Food Stamp outrage

Aside from the reality that people without food starve, I always love these grocery store anecdotes. "He bought a piece of meat with FOOD STAMPS ! The he bought fruit juice !! The nerve of that guy. Then he paid $3.10 CASH for a six pack of Miller and drove off in a brand new 1987 pick up truck."

I mean, what do you want ? You want folks to crawl in the grocery store, near death, wearing rags, un bathed at the end of a 25 mile hike ? Would you all feel better then ?

I got a story.....I was in the jet boat store the other day and I was behind this guy that was the CEO of a failed bank that just received a few billion in corporate welfare. He bought his and hers matching Jet boats and drove away in TWO YEAR OLD TRUCK. poor guy.

You were in a jet boat store I find that interesting..
Not just the rich are upset with hand outs so is the guy or gal who works hard for there money and can not afford a jet boat like you (yea right)
First it should be embarrassing to use food stamps but for too many it is not. Don't tell me about the fact that I'm insulting the needy as Culture took a change for the worst and they don't get insulted that easy only angry. Know what they say about anger all to often it indicates guilt. And they do not have computers anyway do they.

It used to be embarrassing to use food stamps. When they were "paper."

Now, so many places are putting the funds on a plastic card it makes it look like just another credit card.

Plus I think times have changed. There is such a "give-me, you-owe-me" attitude; one of entitlement to the point that it isn't embarrassing any more.

It looks like a credit card because it has to to fit in the card reader machine. Believe me, it's still embarrassing for those inclined to be embarrassed (the cards in my state are REALLY brightly patterned and obvious), and those who aren't inclined weren't back when they were paper.

Personally, I'd rather sacrifice the chance to "shame" somebody to eliminate fraud, but that's just me.
Everything is computerized. The system should know if a certain food is eligible for food stamps, or whether it needs to be paid for with cash.

That sounds like a nightmare in the making. I can just picture someone getting their groceries scanned before paying with the food stamps, being told that they have to put back half their groceries, and all hell breaking loose.

Not really. People on food stamps know perfectly well what's allowable and what isn't. Our state has a nutritional program called WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) which issues vouchers for very specific foods and brands, and accepts no substitutions. It's very rare that the recipients don't know PRECISELY which brands are allowed and which aren't, and they're well aware that the store has no control over it.

Are you from PA Ceclilie?
I'd make food stamps ONLY usable at local food banks and separate food chain store dependence on food stamp abuse from food stamp abusers looking to trade food stamps for cash. This way, not only would there be a negative stimulus to get off of FS but also local food banks could use leftover products for their coffers. Also, this puts face to face contact and familiarity into the equation so that it's blatantly obvious when a food stamp recipient is selling food stamps for 50 cents on the dollar for pot money.

oh, and drug tests too. To be paid out of Food Stamp value every time someone pisses dirty. If you've got kids and can't feed them then the LAST thing you need to be doing is smoking the ganj on the tax payers dime.
I'd make food stamps ONLY usable at local food banks and separate food chain store dependence on food stamp abuse from food stamp abusers looking to trade food stamps for cash. This way, not only would there be a negative stimulus to get off of FS but also local food banks could use leftover products for their coffers. Also, this puts face to face contact and familiarity into the equation so that it's blatantly obvious when a food stamp recipient is selling food stamps for 50 cents on the dollar for pot money.

oh, and drug tests too. To be paid out of Food Stamp value every time someone pisses dirty. If you've got kids and can't feed them then the LAST thing you need to be doing is smoking the ganj on the tax payers dime.

Heard this before about drug test. Nice idea, dumb in reality. Knwo how much that would cost ? To drug test every recipient ? And maybe one in 25 shows up positive....if that. So you want to spend a few thousand in drug testing so we can hold up one payment of $90 in food stamps. VERY BAD IDEA.

And there is already a drug test in place. THERE IS A FEDERAL, LIFETIME BAN FOR DRUG FELONS. If you have a drug felony, you can not recieve welfare or food stamps. All this yakety yak about drug abusers and felons getting food stamps is just that: YAKETY YAK. You people don't know what you're talking about. How about educate yourself on the subject instead of continuing with these age old myths about public assitance.
I'd make food stamps ONLY usable at local food banks and separate food chain store dependence on food stamp abuse from food stamp abusers looking to trade food stamps for cash. This way, not only would there be a negative stimulus to get off of FS but also local food banks could use leftover products for their coffers. Also, this puts face to face contact and familiarity into the equation so that it's blatantly obvious when a food stamp recipient is selling food stamps for 50 cents on the dollar for pot money.

oh, and drug tests too. To be paid out of Food Stamp value every time someone pisses dirty. If you've got kids and can't feed them then the LAST thing you need to be doing is smoking the ganj on the tax payers dime.

