Food prices - part 2

You can grow them. Start the seeds indoors in Jiffy Pots in March under artificial light then transplant them outside in June once they are grown enough and it has warmed up in a loose, rich soil and you'll do fine.

Thanks! I admit peppers intimidate me, but onions intimidated me too until I moved to SD.

With the ZILLIONS of invading cockroaches over the past 4 years...........yeah.

They eat everything in sight, steal it, kill it, rape it, or drug it..........or all the above.

Irving has been run over by the Muslims. And your'e lucky if they don't run YOU over! They don't stop for ANYTHING or ANYBODY and the fucking city/police will NOT do anything to them!!

There were Muslims in Irving when I left, and a big Islamic Center across HWY 183. I used to slip over there every September 11 before sunrise and line the median in front of there with small American flags from Walmart.

Remember the Texas 7, who shot and killed police officer Aubrey Hawkins in that Oshman's Sporting Goods store? I lived in the apartment complex right across the field from there.
I was right behind some fat white bitch with three multi-colored kids just yesterday at Walmart. She spent about $350 and paid for it with a SNAP card. I know that because the cashier asked her to run her SNAP card through the reader again.

The more you lay on your back with feet in air getting slammed full of jism by the brothers knocked up with illegitimate kids, the more the state rewards you. Kids are the big cash crop.
Thanks! I admit peppers intimidate me, but onions intimidated me too until I moved to SD.

If you really want them to grow like crazy, mix some bone meal into the soil! The added phosphorous makes the peppers grow like crazy.

Just remember:
  • NITROGEN (compost) - leaf and stem growth.
  • PHOSPHOROUS (bone meal) - Fruiting and flowering parts.
  • POTASSIUM (wood ash) - root development.
Whatever you feed will determine which part of the plant most benefits. Of course, you can always use the chemical stuff too, but natural stuff works better because it builds the soil and stays there.
If you really want them to grow like crazy, mix some bone meal into the soil! The added phosphorous makes the peppers grow like crazy.

Just remember:
  • NITROGEN (compost) - leaf and stem growth.
  • PHOSPHOROUS (bone meal) - Fruiting and flowering parts.
  • POTASSIUM (wood ash) - root development.
Whatever you feed will determine which part of the plant most benefits. Of course, you can always use the chemical stuff too, but natural stuff works better because it builds the soil and stays there.

DANG! I forgot to put the wood ash on my garden while I was amending the soil! Thanks for the other hints. I need to go shopping at the nursery.

On the west coast, we also used kelp meal for trace iodine and other minerals.


Jalapenos don't grow very well in this far north climate. I have a tortilla press somewhere in the garage, but making tortillas is women's work.


Ask the stockboy what day they usually come in and then be there that day. Once I lost my lysol connection during covid when I could get it by the box, that is how I kept going through the worst of it. Technically we only used a couple cans at home. It was for work and I donated a bunch to some churches where the average age was, well Methuselah was probably in their graduating class from high school.
Been seeing shortages here lately. Walmart…Certain brands of Pet food ( going on 2 years now). Walmart was completely out of their store brand sodas ( all flavors both canned and bottled). Plus certain brands of jerky dog treats. Walmart cat sand both large and small bags. Walmart brand Bagels. And they finally stocked strawberries after being out for a couple weeks. A couple stores were out of bananas. It’s very wierd.

Big lots has only had one brand of Dog food stocked for months. Pedigree ( which my dogs hate). Zero bagged cat food.

Slim pickings on make up,Shampoo,conditioner,lotion and soap

Two of the dollar trees had multiple empty shelves in the food and pet food sections.
Food prices are STILL going UP and UP and UP!
I mean, the Nazicrats are LITERALLY trying to starve people to DEATH!

Every time I go to the store, I see peoples carts with less and less in them. Mostly just the expensive staples.......meat, dairy, veggies.
I have NOT seen an empty shelf of food products since Cmas last year!

And I know I commented in my other food price post that the store I shop at was continually having BOGO and "buy 2 get 3 free" sales.....and they still are! Food has gotten so expensive now, and prices STILL going up and up every month............that even the "off" stores like penny saver stores and Big Lots that usually have continuous empty shelves, have had full racks and shelves since January this year!!!

