FOIA request exposes Trump inaugural photos changed to make crowd look better.

wow,an "image expert"!

Are you also a crowd expert? They estimated Trump's crowd was about 1/3 the size of Obama's.

Republicans have to do this thing called we can pay for the liberals to get free shit and for those folks at Obama's inauguration to receive EBT and HUD housing.

I'll understand if that word is completely alien to you, so here's a

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wow,an "image expert"!

Are you also a crowd expert? They estimated Trump's crowd was about 1/3 the size of Obama's.

Republicans have to do this thing called we can pay for the liberals to get free shit.

I'll understand if that word is completely alien to you, so here's a

Anyone who has to get on the internet and tell everyone he has a job...probably doesn't have a job.
True or false , the economy was on the upswing before trump showed up.

I don't know. Depends on who you ask, I suppose.

Oh brother .

Trump crows about employment stats that he once called lies . You are as bad as he is . You can’t admit that the facts are economic indicators were trending up way before Don got into office .
wow,an "image expert"!

Are you also a crowd expert? They estimated Trump's crowd was about 1/3 the size of Obama's.

Republicans have to do this thing called we can pay for the liberals to get free shit.

I'll understand if that word is completely alien to you, so here's a

Anyone who has to get on the internet and tell everyone he has a job...probably doesn't have a job.

You've spent too much time in the drum circle with your friends at the Occupy Mom's Basement protest. You know that's not how the real world works, right Junior?
Well seems only you care. You like to sweat the small stuff.

No one else gives a shit.

You only speak for yourself. Why you continue to support Trump is a question seeking an answer. Please tell us what you find Presidential about him.

I support Trump because he's worth supporting.

He's doing his best to keep his campaign promises.

UE is the lowest its been since 1969.

People have more money in their pay checks.

The economy is booming.

And people like the direction the country is going in for the first time in quite some time.

Businesses are opening where I live and hiring signs are everywhere.

If you don't find that enough to support Trump then you are blind.

Maybe you ought to study recent history. Being with the 21st Century, put your biases aside and consider going to a library and reading documents from the Election of Bush II, to the Election of 2016.
Like "you can keep your doctor"? Or how about "it was an anti muslim video"? Like those whoppers?
He didn't willfully give false info.

That said, how many more instances of this do you have on Obama?

Seems these same two are the only ones I see self-proclaimed conservatives citing...after 8 years of a Presidency.

Speaks volumes.
Except that tornado that killed 10,000 people in Kansas. The whole town was destroyed. :iyfyus.jpg:
Well seems only you care. You like to sweat the small stuff.

No one else gives a shit.

You only speak for yourself. Why you continue to support Trump is a question seeking an answer. Please tell us what you find Presidential about him.

I support Trump because he's worth supporting.

He's doing his best to keep his campaign promises.

UE is the lowest its been since 1969.

People have more money in their pay checks.

The economy is booming.

And people like the direction the country is going in for the first time in quite some time.

Businesses are opening where I live and hiring signs are everywhere.

If you don't find that enough to support Trump then you are blind.

Maybe you ought to study recent history. Being with the 21st Century, put your biases aside and consider going to a library and reading documents from the Election of Bush II, to the Election of 2016.

Seems you don't like a prosperous America.

Maybe you should put your biases aside and study recent history.

Oh wait. I forgot. You are a lefty loon. Never mind.
I watched Trump's rally in Montana. He's still out there taking victory laps for the past election, bragging about crowd sizes and how he beat a bunch of Republican governors and Senators for President. Just gloating his ass off over a campaign that ended two years ago! :lol:

He spent the entire rally doing that, when he wasn't whining about the people he personally hired and "fake news".

His staff removed two people (guy and girl) standing behind him for not showing enough awe for the Naked Emperor. Very North Korean type behavior. If you don't worship Dear Leader with tears running down your face from ecstatic joy, then you will be purged.

One of the other worshipers behind Trump gave the guy a hard time for not wearing the MAGA hat they were all given.
Well seems only you care. You like to sweat the small stuff.

No one else gives a shit.

You only speak for yourself. Why you continue to support Trump is a question seeking an answer. Please tell us what you find Presidential about him.

I support Trump because he's worth supporting.

He's doing his best to keep his campaign promises.

UE is the lowest its been since 1969.

People have more money in their pay checks.

The economy is booming.

And people like the direction the country is going in for the first time in quite some time.

Businesses are opening where I live and hiring signs are everywhere.

If you don't find that enough to support Trump then you are blind.

That was already happening . People act like we were in a decline until Don showed up .

By the way. The unemployment numbers were “fake” when Trump was runnin , now they are real!!! Y’all just forget that .

