Food for thought


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
Remember when mega churches were the boogey man? Or how about terrorist nuking NYC? Or how about when everyone was scared of WMD. Remember how they made out in 2019 about the dangers of Trump winning the election. Or Hillary, for that matter. Remember how the left was going to take your guns.

Turns out, none of that crap was anything to be scared of. Turns out, it was just BS the media was pumping into the minds of citizens who would listen and believe anything they were told. Media create potential dangers and catastrophes that were going to be so devastating that it would change the world as we know it.

IMO, here's a couple of things that the media is using to scared people. Trump winning the 2024 election. unvaccinated citizens, Biden dying and Harris becoming the president. Blacks being oppressed. White supremacy taking over the world.

Fact is, none of that crap would even enter most of our minds, if it wasn't for the media spreading it like a friggin plague.

Fact: I have friends who don't watch the news. They don't keep up with current affairs. They despise political conversations. And you know what? They're not scared of what the media says we're supposed to be afraid of. They're apathetic to almost everything going on in the news. They focus on what's going on in their lives, their families lives and what's going on in their little place in the world.
They're not racist, because racism doesn't exist. They're not scared of who ever might be president at the moment or the future. They're not scared of illegals taking their jobs, because they do a good job at their work place.

I used to be apathetic to what was going on in the world. And I gotta say, I miss those days. The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
I seen a meme on facebook a few years ago that said something to the effect, "if you swung the shower curtain back and there was actually a knife yielding murderer behind it, WTF would your plan of action be?" There's nothing you can do about it. But you're scared to death to do it. 100% of the time, there's no one in the tub.
Put that in perspective. Let's say Trump wins in 2024. What are you going to do about it? Let's say the vaccines give everyone cancer in 5 years. What are you going to do about it. What if the vaccines don't really do any harm. Still, there's nothing to be scared about. What's going to happen, is going to happen. And there's nothing that any of us can do about it. Someone nukes NYC, can we as individuals stop it? Is complaining about it on a political forum have any affect on the actions of those who would nuke NYC? No. There's nothing we can do about 99% of anything that's going on in this country. So why complain? Why help the media spread their "for profit" fearmongering?
Well here's some food for thought: Nancy & Mr Pelosi and insider trading? Anybody remember Martha Stuart?

Food for thought: It doesn't matter if Pelosi has some inside info and makes millions. If we had inside information, we'd make millions too.
This is sort of the point. None of us were actually affect by 90% of the BS that's been spewed in the news for the last 50 years. But people get all caught up in it, as if they'd known before hand, they could've saved countless lives. BS,
If any of us had known Iraq didn't have the real WMD's that the government said, there would've been nothing we could've done about it. Go to our local news? Maybe sent an email to a big MSM network. Which would've been mixed in with thousands of of crazy BS with no merit. And been treated as such.

If we had evidence that the Covid vaccines were just BS lies for some big government conspiracy, you think any of us could change the course? Hell no.
It's our civic to pay attention. Many find ways to make a real difference politically. Nader and his Raiders are still going strong.
Since that day 26 years ago {~57 now actually} when Nader arrived here with a knapsack and a reservation at the YMCA, his public-interest empire--launched here but spread through dozens of local groups he organized around the country--has produced hundreds of books and effected profound changes in public policy through legislation, increased regulation and other means. Further, Nader’s work has inspired the creation of numerous public-interest organizations.
Not everyone is cut out to be a political lawyer / activist, but the worst thing is to do nothing. One can at least do a little research and vote accordingly.
Remember when mega churches were the boogey man? Or how about terrorist nuking NYC? Or how about when everyone was scared of WMD. Remember how they made out in 2019 about the dangers of Trump winning the election. Or Hillary, for that matter. Remember how the left was going to take your guns.

Turns out, none of that crap was anything to be scared of. Turns out, it was just BS the media was pumping into the minds of citizens who would listen and believe anything they were told. Media create potential dangers and catastrophes that were going to be so devastating that it would change the world as we know it.

