Food for thought:

what are they exactly, and how are they like any other country?

The land and state of Israel

Nice to make your appointment:redface:

so, what are you going to do with the 4,000,000 citisens you have been denying the vote...are you going to lock them in death camps, ethnically cleanse them...what?

i am really beginning to undetrstand now why people want you greedy bastards wiped off the face of the earth. you talk peace out of one side of your mouth and leave no alternative but war when you talk out of the other.

Seal once again showing his true anti semitic colors. What a joke you are Sealie boy. Go take a shot of Whisky to calm you down !
what are they exactly, and how are they like any other country?

The land and state of Israel

Nice to make your appointment:redface:

so, what are you going to do with the 4,000,000 citisens you have been denying the vote...are you going to lock them in death camps, ethnically cleanse them...what?

i am really beginning to undetrstand now why people want you greedy bastards wiped off the face of the earth. you talk peace out of one side of your mouth and leave no alternative but war when you talk out of the other.

What a drama-queen, if we would have want them destroyed we could have done it in quicker, cheaper ways.

You always find your propaganda speeches to wave them around, aren't you?

I don't know what the future holds for this conflict. Lucky me, I am not politician, if I had all the answers I would have signed myself up for Prime-Minister job, don't you think?

We talked peace, because we believe it can be achived. now more and more Israelis see it's not the case. You have no peace with ones who believe you have no right to live.

you understand why people want us destroyed, because you're a hater.

What else is new?

Sucks for them. I asked my mother on Shabbat, "Do you think we took the land of Israel from the Arabs?" She said, "What? We're not entitled to our own land? They have 22." She summed it up pretty well.

They have 22, a place they can dwell
I have only one, they want it as well
They say it's ok, they say it is "just"
When they want to bring down Israel to the dust
Not in the country of Jordan,
Or the state of Saud,
But in Bet-El they wish it,
from there- Akko, Lud

On the ruins of Tel Aviv they want now a state,
Secular, liberal, all free, moderate
Secular like "Hamas", Free as Riad
Democratic as a hanging-tree in Baghdad
Safe as Lebanon, flame in blood to relax
Sane as in Lybia- Moderate, like an axe

Now Jihad and a bomb are the symbol of age,
In Paris, in Oslo, standing on every stage
And me, who creates blooming heaven from straw
They call me a thief, they cry out "Withdraw!"
They send me to fire, line me to stand
to watch as my home turns now back into sand....

you just posted a map where you claim the west bank and gaza belong to israel and then you post this boolshite.

why don't you tell me exactly what the plan is and get off your friggin' pity pot. jaysus.
The land and state of Israel

Nice to make your appointment:redface:

so, what are you going to do with the 4,000,000 citisens you have been denying the vote...are you going to lock them in death camps, ethnically cleanse them...what?

i am really beginning to undetrstand now why people want you greedy bastards wiped off the face of the earth. you talk peace out of one side of your mouth and leave no alternative but war when you talk out of the other.

What a drama-queen, if we would have want them destroyed we could have done it in quicker, cheaper ways.

You always find your propaganda speeches to wave them around, aren't you?

I don't know what the future holds for this conflict. Lucky me, I am not politician, if I had all the answers I would have signed myself up for Prime-Minister job, don't you think?

We talked peace, because we believe it can be achived. now more and more Israelis see it's not the case. You have no peace with ones who believe you have no right to live.

you understand why people want us destroyed, because you're a hater.

What else is new?

no. i understand why people want you destroyed because you post maps that destroys them.

you, and the other zionist/israelis are the haters and support acts of genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and then whine about how nobody likes you. jaysus, you are arrogant..

drama are writing poems that bemoan your cruel fate of having to share some of the land with the natives, a poem that is about as appealing as an ode to a dead eel...and you call me a drama queen? too funny.
so, what are you going to do with the 4,000,000 citisens you have been denying the vote...are you going to lock them in death camps, ethnically cleanse them...what?

i am really beginning to undetrstand now why people want you greedy bastards wiped off the face of the earth. you talk peace out of one side of your mouth and leave no alternative but war when you talk out of the other.

What a drama-queen, if we would have want them destroyed we could have done it in quicker, cheaper ways.

You always find your propaganda speeches to wave them around, aren't you?