Why? Because nobody is buying "snack" foods anymore. In order to buy that $10 pound of ground beef, they have to give up the potato chips, cookies, and snack crackers. I got FOUR large boxes of CheezIt snack crackers in different flavors last month, because nobody is buying them at $6 a box!!! The store had them on sale for FOUR boxes for $8!!!! Thats $2 per box!!!! So........WHY can't they just lower the price to $2 a box for regular price and make money selling them again????? Stupid.

Eggs have come down to $2 a dozen, which ain't bad, but the egg section is still always full since the egg "crisis" when nobody was buying.

But everything else is going up.

Frozen dinners, even the CHEAP ones that used to be .99 cents for YEARS and YEARS and YEARS are now at the $5 mark!!!
Store brand ice cream has gone from $2.99 per half gallon last summer, to $6 per half gallon THIS year!!! Potato chips are the same!

In fact, the store has done away with most of the store brand foods in favor of just selling the most expensive brands. Another reason people are buying less and less.

Frozen Green Giant veggies went from 3 bags for $5 last year to 2 bags for $6 this year!!

Even in a self-sufficient state like Texas, food prices should NOT be going UP and UP and UP!
And yet, they continue to go up MONTHLY!!!

At least once a month Albertsons has a .99 sale. That’s usually when I will go. They seem to offer up the same items over and over though. Pasta,Spahgetti sauce,bags of apples and oranges,Apple Jucie,store brand soda, 1/2 gallons of milk,frozen veggies and certain cuts of meat for .99lb ,and squash both yellow and zucchini. Last time they did have bell peppers and carrots though.
At least once a month Albertsons has a .99 sale. That’s usually when I will go. They seem to offer up the same items over and over though. Pasta,Spahgetti sauce,bags of apples and oranges,Apple Jucie,store brand soda, 1/2 gallons of milk,frozen veggies and certain cuts of meat for .99lb ,and squash both yellow and zucchini. Last time they did have bell peppers and carrots though.

Yeah, Albertson company owns Tom Thumb, which is my store. And like I said in another thread, prices are so high now, people aren't buying what they used to, so stores have an over abundance of stock they can't they are have all these sales, which I call Stupid Sales.......where it's like 2fers, BOGO's, and I even got 4 LARGE boxes of CheezIts for $8 last month........all because people have stopped buying snack foods and such, and using that money to pay for the staples............dairy, meat, veggies.
In our town, we have a local grocery store, but prices have gone up so much that the Dollar General in town has seen their business go way up with people buying groceries there (at least the ones they can get there). The local store meat sales were down so much they started doing their 5 for $20 sales daily.
Same with dollar tree. The food shelves get whiped out as soon as they are stocked. As does the pet supply isle and beauty supplies.
Yeah, Albertson company owns Tom Thumb, which is my store. And like I said in another thread, prices are so high now, people aren't buying what they used to, so stores have an over abundance of stock they can't they are have all these sales, which I call Stupid Sales.......where it's like 2fers, BOGO's, and I even got 4 LARGE boxes of CheezIts for $8 last month........all because people have stopped buying snack foods and such, and using that money to pay for the staples............dairy, meat, veggies.
Our Albertsons has a whole section of clearance stuff I check out whenever I’m there. Last time I made a killing on Conair brushes ,mirrors and hair supplies 1.50 to .85ea. Also fairly high dollar beauty supplies like Oil Of Olay and Biore face wash for under 4.00 along with huge bottles of Vitamins for 6.00 that were previously selling for 15.00.

You are right people can’t afford this stuff so it sits on shelves until it’s marked down to more reasonable prices.
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Food prices are STILL going UP and UP and UP!
I mean, the Nazicrats are LITERALLY trying to starve people to DEATH!

Every time I go to the store, I see peoples carts with less and less in them. Mostly just the expensive staples.......meat, dairy, veggies.
I have NOT seen an empty shelf of food products since Cmas last year!

And I know I commented in my other food price post that the store I shop at was continually having BOGO and "buy 2 get 3 free" sales.....and they still are! Food has gotten so expensive now, and prices STILL going up and up every month............that even the "off" stores like penny saver stores and Big Lots that usually have continuous empty shelves, have had full racks and shelves since January this year!!!

Why? Because nobody is buying "snack" foods anymore. In order to buy that $10 pound of ground beef, they have to give up the potato chips, cookies, and snack crackers. I got FOUR large boxes of CheezIt snack crackers in different flavors last month, because nobody is buying them at $6 a box!!! The store had them on sale for FOUR boxes for $8!!!! Thats $2 per box!!!! So........WHY can't they just lower the price to $2 a box for regular price and make money selling them again????? Stupid.

