Fluke is not the "everywoman" portrayed by the media...

When Fluke got on The View and told everyone to go to Media Matters for more information she proved beyond all doubt that she is nothing more than an activist and this whole thing was a plot by the democrats to divert attention from obama's disasters.

OMG NO SHE DIDN'T yes she fucken did.....
The democrats have foisted another piece of shit on the people. Limbaugh was right...
It proves only that she is an opportunist out for quick bucks. Thanks to Rush, she is raking them in. She doesn't like the insurance coverage she has, nor do many other Americans.
When Fluke got on The View and told everyone to go to Media Matters for more information she proved beyond all doubt that she is nothing more than an activist and this whole thing was a plot by the democrats to divert attention from obama's disasters.

Yeah, "they"ut the words in that blowhard rush's mouth, they "made" him say it. So much for "conservatives" and their "buck stops here" "accountability" MYTH. :lol:
The devil made him do it?

Society maybe?

Ummmm global warming?
But I think it's more than that...this is the left TELLING US that they want to subvert the constitution, that they think the government DOES have a right to dictate religion and shut down free speech, and they intend to see it done.

None of the 28 companies that have pulled their sponsorship from Rush's show are part of the government.

There's 28 now? Wow!
But I think it's more than that...this is the left TELLING US that they want to subvert the constitution, that they think the government DOES have a right to dictate religion and shut down free speech, and they intend to see it done.

None of the 28 companies that have pulled their sponsorship from Rush's show are part of the government.

There's 28 now? Wow!
Usually women don't start lying about their age till they're 30.
Of course she has an agenda, and she's had it since the day she enrolled. Her agenda is to force the church to conform.

Writes a Georgetown graduate and "former chief counsel of the House Subcommittee on the Constitution", Cathy Cleaver Ruse:

"I was not Catholic when I attended Georgetown Law, but I certainly knew the university was. So did Ms. Fluke. She told the Washington Post that she chose Georgetown knowing specifically that the school did not cover drugs that run contrary to Catholic teaching in its student health plans. During her law school years she was a president of "Students for Reproductive Justice" and made it her mission to get the school to give up one of the last remnants of its Catholicism. Ms. Fluke is not the "everywoman" portrayed in the media.
"Georgetown Law School has flung wide its doors to the secular world. It will tolerate and accommodate all manner of clubs and activities that run contrary to fundamental Catholic beliefs. But it is not inclined to pay for or provide them. And it has the right to do so—to say "this far and no further."

Cathy Ruse: Limbaugh and Our Phony Contraception Debate - WSJ.com

Which makes her perfect to speak to this issue. Actually, having a vagina makes her qualified to speak about women controlling their own reproduction.

Even if she were a prostitute, she is qualified.

The rw's/R's need to stop trying so hard to suck up to lushbo. He lied about what she said and, just as lushbo knew they would, the rw's have no idea of that because they have not listened to her.

Further, jackass lushbo needs to educate himself about birth control and female anatomy. His statement that she needs to take more pills because she has more sex is laughable in its ignorance.

But then, he depends on Viagra and not one man is talking about insurance not covering that recreation drug but then, they're awfully busy trying to take medicine away from women.

WTF is WRONG with the rabid radical right wingers?

I'm not a typical right winger, but I am on the opposite end of this birth control argument from your apparent view, and get this. . .

If some organization said they had a moral objection to having to provide Viagra in their health care, I would fully support their right to object. It's not about who's taking the drug or what it's for. Consider the possibility that a lot of the people taking the Church's side on this issue aren't doing it because they don't like birth control, but rather because they place a higher value on individual freedom to hold and practice your own morality than they do on entitlements.

I, for instance, am pro choice :eek:
OMG NO SHE DIDN'T yes she fucken did.....
The democrats have foisted another piece of shit on the people. Limbaugh was right...
It proves only that she is an opportunist out for quick bucks. Thanks to Rush, she is raking them in. She doesn't like the insurance coverage she has, nor do many other Americans.
No...thanks to the Media hammering the issue...she is making them. Rush had his say yesterday, and washed his hands of it, and her.:eusa_whistle:
Of course she has an agenda, and she's had it since the day she enrolled. Her agenda is to force the church to conform.