IMO, here's a couple of things that the media is using to scared people. Trump winning the 2024 election. unvaccinated citizens, Biden dying and Harris becoming the president. Blacks being oppressed. White supremacy taking over the world.

Fact is, none of that crap would even enter most of our minds, if it wasn't for the media spreading it like a friggin plague.

Fact: I have friends who don't watch the news. They don't keep up with current affairs. They despise political conversations. And you know what? They're not scared of what the media says we're supposed to be afraid of. They're apathetic to almost everything going on in the news. They focus on what's going on in their lives, their families lives and what's going on in their little place in the world.
They're not racist, because racism doesn't exist. They're not scared of who ever might be president at the moment or the future. They're not scared of illegals taking their jobs, because they do a good job at their work place.

I used to be apathetic to what was going on in the world. And I gotta say, I miss those days. The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
I seen a meme on facebook a few years ago that said something to the effect, "if you swung the shower curtain back and there was actually a knife yielding murderer behind it, WTF would your plan of action be?" There's nothing you can do about it. But you're scared to death to do it. 100% of the time, there's no one in the tub.
Put that in perspective. Let's say Trump wins in 2024. What are you going to do about it? Let's say the vaccines give everyone cancer in 5 years. What are you going to do about it. What if the vaccines don't really do any harm. Still, there's nothing to be scared about. What's going to happen, is going to happen. And there's nothing that any of us can do about it. Someone nukes NYC, can we as individuals stop it? Is complaining about it on a political forum have any affect on the actions of those who would nuke NYC? No. There's nothing we can do about 99% of anything that's going on in this country. So why complain? Why help the media spread their "for profit" fearmongering?

Regarding your apathetic apathetic, you mean uninformed voters. That is not a virtue. That's why this country has many of the problems it currently faces, decades of uninformed voters electing awful politicians, from the federal down to the local level.

Being a responsible citizen involves keeping up with what's going on in the country and your community, and being shrewd enough to separate the truth from the trash.
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Not everyone is cut out to be a political lawyer / activist, but the worst thing is to do nothing. One can at least do a little research and vote accordingly.

Republicans and democrats have been screwing this country for over 170 years now. So when you say "accordingly, " I don't have a clue as to what that means.
Fact is, those who we elect don't work for us. They work for special interest and corporate lobbyist.
Proof: The last 3 republican & democrat house chairmen didn't allow amendments to be introduced and voted on, on the house floor.
Republicans don't care about spending cuts unless a democrat is in the White House.
The Democrats still haven't done anything about healthcare, after almost a year now of a majority in the House, Senate and President. In fact, they're more worried about Jan 6th. For some reason, healthcare isn't really that important,

The BS bickering between the two parties, about ANYTHING, except things that affect us, just doesn't seem to be a priority. But the point is, there's nothing we can do about it. Even voting them into office doesn't mean they're going to even try to do what they said they'd do.
Regarding your apathetic apathetic, you mean uninformed voters. That is not a virtue. That's why this country has many of the problems it currently faces, uninformed voters electing awful politicians, from the federal down to the local level.

Being a responsible citizen involves keeping up with what's going on in the country and your community, and being shrewd enough to separate the truth from the trash.

Let's say you personally, knew all there was to know about what's going on in our nations capital, what are you going to do about it? Talk about it on a political forum? Post it on facebook?

The point about my apathetic friends means they get along just fine, without worrying about things they can't change.
Knowing about things you can't change, is useless knowledge. It only comes through when proving someone wrong, on a political forum.
Let's say you personally, knew all there was to know about what's going on in our nations capital, what are you going to do about it? Talk about it on a political forum? Post it on facebook?

The point about my apathetic friends means they get along just fine, without worrying about things they can't change.
Knowing about things you can't change, is useless knowledge. It only comes through when proving someone wrong, on a political forum.