Eggs have come down to $2 a dozen, which ain't bad, but the egg section is still always full since the egg "crisis" when nobody was buying.

But everything else is going up.

Frozen dinners, even the CHEAP ones that used to be .99 cents for YEARS and YEARS and YEARS are now at the $5 mark!!!
Store brand ice cream has gone from $2.99 per half gallon last summer, to $6 per half gallon THIS year!!! Potato chips are the same!

In fact, the store has done away with most of the store brand foods in favor of just selling the most expensive brands. Another reason people are buying less and less.

Frozen Green Giant veggies went from 3 bags for $5 last year to 2 bags for $6 this year!!

Even in a self-sufficient state like Texas, food prices should NOT be going UP and UP and UP!
And yet, they continue to go up MONTHLY!!!

THE Big food conglomerates RAISE PRICES, and are making huge profits, because they do not have much competition.
They use inflation to cover there profit greed. While we blame one political party or the other.
Food prices are STILL going UP and UP and UP!
I mean, the Nazicrats are LITERALLY trying to starve people to DEATH!

Every time I go to the store, I see peoples carts with less and less in them. Mostly just the expensive staples.......meat, dairy, veggies.
I have NOT seen an empty shelf of food products since Cmas last year!

And I know I commented in my other food price post that the store I shop at was continually having BOGO and "buy 2 get 3 free" sales.....and they still are! Food has gotten so expensive now, and prices STILL going up and up every month............that even the "off" stores like penny saver stores and Big Lots that usually have continuous empty shelves, have had full racks and shelves since January this year!!!

Why? Because nobody is buying "snack" foods anymore. In order to buy that $10 pound of ground beef, they have to give up the potato chips, cookies, and snack crackers. I got FOUR large boxes of CheezIt snack crackers in different flavors last month, because nobody is buying them at $6 a box!!! The store had them on sale for FOUR boxes for $8!!!! Thats $2 per box!!!! So........WHY can't they just lower the price to $2 a box for regular price and make money selling them again????? Stupid.

Eggs have come down to $2 a dozen, which ain't bad, but the egg section is still always full since the egg "crisis" when nobody was buying.

But everything else is going up.

Frozen dinners, even the CHEAP ones that used to be .99 cents for YEARS and YEARS and YEARS are now at the $5 mark!!!
Store brand ice cream has gone from $2.99 per half gallon last summer, to $6 per half gallon THIS year!!! Potato chips are the same!

In fact, the store has done away with most of the store brand foods in favor of just selling the most expensive brands. Another reason people are buying less and less.

Frozen Green Giant veggies went from 3 bags for $5 last year to 2 bags for $6 this year!!

Even in a self-sufficient state like Texas, food prices should NOT be going UP and UP and UP!
And yet, they continue to go up MONTHLY!!!
We are paying about 4% more than in 2021. Why? Because ever since marriage and grad school, we have shopped sales and coupon for grocers. We paid $94 for two baskets that cost $164. That is not unusual.

Our house and cars are paid for. We have only the monthly credit card debt that we pay full every month. We titthe to our congregation's expenses monthly.

Our parents taught us this and contributed very little because both families had lots of kids.

Our financial liquidity is great. Inflation or recession or stagflation, we will be OK.

Some of you may be in real hard spots, normally because of a health care problem, which if you lived in Europe, you would have no financial burden for it.

But those of you in jams earned it for the most part.

No pity for you.

I'm going to try the jalapenos. I'm in southeastern SD and we get a shortish growing season but it's hot.

Does wifey not cook? If I could eat them, I think tortillas would be fun to make.

Try a few Peruvians, Rocoto , aji amarillo... They'll work up there
We are paying about 4% more than in 2021. Why? Because ever since marriage and grad school, we have shopped sales and coupon for grocers. We paid $94 for two baskets that cost $164. That is not unusual.

Our house and cars are paid for. We have only the monthly credit card debt that we pay full every month. We titthe to our congregation's expenses monthly.

Our parents taught us this and contributed very little because both families had lots of kids.

Our financial liquidity is great. Inflation or recession or stagflation, we will be OK.

Some of you may be in real hard spots, normally because of a health care problem, which if you lived in Europe, you would have no financial burden for it.

But those of you in jams earned it for the most part.

No pity for you.
Earned it how?

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