Food Stamp outrage

It used to be embarrassing to use food stamps. When they were "paper."

Now, so many places are putting the funds on a plastic card it makes it look like just another credit card.

Plus I think times have changed. There is such a "give-me, you-owe-me" attitude; one of entitlement to the point that it isn't embarrassing any more.

It looks like a credit card because it has to to fit in the card reader machine. Believe me, it's still embarrassing for those inclined to be embarrassed (the cards in my state are REALLY brightly patterned and obvious), and those who aren't inclined weren't back when they were paper.

Personally, I'd rather sacrifice the chance to "shame" somebody to eliminate fraud, but that's just me.

Shows the difference around the country.

No stigma here. Hell, people go shopping with a "card-holding" friend. The friend pays for the groceries, the "non-card-holding" person pays the "card-holding" friend cash (less than what was on the card), and off they go.

The "card-holder" didn't care about groceries; he/she just wanted cash.

It's impossible to come up with a system that cannot be defrauded. That's the point where they just have to depend on people who see it to report it.
Unfortunately for you, nobody killed or caged up the people who died during the depression, so there's no way to really verify the numbers that were killed by starvation, or why they died that way.

Unlike the Holocaust. We know who they were, where they were, what killed them and whom.

He also hasn't proven a damned thing concerning death rates in the 30s, let alone in the 60s when the program he claims was sparked by starvation actually started. He just made the assertion, totally unsubstantiated.
giving the fact during the late 50's many mentally ill people were kicked out on the street due to them not allowing most to stay in long term care I am pretty sure there were many people homeless and dying on the streets. Maybe not millions of people were dying but I am sure there was thousands.

Crazy people are pretty tough.

And don't forget...they were kicked out onto the streets because liberals thought they should be integrated into society...that society should be forced to accept them and given them a chance, and incidentally save a lot of money that was being spent on them.

We wasted who knows how much $$ trying to fix crazy people outside of institutions, who wouldn't come in for treatment, who wouldn't take their meds, who flooded our streets and shelters, our roads, jails and every resource, because bleeding hearts who wanted that money for other projects thought it was a good idea to close beds in mental health facilities and throw those folks out. They told voters those people would be fine if we just "accepted" them. They were lying, and because of them our psychiatric facilities are underfunded, understaffed, and homelessness is a pervasive problem we wouldn't have if we would just deal with the mentally ill instead of ignoring them.
OK Shogun, let's use some common sense here on the effectiveness of drug testing.

Since the wide spread use of drug testing in the work place, has drug use declined ?

Has the unemployment rate begun to match the level of drug users ?

Or is it as I observe, drug testing has has little effect on drug use or empoyment of drug users ?

Drug test do not reduce drug use nor do they weed out any substantial number from the employment pool. But somehow, this will work for welfare and food stamps ? But what the heck, let's spend some tax dollars for the specific purpose of trying NOT to help people.

A decline of drug use is not the purpose of employment drug tests. Filtering out drug users from employee pools is the purpose. And yes, I'd say that companies do a pretty good job once they gain a reputation as an employer who will piss test new hires.

Likewise, drug users that reach for food stamps are less likely to do so knowing that their drug test results can be forwarded to proper authorities, NOT TO MENTION reducing the cost of FS by removing these people from the coffers.

It seems like your observation, once again, falls WAY short of making a valid correlation.

Please, run to Ole trusty and tell me that I don't know what i'm talking about. I mean, I've ONLY been a Human Resource Manager for 7 years. Clearly, I should be taking lessons from... a freelance guitarist.
It looks like a credit card because it has to to fit in the card reader machine. Believe me, it's still embarrassing for those inclined to be embarrassed (the cards in my state are REALLY brightly patterned and obvious), and those who aren't inclined weren't back when they were paper.

Personally, I'd rather sacrifice the chance to "shame" somebody to eliminate fraud, but that's just me.

Shows the difference around the country.

No stigma here. Hell, people go shopping with a "card-holding" friend. The friend pays for the groceries, the "non-card-holding" person pays the "card-holding" friend cash (less than what was on the card), and off they go.

The "card-holder" didn't care about groceries; he/she just wanted cash.

It's impossible to come up with a system that cannot be defrauded. That's the point where they just have to depend on people who see it to report it.

