Flynn To Testify Trump 'Directed Him To Make Contact With The Russians'

Well, this just may be the smoking gun that takes that Orange Jerk down!

"Former national security adviser Michael Flynn is expected to testify that President Trump instructed him to contact Russian officials during the 2016 campaign, ABC News reports.

Trump "directed him to make contact with the Russians," ABC's Brian Ross said Friday, just moments after Flynn entered a guilty plea for lying about his contact with Russians during the presidential transition period."

~~ Flynn to testify Trump 'directed him to make contact with the Russians': report ~~

That collusion would be just one step away from criminal conspiracy!

What a crock of shit, Flynn was instructed by the transition team to contact the officials of several governments to make them aware of the incoming administrations opinion on an upcoming UN vote. Nothing improper or illegal about that.


:rofl:Are you really that stupid? Flynn is rolling over like a opossum because he advised the Russians on "an upcoming UN vote? ARE YOU REALLY THAT STUPID?
We,re smart enough to know Trump fired Flynn for lying
Why did it take him 18 days to fire Flynn when Yates warned him he’s toxic?
Why didn’t Obama fire him

He did, dope.
So it's fake news once again because it's Not illegal, immoral or unethical to do what Flynn did. In fact,It's a typical procedure for incoming administrations
This makes all this even Worse than a Witch hunt. It's a stone cold fabrication of permissable events into a concocted
Scenario to once again appease and stoke the temper tantrum crowd
CNN is now posting the timeline of corruption.

What corruption?

Trump has already said he told Flynn to make contact with the Russian Ambassador as part of his job.

Except Flynn did it BEFORE it was his job.

And you think that's a crime?

yes, actually.

Logan Act - Wikipedia
CNN is now posting the timeline of corruption.

What corruption?

Trump has already said he told Flynn to make contact with the Russian Ambassador as part of his job.

Except Flynn did it BEFORE it was his job.

And you think that's a crime?

yes, actually.

Logan Act - Wikipedia
A law isn’t a law until it’s been tried in court
And of course you have such

that is insane. The Logan act has never been challenged

trump loons really should stick to what they know.... which is nothing.
After a year, we have a process perjury charge. Lol.

We have a high level member of the Trump administration pleading guilty to lying to federal investigators. Undoubtedly the least of the possible charges that could have been made. Flynn has flipped. Obviously whatever testimony Flynn has to offer is more valuable than further charges.

No, Brian Ross lied again. ABC has retracted that story. Flynn isn't turning anything against trump. There is nothing to turn. There is nothing illegal about contacting foreign govts. There was no collusion. Seriously, y'all are delusional.

ABC isn't the only outlet reporting that , dope.

If you can't see it for yourself, then you are the one who is delusional.
After a year, we have a process perjury charge. Lol.

We have a high level member of the Trump administration pleading guilty to lying to federal investigators. Undoubtedly the least of the possible charges that could have been made. Flynn has flipped. Obviously whatever testimony Flynn has to offer is more valuable than further charges.

No, Brian Ross lied again. ABC has retracted that story. Flynn isn't turning anything against trump. There is nothing to turn. There is nothing illegal about contacting foreign govts. There was no collusion. Seriously, y'all are delusional.

ABC isn't the only outlet reporting that , dope.

If you can't see it for yourself, then you are the one who is delusional.

They're all frothing themselves over the same lie. There's nothing there. Lol.
What corruption?

Trump has already said he told Flynn to make contact with the Russian Ambassador as part of his job.

Except Flynn did it BEFORE it was his job.

And you think that's a crime?

yes, actually.

Logan Act - Wikipedia
What corruption?

Trump has already said he told Flynn to make contact with the Russian Ambassador as part of his job.

Except Flynn did it BEFORE it was his job.

And you think that's a crime?

yes, actually.

Logan Act - Wikipedia
A law isn’t a law until it’s been tried in court
And of course you have such

that is insane. The Logan act has never been challenged

trump loons really should stick to what they know.... which is nothing.

HaHaHa, the Logan Act
Is that what you are hanging your hat on? LOL

Since John Kerry wasn't indicted under the Logan Act no will ever again be indicted.
Well, this just may be the smoking gun that takes that Orange Jerk down!

"Former national security adviser Michael Flynn is expected to testify that President Trump instructed him to contact Russian officials during the 2016 campaign, ABC News reports.

Trump "directed him to make contact with the Russians," ABC's Brian Ross said Friday, just moments after Flynn entered a guilty plea for lying about his contact with Russians during the presidential transition period."

~~ Flynn to testify Trump 'directed him to make contact with the Russians': report ~~

That collusion would be just one step away from criminal conspiracy!
Now that is a big fat lie... Pres.Trump's administration had told Flynn to stay away until they are seated in office. But for some reason Flynn sneaked off and met with them before they were seated in office. Pres.Trump didn't know about that they weren't allowed to be talking to the Russians until he had won. They were hoping that pres.Trump will communicated with Putin. But He never did. But Flynn is a plant. They had grilled everybody that Pres.Trump picked. But that they had let the ones they wanted to go by. But right now, they do not want Senator Moore in office. And they are trying their best to remove him and replace all of Pres.Trump's elects with creatures from the swamp so that they can set him up...

Yup, half the GOP is complicit with the Comrade.

I'd say more than 90% of congressional Rs are complicit -

Their silence alone makes them so.

Silence about what?