I don't know what the future holds for this conflict. Lucky me, I am not politician, if I had all the answers I would have signed myself up for Prime-Minister job, don't you think?

We talked peace, because we believe it can be achived. now more and more Israelis see it's not the case. You have no peace with ones who believe you have no right to live.

you understand why people want us destroyed, because you're a hater.

What else is new?

no. i understand why people want you destroyed because you post maps that destroys them.

you, and the other zionist/israelis are the haters and support acts of genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and then whine about how nobody likes you. jaysus, you are arrogant..

drama are writing poems that bemoan your cruel fate of having to share some of the land with the natives, a poem that is about as appealing as an ode to a dead eel...and you call me a drama queen? too funny.

We are the natives!

You're the ones telling us our lands do not really belong to us!
The WB and Gaza do belong to Israel.

However, those may be part of Israel after the Messiah comes. I have no problem with that scenario, either.

well, enjoy your wait 'til the end of the world. in the meantime, stop bombing the living fook out of the damn natives...kay?
The land belongs to my family. My family lived here since before your grandfather was even in the making.

I am their daughter, I cherish the land as if it was my home, it is the only home I have known.

Only ignorant and fools will not get that simple logic
it may be the only home you have ever known, but you are still an adopted sudaca
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The land belongs to my family. My family lived here since before your grandfather was even in the making.

I am their daughter, I cherish the land as if it was my home, it is the only home I have known.

Only ignorant and fools will not get that simple logic

you can be their daughter all you want, but that don't make you a native,

how many sabra adults in the west many second generation.

you want to be recognised as the jewish state. that is a religious designation. you cannot convert to being a native.

that is simple logic.

cherishing land as though it were your home as though that makes a claim to it jusified is emotional tripe.

the palestinian families have been there far longer than almost all the jewish families. put that into your "simple logic" machine.

next year in al-quds...all of it.

now, when do those 4,000,000 citisens get to vote...or are you going to maintain an apartheid state...or possibly, you don't even know what the borders are.

what are your borders?
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The land belongs to my family. My family lived here since before your grandfather was even in the making.

I am their daughter, I cherish the land as if it was my home, it is the only home I have known.

Only ignorant and fools will not get that simple logic

you can be their daughter all you want, but that don't make you a native,

how many sabra adults in the west many swecond generation.

you want to be recognised as the jewish state. that is a religious designation. you cannot convert to being a native.

that is simple logic.

cherishing land as though it were your home as though that makes a claim to it jusified is emotional tripe.

the palestinian families have been there far longer than almost all the jewish families. put that into your "simple logic" machine.

next year in al-quds...all of it.

now, when do those 4,000,000 citisens get to vote...or are you going to maintain an apartheid state...or possibly, you don't even know what the borders are.

what are your borders?

Care to back that up Sealie boy ?
The land belongs to my family. My family lived here since before your grandfather was even in the making.

I am their daughter, I cherish the land as if it was my home, it is the only home I have known.

Only ignorant and fools will not get that simple logic

you can be their daughter all you want, but that don't make you a native,

how many sabra adults in the west many swecond generation.

you want to be recognised as the jewish state. that is a religious designation. you cannot convert to being a native.

that is simple logic.

cherishing land as though it were your home as though that makes a claim to it jusified is emotional tripe.

the palestinian families have been there far longer than almost all the jewish families. put that into your "simple logic" machine.

next year in al-quds...all of it.

now, when do those 4,000,000 citisens get to vote...or are you going to maintain an apartheid state...or possibly, you don't even know what the borders are.

what are your borders?

I will protect my family's inheritance with my flesh and blood.

That's the only thing you and everyone need to keep in mind.

My family lived in this place since 1882. They were the Native ones, still are.

I am their daughter, I lived my entire live cherishing, loving, *fighting*, for this land, protecting it.

My parents were native, so it makes me one, as well.

Any Palestinian wishing to come and fight with me over this blessed land, will have that reality to face. And HaShem be my witness, I will use teeth if I have to!
wow , the anti - Semites are rolling today, eh Lipush ?

So Seal, are you going to back up your statement about how Palestinian families have been there far longer than the Jewish Families ?
Seal has been banned not long ago. He kept some things he probably wanted to say. I say let him. Freedom of speech and all that.

I have that same freedom, too.

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