Writes a Georgetown graduate and "former chief counsel of the House Subcommittee on the Constitution", Cathy Cleaver Ruse:

"I was not Catholic when I attended Georgetown Law, but I certainly knew the university was. So did Ms. Fluke. She told the Washington Post that she chose Georgetown knowing specifically that the school did not cover drugs that run contrary to Catholic teaching in its student health plans. During her law school years she was a president of "Students for Reproductive Justice" and made it her mission to get the school to give up one of the last remnants of its Catholicism. Ms. Fluke is not the "everywoman" portrayed in the media.
"Georgetown Law School has flung wide its doors to the secular world. It will tolerate and accommodate all manner of clubs and activities that run contrary to fundamental Catholic beliefs. But it is not inclined to pay for or provide them. And it has the right to do so—to say "this far and no further."

Cathy Ruse: Limbaugh and Our Phony Contraception Debate - WSJ.com

Which makes her perfect to speak to this issue. Actually, having a vagina makes her qualified to speak about women controlling their own reproduction.

Even if she were a prostitute, she is qualified.

The rw's/R's need to stop trying so hard to suck up to lushbo. He lied about what she said and, just as lushbo knew they would, the rw's have no idea of that because they have not listened to her.

Further, jackass lushbo needs to educate himself about birth control and female anatomy. His statement that she needs to take more pills because she has more sex is laughable in its ignorance.

But then, he depends on Viagra and not one man is talking about insurance not covering that recreation drug but then, they're awfully busy trying to take medicine away from women.

WTF is WRONG with the rabid radical right wingers?

I'm not a typical right winger, but I am on the opposite end of this birth control argument from your apparent view, and get this. . .

If some organization said they had a moral objection to having to provide Viagra in their health care, I would fully support their right to object. It's not about who's taking the drug or what it's for. Consider the possibility that a lot of the people taking the Church's side on this issue aren't doing it because they don't like birth control, but rather because they place a higher value on individual freedom to hold and practice your own morality than they do on entitlements.

I, for instance, am pro choice :eek:
That is exactly the point. The right to choose according to your understanding, morality and beliefs.

But that's a losing proposition for the left, so they are doing their best to throw enough shit to make sure nobody remembers that and keeps to the lie and the approved talking points THEY make up.
Of course she has an agenda, and she's had it since the day she enrolled. Her agenda is to force the church to conform.

Writes a Georgetown graduate and "former chief counsel of the House Subcommittee on the Constitution", Cathy Cleaver Ruse:

"I was not Catholic when I attended Georgetown Law, but I certainly knew the university was. So did Ms. Fluke. She told the Washington Post that she chose Georgetown knowing specifically that the school did not cover drugs that run contrary to Catholic teaching in its student health plans. During her law school years she was a president of "Students for Reproductive Justice" and made it her mission to get the school to give up one of the last remnants of its Catholicism. Ms. Fluke is not the "everywoman" portrayed in the media.
"Georgetown Law School has flung wide its doors to the secular world. It will tolerate and accommodate all manner of clubs and activities that run contrary to fundamental Catholic beliefs. But it is not inclined to pay for or provide them. And it has the right to do so—to say "this far and no further."

Cathy Ruse: Limbaugh and Our Phony Contraception Debate - WSJ.com

Which makes her perfect to speak to this issue. Actually, having a vagina makes her qualified to speak about women controlling their own reproduction.

Even if she were a prostitute, she is qualified.

The rw's/R's need to stop trying so hard to suck up to lushbo. He lied about what she said and, just as lushbo knew they would, the rw's have no idea of that because they have not listened to her.

Further, jackass lushbo needs to educate himself about birth control and female anatomy. His statement that she needs to take more pills because she has more sex is laughable in its ignorance.

But then, he depends on Viagra and not one man is talking about insurance not covering that recreation drug but then, they're awfully busy trying to take medicine away from women.

WTF is WRONG with the rabid radical right wingers?

I'm not a typical right winger, but I am on the opposite end of this birth control argument from your apparent view, and get this. . .

If some organization said they had a moral objection to having to provide Viagra in their health care, I would fully support their right to object. It's not about who's taking the drug or what it's for. Consider the possibility that a lot of the people taking the Church's side on this issue aren't doing it because they don't like birth control, but rather because they place a higher value on individual freedom to hold and practice your own morality than they do on entitlements.

I, for instance, am pro choice :eek:
Agree Not2; insurance companies & providers cover what they cover. The woman in question didn't read the fine print. GET USED TO IT.
Which makes her perfect to speak to this issue. Actually, having a vagina makes her qualified to speak about women controlling their own reproduction.

Even if she were a prostitute, she is qualified.

