Fmr UK Ambassador: 'Trump Has Just Given Jihadis a Thousand Reasons to Stage Fake Flag Operations'

What ever happened to (America) nations minding their own damn business!!!

America does not give a rat's ass about the Syrian people that's just the B.S they use to try to justify invading a country that does not want America there.

Syria's Assad does not want a Zionist central bank in "their" country and that's strong leadership.

Why in the hell are we letting the Israeli's play us against Muslim nations anyway!!!

Muslims have not robbed America of trillions of tax dollars, of morality, of our economic it to communist China, and depleting the treasury by getting this nation involved in two World wars and many others.

We have no right or authority to tell Syria who "their" leaders should be.....It's the Zionist behind all the B.S.

How big of a damn fool does America have to be before we realize the zionist/communist is taking America down with them.

Take time to read what the Holy Scripture tells his people to do with homosexual freaks.

It's not the Muslims it's the Zionist using Marxism to make America children into the type of reprobate people you foolishly are trying to defend.

The American people know who the real enemy is.....and it's not Syria, Iran, or Russia.
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If I were Al-Nusra, it's what I would do. The problem is that imitating a Syrian chemical attack would be difficult, and they would have to do it in their own territory (or that of their allies).

Former British Ambassador to Syria, Peter Ford, told the BBC on Friday chemical weapons are now "more likely" to be used in Syria because jihadis know a "fake flag" attack will trigger the US to attack Assad.​

"It's not going to end here ... because Trump has just given the jihadis a thousand reasons to stage fake flag operations," Ford said. "Seeing how successful and how easy it is with a gullible media to provoke the West into intemperate reactions."

"They will very likely stage an operation similar to what they did -- and this was documented by the United Nations in August last year -- they mounted a chlorine gas attack on civilians and they tried to make it look like it was a regime operation," he said.

"Mark my words, you hearing it here, and it will happen," Ford said. "And we'll get all the warmongers coming to tell us that that Assad is defying us and we must go in more heavily into Syria, this will be fake flag."

While you can argue whether or not the recent attack was a false flag, there's literally no arguing the incentive for rebel terrorists to stage a chemical attack now to blame it on Assad is higher than ever.

Source: Fmr UK Ambassador: 'Trump Has Just Given Jihadis a Thousand Reasons to Stage Fake Flag Operations'

"Since the Trump administration has shown that they too are "fighting with and not against ISIS" with the same goal of removing Assad for the Zionist, Trump is probably lying about a real investigation of the 9-11 attacks.

Al Qaeda changed the name to ISIS once the fake news of Ben Laden's burial at sea was broadcast by the fake news experts, and us goy are suppose to be too stupid to understand such extreme corruption."

Note that no one else in the world has any responsibility for their actions in this scenario.

The media for falling for it? nope.

Other nations for supporting the hype? nope.

the intelligence agencies for not realizing it is a false flag operation? nope.

the jihadists for killing their own people? nope.

Trump is the only one who is not a block of wood, who deserves to be slammed for his actions.

So now you want to throw president Trump under the mega bus for doing the Zionist dirty work in Syria.

You want everyone to believe it's all his fault, and you Zionist are blameless right?

So us stupid Goy can't blame the fake news experts. "The media for falling for it? nope." According to you they had nothing to do with all the lies.
I'm not really seeing how your long rant is a response to anything in my post, which was solely an attack on the "expert" in the op.

You tried to say no one but Trump is responsible for the media deception, other Zionist controlled nation, as well as the zionist controlled intelligence agencies are blameless. that's no at all true.

I attacked the "expert" for saying that only Trump is responsible.

Your anti-semitism is of no interest to me.
Its always a false flag when things don't go the Democrats way!
Of course it was a false flag.

Of course.... because.... you're saying this based on what evidence exactly? Or you just decided it must be so?

be patient -----penny is going to tell us WHO did it and why------soon-----hold
your breath

Its so obvious, the rebels did it. It had been shown Assad didn't use chemicals in 2013 and there was no reason to use them now. But who could blame him if he did use them against ISIS. SA used them in Yemen and Israel used them in Gaza, the US didn't attack them did it.

Once again, we never do anything for humanitarian reasons, we create them.

as a real health care provider------I am interested in what chemical weapons
Israel has used in Gaza and what chemical weapons Saudi Arabia has used
in Yemen. Penny?? I hope you can provide me with the information to which
you are privy

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