUGHT TO HEEL.

Absolutely. You keep telling yourself that.
In your mind you are....but you keep trying to spin away from my point, which I keep refreshing your message. It had nothing to do with Rush. It was Obama creating an issue to avoid his gaffe. I've been on topic through out our conversation....you...not so much.
But I digress.....Yes, in your mind you are. :cuckoo:

I'm sorry, but why would I care if you mentioned Rush?

Talking about the credibility, and supposedly false image assigned to Ms Fluke, as has been done in this thread, and then attempting to pretend that the conversation has nothing to do with Rush Limbaugh...

... Is exactly like having a conversation about Monica Lewinsky's credibility back in 1998, and pretending Bill Clinton is not involved.

That is a giant leap of intellectual dishonesty sir, and I expect more from you.
Appearing before congress when called is simply good citizenship.

Attacking someone for doing their civic duty is a losing proposition.

Not that you dunderheads ever learn from you mistakes.

Continue to double down on stupid.
Remember that the next time you see someone on your side calling a cop a pig, or a soldier a baby killer.

I've never personally witnessed either. I wouldn't keep company with people like that.

I don't support it from people I don't know. What's your point?
Appearing before congress when called is simply good citizenship.

Attacking someone for doing their civic duty is a losing proposition.

Not that you dunderheads ever learn from you mistakes.

Continue to double down on stupid.
Being a known activist that knowing goes into a school she knew was against her ideology...a LIAR...is doing a "Civic Duty"? Really?

What a weird Universe you live in.

No wonder the left stands to lose bigtime this November.

"War on women"...indeed...false and manufactured by Obama and the Statists as a diversion to save Obama from his abysmal record.

You are an idiot...and a LIAR.:cuckoo:
Appearing before congress when called is simply good citizenship.

Attacking someone for doing their civic duty is a losing proposition.

Not that you dunderheads ever learn from you mistakes.

Continue to double down on stupid.

Yes, it's her "civic duty" to piss and moan about how GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY, a CATHOLIC SCHOOL, should provide birth control for LESBIAN STUDENTS who HATE THE CHURCH AND WANT TO SEE IT BROUGHT TO HEEL.

Absolutely. You keep telling yourself that.

She appeared before congress because she was asked. She didn't piss and moan anymore the the bishops the week before.

Youse again, attack her if you want. The conservative brand could stand to keep plummeting.
When Fluke got on The View and told everyone to go to Media Matters for more information she proved beyond all doubt that she is nothing more than an activist and this whole thing was a plot by the democrats to divert attention from obama's disasters.

OMG NO SHE DIDN'T yes she fucken did.....
That is certainly not my logic.

Nice backpeddling. :rolleyes:

Who said anything about "Trig and Bristol" Palin? You were talking about Sarah Palin.

I talked about ALL THREE together. Go ahead and look back.

And who exactly on the left was "making fun" of the Palin with Down's Syndrome? Now you're just making shit up.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjJTSSdkqJk]Palin Slams 'Family Guy' Producers - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U83fHHkHLS0]Sarah Palin's "Retarded" Son!! - YouTube[/ame]

Now, would you like me to find all the hundreds of nasty things that Rush Limbaugh said about the Clinton family?

Talk to EdtheCretin. He's got em all hotlinked. I don't seem to recall him going so much after Chelsea till AFTER she was an adult and having a life of her own, and she's not a helpless child with downs Syndrome.

And not to mention, just because he did something horrible (in your mind) that you are justified in doing the same.... gasp! Just like I'm doing to you and you're whining like a little bitch about! Oh my!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1DEG6BWgp0]The Captain Louis Renault Award - YouTube[/ame]
In your mind you are....but you keep trying to spin away from my point, which I keep refreshing your message. It had nothing to do with Rush. It was Obama creating an issue to avoid his gaffe. I've been on topic through out our conversation....you...not so much.
But I digress.....Yes, in your mind you are. :cuckoo:

I'm sorry, but why would I care if you mentioned Rush?