Except that's not "defrauding". Once you give something to someone, it's THEIRS TO USE AS THEY SEE FIT.

If they want to split costs with someone who is perhaps working, and they pay the food while the other person pays for non-food items, who the hell are you to say that's "defrauding the system"?

I get so sick of people complaining when they see poor families using their ebt cards to purchase "luxury" items like birthday cakes or chips. Fuck you. You created a system for poor people to use so they could feel more normal, and treat their kids to food like other people have. They have the right to use their fucking food stamps for a birthday cake and chips, or lobster and pate if they want to. You gave it to them, it's fucking theirs. When every day of your life is depression and poverty, I'll tell you what, it feels good to give your kids a pizza, junk food and dvd night, or throw a party with all the edible fixings, or have a couple of friends over for wildly extravagant ribeyes once a month..particularly if those friends have been taking you to dr. appointments, providing child care for your children while you look for work, have given you money to buy fucking toilet paper, or provided any sort of support whatsoever. Or none at all. So long as your kids aren't hungry at the end of the month (and anyone who gets the full allotment of fs shouldn't have hungry kids at the end of the month, unless they eat like that every single day) it's nobody's business what they buy or why they're buying it. They don't belong to the next person in the check out line just because they get foodstamps.
There is testing equipment available from several manufactures (one being the alcomate from advanced safety devices ) gives immediate results testing for Alcohol,Pot,coke and several other substances, cost $139.95. 100 disposable mouth pieces are $39.95.
end cost is about .33 per test. It has bright led lights and also beeps if over limits..We all love computers ...wonder how ya gonna feel about this one. Already in use at some sporting events and several
employers are going to use them also to as the saying go's thin out the heard..(ya will not get unemployment compensation if fired for substance abuse in several states) :razz::razz::razz::razz:

I can only imagine the legal nightmare this would be for a government application like food stamps. False positives, cough medicine poisitives, equipment failure. Some rejected applicant will sue for $50 million and take every penny saved and then some.

Sorry, this whole idea of drug testing, as you demonstrate so well here, has bred an entire industry around a concept that has proven to be worth so many popcorn farts. Meanwhile testing centers , equipment and administrators have raked in more in testing profits than anyone has saved in drug related losses. Spending dollars to save dimes.

Not only dimes but the integrity of the program itself. Again, when the COST is measured up against liability then the price is marginal. You think any given company that enforces drug testing is going to stop because some guitar playing dude thinks it's too expensive? Hell no. False positives and cough meds be dammed. You can rationalize the cost of drug related injury or, in this case, scheming the FS system if you want to... but rhetoric very rarely trumps the fact of abuse.
Shows the difference around the country.

No stigma here. Hell, people go shopping with a "card-holding" friend. The friend pays for the groceries, the "non-card-holding" person pays the "card-holding" friend cash (less than what was on the card), and off they go.

The "card-holder" didn't care about groceries; he/she just wanted cash.

It's impossible to come up with a system that cannot be defrauded. That's the point where they just have to depend on people who see it to report it.

Except that's not "defrauding". Once you give something to someone, it's THEIRS TO USE AS THEY SEE FIT.

If they want to split costs with someone who is perhaps working, and they pay the food while the other person pays for non-food items, who the hell are you to say that's "defrauding the system"?

I get so sick of people complaining when they see poor families using their ebt cards to purchase "luxury" items like birthday cakes or chips. Fuck you. You created a system for poor people to use so they could feel more normal, and treat their kids to food like other people have. They have the right to use their fucking food stamps for a birthday cake and chips, or lobster and pate if they want to. You gave it to them, it's fucking theirs. When every day of your life is depression and poverty, I'll tell you what, it feels good to give your kids a pizza, junk food and dvd night, or throw a party with all the edible fixings, or have a couple of friends over for wildly extravagant ribeyes once a month..particularly if those friends have been taking you to dr. appointments, providing child care for your children while you look for work, have given you money to buy fucking toilet paper, or provided any sort of support whatsoever. Or none at all. So long as your kids aren't hungry at the end of the month (and anyone who gets the full allotment of fs shouldn't have hungry kids at the end of the month, unless they eat like that every single day) it's nobody's business what they buy or why they're buying it. They don't belong to the next person in the check out line just because they get foodstamps.

