Fogle gets 15.6 years

Not long enough. The victims got a life sentence

Jared Fogle, former Subway spokesman, sentenced to 188 months in child exploitation case

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (Nov. 19, 2015) – A federal judge sentenced former Subway spokesman Jared Fogle to 15.6 years in prison during a hearing Thursday inside a federal courtroom in Indianapolis.

Fogle, who was charged in a child exploitation case, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to receive child pornography and traveling to have sex with minors.

Jared Fogle, former Subway spokesman, sentenced to 188 months in child exploitation case

16 years of prison, at least half his assets to his wife in the divorce, and the rest of his assets to the victims they could find.

He will be in his mid 50's when he gets out.

The sad part is that 16 years is just his initial sentence. He may be out in 5 or so given good behavior. I've seen weed dealers get more time, and this dude was fucking minors.

Idk for sure but it's being reported because of federal guidelines he has to serve 80% of the sentence. I'm not positive if that is true or not
I asked my husband, because it's a federal sentence Fogle must serve at least 85% of his sentence
Not long enough. The victims got a life sentence

Jared Fogle, former Subway spokesman, sentenced to 188 months in child exploitation case

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (Nov. 19, 2015) – A federal judge sentenced former Subway spokesman Jared Fogle to 15.6 years in prison during a hearing Thursday inside a federal courtroom in Indianapolis.

Fogle, who was charged in a child exploitation case, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to receive child pornography and traveling to have sex with minors.

Jared Fogle, former Subway spokesman, sentenced to 188 months in child exploitation case

16 years of prison, at least half his assets to his wife in the divorce, and the rest of his assets to the victims they could find.

He will be in his mid 50's when he gets out.

The sad part is that 16 years is just his initial sentence. He may be out in 5 or so given good behavior. I've seen weed dealers get more time, and this dude was fucking minors.

He probably got more time because he was famous, but not famous enough. Pour Encouragement ou les autres.
yet growing weed will get you 20 years...

That's more of a case of drug laws being ridiculously harsh than of this punishment being too light.

And a lot of the drug law overreaction is slowly being corrected.
Not long enough. The victims got a life sentence

Jared Fogle, former Subway spokesman, sentenced to 188 months in child exploitation case

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (Nov. 19, 2015) – A federal judge sentenced former Subway spokesman Jared Fogle to 15.6 years in prison during a hearing Thursday inside a federal courtroom in Indianapolis.

Fogle, who was charged in a child exploitation case, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to receive child pornography and traveling to have sex with minors.

Jared Fogle, former Subway spokesman, sentenced to 188 months in child exploitation case

16 years of prison, at least half his assets to his wife in the divorce, and the rest of his assets to the victims they could find.

He will be in his mid 50's when he gets out.

The sad part is that 16 years is just his initial sentence. He may be out in 5 or so given good behavior. I've seen weed dealers get more time, and this dude was fucking minors.

Idk for sure but it's being reported because of federal guidelines he has to serve 80% of the sentence. I'm not positive if that is true or not

I honestly haven't read the article yet, but in most non-violent cases early parole is an option. Either way 16 years seems a bit lax for such a serious offense. I remember reading a news story awhile back about this 20 something kid who was found with child porn. They sentenced him for every individual image, and if I remember correctly they gave him something like 70 years. I thought it sounded a bit extreme to lock such a young person up for the rest of his life over a non-violent offense, but Jared Fogle will have decades ahead of him after being released.
Love to see a breakdown of the actual charges, and convicted him of list. Am thinking either the conspiracy conviction got him the most years, or they charged him with a per-image for the porn.
Not long enough. The victims got a life sentence

Jared Fogle, former Subway spokesman, sentenced to 188 months in child exploitation case

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (Nov. 19, 2015) – A federal judge sentenced former Subway spokesman Jared Fogle to 15.6 years in prison during a hearing Thursday inside a federal courtroom in Indianapolis.

Fogle, who was charged in a child exploitation case, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to receive child pornography and traveling to have sex with minors.

Jared Fogle, former Subway spokesman, sentenced to 188 months in child exploitation case

16 years of prison, at least half his assets to his wife in the divorce, and the rest of his assets to the victims they could find.

He will be in his mid 50's when he gets out.

The sad part is that 16 years is just his initial sentence. He may be out in 5 or so given good behavior. I've seen weed dealers get more time, and this dude was fucking minors.

Idk for sure but it's being reported because of federal guidelines he has to serve 80% of the sentence. I'm not positive if that is true or not

I honestly haven't read the article yet, but in most non-violent cases early parole is an option. Either way 16 years seems a bit lax for such a serious offense. I remember reading a news story awhile back about this 20 something kid who was found with child porn. They sentenced him for every individual image, and if I remember correctly they gave him something like 70 years. I thought it sounded a bit extreme to lock such a young person up for the rest of his life over a non-violent offense, but Jared Fogle will have decades ahead of him after being released.

Was it ever explained what level of Child Porn was found? Also I think there was an issue about actual ownership of said materials, as a employee of his was the origin of the materials. It's probably why the Feds took the deal instead of going to trial.
I don't want to get off topic, but I wonder how the courts will handle the children who are taking naked pictures and more of themselves and sharing on their cell phones? There was a story recently about several kids sharing nude pictures and pornographic acts at school on their cell phones. I wonder what kind of laws they have broken by doing stuff and sharing it and that it probably will get posted wherever.
I don't want to get off topic, but I wonder how the courts will handle the children who are taking naked pictures and more of themselves and sharing on their cell phones? There was a story recently about several kids sharing nude pictures and pornographic acts at school on their cell phones. I wonder what kind of laws they have broken by doing stuff and sharing it and that it probably will get posted wherever.
They are having a devil of a time actually. How to charge a child with child porno is tricky business, especially when the kids see the pics as no big deal and freely share them, not to mention taking them in the first place. The only answer is locking out their cameras at this point although software could be smart enough to spot too much skin and not fire, depending upon race.
I don't want to get off topic, but I wonder how the courts will handle the children who are taking naked pictures and more of themselves and sharing on their cell phones? There was a story recently about several kids sharing nude pictures and pornographic acts at school on their cell phones. I wonder what kind of laws they have broken by doing stuff and sharing it and that it probably will get posted wherever.

Strollingbones created a thread I think just yesterday asking how worried we should really be about teens "sexting". If I remember correctly most people in the thread agreed that charging children with child porn was a bit harsh, but sadly our courts are wasting resources, and children are being placed on the sex offender registry over it.

"12:14 p.m.

The defense is arguing that there is no question Fogle engaged in commercial sex acts with a 16-year-old and 17-year-old.

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