Flynn To Testify Trump 'Directed Him To Make Contact With The Russians'

Flynn’s going to jail and will incriminate Trump to reduce his time in jail.
Somewhere Hillary is laughing her ass off.

Really? Has he been sentenced because I haven't hears a word about the deal he negotiated having a sentence announced.

How long is he going to prison for?
Depends how much he gives up Govt could seek a tough sentence and if he doesn't cooperate they have other charges against him
how do you know all of this?

because that's how it works when you take a plea deal.

Most prosecutors aren't going to plead out potential witnesses to crimes of deceit if they have any intention of putting that witness on during a trial.

Cross examination in such a case would be pretty short.

Q: Isn't it true you've plead guilty to lying to the FBI?


Q: Isn't it true that you accepted a deal to testify against my client for leniency in that sentence as well as for financial reasons?


Q: Isn't it true that you've said all of this today to benefit yourself?

No further questions

Mueller will not allow Flynn to testify about anything unless he has corroborating evidence. Face it, the Comrade is screwed...LOVE IT!
Really? Has he been sentenced because I haven't hears a word about the deal he negotiated having a sentence announced.

How long is he going to prison for?
Depends how much he gives up Govt could seek a tough sentence and if he doesn't cooperate they have other charges against him
how do you know all of this?

because that's how it works when you take a plea deal.

Most prosecutors aren't going to plead out potential witnesses to crimes of deceit if they have any intention of putting that witness on during a trial.

Cross examination in such a case would be pretty short.

Q: Isn't it true you've plead guilty to lying to the FBI?


Q: Isn't it true that you accepted a deal to testify against my client for leniency in that sentence as well as for financial reasons?


Q: Isn't it true that you've said all of this today to benefit yourself?

No further questions

Mueller will not allow Flynn to testify about anything unless he has corroborating evidence. Face it, the Comrade is screwed...LOVE IT!
where's the money?

without the quo you got fking bubkis.

now clinton has the quo and you don't care. so american I think you're not.
you got to have the quo, you got it? I know who does have it and you don't care. go figure for someone stating comrade. that must be you.

WTF? ^ ^ ^ :confused-84: Can anyone here translate JC to English?
Take a deep breath, wait for the facts to come out, little early for dancing in the street, or saying that there is no problem.
Take a deep breath, wait for the facts to come out, little early for dancing in the street, or saying that there is no problem.

New to the message board world, I see. :wink_2:

What you do is instantly declare total victory for your side on any issue, and personally insult those who are on the side of that specific argument.

Repeat Daily
I can't help but notice you didn't address Flynn's allocution.

Tell me. How does contacting Russia during the transition prove Trump worked with Russia to steal the election?

It doesn't prove Trump worked with russia to steal the election, but it proves Trump worked with russia to undermine the Obama sanctions in violation of the Logan Act.

No it really doesn't. Not absent a significant amount of evidence more.

So far we have a statement from Flynn that doesn't really do anything to hurt Trump yet. Flynn isn't a reliable witness. He just plead guilty to lying, he was fired for lying, and publically stated he was taking this deal for financial reasons. You seriously think his word alone will get anything above a reasonable doubt standard?
dude, it doesn't matter, the crime isn't the discussion. it's the lie.

Then why lie to federal investigators? That's two now who have done so. Trump's folks seem to go to great lengths and put themselves in legal jeopardy to avoid being truthful about such seemingly innocuous meetings.
I love the video of Flynn chanting “lock her up” when talking about Hillary .

Karma is a real bitch !
Well, this just may be the smoking gun that takes that Orange Jerk down!

"Former national security adviser Michael Flynn is expected to testify that President Trump instructed him to contact Russian officials during the 2016 campaign, ABC News reports.

Trump "directed him to make contact with the Russians," ABC's Brian Ross said Friday, just moments after Flynn entered a guilty plea for lying about his contact with Russians during the presidential transition period."

~~ Flynn to testify Trump 'directed him to make contact with the Russians': report ~~

That collusion would be just one step away from criminal conspiracy!
I am not certain about the "during the 2016 campaign" stated in the article. It has always been my understanding the contact by Flynn was initiated after the election, during the transition. Not during the campaign.
way too much flying around and many will just take bits and pieces to create their own picture and insist their speculations are right.

lets see what flynn has to say and let's go from there.
Flynn has pled guilty to lying about asking the Russian government not to escalate the situation in response to Obama's sanctions.

That conversation between Flynn and the Russians took place on December 29, 2016. AFTER the election.

See here: United States of America vs. Michael T. Flynn
yea, just so much "personal news" flying about right now it's hard to know simple facts and what is actually happening.

if trump did something illegal, burn him. burn 'em all. but by *all* i mean ALL of our gov doing illegal shit, not just the other side. if we do this, do it all the way or nothing changes.
it's hard to know simple facts and what is actually happening.

It's really not. If you want to that is.
After a year, we have a process perjury charge. Lol.

We have a high level member of the Trump administration pleading guilty to lying to federal investigators. Undoubtedly the least of the possible charges that could have been made. Flynn has flipped. Obviously whatever testimony Flynn has to offer is more valuable than further charges.
Well, this just may be the smoking gun that takes that Orange Jerk down!

"Former national security adviser Michael Flynn is expected to testify that President Trump instructed him to contact Russian officials during the 2016 campaign, ABC News reports.

Trump "directed him to make contact with the Russians," ABC's Brian Ross said Friday, just moments after Flynn entered a guilty plea for lying about his contact with Russians during the presidential transition period."

~~ Flynn to testify Trump 'directed him to make contact with the Russians': report ~~

That collusion would be just one step away from criminal conspiracy!

What a crock of shit, Flynn was instructed by the transition team to contact the officials of several governments to make them aware of the incoming administrations opinion on an upcoming UN vote. Nothing improper or illegal about that.


The problem was Flynn apparently lied about it. Why? Maybe he thought he did something wrong.

At this point only Flynn and maybe Mueller knows. I'm not going to join in the speculation game.


Well, you know this isn't the end. Whatever else Flynn has to say will only be further damaging. We're still in early innings and there's been two indictments and two guilty pleas. The focus seems to be shifting to kushner. That's where it will get really interesting. We'll be in the family then.
Well, this just may be the smoking gun that takes that Orange Jerk down!

"Former national security adviser Michael Flynn is expected to testify that President Trump instructed him to contact Russian officials during the 2016 campaign, ABC News reports.

Trump "directed him to make contact with the Russians," ABC's Brian Ross said Friday, just moments after Flynn entered a guilty plea for lying about his contact with Russians during the presidential transition period."

~~ Flynn to testify Trump 'directed him to make contact with the Russians': report ~~

That collusion would be just one step away from criminal conspiracy!

So let's look forward. Flynn testifies that Trump told him to contact the Russians during the campaign and the Republicans in Congress do nothing regarding an investigation/impeachment. When the Democrats gain control of Congress in 2018 it will be open season on Trump and every person involved with him in the campaign or in the cover-up. And impeachment will become a given.

The Republicans have shown they have no country and no allegiance to America already. Their only god is their political party. They are now the Politburo of the old Soviet Union. All things must be vetted for the good of the party, period. All other considerations rescinded.
All other considerations rescinded.

Nice Alien reference!
A true nerd.
So who is vulnerable?

Kushner, Lil Donnie, Pence

Who will Crooked Donnie fall on his sword for?

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