Folks, We Need To Talk


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
We are called the United States because we are joined as one like a big family of brothers and sisters. Now granted that is a good thing but I am here to tell you we have a retard in the family. But guys one of our "brothers" seems to have more morons per square mile than anybody else.

We really need to talk to them about this because it lowers the entire gene pool. While we need to remember they ARE family we simply have to act. This "brother" HAS become a danger to himself and others. Well see it ALL started like this.

"A California man is in the midst of a lengthy legal battle following a driving under the influence charge that was issued almost 18 months ago for operating a car while under the influence of caffeine, reports said. I'm sorry, did we miss something? When did it become illegal to drive after consuming some espresso?"

Okay now be HONEST! How many guessed which brother? Yeah, that one! How many times have we TRIED to talk to this "brother"? Honest to God folks I lost track of the number of times when I could start talking decades here. " A ticket for driving in California for driving under the influence of Caffeine.
A Man in California Is Fighting a Caffeine DUI, and the State Won't Back Down

Now dammit guys I KNOW its family dut DAMN, we NEED to talk. Well those who live around them such as myself well, people are talking about the weirdo in the room.

"Caffeine may be the “nootropic” brain drug of choice in Silicon Valley, but an hour’s drive north in Solano County, California, the stimulant could get you charged with driving under the influence.

That is according to defense attorney Stacey Barrett, speaking on behalf of her client, Joseph Schwab."

Either the doctor gets their meds right or we need to look at putting them in a home. Simple fact is we can put them in the home now or wait a bit and put them in a mental hospital a little later but we damn sure need to do an intervention before they wind up in prison.

"Shcwab was driving home from work when he was pulled over by an agent from the California department of alcoholic beverage control, who was driving an unmarked vehicle. The agent said Schwab had cut her off and was driving erratically.

The 36-year-old union glazier was given a breathalyzer test which showed a 0.00% blood alcohol level, his attorney said. He was booked into county jail and had his blood drawn, but the resulting toxicology report came back negative for benzodiazepines, cocaine, opiates, THC, carisoprodol (a muscle relaxant), methamphetamine/MDMA, oxycodone, and zolpidem."

"The sample was screened a second time by a laboratory in Pennsylvania, according to documents provided to the Guardian, where the sole positive result was for caffeine – a substance likely coursing through the veins of many drivers on the road at any given time."

I think the argument over the gene pool is over okay? WE need to sterilize California. We have ILLEGALS smarter then this okay?

"“There are no studies that demonstrate that driving is impaired by caffeine, and they don’t do the studies, because no one cares about caffeine,” he said."

Tell me something, when somebody in the family f#cks up that bad don't you think we ought to talk? They have whined and had their way enough. Stupid makes way for dangerous. And when you are talking about MY right and COFFEE you have crossed the line from stupid to crazy.
California man fights DUI charge for driving under influence of caffeine



Well shit... I wanted to go visit the red woods again, but I guess I'm not going to CA; I drink Mtn. Dew like water hahaha
Sharon Henry, chief deputy district attorney for Solano County, said in a statement that her office was “conducting further investigation in this matter”.

“The charge of driving under the influence is not based upon the presence of caffeine in his system,” she added.

"never seen a prosecution for driving under the influence of caffeine"

and never will because no case is being brought on this charge.

"never seen a prosecution for driving under the influence of caffeine"

and never will because no case is being brought on this charge.

You can tell FAKE NEWS all you want but you need to grow up and face the fact we HAVE a retard in the family and it's name is California.

No. we don't have a retard, but it's only fair to let you know you were adopted.
We are called the United States because we are joined as one like a big family of brothers and sisters. Now granted that is a good thing but I am here to tell you we have a retard in the family. But guys one of our "brothers" seems to have more morons per square mile than anybody else.

We really need to talk to them about this because it lowers the entire gene pool. While we need to remember they ARE family we simply have to act. This "brother" HAS become a danger to himself and others. Well see it ALL started like this.

"A California man is in the midst of a lengthy legal battle following a driving under the influence charge that was issued almost 18 months ago for operating a car while under the influence of caffeine, reports said. I'm sorry, did we miss something? When did it become illegal to drive after consuming some espresso?"