How many years need to pass before "y'all" stop saying "good things are happening because of Obama's policies"...?

More than two!!!

True or false , the economy was on the upswing before trump showed up.

So where were all the businessmen saying they were optimistic about the future when barry was in office?

'The engine of the economy roared back to life': US small-business confidence hit a record high in 2017
At the time t-Rump made a big federal case about it, if you recall.
There was substantial posts here on USMB about that very thing actually.
Funny how his Trumpettes are now acting like it was no big deal.

Umm, I didn't care then and I don't care now
Trump and his goons have been lying to the American people since day one .

He’s an egomaniac who cares only if himself .

Trump inauguration crowd photos were edited after he intervened

The photographer cropped out empty space “where the crowd ended” for a new set of pictures requested by Trump on the first morning of his presidency, after he was angered by images showing his audience was smaller than Barack Obama’s in 2009.
That's funny. Sad but funny.

Kinda pathetic too.
wow,an "image expert"!

Are you also a crowd expert? They estimated Trump's crowd was about 1/3 the size of Obama's.

Yes, many documents these days are in fact electronic "images." And again, I have the original live video feed, you are comparing Obama's first, much larger crowd where they took down the barricades greatly facilitating people coming in vs. an image taken before Trump's crowd reached its fullest.

Trump's guesstimate may have been off, but there are websites which list the crowd sizes and Trump's was certainly competitive and well within the norm for inaugurations and not the pathetic embarrassment that almost two years later, obviously still bothers the Left far more than it does the Right.

Inaugural crowd sizes ranked

A crowd scientist says Trump’s inauguration attendance was pretty average

Clearly, Trump's inauguration was at or ABOVE all in history EXCEPT for Obama's, making Obama's a fluke. And from the photo below, you can see that the real crowd at Trump's went back as far as the eye could see in every direction.


Truth is that Trump's inauguration was likely 3/5ths the size of the inauguration that preceded it. Pretty good for a guy given only a 6% chance of winning! That makes it one of the very largest ever, and likely as much reflects changes in public attitude as it does interest in the candidate. To be sure, Obama's first was a huge fluke far outside the norm and trumped up by the fact that he was the first black man. But looking at the picture above, it is easy to see that Trump's impression was legitimate. But right or wrong, the Left can't seem to let the matter go.
Well seems only you care. You like to sweat the small stuff.

No one else gives a shit.

Obama and the Dim lied their arse off about health care and rammed it down our throats, now that is something to get upset over.

Instead, this is all the Dims have on Trump

I watched Trump's rally in Montana. He's still out there taking victory laps for the past election, bragging about crowd sizes and how he beat a bunch of Republican governors and Senators for President. Just gloating his ass off over a campaign that ended two years ago! :lol:

He spent the entire rally doing that, when he wasn't whining about the people he personally hired and "fake news".

His staff removed two people (guy and girl) standing behind him for not showing enough awe for the Naked Emperor. Very North Korean type behavior. If you don't worship Dear Leader with tears running down your face from ecstatic joy, then you will be purged.

One of the other worshipers behind Trump gave the guy a hard time for not wearing the MAGA hat they were all given.

How many f’n times has he been Montana?!?

His ego is so frail that he won’t visit a place he dindnt win in a landslide .
You only speak for yourself. Why you continue to support Trump is a question seeking an answer. Please tell us what you find Presidential about him.

I support Trump because he's worth supporting.

He's doing his best to keep his campaign promises.

UE is the lowest its been since 1969.

People have more money in their pay checks.

The economy is booming.

And people like the direction the country is going in for the first time in quite some time.

Businesses are opening where I live and hiring signs are everywhere.

If you don't find that enough to support Trump then you are blind.

That was already happening . People act like we were in a decline until Don showed up .

By the way. The unemployment numbers were “fake” when Trump was runnin , now they are real!!! Y’all just forget that .

How many years need to pass before "y'all" stop saying "good things are happening because of Obama's policies"...?

More than two!!!

True or false , the economy was on the upswing before trump showed up.

So where were all the businessmen saying they were optimistic about the future when barry was in office?

'The engine of the economy roared back to life': US small-business confidence hit a record high in 2017

Those business men who didn't kill themselves when they lost millions in Oct. 2008? I don't know, but I have a high degree of certainty that they were very unhappy when they learned they would never retire at the time they had planned. One of my best friends owned a window company and needed to stay on for five more years than he and his wife had planned.

Even then they needed to sell their home and buy a condo in Mexico.
So, is the OP contending someone got a FOIA request for a potentially Photoshopped photo?

You people are positively mental.

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