Flynn To Testify Trump 'Directed Him To Make Contact With The Russians'

"Meddling in Obama Diplomacy?" :lol: That is why we voted for The Donald, to stop Crooked Hillary and Obama's meddling in the interests of the USA!

If there's justice Eric and Jared will be in cells where they can hear each other's screams. (-:
what a bunch of jealous americans. wow. what did they do to you? you have these issues often?
Well, this just may be the smoking gun that takes that Orange Jerk down!

Smoking Gun #1,889. Remember, you all swore Trump would never even make it to the end of this year without getting impeached. It takes proof, not just someone's claim that this person ordered that. Orange Jerk, yes! Except, everything he has done so far has been ACES for the country.
You're very mistaken with your incredibility ill informed ramblings. I predicted the Orange Bastard would be out by Dec 2018 at the latest. I have come to waffle a bit now and tentatively modify that prediction believing that Clown son-of-a-bitch may just resign if the that sack of shit tax bill gets passed and it gets too hot in the kitchen for his Fat Ass re: the Mueller investigation. That way he could claim exhaustion, collect the spoils of the "windfall" of the 'new' tax code and get Pence to do a Jerry Ford mea culpa over his Fat Fucking Ass. Just musing could be's though and only The Shadow knows for sure!

Now clean up the damn floor that you've dripped that paint all over trying to paint everyone with such a wide brush you damn fool!
Well, this just may be the smoking gun that takes that Orange Jerk down!

"Former national security adviser Michael Flynn is expected to testify that President Trump instructed him to contact Russian officials during the 2016 campaign, ABC News reports.

Trump "directed him to make contact with the Russians," ABC's Brian Ross said Friday, just moments after Flynn entered a guilty plea for lying about his contact with Russians during the presidential transition period."

~~ Flynn to testify Trump 'directed him to make contact with the Russians': report ~~

That collusion would be just one step away from criminal conspiracy!

So let's look forward. Flynn testifies that Trump told him to contact the Russians during the campaign and the Republicans in Congress do nothing regarding an investigation/impeachment. When the Democrats gain control of Congress in 2018 it will be open season on Trump and every person involved with him in the campaign or in the cover-up. And impeachment will become a given.

The Republicans have shown they have no country and no allegiance to America already. Their only god is their political party. They are now the Politburo of the old Soviet Union. All things must be vetted for the good of the party, period. All other considerations rescinded.
i dont agree with you. Mccain for years is looking for revenge over Vovka Putler for what he did to The USA election and in Europe

Name five more. McCain is soundly rejected by the Republican base now. Who else.
the entire Republican crew in the Senate. they all understand that Muscovy did during the last election was nothing else but " act of war"
based on what exactly? did vlad flip your vote?
cause why would it be bad? explain. When did we have hands off policy toward russia? were there flight restrictions in place as well? passports collected? wow, I knew none of this. when did this all occur? And then we just did the uranium one deal with them with all this going on? wow obummer was a traitor.
Well, this just may be the smoking gun that takes that Orange Jerk down!

"Former national security adviser Michael Flynn is expected to testify that President Trump instructed him to contact Russian officials during the 2016 campaign, ABC News reports.

Trump "directed him to make contact with the Russians," ABC's Brian Ross said Friday, just moments after Flynn entered a guilty plea for lying about his contact with Russians during the presidential transition period."

~~ Flynn to testify Trump 'directed him to make contact with the Russians': report ~~

That collusion would be just one step away from criminal conspiracy!

What a crock of shit, Flynn was instructed by the transition team to contact the officials of several governments to make them aware of the incoming administrations opinion on an upcoming UN vote. Nothing improper or illegal about that.


:rofl:Are you really that stupid? Flynn is rolling over like a opossum because he advised the Russians on "an upcoming UN vote? ARE YOU REALLY THAT STUPID?
We,re smart enough to know Trump fired Flynn for lying
We,re smart enough
Well, this just may be the smoking gun that takes that Orange Jerk down!

"Former national security adviser Michael Flynn is expected to testify that President Trump instructed him to contact Russian officials during the 2016 campaign, ABC News reports.

Trump "directed him to make contact with the Russians," ABC's Brian Ross said Friday, just moments after Flynn entered a guilty plea for lying about his contact with Russians during the presidential transition period."

~~ Flynn to testify Trump 'directed him to make contact with the Russians': report ~~

That collusion would be just one step away from criminal conspiracy!

So let's look forward. Flynn testifies that Trump told him to contact the Russians during the campaign and the Republicans in Congress do nothing regarding an investigation/impeachment. When the Democrats gain control of Congress in 2018 it will be open season on Trump and every person involved with him in the campaign or in the cover-up. And impeachment will become a given.