The FS system is not meant to MAKE YOU FEEL NORMAL. It's not meant to KEEP UP WITH THE (self supporting) Joneses. It's meant as a last ditch safety net to keep people from starving on the fucking street. You don't need to eat Pringles to keep from starving. Your self esteem is not the factor that FS is meant to maintain. Hell, if ANYTHING that SHOULD be the motivation to get the fuck OFF OF FOODSTAMPS. Making you feal good about your failure as a fuckng parent IS NOT BILLABLE TO THE TAX PAYING PUBLIC. Ou want a fucking ribeye? You want some goddamn lobster? Caviar? Kobe Beef and gold plated fucking ice cream? find a way to pay for it without using tax based food stamps. You can live on generic cost cutter brand macaronni and white label peanut butter until you get better income (that is not tax based).

and yes, because you take this money from tax payers it IS our business how you spend it.
And yes, we can effectively test for drugs. Effective enough to cull down our liability to feed those who are spending their money on pot.

I smoked hemp for years which I never paid a dime for.

If this worries you so much you ought to be striving to make pot legal.

The street value of hemp when it's free of regulution is $ ZERO.

If it was legal and not regulated or taxed, you couldn't GIVE it away.
And yes, we can effectively test for drugs. Effective enough to cull down our liability to feed those who are spending their money on pot.

I smoked hemp for years which I never paid a dime for.

If this worries you so much you ought to be striving to make pot legal.

The street value of hemp when it's free of regulution is $ ZERO.

If it was legal and not regulated or taxed, you couldn't GIVE it away.

i'm a huge fan of legalizing pot. But, I am not a pot smoker who will invalidate the concept of liability. Hell, even legal pot shouldn't green light driving while stoned or working with injury potential machinery any more than drunk driving or drinking on the job is legal given our repeal of prohibition.

This isn't about harassing people just for smoking weed. THIS is about people who can't afford to feed themselves or their kids and who spend what little money they have on weed. BIG difference.
It's impossible to come up with a system that cannot be defrauded. That's the point where they just have to depend on people who see it to report it.

Except that's not "defrauding". Once you give something to someone, it's THEIRS TO USE AS THEY SEE FIT.

If they want to split costs with someone who is perhaps working, and they pay the food while the other person pays for non-food items, who the hell are you to say that's "defrauding the system"?

I get so sick of people complaining when they see poor families using their ebt cards to purchase "luxury" items like birthday cakes or chips. Fuck you. You created a system for poor people to use so they could feel more normal, and treat their kids to food like other people have. They have the right to use their fucking food stamps for a birthday cake and chips, or lobster and pate if they want to. You gave it to them, it's fucking theirs. When every day of your life is depression and poverty, I'll tell you what, it feels good to give your kids a pizza, junk food and dvd night, or throw a party with all the edible fixings, or have a couple of friends over for wildly extravagant ribeyes once a month..particularly if those friends have been taking you to dr. appointments, providing child care for your children while you look for work, have given you money to buy fucking toilet paper, or provided any sort of support whatsoever. Or none at all. So long as your kids aren't hungry at the end of the month (and anyone who gets the full allotment of fs shouldn't have hungry kids at the end of the month, unless they eat like that every single day) it's nobody's business what they buy or why they're buying it. They don't belong to the next person in the check out line just because they get foodstamps.

The FS system is not meant to MAKE YOU FEEL NORMAL. It's not meant to KEEP UP WITH THE (self supporting) Joneses. It's meant as a last ditch safety net to keep people from starving on the fucking street. You don't need to eat Pringles to keep from starving. Your self esteem is not the factor that FS is meant to maintain. Hell, if ANYTHING that SHOULD be the motivation to get the fuck OFF OF FOODSTAMPS. Making you feal good about your failure as a fuckng parent IS NOT BILLABLE TO THE TAX PAYING PUBLIC. Ou want a fucking ribeye? You want some goddamn lobster? Caviar? Kobe Beef and gold plated fucking ice cream? find a way to pay for it without using tax based food stamps. You can live on generic cost cutter brand macaronni and white label peanut butter until you get better income (that is not tax based).

and yes, because you take this money from tax payers it IS our business how you spend it.

It's meant to keep kids from starving. Period. Who the hell are you to add a bunch of addendums to how ppl should act, what they should do, how they should spend, when they receive fs? Because they aren't there in the fs laws now. So all you're doing is being a judgmental prick.