Aaannnd you totally missed the point.
Remember when mega churches were the boogey man? Or how about terrorist nuking NYC? Or how about when everyone was scared of WMD. Remember how they made out in 2019 about the dangers of Trump winning the election. Or Hillary, for that matter. Remember how the left was going to take your guns.

Turns out, none of that crap was anything to be scared of. Turns out, it was just BS the media was pumping into the minds of citizens who would listen and believe anything they were told. Media create potential dangers and catastrophes that were going to be so devastating that it would change the world as we know it.

IMO, here's a couple of things that the media is using to scared people. Trump winning the 2024 election. unvaccinated citizens, Biden dying and Harris becoming the president. Blacks being oppressed. White supremacy taking over the world.

Fact is, none of that crap would even enter most of our minds, if it wasn't for the media spreading it like a friggin plague.

Fact: I have friends who don't watch the news. They don't keep up with current affairs. They despise political conversations. And you know what? They're not scared of what the media says we're supposed to be afraid of. They're apathetic to almost everything going on in the news. They focus on what's going on in their lives, their families lives and what's going on in their little place in the world.
They're not racist, because racism doesn't exist. They're not scared of who ever might be president at the moment or the future. They're not scared of illegals taking their jobs, because they do a good job at their work place.

I used to be apathetic to what was going on in the world. And I gotta say, I miss those days. The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
I seen a meme on facebook a few years ago that said something to the effect, "if you swung the shower curtain back and there was actually a knife yielding murderer behind it, WTF would your plan of action be?" There's nothing you can do about it. But you're scared to death to do it. 100% of the time, there's no one in the tub.
Put that in perspective. Let's say Trump wins in 2024. What are you going to do about it? Let's say the vaccines give everyone cancer in 5 years. What are you going to do about it. What if the vaccines don't really do any harm. Still, there's nothing to be scared about. What's going to happen, is going to happen. And there's nothing that any of us can do about it. Someone nukes NYC, can we as individuals stop it? Is complaining about it on a political forum have any affect on the actions of those who would nuke NYC? No. There's nothing we can do about 99% of anything that's going on in this country. So why complain? Why help the media spread their "for profit" fearmongering?

If left narrative says something it's a projection, distraction, antonym and/or confession, every time all the time. We live in a time of 24/7 deceit by the hands of left quasi communists.
Aaannnd you totally missed the point.

I got it. But my train of thought led me deeper into this rabbit hole than I should've gone. It's a huge spiderweb of lies & deceit by all parties involved. Even some we'll never know.
Lies, with just enough truth built into it, to make it all seem true.

Like the $26 trillion national debt. Pack of lies, is all it is.
Republicans and democrats have been screwing this country for over 170 years now. So when you say "accordingly, " I don't have a clue as to what that means.
Fact is, those who we elect don't work for us. They work for special interest and corporate lobbyist.
Proof: The last 3 republican & democrat house chairmen didn't allow amendments to be introduced and voted on, on the house floor.
Republicans don't care about spending cuts unless a democrat is in the White House.
The Democrats still haven't done anything about healthcare, after almost a year now of a majority in the House, Senate and President. In fact, they're more worried about Jan 6th. For some reason, healthcare isn't really that important,

The BS bickering between the two parties, about ANYTHING, except things that affect us, just doesn't seem to be a priority. But the point is, there's nothing we can do about it. Even voting them into office doesn't mean they're going to even try to do what they said they'd do.
Largely true, but there are always local and state elections. Third party candidates to support. When times get tough the tough get busy. Run for office. Some semblance of democracy still beats none. The belligerently ignorant, just sitting around with their thumbs up their asses, are begging to be served fascism. "This experiment" leaves us no choice.