You need to learn to express your points with some detail or everyone is going to ignore you for stupidity above and beyond the call of duty,

For those on the slow boat like Tory .. DUH? :confused-84:

Silence about Trump's bizarre behavior and general insanity.
What a crock of shit, Flynn was instructed by the transition team to contact the officials of several governments to make them aware of the incoming administrations opinion on an upcoming UN vote. Nothing improper or illegal about that.


The problem was Flynn apparently lied about it. Why? Maybe he thought he did something wrong.

At this point only Flynn and maybe Mueller knows. I'm not going to join in the speculation game.


Well, you know this isn't the end. Whatever else Flynn has to say will only be further damaging. We're still in early innings and there's been two indictments and two guilty pleas. The focus seems to be shifting to kushner. That's where it will get really interesting. We'll be in the family then.

I see you have no compunction about playing the speculation game, enjoy. And what makes you think Mueller doesn't already know everything Flynn knows. That kind of stuff is usually included in a formal proffer on a plea agreement. Prosecutors don't tend to offer an agreement without knowing what they get out of it.


what makes you think Mueller doesn't already know everything Flynn knows.

He may. Mueller needs Flynn to testify. Holding the possibility of future charges over his head keeps Flynn on task.

Prosecutors don't tend to offer an agreement without knowing what they get out of it.

That's what I said in the very post you responded to, fool.

Whatever else Flynn has to say will only be further damaging.

Mueller's getting testimony.

Are you aware that Comey originally cleared Flynn of the the very charge he plead guilty to? Mueller is going for things others would let slide, go figure. Do you really think Mueller is unbiased, I don't.

Flynn changed story to FBI, no charges expected - CNNPolitics

"Former national security adviser Michael Flynn is expected to testify that President Trump instructed him to contact Russian officials during the 2016 campaign, ABC News reports.

Trump "directed him to make contact with the Russians," ABC's Brian Ross said Friday, just moments after Flynn entered a guilty plea for lying about his contact with Russians during the presidential transition period."

~~ Flynn to testify Trump 'directed him to make contact with the Russians': report ~~

That collusion would be just one step away from criminal conspiracy!
Well, this just may be the smoking gun that takes that Orange Jerk down!

The problem was Flynn apparently lied about it. Why? Maybe he thought he did something wrong.

At this point only Flynn and maybe Mueller knows. I'm not going to join in the speculation game.


Well, you know this isn't the end. Whatever else Flynn has to say will only be further damaging. We're still in early innings and there's been two indictments and two guilty pleas. The focus seems to be shifting to kushner. That's where it will get really interesting. We'll be in the family then.

I see you have no compunction about playing the speculation game, enjoy. And what makes you think Mueller doesn't already know everything Flynn knows. That kind of stuff is usually included in a formal proffer on a plea agreement. Prosecutors don't tend to offer an agreement without knowing what they get out of it.


what makes you think Mueller doesn't already know everything Flynn knows.

He may. Mueller needs Flynn to testify. Holding the possibility of future charges over his head keeps Flynn on task.

Prosecutors don't tend to offer an agreement without knowing what they get out of it.

That's what I said in the very post you responded to, fool.

Whatever else Flynn has to say will only be further damaging.

Mueller's getting testimony.

Are you aware that Comey originally cleared Flynn of the the very charge he plead guilty to? Mueller is going for things others would let slide, go figure. Do you really think Mueller is unbiased, I don't.

Flynn changed story to FBI, no charges expected - CNNPolitics


That was in January. This is December. There's since been a special counsel appointed and further investigation that has led to Flynn pleading guilty. Obviously Flynn is well aware of what he's facing and no doubt took the best deal.
At this point only Flynn and maybe Mueller knows. I'm not going to join in the speculation game.


Well, you know this isn't the end. Whatever else Flynn has to say will only be further damaging. We're still in early innings and there's been two indictments and two guilty pleas. The focus seems to be shifting to kushner. That's where it will get really interesting. We'll be in the family then.

I see you have no compunction about playing the speculation game, enjoy. And what makes you think Mueller doesn't already know everything Flynn knows. That kind of stuff is usually included in a formal proffer on a plea agreement. Prosecutors don't tend to offer an agreement without knowing what they get out of it.


what makes you think Mueller doesn't already know everything Flynn knows.

He may. Mueller needs Flynn to testify. Holding the possibility of future charges over his head keeps Flynn on task.

Prosecutors don't tend to offer an agreement without knowing what they get out of it.

That's what I said in the very post you responded to, fool.

Whatever else Flynn has to say will only be further damaging.

Mueller's getting testimony.

Are you aware that Comey originally cleared Flynn of the the very charge he plead guilty to? Mueller is going for things others would let slide, go figure. Do you really think Mueller is unbiased, I don't.

Flynn changed story to FBI, no charges expected - CNNPolitics


That was in January. This is December. There's since been a special counsel appointed and further investigation that has led to Flynn pleading guilty. Obviously Flynn is well aware of what he's facing and no doubt took the best deal.

But it still begs the question, does it go to further prove Comey's incompetence and another reason he should have been fired, or to Mueller's aggression on minor matters?

Comey laid out her guilt in his testimony under oath. The decision not to prosecute does not mean she did not commit the crimes. Not intending to violate the law, and being too stupid to understand the law, are not excuses. She is guilty. But will probably never be held accountable because she is one of the political elites that are not subject to the same laws that apply to YOU and ME.

No. Comey and other prosecutors laid it out pretty simply as to why she couldn't be prosecuted. It didn't meet the threshold of guilt.

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