You're a dildo with power issues, that's who you are. You'd rather waste money on forced drug testing, allow less money to actually go into the fs program, which is the only truly successful welfare program IN EXISTENCE, see kids starve, than not be able to control every step that someone who is on food stamps makes.

It probably makes you feel more important.
PS: "The Taxpayers" are not the boss of the program. You guys hire people to take care of that. If you want to control the program and make decisions regarding the people who receive benefits then get a job as a policy analyst. Otherwise, you're not my boss, and you certainly aren't the boss of fs recipients. Who also pay taxes, and whose families pay taxes, dumbass.
Except that's not "defrauding". Once you give something to someone, it's THEIRS TO USE AS THEY SEE FIT.

If they want to split costs with someone who is perhaps working, and they pay the food while the other person pays for non-food items, who the hell are you to say that's "defrauding the system"?

I get so sick of people complaining when they see poor families using their ebt cards to purchase "luxury" items like birthday cakes or chips. Fuck you. You created a system for poor people to use so they could feel more normal, and treat their kids to food like other people have. They have the right to use their fucking food stamps for a birthday cake and chips, or lobster and pate if they want to. You gave it to them, it's fucking theirs. When every day of your life is depression and poverty, I'll tell you what, it feels good to give your kids a pizza, junk food and dvd night, or throw a party with all the edible fixings, or have a couple of friends over for wildly extravagant ribeyes once a month..particularly if those friends have been taking you to dr. appointments, providing child care for your children while you look for work, have given you money to buy fucking toilet paper, or provided any sort of support whatsoever. Or none at all. So long as your kids aren't hungry at the end of the month (and anyone who gets the full allotment of fs shouldn't have hungry kids at the end of the month, unless they eat like that every single day) it's nobody's business what they buy or why they're buying it. They don't belong to the next person in the check out line just because they get foodstamps.

The FS system is not meant to MAKE YOU FEEL NORMAL. It's not meant to KEEP UP WITH THE (self supporting) Joneses. It's meant as a last ditch safety net to keep people from starving on the fucking street. You don't need to eat Pringles to keep from starving. Your self esteem is not the factor that FS is meant to maintain. Hell, if ANYTHING that SHOULD be the motivation to get the fuck OFF OF FOODSTAMPS. Making you feal good about your failure as a fuckng parent IS NOT BILLABLE TO THE TAX PAYING PUBLIC. Ou want a fucking ribeye? You want some goddamn lobster? Caviar? Kobe Beef and gold plated fucking ice cream? find a way to pay for it without using tax based food stamps. You can live on generic cost cutter brand macaronni and white label peanut butter until you get better income (that is not tax based).

and yes, because you take this money from tax payers it IS our business how you spend it.

It's meant to keep kids from starving. Period. Who the hell are you to add a bunch of addendums to how ppl should act, what they should do, how they should spend, when they receive fs? Because they aren't there in the fs laws now. So all you're doing is being a judgmental prick.

You're a dildo with power issues, that's who you are. You'd rather waste money on forced drug testing, allow less money to actually go into the fs program, which is the only truly successful welfare program IN EXISTENCE, see kids starve, than not be able to control every step that someone who is on food stamps makes.

It probably makes you feel more important.

Indeed. KEEP KIDS FROM STARVING. Tell me, baba, do your kids NEED to eat fucking lobster in order to keep from starving? NO? ok then.

Who the hell are WE? WE are the tax payers who fund the fucking FS program. If you want to start shelling out the funds then step on up. You won't find a single tax payer who will insist on paying the tab. And yes, if you receive money from taxes then you probably should go on a spending spree at the mall. CRAZY CONCEPT, i know.

And baba.. YOUR INCOME is the product of this fucking program so spare me your criticism when we all know that your own fucking livelihood DEPENDS on unfettered abuse of the tit sticking out of your mouth, ok?
PS: "The Taxpayers" are not the boss of the program. You guys hire people to take care of that. If you want to control the program and make decisions regarding the people who receive benefits then get a job as a policy analyst. Otherwise, you're not my boss, and you certainly aren't the boss of fs recipients. Who also pay taxes, and whose families pay taxes, dumbass.

