Fogle gets 15.6 years

First off GREAT. Creep needs to get a lot more time than that.

Second, rather odd that his success in losing weight will make him quite the tasty morsel in prison. He'll likely still be able to get a footlong once a week while there. Nature has its own way of sorting things out.

That is, if they don't just outright try to kill him.
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I don't want to get off topic, but I wonder how the courts will handle the children who are taking naked pictures and more of themselves and sharing on their cell phones? There was a story recently about several kids sharing nude pictures and pornographic acts at school on their cell phones. I wonder what kind of laws they have broken by doing stuff and sharing it and that it probably will get posted wherever.

Strollingbones created a thread I think just yesterday asking how worried we should really be about teens "sexting". If I remember correctly most people in the thread agreed that charging children with child porn was a bit harsh, but sadly our courts are wasting resources, and children are being placed on the sex offender registry over it.

The ability to judge has been removed from out lower court judges, due to past outrages over local favoritism in decisions. Considering the media today would broadcast things like that all over creation, such restrictions on judges should be removed.
Not long enough. The victims got a life sentence

Jared Fogle, former Subway spokesman, sentenced to 188 months in child exploitation case

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (Nov. 19, 2015) – A federal judge sentenced former Subway spokesman Jared Fogle to 15.6 years in prison during a hearing Thursday inside a federal courtroom in Indianapolis.

Fogle, who was charged in a child exploitation case, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to receive child pornography and traveling to have sex with minors.

Jared Fogle, former Subway spokesman, sentenced to 188 months in child exploitation case

16 years of prison, at least half his assets to his wife in the divorce, and the rest of his assets to the victims they could find.

He will be in his mid 50's when he gets out.

The sad part is that 16 years is just his initial sentence. He may be out in 5 or so given good behavior. I've seen weed dealers get more time, and this dude was fucking minors.

Has to serve 13 years.
Not long enough. The victims got a life sentence

Jared Fogle, former Subway spokesman, sentenced to 188 months in child exploitation case

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (Nov. 19, 2015) – A federal judge sentenced former Subway spokesman Jared Fogle to 15.6 years in prison during a hearing Thursday inside a federal courtroom in Indianapolis.

Fogle, who was charged in a child exploitation case, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to receive child pornography and traveling to have sex with minors.

Jared Fogle, former Subway spokesman, sentenced to 188 months in child exploitation case

16 years of prison, at least half his assets to his wife in the divorce, and the rest of his assets to the victims they could find.

He will be in his mid 50's when he gets out.

The sad part is that 16 years is just his initial sentence. He may be out in 5 or so given good behavior. I've seen weed dealers get more time, and this dude was fucking minors.

Has to serve 13 years.

Thanks for the info. I still haven't read up much on it. It still seems like a pretty easy sentence for such a serious offense. The victims of child porn are victimized every time someone views them. This sick fuck will not only have decades ahead of him by the time he gets out, but will probably still be filthy rich.
Not long enough. The victims got a life sentence

Jared Fogle, former Subway spokesman, sentenced to 188 months in child exploitation case

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (Nov. 19, 2015) – A federal judge sentenced former Subway spokesman Jared Fogle to 15.6 years in prison during a hearing Thursday inside a federal courtroom in Indianapolis.

Fogle, who was charged in a child exploitation case, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to receive child pornography and traveling to have sex with minors.

Jared Fogle, former Subway spokesman, sentenced to 188 months in child exploitation case
His sandwiches sucked anyway.
I really hope he gets raped. Repeatedly. Preferably by a big black motherfucker hung like a horse ...

Poor kids, I hope that the money is going to be spent to help them recover from this horrific experience, I hope they heal.
The sad part is that 16 years is just his initial sentence. He may be out in 5 or so given good behavior. I've seen weed dealers get more time, and this dude was fucking minors.

Incorrect. In the federal prison system, you serve 85% even with good time. Please learn your facts before you go shooting off your mouth. Just FYI, "fucking minors" is legal in many states.

I wonder if anyone here knows that 16 and 17 are the legal ages of consent in many states in this nation? The illegal aspect is traveling to do it. If you live in a state with a 16yo AOC and you have sex with a 16yo thats fine. But if you live in another state and travel TO the state with the lower AOC to have sex its illegal.

That's honestly a little bit whack but whatever. People act like he had sex with 5 year olds. These people could drive a car. They weren't babies. 17 is not a child in my opinion.
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Not long enough. The victims got a life sentence

Jared Fogle, former Subway spokesman, sentenced to 188 months in child exploitation case

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (Nov. 19, 2015) – A federal judge sentenced former Subway spokesman Jared Fogle to 15.6 years in prison during a hearing Thursday inside a federal courtroom in Indianapolis.

Fogle, who was charged in a child exploitation case, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to receive child pornography and traveling to have sex with minors.

Jared Fogle, former Subway spokesman, sentenced to 188 months in child exploitation case

Threw the book at him. Be all for that if actual forcible rapes of minors didn't typically get less.

Labrie sentenced to year in jail, probation in sex assault case - The Boston Globe

Only a year here. 15yo victim, forcible rape.

There's a major disparity when child pornography is involved where the punishment doesn't fit the crime. Jared had actual sex with a consensual prostitute, who was a minor of think it was 17? Guy above actually raped someone who didn't consent and not only by virtue of being 15, but perverbial 'kicking and screaming' type rape. Only gets a year.

When child pornography's involved though can be charged in some juridictions per picture where videos count as 85 or so with each one being perhaps a year sentence.

While I understand the issues, I'd rather punish actual rapists than people looking at pictures or videos.

Then lobby to have violent rape punishment upped to 20+ yrs to life, or even death sentence. Castration should be on the table too.
Then lobby to have violent rape punishment upped to 20+ yrs to life, or even death sentence. Castration should be on the table too.

The problem with that is it doesn't prevent molestation and sexual abuse. That's like saying taking the gun from the bank robber will stop him from robbing. If you dont think someone can rob a bank with something other than a gun you're naive.

It's also been shown that castration doesn't work. Sexually deviant thoughts occur in the mind, not the genitals.
Then lobby to have violent rape punishment upped to 20+ yrs to life, or even death sentence. Castration should be on the table too.

The problem with that is it doesn't prevent molestation and sexual abuse. That's like saying taking the gun from the bank robber will stop him from robbing. If you dont think someone can rob a bank with something other than a gun you're naive.

It's also been shown that castration doesn't work. Sexually deviant thoughts occur in the mind, not the genitals.
Don't do it to stop the crime. Do it to PUNISH the crime.

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