Folks Who Think President Trump is Part of the NWO

There are some here who think despite the fact American occupied academia, Hollywood, fake news MSM, democrats, fake intelligence agencies, etc. and many republicans attack President Trump is part of a grand conspiracy, let me break it to you gently, you are insane. :cuckoo: Posting a pic of The Donald with Crooked Hillary way back when as proof is like me posting a pic of myself an an ex hugging, meanwhile she hates me now and is married to some fat dude.

If there is such a thing as the NWO/Illuminati then Trump is surely a part of it.

The Trump family has been connected to it since Trump’s grandpa’s dealings with JD Rockefeller in the late 1800s.

It was the fellow NWO members that kept bailing Trump out when during his bankruptcies.

Trump is weakening America on the international scene, isolating the US from even its strongest allies.

If you believe in such things as the NWO then you can’t deny Trump is a part of it

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Yet it appears the NWO (aka Ruling Class) doesn't want Trump. He may want to be part of the club, but maybe they are denying his application.

This is much like the Ruling Class's favored political party, the D Party. In that the R Party while not the favored party, is desperately trying to unseat the D Party as the favored party of the Ruling Class.

He was born into the club.

What better way to get those opposed to the NWO to go along with policies that weaken the US and thus strengthening globalism than to make him look like the enemy of the NWO

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Which really? That's fine.

He can be that catalyst that destroys the current corrupt government in D.C. But if they think America is going to then beg the globalists to solve our problems by replacing our broken system with an all encompassing global world order?

I think what most would prefer for their respective state governments to just take over. . . .

We have already seen, more government leads to more corruption and more wealth concentration. No thanks.
There are some here who think despite the fact American occupied academia, Hollywood, fake news MSM, democrats, fake intelligence agencies, etc. and many republicans attack President Trump is part of a grand conspiracy, let me break it to you gently, you are insane. :cuckoo: Posting a pic of The Donald with Crooked Hillary way back when as proof is like me posting a pic of myself an an ex hugging, meanwhile she hates me now and is married to some fat dude.

If there is such a thing as the NWO/Illuminati then Trump is surely a part of it.

The Trump family has been connected to it since Trump’s grandpa’s dealings with JD Rockefeller in the late 1800s.

It was the fellow NWO members that kept bailing Trump out when during his bankruptcies.

Trump is weakening America on the international scene, isolating the US from even its strongest allies.

If you believe in such things as the NWO then you can’t deny Trump is a part of it

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Yet it appears the NWO (aka Ruling Class) doesn't want Trump. He may want to be part of the club, but maybe they are denying his application.

This is much like the Ruling Class's favored political party, the D Party. In that the R Party while not the favored party, is desperately trying to unseat the D Party as the favored party of the Ruling Class.

He was born into the club.

What better way to get those opposed to the NWO to go along with policies that weaken the US and thus strengthening globalism than to make him look like the enemy of the NWO

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Which really? That's fine.

He can be that catalyst that destroys the current corrupt government in D.C. But if they think America is going to then beg the globalists to solve our problems by replacing our broken system with an all encompassing global world order?

I think what most would prefer for their respective state governments to just take over. . . .

We have already seen, more government leads to more corruption and more wealth concentration. No thanks.

Oh, I agree totally...but a cult of personality like Trump can get people to agree to all sorts of things.

The largest impediment to globalism is large, strong nations influencing world affairs.

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Trump would love to be considered part of the New World Order, if that was a real thing. His greatest shame is knowing he will never measure up to real elites, even the made up ones.

That's just bull shit.

Trump is an American Nationalist not some NWO freak.
There are some here who think despite the fact American occupied academia, Hollywood, fake news MSM, democrats, fake intelligence agencies, etc. and many republicans attack President Trump is part of a grand conspiracy, let me break it to you gently, you are insane. :cuckoo: Posting a pic of The Donald with Crooked Hillary way back when as proof is like me posting a pic of myself an an ex hugging, meanwhile she hates me now and is married to some fat dude.

If there is such a thing as the NWO/Illuminati then Trump is surely a part of it.

The Trump family has been connected to it since Trump’s grandpa’s dealings with JD Rockefeller in the late 1800s.

It was the fellow NWO members that kept bailing Trump out when during his bankruptcies.

Trump is weakening America on the international scene, isolating the US from even its strongest allies.

If you believe in such things as the NWO then you can’t deny Trump is a part of it

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Yet it appears the NWO (aka Ruling Class) doesn't want Trump. He may want to be part of the club, but maybe they are denying his application.

This is much like the Ruling Class's favored political party, the D Party. In that the R Party while not the favored party, is desperately trying to unseat the D Party as the favored party of the Ruling Class.

He was born into the club.

What better way to get those opposed to the NWO to go along with policies that weaken the US and thus strengthening globalism than to make him look like the enemy of the NWO

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Which really? That's fine.

He can be that catalyst that destroys the current corrupt government in D.C. But if they think America is going to then beg the globalists to solve our problems by replacing our broken system with an all encompassing global world order?

I think what most would prefer for their respective state governments to just take over. . . .

