Food Stamps OK For Porn, Tatoos, Jewelry

There's none so blind as those who will not see.

And you are one of them.

You remind me of the morons on Stormfront who believe all black people are muggers, and then provide a link to a story about a black mugger to prove it.

So you found a college student gaming the system. That proves nothing.

You say private charities can handle the poor. I find that a typical response from people who have never actually done anything for others. It just demonstrates you think "other people" should handle a problem you have never actually investigated or done anything about yourself. People like you maybe drop a couple bucks in a can or a basket and console yourself you are part of the solution.

You aren't. You bring absolutely NOTHING to the table on the issue of poverty except your fevered erroneous fantasies.

You have these purely imaginary beliefs based on no facts whatsoever.

Let me tell you something. I AM one of those charities, dumbass. And my donor base are fundamenalist white Christians who vote the straight GOP ticket. So unlike you, I don't stereotype people based on just one idiot. If I did, I'd think all "conservatives" were clueless fucks like you.

But since I am a born and bred Conservative myself and I live among some of the most conservative people in the country, I know better.

I defy you to go out into the countryside to a private charity and start ranting about there being no real poor in America, and about how the poor eat caviar and drink wine and live high on the hog.

I defy you to do that.

They will look at you like the little bug you are.

You are beyond ignorant. You are willfully stupid.
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There's none so blind as those who will not see.

And you are one of them.

You remind me of the morons on Stormfront who believe all black people are muggers, and then provide a link to a story about a black mugger to prove it.

So you found a college student gaming the system. That proves nothing.

You say private charities can handle the poor. I find that a typical response from people who have never actually done anything for others. It just demonstrates you think "other people" should handle a problem you have never actually investigated or done anything about yourself. People like you maybe drop a couple bucks in a can or a basket and console yourself you are part of the solution.

You aren't. You bring absolutely NOTHING to the table on the issue of poverty except your fevered erroneous fantasies.

You have these purely imaginary beliefs based on no facts whatsoever.

Let me tell you something. I AM one of those charities, dumbass. And my donor base are fundamenalist white Christians who vote the straight GOP ticket. So unlike you, I don't stereotype all "conservatives" based on just one idiot like yourself. Especially since I am a born and bred Conservative myself.

I defy you to go out into the countryside to a private charity and start ranting about there being no real poor in America, and about how the poor eat caviar and drink wine and live high on the hog.

I defy you to do that.

You will find they will look at you like the bug you are.

You are beyond ignorant.

1. Hmmmm.....

You've spent quite a post bloviating because you're still smarting over the spankings I've given you in a number of threads...

...feel better now?

2. "I find that a typical response from people who have never actually done anything for others....I AM one of those charities,...."

Y' can really sprain that arm badly, patting yourself on the back like that.

3. Simply because I'm in the habit of hitting you in the kisser with a whip-cream pie, here's another chance for you to prove what a dunce you are:

How much money do Americans give to charity in a year...?

Give up?
I don't know how one can drive this and claim they need welfare....


And you have evidence that the person who drives that car is on welfare?

He isn't, but all 6 of his baby mammas are.
There's none so blind as those who will not see.

And you are one of them.

You remind me of the morons on Stormfront who believe all black people are muggers, and then provide a link to a story about a black mugger to prove it.

So you found a college student gaming the system. That proves nothing.

You say private charities can handle the poor. I find that a typical response from people who have never actually done anything for others. It just demonstrates you think "other people" should handle a problem you have never actually investigated or done anything about yourself. People like you maybe drop a couple bucks in a can or a basket and console yourself you are part of the solution.

You aren't. You bring absolutely NOTHING to the table on the issue of poverty except your fevered erroneous fantasies.

You have these purely imaginary beliefs based on no facts whatsoever.

Let me tell you something. I AM one of those charities, dumbass. And my donor base are fundamenalist white Christians who vote the straight GOP ticket. So unlike you, I don't stereotype all "conservatives" based on just one idiot like yourself. Especially since I am a born and bred Conservative myself.

I defy you to go out into the countryside to a private charity and start ranting about there being no real poor in America, and about how the poor eat caviar and drink wine and live high on the hog.

I defy you to do that.

You will find they will look at you like the bug you are.

You are beyond ignorant.

[1. Hmmmm.....

You've spent quite a post bloviating because you're still smarting over the spankings I've given you in a number of threads...

...feel better now?


That's quite the imagination you have. But we already know that.

You aren't even in the same league as me, hypocrite.

How much money do Americans give to charity in a year...?

Give up?

It should not be hard for you to find one then, right?

Go visit a charity and tell them about there being no poor, and that our poor live high on the hog.


If we have no real poor, then why is there all that money being given to charities?


They just don't get any willfully blinder than you.
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I don't know how one can drive this and claim they need welfare....


This is the confirmation bias of which I spoke.

Do you think all poor people drive cars like that?

Simple question.
And you are one of them.

You remind me of the morons on Stormfront who believe all black people are muggers, and then provide a link to a story about a black mugger to prove it.

So you found a college student gaming the system. That proves nothing.

You say private charities can handle the poor. I find that a typical response from people who have never actually done anything for others. It just demonstrates you think "other people" should handle a problem you have never actually investigated or done anything about yourself. People like you maybe drop a couple bucks in a can or a basket and console yourself you are part of the solution.

