Food Stamp Participation: Higher Rate of Intensity in Democratic Counties

oh my, poor Guano won't be bringing that up too soon
remember how he always Trotted out how it was the RED states.

figures, these people live in high cost cement jungles Under commie governments who taxes the shit out of them and then live off the backs of others with welfare, food stamps, etc

this country is hopeless
oh my, poor Guano won't be bringing that up too soon
remember how he always Trotted out how it was the RED states.

figures, these people live in high cost cement jungles Under commie governments who taxes the shit out of them and then live off the backs of others with welfare, food stamps, etc

this country is hopeless
No, not really. The Republican party is shrinking. There is hope yet.
oh my, poor Guano won't be bringing that up too soon
remember how he always Trotted out how it was the RED states.

figures, these people live in high cost cement jungles Under commie governments who taxes the shit out of them and then live off the backs of others with welfare, food stamps, etc

this country is hopeless

Dingbat can't read a chart.....who knew?
oh my, poor Guano won't be bringing that up too soon
remember how he always Trotted out how it was the RED states.

figures, these people live in high cost cement jungles Under commie governments who taxes the shit out of them and then live off the backs of others with welfare, food stamps, etc

this country is hopeless

To end hopelessness, vote out Republicans.
oh my, poor Guano won't be bringing that up too soon
remember how he always Trotted out how it was the RED states.

figures, these people live in high cost cement jungles Under commie governments who taxes the shit out of them and then live off the backs of others with welfare, food stamps, etc

this country is hopeless

To end hopelessness, vote out Republicans.
I think we're pretty hopeful. We have faith in people, God, the universe....
So we all agree that democrats live close together and suck welfare.


Along with underpaid military members. Most of whom are Republicans.
The Democrats high-jacked that legislation by adding killer amendments to it in order to make Republicans look bad. Look, military personal have always been slightly above poverty level since...well...the Continental Army. I know it's bullshit. I got $750 every month with a wife and kid in 1994. That includes BAQ. Ilive next to Army base and they were getting $20,000 combat pay. For combat pay and hazardous duty pay in 1991 I saved$10,000. Most of these W. Bush kids had $20,000-30,000 after Afghanistan or Iraq...and bought a new muscle car. They are 19 or 20 more power to them. But nothing for the future.
Here's the actual percentage of food stamp recipients by state, which is what the OP probably thought he was doing:


As the above chart makes clear, there is no red state/blue state correlation.

You might happen to notice that California is doing better than every state in the GOP South...
But mine was by concentration and county. South has more Blacks than North. But in northern areas it is Black aka Democrat ares that sponge the most.
More bad news for RED STATES.

5 out of the top 7

States with the most people on food stamps
20% of West Virginia on food stamps when 94% of the state is white????

Didn't see that coming.

Take a trip to West's a REAL eye opener.
I lived in West Virginia for half my life. Beautiful state. Good people.

Wonderful West Virginia! I used to get the magazine.
More bad news for RED STATES.

5 out of the top 7

States with the most people on food stamps
20% of West Virginia on food stamps when 94% of the state is white????

Didn't see that coming.

Take a trip to West's a REAL eye opener.
I lived in West Virginia for half my life. Beautiful state. Good people.
Whats not an "eye opener" is south central LA, Chicago, New York City, Philadelphia, Boston, Washington D.C. , New Orleans, Atlanta, San Francisco, and on and on...this validates my point. Your shocked by West Virginia but the obvious has been right under your nose for generations.
Here are SNAP participants by county. From, of all places, the Daily Kos. Darker areas have more people on food stamps.

Here is the vote by county in 2012 for Obama and Romney...

See a a pattern here...

The left always claims more Republicans are on welfare. They must think cities are either 100% Dem or Repub. We do know from some election results that Obama got more than 100% of the votes in some places, so either there is cheating or stats mean nothing. The government hands out welfare to just about anyone who asks for it. It's not a red or blue state thing and state leaders don't control who applies. We also don't know how many welfare recipients bother to register and vote.

If you listen to Dems, a large number of their constituents are incapable of obtaining a legal ID, which would mean they don't drive, fly, work, get unemployment, get social security, apply for Obamacare or any other insurance, have checking accounts, credit cards, buy beer or cigarettes, have a bus pass and it's unlikely they'd be able to register to vote since they can't prove who they are. And how could they get welfare if they can't prove who they are? Do welfare offices just hand money to anyone who asks without verifying anything? So, how are they counted as being a member of one party or another? Funny how Dems don't think any Republicans have trouble getting IDs or registering to vote all by themselves, it's only their own constituents who have that problem.

It stands to reason that those with their hands out would vote Democrat because of the continual promises of more wealth redistribution. If you are on the receiving end, you probably think socialism sounds good. Some think government is an endless source of money and they want a share of it. Too many don't realize that we are printing worthless money that will hurt in the long run and that the government has to shake down some people to get cash to fund their vote buying. Of course, we are so far in debt now we may never climb out, yet the spending continues unabated.
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