Food for thought:

Thread has been reopened. If it gets fouled again, it's gone.

For those who can't seem to understand the rules: I/P is not for crapping in. It's not anyone's personal playpen. Utilize your real life toilet training and take it to the Flame Zone. It's not rocket science.

"Zone 2": Political Forum / Israel and Palestine Forum / Race Relations/Racism Forum: No trolling. No hit and run flames. No hijacking threads.

i you want to know why i was banned, i would suggest you discuss that with intense.

it is against the rules to discuss bans so i suggest you pursue the discussion through him...or coyote...or connery.

it was stated in a prior post by caturday and affirmed by me that a discussion of individual bans violated the rules.

you may also want to discuss freedom of speech with the admin/mod team. as for myself, i am fully aware that this message board is not subject to the protections of the constitution.

I was banned as well, twice. No biggie.

And it's a public forum, but it has mods, and rules, and sometimes we learn it the hard way.

No freedom is complete.

And I thankfully am not in touch with your constitution. I have my own.

Thank you very much

i don't give a frog's ass about your bans either.

you want to discuss it with me, no problem. just get a mod's ok for a dispensation of the boards rules and i am good to go but until then, shut your clap trap.

do not make absolute statements such as no freedom is complete. sometimes rules are made up as we go along but what the hell does that have to do with your ridiculous statement.

do not disrespect the constitution of the united states and please, enlighten me as to the status of the israeli constitution...or are you channeling the spirit of your argentinian ancestors and referring to the constitution of argentina...pretty good one as far as constituions go. shows what a people can do if they don't spend all day sitting on their chosen asses depending on a dole from the USA.
It's pathetic how Seal tries to give it to Lipush because she happens to live in Israel. Does it matter where someone originally lived, Seal, to make them an Israeli, an American, etc.? Speaking of the Constitution, you never made any remark when it was said by a leader of C.A.I.R. that the Muslims were here in America not to follow the Constitution, but Sharia Law. I know you probably hate Winston Churchill because you hate the English, but he did say that the Arabs came in droves from their poor surrounding countries when the Jews had jobs for them, so I don't think you can consider all these "Palestinian" Arabs indigenous to the area. I am sure in Seattle you have seen groups of different people move in from all over the world. Surely you don't consider them indigenous to the Seattle area. If you feel that Lipush is channeling the spirit of some Argentinean ancestors, then I feel you are always channeling the spirit of some Irish ancestor, not some American ancestor. So, Seal, you sit on your Irish ass and show people how petty you are talking about Lipush's background.

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