Okay now be HONEST! How many guessed which brother? Yeah, that one! How many times have we TRIED to talk to this "brother"? Honest to God folks I lost track of the number of times when I could start talking decades here. " A ticket for driving in California for driving under the influence of Caffeine.
A Man in California Is Fighting a Caffeine DUI, and the State Won't Back Down

Now dammit guys I KNOW its family dut DAMN, we NEED to talk. Well those who live around them such as myself well, people are talking about the weirdo in the room.

"Caffeine may be the “nootropic” brain drug of choice in Silicon Valley, but an hour’s drive north in Solano County, California, the stimulant could get you charged with driving under the influence.

That is according to defense attorney Stacey Barrett, speaking on behalf of her client, Joseph Schwab."

Either the doctor gets their meds right or we need to look at putting them in a home. Simple fact is we can put them in the home now or wait a bit and put them in a mental hospital a little later but we damn sure need to do an intervention before they wind up in prison.

"Shcwab was driving home from work when he was pulled over by an agent from the California department of alcoholic beverage control, who was driving an unmarked vehicle. The agent said Schwab had cut her off and was driving erratically.

The 36-year-old union glazier was given a breathalyzer test which showed a 0.00% blood alcohol level, his attorney said. He was booked into county jail and had his blood drawn, but the resulting toxicology report came back negative for benzodiazepines, cocaine, opiates, THC, carisoprodol (a muscle relaxant), methamphetamine/MDMA, oxycodone, and zolpidem."

"The sample was screened a second time by a laboratory in Pennsylvania, according to documents provided to the Guardian, where the sole positive result was for caffeine – a substance likely coursing through the veins of many drivers on the road at any given time."

I think the argument over the gene pool is over okay? WE need to sterilize California. We have ILLEGALS smarter then this okay?

"“There are no studies that demonstrate that driving is impaired by caffeine, and they don’t do the studies, because no one cares about caffeine,” he said."

Tell me something, when somebody in the family f#cks up that bad don't you think we ought to talk? They have whined and had their way enough. Stupid makes way for dangerous. And when you are talking about MY right and COFFEE you have crossed the line from stupid to crazy.
California man fights DUI charge for driving under influence of caffeine



The dumbbrudder is talking secession, sooooo I'm thinking they've been living in mom's basement long enough and it's time whey went out on their own.
We are called the United States because we are joined as one like a big family of brothers and sisters. Now granted that is a good thing but I am here to tell you we have a retard in the family. But guys one of our "brothers" seems to have more morons per square mile than anybody else.

We really need to talk to them about this because it lowers the entire gene pool. While we need to remember they ARE family we simply have to act. This "brother" HAS become a danger to himself and others. Well see it ALL started like this.

"A California man is in the midst of a lengthy legal battle following a driving under the influence charge that was issued almost 18 months ago for operating a car while under the influence of caffeine, reports said. I'm sorry, did we miss something? When did it become illegal to drive after consuming some espresso?"

Okay now be HONEST! How many guessed which brother? Yeah, that one! How many times have we TRIED to talk to this "brother"? Honest to God folks I lost track of the number of times when I could start talking decades here. " A ticket for driving in California for driving under the influence of Caffeine.
A Man in California Is Fighting a Caffeine DUI, and the State Won't Back Down

Now dammit guys I KNOW its family dut DAMN, we NEED to talk. Well those who live around them such as myself well, people are talking about the weirdo in the room.

"Caffeine may be the “nootropic” brain drug of choice in Silicon Valley, but an hour’s drive north in Solano County, California, the stimulant could get you charged with driving under the influence.

That is according to defense attorney Stacey Barrett, speaking on behalf of her client, Joseph Schwab."

Either the doctor gets their meds right or we need to look at putting them in a home. Simple fact is we can put them in the home now or wait a bit and put them in a mental hospital a little later but we damn sure need to do an intervention before they wind up in prison.

"Shcwab was driving home from work when he was pulled over by an agent from the California department of alcoholic beverage control, who was driving an unmarked vehicle. The agent said Schwab had cut her off and was driving erratically.

The 36-year-old union glazier was given a breathalyzer test which showed a 0.00% blood alcohol level, his attorney said. He was booked into county jail and had his blood drawn, but the resulting toxicology report came back negative for benzodiazepines, cocaine, opiates, THC, carisoprodol (a muscle relaxant), methamphetamine/MDMA, oxycodone, and zolpidem."

"The sample was screened a second time by a laboratory in Pennsylvania, according to documents provided to the Guardian, where the sole positive result was for caffeine – a substance likely coursing through the veins of many drivers on the road at any given time."