We have already seen, more government leads to more corruption and more wealth concentration. No thanks.

Oh, I agree totally...but a cult of personality like Trump can get people to agree to all sorts of things.

The largest impediment to globalism is large, strong nations influencing world affairs.

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If California were a nation, by itself, it would have the 5th largest GDP on the planet. Part of the problem we have, kicking around the world, is we are too big. Most of the world fears too much power. It is being abused by the corrupt for nefarious purposes.

This brilliant map renames each US state with a country generating the same GDP

If there is such a thing as the NWO/Illuminati then Trump is surely a part of it.

The Trump family has been connected to it since Trump’s grandpa’s dealings with JD Rockefeller in the late 1800s.

It was the fellow NWO members that kept bailing Trump out when during his bankruptcies.

Trump is weakening America on the international scene, isolating the US from even its strongest allies.

If you believe in such things as the NWO then you can’t deny Trump is a part of it

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Yet it appears the NWO (aka Ruling Class) doesn't want Trump. He may want to be part of the club, but maybe they are denying his application.

This is much like the Ruling Class's favored political party, the D Party. In that the R Party while not the favored party, is desperately trying to unseat the D Party as the favored party of the Ruling Class.

He was born into the club.

What better way to get those opposed to the NWO to go along with policies that weaken the US and thus strengthening globalism than to make him look like the enemy of the NWO

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Which really? That's fine.

He can be that catalyst that destroys the current corrupt government in D.C. But if they think America is going to then beg the globalists to solve our problems by replacing our broken system with an all encompassing global world order?

I think what most would prefer for their respective state governments to just take over. . . .

We have already seen, more government leads to more corruption and more wealth concentration. No thanks.

Oh, I agree totally...but a cult of personality like Trump can get people to agree to all sorts of things.

The largest impediment to globalism is large, strong nations influencing world affairs.

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If California were a nation, by itself, it would have the 5th largest GDP on the planet. Part of the problem we have, kicking around the world, is we are too big. Most of the world fears too much power. It is being abused by the corrupt for nefarious purposes.

This brilliant map renames each US state with a country generating the same GDP

It would be great if a peaceful secession movement could get momentum, leading to the breakup of the USA. I suspect the statists are too powerful and more than willing to mass murder millions of Americans, to keep their power. Ala Dishonest Abe.
There are some here who think despite the fact American occupied academia, Hollywood, fake news MSM, democrats, fake intelligence agencies, etc. and many republicans attack President Trump is part of a grand conspiracy, let me break it to you gently, you are insane. :cuckoo: Posting a pic of The Donald with Crooked Hillary way back when as proof is like me posting a pic of myself with an ex hugging, meanwhile she hates me now and is married to some fat dude.

The President is not, and has never been, a member of the NWO. The members were Nash, Razor Ramon and Hogan, and Trump was not part of cabal at any time.

Yet it appears the NWO (aka Ruling Class) doesn't want Trump. He may want to be part of the club, but maybe they are denying his application.

This is much like the Ruling Class's favored political party, the D Party. In that the R Party while not the favored party, is desperately trying to unseat the D Party as the favored party of the Ruling Class.

He was born into the club.

What better way to get those opposed to the NWO to go along with policies that weaken the US and thus strengthening globalism than to make him look like the enemy of the NWO

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Which really? That's fine.

He can be that catalyst that destroys the current corrupt government in D.C. But if they think America is going to then beg the globalists to solve our problems by replacing our broken system with an all encompassing global world order?

I think what most would prefer for their respective state governments to just take over. . . .

We have already seen, more government leads to more corruption and more wealth concentration. No thanks.

Oh, I agree totally...but a cult of personality like Trump can get people to agree to all sorts of things.

The largest impediment to globalism is large, strong nations influencing world affairs.

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If California were a nation, by itself, it would have the 5th largest GDP on the planet. Part of the problem we have, kicking around the world, is we are too big. Most of the world fears too much power. It is being abused by the corrupt for nefarious purposes.

This brilliant map renames each US state with a country generating the same GDP

It would be great if a peaceful secession movement could get momentum, leading to the breakup of the USA. I suspect the statists are too powerful and more than willing to mass murder millions of Americans, to keep their power. Ala Dishonest Abe.

I would not support secession under any circumstances.

I would readily support removing the Democrats and their minions from all political seats.
gipper, there is no doubt the "ruling class" thought they could dispose of President Trump the day he was elected. The problem is, they are so corrupt, they got their wires crossed and ultimately were exposed by President Trump as the enemies of the USA (to intelligent, taxpaying American citizens).

MisterBeale, prove what? Reality?
Trump signed off on two big corp Justices and two taxcuts benefitting the folks who own most of the corp stock. He's their boy. And they won't lack for cheap farm labor.

Nobody like Jina.

there is no new world order outside of letting Putin be Putin.
He was born into the club.

What better way to get those opposed to the NWO to go along with policies that weaken the US and thus strengthening globalism than to make him look like the enemy of the NWO

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Which really? That's fine.

