Food for thought questions...


Jul 6, 2011
Dear Friends,
I read a lot, especially archaeology and history books, often compare current events with those of past ages, and try to figure out how our ancestors would have handled a problem or problems that we have today. They survived their age so that we can be here today. History repeats itself and if we don't learn from the past, our future will be in doubt.

When General Patton of World War II fame learned that he was going to Sicily, he read all the ancient authors who wrote about the military history of the island. He found numerous similarities - the same battlefields, time of day and year, the same or similar troop positions and followed the actions of the ancient victorious generals. He never lost a battle.

In medieval times, England and Europe had numerous "Peasant Revolts". Germany had over 60 revolts between 1336 and 1525. And the great "Peasant Revolt of 1381" led by Wat Tyler and John Ball in England makes very interesting reading. Some of these revolts were absolutely horrific, beyond comprehension and belief. For example, one nobleman was put on a spit and slowly roasted alive so that he could watch the rape of his wife and the torture of his family, relatives and friends. When he was considered "done", his wife and family were forced to eat his flesh before they were put to death. The anger, frustration and hatred of the peasants was out of control. Were their actions justified? They thought so.
A few centuries later, French royalty and nobility suffered a similar fate, but they were simply, if not humanely, beheaded. And a little more than a century after that, the Russian court and its nobility suffered a similar fate. Look at the Middle East, today...

Historians all agree there were 5 main causes for these revolts: (1) the hugh gap between the rich and the poor, (2)declining income, (3) rising inflation and taxes, (4) famine, plague and war, and (5) religious discontent. Do these causes sound familiar? Are WE heading for a revolt in OUR country?

Thanks, Russ
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No on #4 and #5.. When you focus only on the wealth gap, there will be no solutions -- only excuses.

My greater concern at the moment is EDUCATION gap and Performance Gap and Innovation Gap which are now Global parameters. Our slide as a country is more because we not prepared to do the hard stuff. And maintaining our standards of living by insisting that make the tee shirts and toasters rather than the new and innovative stuff simply won't fly..

If you're HOPING for an uprising, you'd better realize that most folk don't have an issue with the New York Yankees all being millionaires. And that rhetoric that villifies "the rich" doesn't get a lot of credibility..

Ever notice what the "poor" watch on TV in the US? The f'in Kardashians, Paris Hilton and the rich HouseWives of Orange County.. That's what...

Welcome to board -- I'm not adverse to history. Just a tad sensitive to modern politics... It does look a little like more like Rome than it used to...
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Revolutions do not have to be violent, look at Ghandi...

Around 1910, there was a saying in Russia "Poverty is not a vice." Today, many people believe the middle class is a vice and should be wiped off the face of the earth. The rich and the poor will miss us when we are gone!

Sports! If professional athletes depended on me for their livelyhood, they would all die of starvation.
An individual goes to college, then to medical school and spends close to a million dollars on his/her education. This individual makes a mistake or what is perceived to be a mistake and is sued for millions. Another individual can hit a ball with a stick or kick a ball, and is paid millions of dollars. When he makes an error or fumble, no one sues him for malpractice. Where is the justice there?
Well there's a justification for hating "the rich" in sports. Although, you do get traded to Pittsburg if you mess up too often.. Can you think of a worse punishment? You also got a reason to go to war against Jay Leno?

There ARE a lot of checks and balances on "the rich". I'm more worried about promoting a love of academics and achievement. THAT'S what saves the middle class and elevates "the poor". Especially because any new jobs created will require a smarter type of labor.

I'm also more worried about the fact that almost 50% of working Americans are excused from funding wars and paying for Green ShitSubsidies. Even if they are being defrauded by the govt in their payroll taxes and other "contributions" -- I believe they should have a token interest in paying for programs that they advocate.

A peaceful revolution? Our system GUARANTEES that 49% of folks are constantly pissed off (even if they didnt' vote).. We're so proud of that crappy deal that we are franchising it in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Hating the rich in sports... like the football player Vick? who loved to torture dogs and cats...

Warren Buffett, the multi-billionaire of Berkshire Hathaway fame, admitted his secretary pays more in taxes than he does. He also admitted he would be willing to pay more taxes because that is the moral thing to do, but the government will not tax him.
Hating the rich in sports... like the football player Vick? who loved to torture dogs and cats...

Warren Buffett, the multi-billionaire of Berkshire Hathaway fame, admitted his secretary pays more in taxes than he does. He also admitted he would be willing to pay more taxes because that is the moral thing to do, but the government will not tax him.

There's a difference between hating Michael Vick because he's rich and hating him because he's a scumbag animal abuser.

Warren Buffett is a lying sack, and you should take anything he says about taxes with a grain of salt, since he's actually promoting his own financial success by doing it. Anyone who thinks Buffett is a kindly, altruistic soul only concerned about the little guy is beyond naive.
Hating the rich in sports... like the football player Vick? who loved to torture dogs and cats...

Warren Buffett, the multi-billionaire of Berkshire Hathaway fame, admitted his secretary pays more in taxes than he does. He also admitted he would be willing to pay more taxes because that is the moral thing to do, but the government will not tax him.

By the way, dumbass, Warren Buffett never said his secretary pays "more in taxes" than he does. He said that she pays a higher TAX RATE than he does. What he doesn't tell you is that she pays income taxes on her salary, and HE pays capital gains taxes on his dividends. Capital gains has a lower percentage rate than income tax does, partially because people like Warren Buffett and other bajillionaires STILL end up paying a buttload in actual dollars at that rate.
Actually Russell:

Warren Buffett, the multi-billionaire of Berkshire Hathaway fame, admitted his secretary pays more in taxes than he does.

That's NOT what Warren Buffet said.. What he said was ----

Buffett blasts system that lets him pay less tax than secretary - Times Online

Mr Buffett said that he was taxed at 17.7 per cent on the $46 million he made last year, without trying to avoid paying higher taxes, while his secretary, who earned $60,000, was taxed at 30 per cent.

That's $8,142,000 for Warren -- $18,000 for his secretary.. That's 452 TIMES as much as his secretary paid. Since that ratio is what seems to matter to the class warriors.

His secretary IS getting screwed by having to pay 30% and needs a new accountant. Unless old Warren is playing the trick of counting HER state, NYC taxes and excluding his. Or she has big pair of options in Berkshire Hathaway.. I'm not an accountant but something else ain't right with that story..

BTW: Warren gets to 17.7% because it's largely capital gains. And the money that he makes is based on money that has already been taxed. He could EASILY draw a higher salary and fix that -- but he wants to harangue the rest of us about fairly he files his taxes.

Which is a lesson BTW (again) about the singular leftist solution to everything these days.

If Warren Buffett is living LARGELY off of Capital gains --- INCREASING HIS BRACKET -- just ain't gonna do crap now is it?? Pelosi/Reid/Obama are you paying attention???

But if the rich don't INVEST (like in Berkshire Hathaway) --- they just might suffer the consequences.. What a racket...

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