The rw's/R's need to stop trying so hard to suck up to lushbo. He lied about what she said and, just as lushbo knew they would, the rw's have no idea of that because they have not listened to her.

Further, jackass lushbo needs to educate himself about birth control and female anatomy. His statement that she needs to take more pills because she has more sex is laughable in its ignorance.

But then, he depends on Viagra and not one man is talking about insurance not covering that recreation drug but then, they're awfully busy trying to take medicine away from women.

WTF is WRONG with the rabid radical right wingers?

I'm not a typical right winger, but I am on the opposite end of this birth control argument from your apparent view, and get this. . .

If some organization said they had a moral objection to having to provide Viagra in their health care, I would fully support their right to object. It's not about who's taking the drug or what it's for. Consider the possibility that a lot of the people taking the Church's side on this issue aren't doing it because they don't like birth control, but rather because they place a higher value on individual freedom to hold and practice your own morality than they do on entitlements.

I, for instance, am pro choice :eek:
Agree Not2; insurance companies & providers cover what they cover. The woman in question didn't read the fine print. GET USED TO IT.
and by this, so should any religion cover what they want to cover. If you don't like it, find someone who WILL cover what you want.
That is certainly not my logic.

Nice backpeddling. :rolleyes:

Nice attempt to put words in my mouth. :eusa_hand:

Who said anything about "Trig and Bristol" Palin? You were talking about Sarah Palin.

I talked about ALL THREE together. Go ahead and look back.

I was referring to Sarah Palin. You started talking about her spawn.

Personally I didn't care much for talk about Bristol myself, but since Ms Palin was a vice Presidential candidate who had a very specific position on contraception and abstinence, Sarah's own mothering skills were certainly open to the public eye.

Did anyone on the left call Bristol a "Prostitute" at the time for having a child out of wedlock? I think not.

Just pointing out the fact that Sarah Palin's own daughter did in fact have a child out of wedlock, despite Palin's position on the subject, is a far cry from calling her a whore.

That is, unless you're part of the right-wing morality police, I guess.

People on the left really don't often make morality judgements about unwed mothers, and the hypocrisy that was being pointed out was on the part of Sarah, not Bristol.

And who exactly on the left was "making fun" of the Palin with Down's Syndrome? Now you're just making shit up.


Holy shit, when did Seth Macfarlane become a mouthpiece for the Left Wing?

I must have missed that memo.

Somebody better tell his bosses over at NewsCorp.

Or Louie CK for that matter?

Yeah, I thought the Family Guy shtick was offensive. Just like every other Family Guy episode is offensive.

What dose that have to do with political commentary?

Now, would you like me to find all the hundreds of nasty things that Rush Limbaugh said about the Clinton family?

Talk to EdtheCretin. He's got em all hotlinked. I don't seem to recall him going so much after Chelsea till AFTER she was an adult and having a life of her own, and she's not a helpless child with downs Syndrome.

And not to mention, just because he did something horrible (in your mind) that you are justified in doing the same.... gasp! Just like I'm doing to you and you're whining like a little bitch about! Oh my!

I don't even know what you're talking about here. What am I supposedly whining like a bitch about again?

Wasn't it you who was whining and bitching about people making fun of the Palins?
I'm not a typical right winger, but I am on the opposite end of this birth control argument from your apparent view, and get this. . .

If some organization said they had a moral objection to having to provide Viagra in their health care, I would fully support their right to object. It's not about who's taking the drug or what it's for. Consider the possibility that a lot of the people taking the Church's side on this issue aren't doing it because they don't like birth control, but rather because they place a higher value on individual freedom to hold and practice your own morality than they do on entitlements.

I, for instance, am pro choice :eek:
Agree Not2; insurance companies & providers cover what they cover. The woman in question didn't read the fine print. GET USED TO IT.
and by this, so should any religion cover what they want to cover. If you don't like it, find someone who WILL cover what you want.

Amen to both of these sentiments. As the rappers say, "Do you".
I'm not a typical right winger, but I am on the opposite end of this birth control argument from your apparent view, and get this. . .

If some organization said they had a moral objection to having to provide Viagra in their health care, I would fully support their right to object. It's not about who's taking the drug or what it's for. Consider the possibility that a lot of the people taking the Church's side on this issue aren't doing it because they don't like birth control, but rather because they place a higher value on individual freedom to hold and practice your own morality than they do on entitlements.

I, for instance, am pro choice :eek:


Then why didn't the Catholic Church scream and cry the same way about insurance covering Viagra for unmarried men?