Heard this before about drug test. Nice idea, dumb in reality. Knwo how much that would cost ? To drug test every recipient ? And maybe one in 25 shows up positive....if that. So you want to spend a few thousand in drug testing so we can hold up one payment of $90 in food stamps. VERY BAD IDEA.

And there is already a drug test in place. THERE IS A FEDERAL, LIFETIME BAN FOR DRUG FELONS. If you have a drug felony, you can not recieve welfare or food stamps. All this yakety yak about drug abusers and felons getting food stamps is just that: YAKETY YAK. You people don't know what you're talking about. How about educate yourself on the subject instead of continuing with these age old myths about public assitance.

the cost would be taken from the gross value of food stamps for any given participant that pisses dirty. We don't make excuses about cost when testing felons and employees so neither should we be distracted by the same excuse of cost applied to a public funded social net.

Your opinion of what is a bad idea means two things to me. Im sure you know what they are.

And, if you think that the only drug users are felons then you are one silly little puppy, aren't you? Lot's of people dont' get caught and LOTS of people who are on FS do a copious amount of drugs.

You know, for a guy whose SOLE rebuttal seems to be "derrr, you dont know what you are talking about derrrrr" you sure do get your ass handed to you alot around here.
I'd make food stamps ONLY usable at local food banks and separate food chain store dependence on food stamp abuse from food stamp abusers looking to trade food stamps for cash. This way, not only would there be a negative stimulus to get off of FS but also local food banks could use leftover products for their coffers. Also, this puts face to face contact and familiarity into the equation so that it's blatantly obvious when a food stamp recipient is selling food stamps for 50 cents on the dollar for pot money.

oh, and drug tests too. To be paid out of Food Stamp value every time someone pisses dirty. If you've got kids and can't feed them then the LAST thing you need to be doing is smoking the ganj on the tax payers dime.

Heard this before about drug test. Nice idea, dumb in reality. Knwo how much that would cost ? To drug test every recipient ? And maybe one in 25 shows up positive....if that. So you want to spend a few thousand in drug testing so we can hold up one payment of $90 in food stamps. VERY BAD IDEA.

And there is already a drug test in place. THERE IS A FEDERAL, LIFETIME BAN FOR DRUG FELONS. If you have a drug felony, you can not recieve welfare or food stamps. All this yakety yak about drug abusers and felons getting food stamps is just that: YAKETY YAK. You people don't know what you're talking about. How about educate yourself on the subject instead of continuing with these age old myths about public assitance.

the cost would be taken from the gross value of food stamps for any given participant that pisses dirty. We don't make excuses about cost when testing felons and employees so neither should we be distracted by the same excuse of cost applied to a public funded social net.

Your opinion of what is a bad idea means two things to me. Im sure you know what they are.

And, if you think that the only drug users are felons then you are one silly little puppy, aren't you? Lot's of people dont' get caught and LOTS of people who are on FS do a copious amount of drugs.

You know, for a guy whose SOLE rebuttal seems to be "derrr, you dont know what you are talking about derrrrr" you sure do get your ass handed to you alot around here.

Shogun, how many people that are employed in this country and have to take a piss test, do you think are users ? You ever fool a test ? You familiar with the huge industry of masking test ? Do you seriously think that we can effectively test for drugs ? I suppose we are to give an essentially blank check to the facilities that will be doing the testing ?

The most cost effective way to prevent drug users from getting welfare is already paid for through law enforcement. You get caught, you can't get your stamps.

Aside from all this, drug felons kids have to eat too.
Commissioners: Wrong People Getting Food Stamps -

"A spokesman for ODJFS, Dennis Evans, said the agency is following federal guidelines."

Video - Breaking News Videos from

The county is following federal guidelines. Total crap.

Very sad that no matter what someone will find a way to abuse any system. I do believe everyone has a right to food. Food stamps should be there for people that can't quite make ends meet. The homeless, jobless and working poor. People have no shame today and they have an entitlement mentality.

When I was younger and made just enough to eek by each week I remember one day standing in line at a grocery store with my grits and mac and cheese. The lady in front of me had enough bling on her hands to be in a rap video buying tons meat and a basketful of groceries. She used food stamps to pay for everything. She drove off in a nice car. It made me really mad. I probably qualified for food stamps at that time but I always figured there were families worse off than me.
I once knew a rich man who stole, ergo every rich man is a theif.

