"Follow the Science" and "Trust the Science"

Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from inhalation of virus in the air farther than six feet from an infectious source can occur​

With increasing distance from the source, the role of inhalation likewise increases. Although infections through inhalation at distances greater than six feet from an infectious source are less likely than at closer distances, the phenomenon has been repeatedly documented under certain preventable circumstances.10-21 These transmission events have involved the presence of an infectious person exhaling virus indoors for an extended time (more than 15 minutes and in some cases hours) leading to virus concentrations in the air space sufficient to transmit infections to people more than 6 feet away, and in some cases to people who have passed through that space soon after the infectious person left. Per published reports, factors that increase the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection under these circumstances include:

  • Enclosed spaces with inadequate ventilation or air handling within which the concentration of exhaled respiratory fluids, especially very fine droplets and aerosol particles, can build-up in the air space.
  • Increased exhalation of respiratory fluids if the infectious person is engaged in physical exertion or raises their voice (e.g., exercising, shouting, singing).
  • Prolonged exposure to these conditions, typically more than 15 minutes.

Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from inhalation of virus in the air farther than six feet from an infectious source can occur​

With increasing distance from the source, the role of inhalation likewise increases. Although infections through inhalation at distances greater than six feet from an infectious source are less likely than at closer distances, the phenomenon has been repeatedly documented under certain preventable circumstances.10-21 These transmission events have involved the presence of an infectious person exhaling virus indoors for an extended time (more than 15 minutes and in some cases hours) leading to virus concentrations in the air space sufficient to transmit infections to people more than 6 feet away, and in some cases to people who have passed through that space soon after the infectious person left. Per published reports, factors that increase the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection under these circumstances include:

  • Enclosed spaces with inadequate ventilation or air handling within which the concentration of exhaled respiratory fluids, especially very fine droplets and aerosol particles, can build-up in the air space.
  • Increased exhalation of respiratory fluids if the infectious person is engaged in physical exertion or raises their voice (e.g., exercising, shouting, singing).
  • Prolonged exposure to these conditions, typically more than 15 minutes.

What are you trying to prove here? They are talking about inhaling aerosols. Yes. Airborne. We knew this.
Explain this in light of the "one way" grocery aisles.

Or holes in masks for instruments.

I haven't seen one way grocery aisles in almost a year. I would guess it's to keep everyone moving in the same direction so you don't have to pass close by someone going the other way and breathe in their space.

Holes in masks for instruments is just plain funny. :)
What are you trying to prove here? They are talking about inhaling aerosols. Yes. Airborne. We knew this.
You have to remain in an enclosed space for a prolonged period of time. A truly airborne virus would float around the shopping mall until it lands on something or is inhaled. A virus that is on a small droplet is still an aerosol, it just takes a little longer to fall out. It is theoreically possible to contract covid 20 minutes after the infected person left the room, but conditions would have to be perfect. Airborne droplets are not fueling the epidemic.
Free vaccines were offered to all.
30 percent refused to take a vaccine that would have saved their lives.

The overwhelming number of COVID deaths occurred in that 30 percent
It is not trusting what is in those vaccinees. Progs are one way in their views. And they get their marching orders everyday as all of the shills on TV spew the same thing.
Free vaccines were offered to all.
30 percent refused to take a vaccine that would have saved their lives.

The overwhelming number of COVID deaths occurred in that 30 percent
Lol Vaccines that you can still get covid and spread it. Changung the definition of vaccine doesnt fix that

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