You aren't. You bring absolutely NOTHING to the table on the issue of poverty except your fevered erroneous fantasies.

You have these purely imaginary beliefs based on no facts whatsoever.

Let me tell you something. I AM one of those charities, dumbass. And my donor base are fundamenalist white Christians who vote the straight GOP ticket. So unlike you, I don't stereotype all "conservatives" based on just one idiot like yourself. Especially since I am a born and bred Conservative myself.

I defy you to go out into the countryside to a private charity and start ranting about there being no real poor in America, and about how the poor eat caviar and drink wine and live high on the hog.

I defy you to do that.

You will find they will look at you like the bug you are.

You are beyond ignorant.


That's quite the imagination you have. But we already know that.

You aren't even in the same league as me, hypocrite.

How much money do Americans give to charity in a year...?

Give up?

It should not be hard for you to find one then, right?

Go visit a charity and tell them about there being no poor, and that our poor live high on the hog.


If we have no real poor, then why is there all that money being given to charities?


"You aren't even in the same league as me,..." news I've had all day!!

I can imagine the embarrassment felt by the folks who are!

I’ve seen your posts: it’s clear why no one ever copied off your paper.
Find a charity. Tell them there are no poor and that the poor live high on the hog.

Find a charity that cares for the poor and tell them they can close their doors.

Walk into a church and announce they can stop donating money to feed and clothe and shelter the poor.

Yes, as we opposed USDA interference with farming as well.

Exactly. That cheese and powdered milk was the result of billions in subsidies to corporate farmers.

Even in the 70's the democrats were the bitch of the corporations.

Absolutely correct, Uncensored! I recently read Sykes, "Nation of Moochers," and found:

1. According to John Stossel, the biggest welfare queens are farmers. Agricultural subsidies including direct payments, marketing loans, counter-cyclical payments, conservation subsidies, insurance, disaster aid, export subsidies, and agricultural research, taken together, have become one of the largest middle- and upper-class welfare programs in the nation.

a. “Washington paid out a quarter of a trillion dollars in federal farm subsidies between 1995 and 2009, but to characterize the programs as either a “big government” bailout or another form of welfare would be manifestly unfair – to bailouts and welfare.” Government’s Continuing Bailout of Corporate Agriculture | Environmental Working Group

And this:

2. In 2005 alone, when pretax farm profits were at a near-record $72 billion, the federal government handed out more than $25 billion in aid, almost 50 percent more than the amount it pays to families receiving welfare.” Farm Program Pays $1.3 Billion to People Who Don't Farm
All those white Christian conservative evangelicals have been taking care of scammers. I'm sure they will be relieved to hear the news, chickenshit. You really need to get out there and tell them!
I just love the illogic here. Good, god-fearing people provide food, heat, and shelter to the poor. The government provides food, heat, and shelter to the poor.

Then some dumbass comes along and says there are no real poor because dumbass doesn't see anyone without food, heat, or shelter!


Please, please, please, go forth and witness to the multitude there are no real poor and that the poor are living high on the hog, chickenshit! I'm BEGGING you!

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Walk into a church and announce they can stop donating money to feed and clothe and shelter the poor.


Now watch how I eviscerate you without resorting to the language of the sort that indicates that you've lost an argument.

Let's be honest.

You are merely a second-rater of limited education and even less knowledge, who wanders around annoying folks by using a megaphone to tout his supposed 'charities.'

Relying on you for knowledge of any variety would be like rushing to England for dental care.
Did I nail it?
Be've heard that same thing a hundred times, haven't you.
It should still be that way. Add a bag of rice and beans and see 'em next month.

Go to Haiti or the Honduras, or back in time in this country before the Not-So-Great Society and see if you see any morbidly obese poor people.


The idiot leftists pretend that America is just like Calcutta. That we have people starving to death in back alleys while Republicans render them for soap whilst bathing in piles of gold coins.

America has people who have needs - we in fact do NOT have poverty, not real poverty. We have people who might become truly impoverished if we didn't have a safety net, but we do - we have dozens of layers.

Our welfare system is badly broken and needs to be overhauled - but that doesn't mean that those of us on the right want no sort of safety net. We want to help those who truly need help, but not those who are leeches.
Walk into a church and announce they can stop donating money to feed and clothe and shelter the poor.


Now watch how I eviscerate you without resorting to the language of the sort that indicates that you've lost an argument.

Let's be honest.

You are merely a second-rater of limited education and even less knowledge, who wanders around annoying folks by using a megaphone to tout his supposed 'charities.'

Relying on you for knowledge of any variety would be like rushing to England for dental care.
Did I nail it?
Be've heard that same thing a hundred times, haven't you.

Go on. Go to a private charity and tell them there are no poor.

If there are no poor, why are there charities?


You can't eviscerate the truth. I would say, "Nice try", but you are too feeble, PoliticalChickenshit. The TRUTH has gutted YOU.
We have wiped out poverty! Tell the charities to stand down, Chickenshit.

What are you waiting for? They need to know they can keep their money. They don't need to donate any more. There is no poverty in America. We are the first country in history to have completely wiped it out!

I can't believe this is not being blasted in all the papers.

You need to get the word out.

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