Or for men whose wives have passed the age of fertility?

After all, sex without the intent of having children is the issue here, is it not?

If that's the case, then why is the church not fighting just as hard for insurance carriers not to provide Viagra in these situations?
Uh, no, sex is not the issue.

Forcing a church to financially support a practice they have historically been against, is.
When Fluke got on The View and told everyone to go to Media Matters for more information she proved beyond all doubt that she is nothing more than an activist and this whole thing was a plot by the democrats to divert attention from obama's disasters.

OMG NO SHE DIDN'T yes she fucken did.....
The democrats have foisted another piece of shit on the people. Limbaugh was right...

lushbo is an activist. He pushes his poison every single day and he has a right to do that.

But, WHAT was he right about?

What did he say about what Fluke said that was true or accurate?

Nothing. That's what he does for a living: LIE. And he lied about this.
When Fluke got on The View and told everyone to go to Media Matters for more information she proved beyond all doubt that she is nothing more than an activist and this whole thing was a plot by the democrats to divert attention from obama's disasters.

Yeah, "they"ut the words in that blowhard rush's mouth, they "made" him say it. So much for "conservatives" and their "buck stops here" "accountability" MYTH. :lol:
The devil made him do it?

Society maybe?

Ummmm global warming?

He did it all by himself. :)
That is certainly not my logic.

Nice backpeddling. :rolleyes:

Nice attempt to put words in my mouth. :eusa_hand:

I was referring to Sarah Palin. You started talking about her spawn.

Personally I didn't care much for talk about Bristol myself, but since Ms Palin was a vice Presidential candidate who had a very specific position on contraception and abstinence, Sarah's own mothering skills were certainly open to the public eye.

Did anyone on the left call Bristol a "Prostitute" at the time for having a child out of wedlock? I think not.

Just pointing out the fact that Sarah Palin's own daughter did in fact have a child out of wedlock, despite Palin's position on the subject, is a far cry from calling her a whore.

That is, unless you're part of the right-wing morality police, I guess.

People on the left really don't often make morality judgements about unwed mothers, and the hypocrisy that was being pointed out was on the part of Sarah, not Bristol.

Holy shit, when did Seth Macfarlane become a mouthpiece for the Left Wing?

I must have missed that memo.

Somebody better tell his bosses over at NewsCorp.

Or Louie CK for that matter?

Yeah, I thought the Family Guy shtick was offensive. Just like every other Family Guy episode is offensive.

What dose that have to do with political commentary?

Now, would you like me to find all the hundreds of nasty things that Rush Limbaugh said about the Clinton family?

Talk to EdtheCretin. He's got em all hotlinked. I don't seem to recall him going so much after Chelsea till AFTER she was an adult and having a life of her own, and she's not a helpless child with downs Syndrome.

And not to mention, just because he did something horrible (in your mind) that you are justified in doing the same.... gasp! Just like I'm doing to you and you're whining like a little bitch about! Oh my!

I don't even know what you're talking about here. What am I supposedly whining like a bitch about again?

Wasn't it you who was whining and bitching about people making fun of the Palins?
The ONLY one around here attempting to put owrds into anyone's posts was YOU.

You are a liar.

True Story.
OMG NO SHE DIDN'T yes she fucken did.....
The democrats have foisted another piece of shit on the people. Limbaugh was right...

lushbo is an activist. He pushes his poison every single day and he has a right to do that.

But, WHAT was he right about?

What did he say about what Fluke said that was true or accurate?

Nothing. That's what he does for a living: LIE. And he lied about this.

I'm wondering if you ever listened to everything he said on the subject.

Get back to me when you're better informed.
Uh, no, sex is not the issue.

Forcing a church to financially support a practice they have historically been against, is.

Having sex when no child is possible, due to infertility on the part of the woman, breaks the exact same commandment, in the exact same way, as having sex while using contraception.

Therefore, any man with a wife past the age of fertility should never be allowed to have sex with said woman.

And having sex out of wedlock is obviously just as bad a sin as spilling seed wastefully.

So, why would the church not be working just as hard to prevent people from getting Viagra through their insurance providers in these situations?

The ONLY one around here attempting to put owrds into anyone's posts was YOU.

You are a liar.

True Story.

Ahh, yes.

The old "Well you're a liar!" argument.

Similar to the old "Well... You're a JERK!" argument.

Good work! :clap2::clap2::clap2:

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