Talking about the credibility, and supposedly false image assigned to Ms Fluke, as has been done in this thread, and then attempting to pretend that the conversation has nothing to do with Rush Limbaugh...

... Is exactly like having a conversation about Monica Lewinsky's credibility back in 1998, and pretending Bill Clinton is not involved.

That is a giant leap of intellectual dishonesty sir, and I expect more from you.
Keep spinning, like I said, it's what you do. :eusa_whistle:
That's like someone committing murder and then blaming society for making a big deal out of it.

the left does it all the time. Why are you not rejoicing in that? The boy couldn't help it... he's poor. Sound familiar? TV's to blame. Music's to blame... he's got ADD.

You guys excuse So much behavior on societal causes Now it blows back in your face and you throw temper tantrums.

None of this was caused by the left. It was caused by Rush Limbaugh.

Ah yes... it's the "She dressed that way so of course she deserved it" defense.
When Fluke got on The View and told everyone to go to Media Matters for more information she proved beyond all doubt that she is nothing more than an activist and this whole thing was a plot by the democrats to divert attention from obama's disasters.

OMG NO SHE DIDN'T yes she fucken did.....
The democrats have foisted another piece of shit on the people. Limbaugh was right...
What office was Fluke running for?

What political opponents had Ms Fluke made previous disparaging remarks about?
Doesn't matter by your logic. She was made a public figure by testifying in front of congress to lobby for government interference with religion.

She's fair game for being called this and worse by your own rules. What'd Trig and Bristol Palin do to deserve abuse? Be born with Down's Syndrome and have a mother run for office while giving birth out of wedlock?

At least those two had done less for the abuse they suffered at the left's hands that Flucke. That piece of astroturf went in, eyes open and hoped for something to catch fire.
Good citizenship means squat to Conservatives!
Show me a conservative that calls a soldier a baby killer or a cop a pig. How did the tea parties leave their rally sites versus the Occupados?

You guys wouldn't know what citizenship was unless it was jackbooted, goosestepping and had a lugar to your enemy's head after you ratted them out for disagreeing with you.
Of course she has an agenda, and she's had it since the day she enrolled. Her agenda is to force the church to conform.

Writes a Georgetown graduate and "former chief counsel of the House Subcommittee on the Constitution", Cathy Cleaver Ruse:

"I was not Catholic when I attended Georgetown Law, but I certainly knew the university was. So did Ms. Fluke. She told the Washington Post that she chose Georgetown knowing specifically that the school did not cover drugs that run contrary to Catholic teaching in its student health plans. During her law school years she was a president of "Students for Reproductive Justice" and made it her mission to get the school to give up one of the last remnants of its Catholicism. Ms. Fluke is not the "everywoman" portrayed in the media.
"Georgetown Law School has flung wide its doors to the secular world. It will tolerate and accommodate all manner of clubs and activities that run contrary to fundamental Catholic beliefs. But it is not inclined to pay for or provide them. And it has the right to do so—to say "this far and no further."

Cathy Ruse: Limbaugh and Our Phony Contraception Debate - WSJ.com

Which makes her perfect to speak to this issue. Actually, having a vagina makes her qualified to speak about women controlling their own reproduction.

Even if she were a prostitute, she is qualified.

The rw's/R's need to stop trying so hard to suck up to lushbo. He lied about what she said and, just as lushbo knew they would, the rw's have no idea of that because they have not listened to her.

Further, jackass lushbo needs to educate himself about birth control and female anatomy. His statement that she needs to take more pills because she has more sex is laughable in its ignorance.

But then, he depends on Viagra and not one man is talking about insurance not covering that recreation drug but then, they're awfully busy trying to take medicine away from women.

WTF is WRONG with the rabid radical right wingers?
When Fluke got on The View and told everyone to go to Media Matters for more information she proved beyond all doubt that she is nothing more than an activist and this whole thing was a plot by the democrats to divert attention from obama's disasters.

Yeah, "they"ut the words in that blowhard rush's mouth, they "made" him say it. So much for "conservatives" and their "buck stops here" "accountability" MYTH. :lol:

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