He can be that catalyst that destroys the current corrupt government in D.C. But if they think America is going to then beg the globalists to solve our problems by replacing our broken system with an all encompassing global world order?

I think what most would prefer for their respective state governments to just take over. . . .

We have already seen, more government leads to more corruption and more wealth concentration. No thanks.

Oh, I agree totally...but a cult of personality like Trump can get people to agree to all sorts of things.

The largest impediment to globalism is large, strong nations influencing world affairs.

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If California were a nation, by itself, it would have the 5th largest GDP on the planet. Part of the problem we have, kicking around the world, is we are too big. Most of the world fears too much power. It is being abused by the corrupt for nefarious purposes.

This brilliant map renames each US state with a country generating the same GDP

It would be great if a peaceful secession movement could get momentum, leading to the breakup of the USA. I suspect the statists are too powerful and more than willing to mass murder millions of Americans, to keep their power. Ala Dishonest Abe.

I would not support secession under any circumstances.

I would readily support removing the Democrats and their minions from all political seats.
Liberals say the same about Rs. Sadly I fear you both would work together to mass murder any secession movement. Unknowingly both sides support the corrupt criminal status quo, which is why the Ruling Class supports both sides.
the restrains on people's ability to be candid is very frustrating. LET ALL THESE FOLKS SAY WHAT THEY BELIEVE. LET'S HAVE AN OPEN DEBATE!
gipper, there is no doubt the "ruling class" thought they could dispose of President Trump the day he was elected. The problem is, they are so corrupt, they got their wires crossed and ultimately were exposed by President Trump as the enemies of the USA (to intelligent, taxpaying American citizens).

MisterBeale, prove what? Reality?
Trump signed off on two big corp Justices and two taxcuts benefitting the folks who own most of the corp stock. He's their boy. And they won't lack for cheap farm labor.

Nobody like Jina.

there is no new world order outside of letting Putin be Putin.
Yet they hate him and are constantly condemning him through your owned media outlets. They want him removed. Yet you claim he is doing their bidding. If so, then who is deceiving the American people? Trump or the Ruling Class?...or both?
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gipper, there is no doubt the "ruling class" thought they could dispose of President Trump the day he was elected. The problem is, they are so corrupt, they got their wires crossed and ultimately were exposed by President Trump as the enemies of the USA (to intelligent, taxpaying American citizens).

MisterBeale, prove what? Reality?

No, prove that he isn't what Richard Haas and the Federal Reserve ultimately want him to be, a man that will drive a nail into the heartland and destroy the nation, giving the NWO an excuse to call out martial law, crash the dollar, impose a new financial world order, etc. From what I am seeing, things are right on course.

How do you know they haven't purposely put a bull into the China shop?


Do we have the nation more united and working together, or more discord and strife? Do we have more peace in the world, or more deployments and war? More or less drone strikes? More corruption or less?

It's all bullshit when you look at any objective metric.

Snouter as always gets his ass kicked by misterbeal. further proof that backs up misterbeal is the facts that he is an Israel ass kisser. He cut off aide to palestine but wont do the same to warmonger Israel.How much more proof do the Tramp supporters need that Tramp is just as fake as Obama is,that is just an actor playing the role that every american wants him to be.someone there to fight the deep state when he disporoves that by constantly promoting warmongers to his cabinet.
gipper, there is no doubt the "ruling class" thought they could dispose of President Trump the day he was elected. The problem is, they are so corrupt, they got their wires crossed and ultimately were exposed by President Trump as the enemies of the USA (to intelligent, taxpaying American citizens).

MisterBeale, prove what? Reality?
Trump signed off on two big corp Justices and two taxcuts benefitting the folks who own most of the corp stock. He's their boy. And they won't lack for cheap farm labor.

Nobody like Jina.

there is no new world order outside of letting Putin be Putin.
Yet they hate him and are constantly condemning him through your owned media outlets. They want him removed. Yet you claim he is doing their bidding. If so, then who is deceiving the American people? Trump or the Ruling Class?...or both?

Its all just a scripted act gipper Trump is just an actor playing a role.He has proven that with his constant ass kissing of Israel. the answer to your question is BOTH are deceiving the american people. I REALLY wish the OP was correct but the evidence proves otherwise.
There are some here who think despite the fact American occupied academia, Hollywood, fake news MSM, democrats, fake intelligence agencies, etc. and many republicans attack President Trump is part of a grand conspiracy, let me break it to you gently, you are insane. :cuckoo: Posting a pic of The Donald with Crooked Hillary way back when as proof is like me posting a pic of myself with an ex hugging, meanwhile she hates me now and is married to some fat dude.

It is clear to me the Ruling Class hates Trump and intends to do everything in their power to remove him.

Amazingly many Americans are supporting this effort, unaware they are being sent to the slaughter.
It was really interesting for me to see Lindsey Graham go from being part of the anti-Trump GOP coalition to a staunch supporter. Did he have an ipiphany like "Holy shit, this guy really IS America's last hope!" I stood up and cheered when he went Rocky Balboa on the Democrats during the Kavanaugh inquisition. That was pure poetry.

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