Actually, the tax payers who PAY the salaries of those who we ALLOW to take care of it pretty much makes us the top of the hierarchy. You don't have a legetimate claim to rule the FS domain unchecked just because you were given the opportunity to run it for awhile. All it takes is a few savvy elections and the entire face of the FS program can be wiped and rebooted. That, baba, is the cold, hard fact.
Here is some fucking caviar, baba.. Lord knows that poor people who can't afford the paper to wipe their own asses DESERVE some fine shit like this! It's nothing less than a goddamn social travesty that FS doesn't pay for this already!

Please, run to Ole trusty and tell me that I don't know what i'm talking about.

OK. You don't know what you're talking about.

Pre-employment drug testing
This is by far the most common type of drug test used by businesses, however, it is also the least effective. It is considered to be an "intelligence test" by drug testing professionals.

However, if the test result of the immunoassay and GC-MS are positive, the MRO contacts the employee and tries to determine if there is any legitimate reason for the employee to have a positive result such as a medical treatment or prescription. However, this is problematic for several reasons. First, most employees are not chemists, and are not aware of which substances which might create a false positive test result. Without such knowledge, they may not mention them, leading to the incorrect reporting of a positive result. Furthermore, non-drug users whose results are reported as positive will have no explanation for the error, and will therefore be reported as drug users. Conversely, drug users may understand that they will only be called if the result is positive, and therefore will tell the MRO that they have been cooking with hemp oil, drinking coca tea, or other plausible explanation for the result. If the MRO determines that the positive result may be due to drug use, the MRO then informs the employer of the positive result. Statistics show that about 5% of the urine samples tested in the U.S. turn out positive for drugs.

There are effective drug testing metods available but the most common testing, used by employers, the testing that is affordable and would be the only affordable method for a food stamp program, isn't reliable.

Again, how much money do you think we should spend to hold onto maybe 5% of food stamps ? And if we did, do you think there is anyone else in line that wants that 5% and will get it ? You know, kind of like employment testing, the job doesn't disappear, someone else gets it. Payroll doesn't go down and you're paying for drug testing too.

Drug users don't endanger anyone by using food stamps, where as drug users in some work place settings do. The reasons for using test here are very different. One may actually produce a result, a safer work place. The other won't show a net gain of anything. Food stamp roles won't go down and neither will drug use and the cost of the test will show no results.

And what does music have to do with any of this ?
Here is some fucking caviar, baba.. Lord knows that poor people who can't afford the paper to wipe their own asses DESERVE some fine shit like this! It's nothing less than a goddamn social travesty that FS doesn't pay for this already!


They haven't the income to purchase tp, but they do have the means to get caviar.
Let them eat cake. What the fuck is it to you? I guess it's better they eat nothing but beans and rice and go around with their heads down all the time....and just hoard that $600 a month they get in fs and continue to eat like they don't have money for food.

That's great. You're a great guy. No power issues there.:clap2:
Please, run to Ole trusty and tell me that I don't know what i'm talking about.

OK. You don't know what you're talking about.

Pre-employment drug testing
This is by far the most common type of drug test used by businesses, however, it is also the least effective. It is considered to be an "intelligence test" by drug testing professionals.

However, if the test result of the immunoassay and GC-MS are positive, the MRO contacts the employee and tries to determine if there is any legitimate reason for the employee to have a positive result such as a medical treatment or prescription. However, this is problematic for several reasons. First, most employees are not chemists, and are not aware of which substances which might create a false positive test result. Without such knowledge, they may not mention them, leading to the incorrect reporting of a positive result. Furthermore, non-drug users whose results are reported as positive will have no explanation for the error, and will therefore be reported as drug users. Conversely, drug users may understand that they will only be called if the result is positive, and therefore will tell the MRO that they have been cooking with hemp oil, drinking coca tea, or other plausible explanation for the result. If the MRO determines that the positive result may be due to drug use, the MRO then informs the employer of the positive result. Statistics show that about 5% of the urine samples tested in the U.S. turn out positive for drugs.

There are effective drug testing metods available but the most common testing, used by employers, the testing that is affordable and would be the only affordable method for a food stamp program, isn't reliable.

Again, how much money do you think we should spend to hold onto maybe 5% of food stamps ? And if we did, do you think there is anyone else in line that wants that 5% and will get it ? You know, kind of like employment testing, the job doesn't disappear, someone else gets it. Payroll doesn't go down and you're paying for drug testing too.