If our Founders had been a bit more brilliant they could have foreseen these intractable threats looming. They should have just outlawed political parties or done more to prevent the two most popular from becoming effectively a one that does more to support billionaires taking momentary joyrides in space than for We The People. They could have made Senate terms shorter, election and public service participation mandatory,.. In short, more democracy, less republic. But then, how much can one really expect from that bunch of crooks and shameless opportunists? We have to be the change. Well, not me. I'm too beat. But you, you!
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It is true, the American Press is Yellow Journalism that is used to frighten and control people.
Their constant lying is disgusting and you will be a happier person if you do not watch or read it.
global warming fear
covid fear
voter suppression fear
gun owner fear
capitalism fear
law and order fear
Remember when mega churches were the boogey man? Or how about terrorist nuking NYC? Or how about when everyone was scared of WMD. Remember how they made out in 2019 about the dangers of Trump winning the election. Or Hillary, for that matter. Remember how the left was going to take your guns.

Turns out, none of that crap was anything to be scared of. Turns out, it was just BS the media was pumping into the minds of citizens who would listen and believe anything they were told. Media create potential dangers and catastrophes that were going to be so devastating that it would change the world as we know it.

IMO, here's a couple of things that the media is using to scared people. Trump winning the 2024 election. unvaccinated citizens, Biden dying and Harris becoming the president. Blacks being oppressed. White supremacy taking over the world.

Fact is, none of that crap would even enter most of our minds, if it wasn't for the media spreading it like a friggin plague.

Fact: I have friends who don't watch the news. They don't keep up with current affairs. They despise political conversations. And you know what? They're not scared of what the media says we're supposed to be afraid of. They're apathetic to almost everything going on in the news. They focus on what's going on in their lives, their families lives and what's going on in their little place in the world.
They're not racist, because racism doesn't exist. They're not scared of who ever might be president at the moment or the future. They're not scared of illegals taking their jobs, because they do a good job at their work place.

I used to be apathetic to what was going on in the world. And I gotta say, I miss those days. The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
I seen a meme on facebook a few years ago that said something to the effect, "if you swung the shower curtain back and there was actually a knife yielding murderer behind it, WTF would your plan of action be?" There's nothing you can do about it. But you're scared to death to do it. 100% of the time, there's no one in the tub.
Put that in perspective. Let's say Trump wins in 2024. What are you going to do about it? Let's say the vaccines give everyone cancer in 5 years. What are you going to do about it. What if the vaccines don't really do any harm. Still, there's nothing to be scared about. What's going to happen, is going to happen. And there's nothing that any of us can do about it. Someone nukes NYC, can we as individuals stop it? Is complaining about it on a political forum have any affect on the actions of those who would nuke NYC? No. There's nothing we can do about 99% of anything that's going on in this country. So why complain? Why help the media spread their "for profit" fearmongering?
If that's your idea of "food for thought" you're intellectually starving
God I miss weed.

But seriously .;.. wait I was LOL

How much of life does any individual control? Some Americans are born with nothing but end up relatively affluent. But, mostly imo, we're scurrying around like scared beings waiting for fate or whatever to fuck us, just desperately concerned about our kids. But we love our kids. And the alternative is suicide. Which sucks.

WE each subscribe to some ideology or creed. It varies on how much self or how much community we choose.
The Democrats still haven't done anything about healthcare, after almost a year now of a majority in the House, Senate and President.
With slimiest of majorities in the Senate, legislation on anything but the continuing spending resolutions will be very had to pass. When compromise is a dirty word to one of the two parties, consensus will be hard to find.
With slimiest of majorities in the Senate, legislation on anything but the continuing spending resolutions will be very had to pass. When compromise is a dirty word to one of the two parties, consensus will be hard to find.

IMO, that would be the republicans and democrats.
IMO, that would be the republicans and democrats.
The last time Democrats were able to do anything about healthcare was when they had a bare super-majority of 60 votes in the Senate. Democrats were able to compromise with Bush and the Republican were able to compromise with Clinton as well. The Neo-GOP has taken a no holds barred anti-compromise position since the Dems passed the ACA.

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