Flynn To Testify Trump 'Directed Him To Make Contact With The Russians'

If there's justice Eric and Jared will be in cells where they can hear each other's screams. (-:
Well, this just may be the smoking gun that takes that Orange Jerk down!

"Former national security adviser Michael Flynn is expected to testify that President Trump instructed him to contact Russian officials during the 2016 campaign, ABC News reports.

Trump "directed him to make contact with the Russians," ABC's Brian Ross said Friday, just moments after Flynn entered a guilty plea for lying about his contact with Russians during the presidential transition period."

~~ Flynn to testify Trump 'directed him to make contact with the Russians': report ~~

That collusion would be just one step away from criminal conspiracy!

So let's look forward. Flynn testifies that Trump told him to contact the Russians during the campaign and the Republicans in Congress do nothing regarding an investigation/impeachment. When the Democrats gain control of Congress in 2018 it will be open season on Trump and every person involved with him in the campaign or in the cover-up. And impeachment will become a given.

The Republicans have shown they have no country and no allegiance to America already. Their only god is their political party. They are now the Politburo of the old Soviet Union. All things must be vetted for the good of the party, period. All other considerations rescinded.
i dont agree with you. Mccain for years is looking for revenge over Vovka Putler for what he did to The USA election and in Europe

Name five more. McCain is soundly rejected by the Republican base now. Who else.
the entire Republican crew in the Senate. they all understand that Muscovy did during the last election was nothing else but " act of war"
So, to clarify, Trump as president elect told Flynn to speak to the Russians, not as candidate. That blows the narrative away.

In the meantime, let's admire all the hysterics being partaken of by the leftists on this board.

(Stifles a laugh)
So now we know the op is a lie and Flynn is saying Kushner, not trump asked him to contact Russia.

Yeah this is not what the leftist thought they had
There are Reports that both John Miller and John Baron are likely to also be Indicted ...
So, what does that have to do with Trump, perchance?
Donald Trump's 'John Miller' interview is even crazier than you think ...

May 16, 2016 - During the 1980s, Donald Trump was known to return reporters' phone calls posing as a fictional spokesman for the Trump organization. The name Trump assumed varied slightly — "John Miller," John Barron," and "John Baron
Donald Trump has posed as 'John Barron' many times before - NY ...
Wow just wow so this guy was a general a tough guy, a veteran? Trump is a deranged treasonous POS. I can' believe some still defend him.

Just goes to show, Republicans shouldn't appoint democrats to anything no matter how loyal they claim to be.
Trump bragged he will hire the best...and yet is the most disastrous administration ever. From firing, quitting to power abuse, to indictments and this is just the first year.

You're upset that he fires them when he finds out they are good?

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