That's the logic some of you folks are expecting us to sign onto as it regards food stamps.
Commissioners: Wrong People Getting Food Stamps -

"A spokesman for ODJFS, Dennis Evans, said the agency is following federal guidelines."

Video - Breaking News Videos from

The county is following federal guidelines. Total crap.

Very sad that no matter what someone will find a way to abuse any system. I do believe everyone has a right to food. Food stamps should be there for people that can't quite make ends meet. The homeless, jobless and working poor. People have no shame today and they have an entitlement mentality.

When I was younger and made just enough to eek by each week I remember one day standing in line at a grocery store with my grits and mac and cheese. The lady in front of me had enough bling on her hands to be in a rap video buying tons meat and a basketful of groceries. She used food stamps to pay for everything. She drove off in a nice car. It made me really mad. I probably qualified for food stamps at that time but I always figured there were families worse off than me.

I always figured the same. Someone needed it more than me and I'm sure I have qualified at times.

But, for every grocery store horror story of someone with a nice car using food stamps, I can give you ten stories of seniors, cripples and poor folks in circumstance that bought rice, beans and flour with their food stamps. You can't axe the whole thing because of a small percentage of abuse. It's tiny. May as well shut down the military because someone paid $500 for a hammer.
I once knew a rich man who stole, ergo every rich man is a theif.

That's the logic some of you folks are expecting us to sign onto as it regards food stamps.

Bingo. Easy targets, those malnourished poor people. Shogun could probably take a 90 year old food stamp recipient all by himself.
Heard this before about drug test. Nice idea, dumb in reality. Knwo how much that would cost ? To drug test every recipient ? And maybe one in 25 shows up positive....if that. So you want to spend a few thousand in drug testing so we can hold up one payment of $90 in food stamps. VERY BAD IDEA.

And there is already a drug test in place. THERE IS A FEDERAL, LIFETIME BAN FOR DRUG FELONS. If you have a drug felony, you can not recieve welfare or food stamps. All this yakety yak about drug abusers and felons getting food stamps is just that: YAKETY YAK. You people don't know what you're talking about. How about educate yourself on the subject instead of continuing with these age old myths about public assitance.

the cost would be taken from the gross value of food stamps for any given participant that pisses dirty. We don't make excuses about cost when testing felons and employees so neither should we be distracted by the same excuse of cost applied to a public funded social net.

Your opinion of what is a bad idea means two things to me. Im sure you know what they are.

And, if you think that the only drug users are felons then you are one silly little puppy, aren't you? Lot's of people dont' get caught and LOTS of people who are on FS do a copious amount of drugs.

You know, for a guy whose SOLE rebuttal seems to be "derrr, you dont know what you are talking about derrrrr" you sure do get your ass handed to you alot around here.

Shogun, how many people that are employed in this country and have to take a piss test, do you think are users ? You ever fool a test ? You familiar with the huge industry of masking test ? Do you seriously think that we can effectively test for drugs ? I suppose we are to give an essentially blank check to the facilities that will be doing the testing ?

The most cost effective way to prevent drug users from getting welfare is already paid for through law enforcement. You get caught, you can't get your stamps.

Aside from all this, drug felons kids have to eat too.

It really doesn't matter to a company HOW MANY are users when their fucking LIABILITY is at stake. Likewise, the tax payer should have no less consideration with their dollars.

masking tests is not foolproof. Hell, it's fucking hilarious that you'd even bring that up. And yes, we can effectively test for drugs. Effective enough to cull down our liability to feed those who are spending their money on pot.

Again, there are more drug users than caught criminals. That is the cold fact. Your opinion about which method is better.. well.. you know how this ends.

indeed, drug user kids should eat.. in a house that is not headed by some fuck who puts blunts higher up on the fucking importance hierarchy than their kids' supper. there are a LOT of fags who want to get married and raise kids, you know. If a gay couple can feed and house a kid then it looks like there are consequences to making poor decisions when one is suckling from the tit of the tax payer.
OK Shogun, let's use some common sense here on the effectiveness of drug testing.

Since the wide spread use of drug testing in the work place, has drug use declined ?

Has the unemployment rate begun to match the level of drug users ?

Or is it as I observe, drug testing has has little effect on drug use or empoyment of drug users ?