The Republicans have shown they have no country and no allegiance to America already. Their only god is their political party. They are now the Politburo of the old Soviet Union. All things must be vetted for the good of the party, period. All other considerations rescinded.
i dont agree with you. Mccain for years is looking for revenge over Vovka Putler for what he did to The USA election and in Europe

Name five more. McCain is soundly rejected by the Republican base now. Who else.
the entire Republican crew in the Senate. they all understand that Muscovy did during the last election was nothing else but " act of war"
based on what exactly? did vlad flip your vote?
Timothy Snyder Speaks, Ep. 1: Russia Defeats America"
The clincher was when comrade Trump talked about the opioid epidemic and he said the solution is 'Just say nyet'.
So let's look forward. Flynn testifies that Trump told him to contact the Russians during the campaign and the Republicans in Congress do nothing regarding an investigation/impeachment. When the Democrats gain control of Congress in 2018 it will be open season on Trump and every person involved with him in the campaign or in the cover-up. And impeachment will become a given.

The Republicans have shown they have no country and no allegiance to America already. Their only god is their political party. They are now the Politburo of the old Soviet Union. All things must be vetted for the good of the party, period. All other considerations rescinded.
i dont agree with you. Mccain for years is looking for revenge over Vovka Putler for what he did to The USA election and in Europe

Name five more. McCain is soundly rejected by the Republican base now. Who else.
the entire Republican crew in the Senate. they all understand that Muscovy did during the last election was nothing else but " act of war"
based on what exactly? did vlad flip your vote?
Timothy Snyder Speaks, Ep. 1: Russia Defeats America"

And he was accurate
Flynn’s going to jail and will incriminate Trump to reduce his time in jail.
Somewhere Hillary is laughing her ass off.

Really? Has he been sentenced because I haven't hears a word about the deal he negotiated having a sentence announced.

How long is he going to prison for?
Depends how much he gives up Govt could seek a tough sentence and if he doesn't cooperate they have other charges against him
how do you know all of this?

because that's how it works when you take a plea deal.

Most prosecutors aren't going to plead out potential witnesses to crimes of deceit if they have any intention of putting that witness on during a trial.

Cross examination in such a case would be pretty short.

Q: Isn't it true you've plead guilty to lying to the FBI?


Q: Isn't it true that you accepted a deal to testify against my client for leniency in that sentence as well as for financial reasons?


Q: Isn't it true that you've said all of this today to benefit yourself?

No further questions
No, her being innocent makes her innocent.

Yeah it does. One of the most investigated politicians in US history. Verdict? Nada.
Flynn has been around for five minutes. Gets arrested. Even with his guy in the WH. Too funny..

Ex-White House ethics chiefs predict that Kushner or Don Jr. are next in line after Flynn
The former chief White House ethics lawyers for Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama wrote a riveting New York Times op-ed following the guilty plea of former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn.

I think Little Devin Nunez may be in some legal peril for obstruction of justice. He ran interference to protect his Orange God and gave classified information to the subject of the House investigation.
Well, this just may be the smoking gun that takes that Orange Jerk down!

"Former national security adviser Michael Flynn is expected to testify that President Trump instructed him to contact Russian officials during the 2016 campaign, ABC News reports.

Trump "directed him to make contact with the Russians," ABC's Brian Ross said Friday, just moments after Flynn entered a guilty plea for lying about his contact with Russians during the presidential transition period."

~~ Flynn to testify Trump 'directed him to make contact with the Russians': report ~~

That collusion would be just one step away from criminal conspiracy!

What a crock of shit, Flynn was instructed by the transition team to contact the officials of several governments to make them aware of the incoming administrations opinion on an upcoming UN vote. Nothing improper or illegal about that.


:rofl:Are you really that stupid? Flynn is rolling over like a opossum because he advised the Russians on "an upcoming UN vote? ARE YOU REALLY THAT STUPID?
We,re smart enough to know Trump fired Flynn for lying
We,re smart enough

Nope, the Comrade lies again and again. He lied to the FBI before he lied to Pence. As a matter of fact, "very senior" transition officials not only knew what he was doing. They told him to do it. Jerrad will be the next pawn that falls. Mueller is getting closer and closer to the Comrade.

He will be someone's cute orange wife in prison.

Ex-White House ethics chiefs predict that Kushner or Don Jr. are next in line after Flynn
The former chief White House ethics lawyers for Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama wrote a riveting New York Times op-ed following the guilty plea of former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn.

I think Little Devin Nunez may be in some legal peril for obstruction of justice. He ran interference to protect his Orange God and gave classified information to the subject of the House investigation.

Yup, half the GOP is complicit with the Comrade.

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