Flynn To Testify Trump 'Directed Him To Make Contact With The Russians'

Ex-White House ethics chiefs predict that Kushner or Don Jr. are next in line after Flynn
The former chief White House ethics lawyers for Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama wrote a riveting New York Times op-ed following the guilty plea of former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn.

I think Little Devin Nunez may be in some legal peril for obstruction of justice. He ran interference to protect his Orange God and gave classified information to the subject of the House investigation.

You libs need to learn new legal terms. You took "obstruction of justice" and rode it into the ground because you have no idea what it means.
Talking to Russian officials is not a crime. Otherwise all the world leaders should plead guilty.

Mueller isn't going after a collusion case. He's going after obstruction of justice. Which he, Mike Pence, Jeff Sessions, and Donald Trump are clearly guilty of. Flynn was facing much harsher charges than just two counts of lying to the FBI.

He turned over some damn good evidence to the prosecutors for the deal he got.

The Trump administration is going down hard. Mueller isn't going to blow it by letting everyone involved get a pardon either. He's going to wait for all of them to leave office, and then turn the prosecutors loose on them, and there is a states attorney general in NY that wants them so bad he can taste it, and Mueller has given him all of the evidence to bring state charges.

If you are living the delusion that everyone is going to escape unharmed, you are in for some disappointing times ahead.

So what did they do? You libs keep posting vague bullshit because that is all you have. What crimes were committed and if you come back with collusion again, you deserve to be placed on permanent ignore status.
Tea Pain @TeaPainUSA
ATTENTION TRUMPOPHILES: They've uncovered the radical manifesto behind today's "Deep-State" attack on the Trump Admin. It's called the "United States Constitution."

3:19 PM - Dec 1, 2017
Talking to Russian officials is not a crime. Otherwise all the world leaders should plead guilty.

It’s not a crime. But why did Flynn lie about it. People lie to cover up something.

He was probably being questioned by leftover Obamabots.

I wouldn't have told them anything. He should have just kicked them out of his office.
Hillary's Foundation got $140 million from Russians. So far, Trump? $0

But if it comes to light, I want Trump outta there.
Clinton foundation is not Clinton family.

Trump launders his money via panama and via his tower.

You are so dumb that you think money laundering involves a washing machine and detergent.

Why else would one need 500 businesses?

The President-elect oversees a vast real-estate empire with gleaming outposts around the globe, as well as lucrative business ties to key geopolitical allies and adversaries. Based on the financial disclosure report he filed last year, Trump appears to own or control more than 500 businesses in some two-dozen countries around the world.

Donald Trump's Many, Many Business Dealings in 1 Map

PS: is trump going to bring all his businesses back to the USA.?
Hillary's Foundation got $140 million from Russians. So far, Trump? $0

But if it comes to light, I want Trump outta there.
Clinton foundation is not Clinton family.

Trump launders his money via panama and via his tower.

You are so dumb that you think money laundering involves a washing machine and detergent.

Why else would one need 500 businesses?

The President-elect oversees a vast real-estate empire with gleaming outposts around the globe, as well as lucrative business ties to key geopolitical allies and adversaries. Based on the financial disclosure report he filed last year, Trump appears to own or control more than 500 businesses in some two-dozen countries around the world.

Donald Trump's Many, Many Business Dealings in 1 Map

PS: is trump going to bring all his businesses back to the USA.?

It's none of your business.
Why do you care?
Hillary's Foundation got $140 million from Russians. So far, Trump? $0

But if it comes to light, I want Trump outta there.
Clinton foundation is not Clinton family.

Trump launders his money via panama and via his tower.

You are so dumb that you think money laundering involves a washing machine and detergent.

Why else would one need 500 businesses?

The President-elect oversees a vast real-estate empire with gleaming outposts around the globe, as well as lucrative business ties to key geopolitical allies and adversaries. Based on the financial disclosure report he filed last year, Trump appears to own or control more than 500 businesses in some two-dozen countries around the world.

Donald Trump's Many, Many Business Dealings in 1 Map

PS: is trump going to bring all his businesses back to the USA.?

It's none of your business.
Why do you care?

OH I thought that was the goal of lowering corp tax but most of his businesses are nothing but small self proprietorships and LLC's which will use the pass through provision now. Obvious money laundering.

Oh by the way it is my business, I pay taxes, and I do not want a crook as Potus and who is beholding to many foreign countries.
This is beyond silly. Some facts:

One, there is nothing illegal about campaign officials contacting foreign leaders. This happens ALL THE TIME. There is a galaxy of difference between having a policy discussion with foreign leaders and colluding with them to tamper with an election.

Two, oh, so NOW you guys think Flynn is credible?! Trump FIRED Flynn for lying to him and Pence about his contact with the Russians! Remember that?
After a year, we have a process perjury charge. Lol.

We have a high level member of the Trump administration pleading guilty to lying to federal investigators. Undoubtedly the least of the possible charges that could have been made. Flynn has flipped. Obviously whatever testimony Flynn has to offer is more valuable than further charges.

No, Brian Ross lied again. ABC has retracted that story. Flynn isn't turning anything against trump. There is nothing to turn. There is nothing illegal about contacting foreign govts. There was no collusion. Seriously, y'all are delusional.
Love it. The guy leading the "lock her up" chants gets arrested. Ha, ha, ha. Typical Deplorable Trumpite.

Flynn being guilty does not make Hillary innocent. Her turn is coming, be patient.

No, her being innocent makes her innocent.

