FoNews 10:10 PM: "President Obama has easier road now to victory; Romney harder road"


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
10:10 PM. FoxNews analyzing. They have all but said Obama is gonna win it. They say Romney still has a way....but its unlikely.

Obama is looking like he will win it.

The GOP blew it. They got too radical. To creepy. To irrational. They began betraying lots of former supporters: Conservative teachers, cops, firemen.......who sided with the GOP forever...but lost their support in the last year.

Not over yet. But we'll see.
Wow. 1041 PM. Fox sounds like their dog just got hit by a car. Gloomy.
The GOP blew it. They got too radical. To creepy. To irrational. They began betraying lots of former supporters: Conservative teachers, cops, firemen.......who sided with the GOP forever...but lost their support in the last year.
Honestly, I never saw any difference between the two.

It was an election between a Douche and a Turd Sandwich.
The GOP blew it. They got too radical. To creepy. To irrational. They began betraying lots of former supporters: Conservative teachers, cops, firemen.......who sided with the GOP forever...but lost their support in the last year.
Honestly, I never saw any difference between the two.

It was an election between a Douche and a Turd Sandwich.


You deserve 10 rep points for the South Park reference!!!!
The extremist pressed to hard as a result moderates said no.

Yep. Somewhere in early 2011, the locally elected TP politicians started fucking with teachers, cops, firemen, and that attitude went viral. Then saying God intended for rape. Added with all the other extreme saying FEMA should be cut, and in theory, that the Federal Govt shouldnt have the authority to assist with local wildfires.....

Just too far too quick. Thats why they didnt' get my vote (no one did, I sat it out). And quite a few friends of mine from my past law enforcement job sat it out, as they were digusted with both sides just like me.
Wow. 1041 PM. Fox sounds like their dog just got hit by a car. Gloomy.

With a split Congress, the Republicans can't get anything done anyways.

And neither can Obama if he wins.

Obama is going to kick ass....Donkey ass this term.

If the govt is gridlocked, and cant do shit, the conservatives should be happy. No govt action should mean success, right? Since govt can't produce success, then govt inaction should, in theory, clear the way for success. Yay gridlock!

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