Drug users don't endanger anyone by using food stamps, where as drug users in some work place settings do. The reasons for using test here are very different. One may actually produce a result, a safer work place. The other won't show a net gain of anything. Food stamp roles won't go down and neither will drug use and the cost of the test will show no results.

And what does music have to do with any of this ?

Not only that, but the fs program is in place to KEEP THE CHILDREN OF THOSE WHO ARE INCAPABLE OF SUPPORTING THEM FROM STARVING. Is this really too hard a concept to figure out, Shoog? They are required to participate in job search programs already. To spend money which should be going directly to the stomachs of the poor on something that is sure to dq and reduce the amount of fs the kids of a poor family depend on is ridiculous. The program exists to feed people who, for WHATEVER REASON, cannot feed themselves adequately.

Most of my clients are working poor. They work. But they have issues. Mental health, drug, alcohol, usually in such a convoluted mass you can't tell where any of it originates. You aren't going to make these people better by starving them and their kids. You'll just kill them off. Which is idiotic. If we have the program for those people, then let those people fucking use it. Or get rid of it altogether.

But it's a good program. It's relatively inexpensive, and it does a world of good. So quit obsessing about it. Concentrate on something that really does need fixing.
1. did you want to post your source so I can dive into it or should we just take your guitar playing word for it?

2. You clearly don't work for any kind of company whose environmental liability is more significant than busking the corner of a bar. Mind game, indeed. WHY do you think it's a fucking MIND GAME that does, in fact, filter out blatant drug users?

While piss testing may not filter out EVERY drug user it WILL act as a net to catch more than just swinging the proverbial fucking doors open for any abuser who wants to pretend that it's not a cost effective option. Like I said, most businesses DO drug test. They do not do so just to spend money or fuck with people.

arbitrary numbers pulled out of your ass may mean something to you but they don't to me. If you want to GUESS 5% then go for it. Even that much is worth saving until you start shelling over FS funding. Thats gonna take a lot of busking.

The factor that you keep missing is the cost of liability in the event that a drug user has an accident on sight and the company has to pay for the expenses thereof. to the individual AND potential workmates involved. Likewise, culling the drug users from the FS program would decrease the cost overall by reducing the public liability of paying for those who abuse the system. It's why we regulate many aspects of business in order to mediate liability.

Drug users DO COST tax payers by purchasing bags of weed instead of bags of groceries. You can't fucking tell me that the $40/ half oz can't be used to feed your fucking kids.

and yes, LESS people on the FS roll call results in LESS COST to the tax paying base that is shelling out the funding. If people are afraid to get FS because they don't want to be busted for their drug use then two things happen: The overall cost of the FS program on the tax payer goes WAY down and those same people are forced to choose between eating or getting stoned. Can I go ahead and forego MY food bill this month is I want YOU to pay for my food while I go buy a fucking thousand dollar guitar and a fat sack of buds?

Here is some fucking caviar, baba.. Lord knows that poor people who can't afford the paper to wipe their own asses DESERVE some fine shit like this! It's nothing less than a goddamn social travesty that FS doesn't pay for this already!


They haven't the income to purchase tp, but they do have the means to get caviar.
Let them eat cake. What the fuck is it to you? I guess it's better they eat nothing but beans and rice and go around with their heads down all the time....and just hoard that $600 a month they get in fs and continue to eat like they don't have money for food.

That's great. You're a great guy. No power issues there.:clap2:

yes, eat some fucking beans and rice until you figure out a wy to provide for your own fucking family. Did I put a penis into your vagina and cum inside you? No? Then I really have no responsibility to make sure your kids get ribeyes and fruit roll ups in order to facilitate your self esteem.

And, let's be honest, IM not the one holding you down and acting on a power trip. YOU are the one who has the power to provide for yourself. If you dont' like generic white label peanut butter then too fucking bad. Believe it or not, sugar cones for ice cream and filet mignon IS ABOVE YOUR STANDARD OF LIVING.
Its not a matter of IF they can have the caviar with food stamps, its a matter of the fact that it is 100% wrong and abusive of the gift of money we as taxpayers are giving them.

Our country has gotten so %@$%$#@!%!$ damned lenient and liberal that people not only expect food stamps, they expect the right to abuse them as well.

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