Comey laid out her guilt in his testimony under oath. The decision not to prosecute does not mean she did not commit the crimes. Not intending to violate the law, and being too stupid to understand the law, are not excuses. She is guilty. But will probably never be held accountable because she is one of the political elites that are not subject to the same laws that apply to YOU and ME.
The wild dog-like, frenzied reporting on Flynn pleading to a ONE COUNT of lying to FBI is laughable. He lied. The “collusion” case died.
Hillary's Foundation got $140 million from Russians. So far, Trump? $0

But if it comes to light, I want Trump outta there.
Clinton foundation is not Clinton family.

Trump launders his money via panama and via his tower.

You are so dumb that you think money laundering involves a washing machine and detergent.

Why else would one need 500 businesses?

The President-elect oversees a vast real-estate empire with gleaming outposts around the globe, as well as lucrative business ties to key geopolitical allies and adversaries. Based on the financial disclosure report he filed last year, Trump appears to own or control more than 500 businesses in some two-dozen countries around the world.

Donald Trump's Many, Many Business Dealings in 1 Map

PS: is trump going to bring all his businesses back to the USA.?

It's none of your business.
Why do you care?

OH I thought that was the goal of lowering corp tax but most of his businesses are nothing but small self proprietorships and LLC's which will use the pass through provision now. Obvious money laundering.

Oh by the way it is my business, I pay taxes, and I do not want a crook as Potus and who is beholding to many foreign countries.

Hey, I didn't want a President who was a wanna be thug and was beholding to terrorists.

But we got through it.
Clinton foundation is not Clinton family.

Trump launders his money via panama and via his tower.

You are so dumb that you think money laundering involves a washing machine and detergent.

Why else would one need 500 businesses?

The President-elect oversees a vast real-estate empire with gleaming outposts around the globe, as well as lucrative business ties to key geopolitical allies and adversaries. Based on the financial disclosure report he filed last year, Trump appears to own or control more than 500 businesses in some two-dozen countries around the world.

Donald Trump's Many, Many Business Dealings in 1 Map

PS: is trump going to bring all his businesses back to the USA.?

It's none of your business.
Why do you care?

OH I thought that was the goal of lowering corp tax but most of his businesses are nothing but small self proprietorships and LLC's which will use the pass through provision now. Obvious money laundering.

Oh by the way it is my business, I pay taxes, and I do not want a crook as Potus and who is beholding to many foreign countries.

Hey, I didn't want a President who was a wanna be thug and was beholding to terrorists.

But we got through it.

Me neither, but we got one.
Can someone please explain why Flynn had to be asked to contact the Russians after the election if they had been colluding with the Russians the entire time?
Love it. The guy leading the "lock her up" chants gets arrested. Ha, ha, ha. Typical Deplorable Trumpite.

Flynn being guilty does not make Hillary innocent. Her turn is coming, be patient.

No, her being innocent makes her innocent.

Comey laid out her guilt in his testimony under oath. The decision not to prosecute does not mean she did not commit the crimes. Not intending to violate the law, and being too stupid to understand the law, are not excuses. She is guilty. But will probably never be held accountable because she is one of the political elites that are not subject to the same laws that apply to YOU and ME.

Actually Comey cleared Clinton but if it helps to pretend like that didn't happen, you go for it.
Well, this just may be the smoking gun that takes that Orange Jerk down!

"Former national security adviser Michael Flynn is expected to testify that President Trump instructed him to contact Russian officials during the 2016 campaign, ABC News reports.

Trump "directed him to make contact with the Russians," ABC's Brian Ross said Friday, just moments after Flynn entered a guilty plea for lying about his contact with Russians during the presidential transition period."

~~ Flynn to testify Trump 'directed him to make contact with the Russians': report ~~

That collusion would be just one step away from criminal conspiracy!

What a crock of shit, Flynn was instructed by the transition team to contact the officials of several governments to make them aware of the incoming administrations opinion on an upcoming UN vote. Nothing improper or illegal about that.


The problem was Flynn apparently lied about it. Why? Maybe he thought he did something wrong.

At this point only Flynn and maybe Mueller knows. I'm not going to join in the speculation game.


Well, you know this isn't the end. Whatever else Flynn has to say will only be further damaging. We're still in early innings and there's been two indictments and two guilty pleas. The focus seems to be shifting to kushner. That's where it will get really interesting. We'll be in the family then.

I see you have no compunction about playing the speculation game, enjoy. And what makes you think Mueller doesn't already know everything Flynn knows. That kind of stuff is usually included in a formal proffer on a plea agreement. Prosecutors don't tend to offer an agreement without knowing what they get out of it.


what makes you think Mueller doesn't already know everything Flynn knows.

He may. Mueller needs Flynn to testify. Holding the possibility of future charges over his head keeps Flynn on task.

Prosecutors don't tend to offer an agreement without knowing what they get out of it.

That's what I said in the very post you responded to, fool.

Whatever else Flynn has to say will only be further damaging.

Mueller's getting testimony.
Flynn was caught on a FISA wiretap giving the russian ambassador a quid pro quo when it came to the sanctions Obama imposed

A wiretap based on a fake "dossier" concocted by Obama and Crooked Hillary in which Flynn tried to mend damage Obama and Crooked Hillary caused despite their colluding with Russia over the years. And why did Hussaine impose sanctions again?

President Obama warned Trump not to hire Mike Flynn...

Evidence? Although Hussaine should know since Flynn was an Obama official. :p Why did Hussaine impose sanctions on Russia though?

A wiretap based on a fake "dossier" concocted by Obama and Crooked Hillary


Flynn called the ambassador who's calls are always monitored.

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