I think the argument over the gene pool is over okay? WE need to sterilize California. We have ILLEGALS smarter then this okay?

"“There are no studies that demonstrate that driving is impaired by caffeine, and they don’t do the studies, because no one cares about caffeine,” he said."

Tell me something, when somebody in the family f#cks up that bad don't you think we ought to talk? They have whined and had their way enough. Stupid makes way for dangerous. And when you are talking about MY right and COFFEE you have crossed the line from stupid to crazy.
California man fights DUI charge for driving under influence of caffeine



Dear DarkFury
Maybe it's time we wrote out a 99 point thesis and Nailed it to the door of the Democrat Church. Like denouncing the King for violating basic Constitutional principles and plain Common Sense!

* for demanding that high sugar drinks be regulated, but pot be legalized (with no warnings or research required, while tobacco products require warning labels and companies were sued for misrepresenting dangers).

* for demanding "freedom of choice" when it comes to reproductive freedom, but handing All control of health care to federal government to regulate, mandate and penalize choices of how to pay for health care.

* for demanding exclusion and removal of references to God, crosses, prayer, etc. from secular public institutions.; while demanding inclusion of LGBT beliefs as promoting "tolerance" and "diversty" (which wasn't applied to Christian beliefs that are just as faith based).
We are called the United States because we are joined as one like a big family of brothers and sisters. Now granted that is a good thing but I am here to tell you we have a retard in the family. But guys one of our "brothers" seems to have more morons per square mile than anybody else.

We really need to talk to them about this because it lowers the entire gene pool. While we need to remember they ARE family we simply have to act. This "brother" HAS become a danger to himself and others. Well see it ALL started like this.

"A California man is in the midst of a lengthy legal battle following a driving under the influence charge that was issued almost 18 months ago for operating a car while under the influence of caffeine, reports said. I'm sorry, did we miss something? When did it become illegal to drive after consuming some espresso?"

Okay now be HONEST! How many guessed which brother? Yeah, that one! How many times have we TRIED to talk to this "brother"? Honest to God folks I lost track of the number of times when I could start talking decades here. " A ticket for driving in California for driving under the influence of Caffeine.
A Man in California Is Fighting a Caffeine DUI, and the State Won't Back Down

Now dammit guys I KNOW its family dut DAMN, we NEED to talk. Well those who live around them such as myself well, people are talking about the weirdo in the room.

"Caffeine may be the “nootropic” brain drug of choice in Silicon Valley, but an hour’s drive north in Solano County, California, the stimulant could get you charged with driving under the influence.

That is according to defense attorney Stacey Barrett, speaking on behalf of her client, Joseph Schwab."

Either the doctor gets their meds right or we need to look at putting them in a home. Simple fact is we can put them in the home now or wait a bit and put them in a mental hospital a little later but we damn sure need to do an intervention before they wind up in prison.

"Shcwab was driving home from work when he was pulled over by an agent from the California department of alcoholic beverage control, who was driving an unmarked vehicle. The agent said Schwab had cut her off and was driving erratically.

The 36-year-old union glazier was given a breathalyzer test which showed a 0.00% blood alcohol level, his attorney said. He was booked into county jail and had his blood drawn, but the resulting toxicology report came back negative for benzodiazepines, cocaine, opiates, THC, carisoprodol (a muscle relaxant), methamphetamine/MDMA, oxycodone, and zolpidem."

"The sample was screened a second time by a laboratory in Pennsylvania, according to documents provided to the Guardian, where the sole positive result was for caffeine – a substance likely coursing through the veins of many drivers on the road at any given time."

I think the argument over the gene pool is over okay? WE need to sterilize California. We have ILLEGALS smarter then this okay?

"“There are no studies that demonstrate that driving is impaired by caffeine, and they don’t do the studies, because no one cares about caffeine,” he said."

Tell me something, when somebody in the family f#cks up that bad don't you think we ought to talk? They have whined and had their way enough. Stupid makes way for dangerous. And when you are talking about MY right and COFFEE you have crossed the line from stupid to crazy.
California man fights DUI charge for driving under influence of caffeine




Fake news, fuckwit.

FACT CHECK: Man Charged With DUI for Driving Under the Influence of Caffeine?

Please refrain from posting articles. You are too fucking stupid to determine the false ones from actual, real news.

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