Drug test do not reduce drug use nor do they weed out any substantial number from the employment pool. But somehow, this will work for welfare and food stamps ? But what the heck, let's spend some tax dollars for the specific purpose of trying NOT to help people.
There is testing equipment available from several manufactures (one being the alcomate from advanced safety devices ) gives immediate results testing for Alcohol,Pot,coke and several other substances, cost $139.95. 100 disposable mouth pieces are $39.95.
end cost is about .33 per test. It has bright led lights and also beeps if over limits..We all love computers ...wonder how ya gonna feel about this one. Already in use at some sporting events and several
employers are going to use them also to as the saying go's thin out the heard..(ya will not get unemployment compensation if fired for substance abuse in several states) :razz::razz::razz::razz:
There is testing equipment available from several manufactures (one being the alcomate from advanced safety devices ) gives immediate results testing for Alcohol,Pot,coke and several other substances, cost $139.95. 100 disposable mouth pieces are $39.95.
end cost is about .33 per test. It has bright led lights and also beeps if over limits..We all love computers ...wonder how ya gonna feel about this one. Already in use at some sporting events and several
employers are going to use them also to as the saying go's thin out the heard..(ya will not get unemployment compensation if fired for substance abuse in several states) :razz::razz::razz::razz:

I can only imagine the legal nightmare this would be for a government application like food stamps. False positives, cough medicine poisitives, equipment failure. Some rejected applicant will sue for $50 million and take every penny saved and then some.

Sorry, this whole idea of drug testing, as you demonstrate so well here, has bred an entire industry around a concept that has proven to be worth so many popcorn farts. Meanwhile testing centers , equipment and administrators have raked in more in testing profits than anyone has saved in drug related losses. Spending dollars to save dimes.
You were in a jet boat store I find that interesting..
Not just the rich are upset with hand outs so is the guy or gal who works hard for there money and can not afford a jet boat like you (yea right)
First it should be embarrassing to use food stamps but for too many it is not. Don't tell me about the fact that I'm insulting the needy as Culture took a change for the worst and they don't get insulted that easy only angry. Know what they say about anger all to often it indicates guilt. And they do not have computers anyway do they.

It used to be embarrassing to use food stamps. When they were "paper."

Now, so many places are putting the funds on a plastic card it makes it look like just another credit card.

Plus I think times have changed. There is such a "give-me, you-owe-me" attitude; one of entitlement to the point that it isn't embarrassing any more.

It looks like a credit card because it has to to fit in the card reader machine. Believe me, it's still embarrassing for those inclined to be embarrassed (the cards in my state are REALLY brightly patterned and obvious), and those who aren't inclined weren't back when they were paper.

Personally, I'd rather sacrifice the chance to "shame" somebody to eliminate fraud, but that's just me.

Shows the difference around the country.

No stigma here. Hell, people go shopping with a "card-holding" friend. The friend pays for the groceries, the "non-card-holding" person pays the "card-holding" friend cash (less than what was on the card), and off they go.

The "card-holder" didn't care about groceries; he/she just wanted cash.
It used to be embarrassing to use food stamps. When they were "paper."

Now, so many places are putting the funds on a plastic card it makes it look like just another credit card.

Plus I think times have changed. There is such a "give-me, you-owe-me" attitude; one of entitlement to the point that it isn't embarrassing any more.

It looks like a credit card because it has to to fit in the card reader machine. Believe me, it's still embarrassing for those inclined to be embarrassed (the cards in my state are REALLY brightly patterned and obvious), and those who aren't inclined weren't back when they were paper.

Personally, I'd rather sacrifice the chance to "shame" somebody to eliminate fraud, but that's just me.

Shows the difference around the country.

No stigma here. Hell, people go shopping with a "card-holding" friend. The friend pays for the groceries, the "non-card-holding" person pays the "card-holding" friend cash (less than what was on the card), and off they go.

The "card-holder" didn't care about groceries; he/she just wanted cash.

Yeah it's different here too. People go shopping with Bigfoot, the non Bigfoot guy takes a blurry picture and all we have left is a bunch of grocery store Bigfoot sightings with no proof.

Hell, everyone has a Bigfoot story.
That sounds like a nightmare in the making. I can just picture someone getting their groceries scanned before paying with the food stamps, being told that they have to put back half their groceries, and all hell breaking loose.

Not really. People on food stamps know perfectly well what's allowable and what isn't. Our state has a nutritional program called WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) which issues vouchers for very specific foods and brands, and accepts no substitutions. It's very rare that the recipients don't know PRECISELY which brands are allowed and which aren't, and they're well aware that the store has no control over it.

Are you from PA Ceclilie?

No, Arizona.

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