Food Stamps OK For Porn, Tatoos, Jewelry

You can't buy non-food items with foodstamps. In any state.

Foster families who apply for foodstamps have to count the income generated by their foster kids, which usually puts them out of the running. Or they can exclude the foster kids and their foster $$...

Not in Florida, the system can take up to a year for anything BUT food stamps & Medicaid. The alleged 'mother & father*' were bums, and DOR (Department of Revenue) always has a backlog. The kids were eating of garbage cans before the state stepped in.

*My apologies to genuine parents.
Ok I don't know what you're talking about, but the foodstamp program is a federal one, and is determined using the same standards in every state. I don't understand what it is you're trying to say.
You can't buy non-food items with foodstamps. In any state.

Foster families who apply for foodstamps have to count the income generated by their foster kids, which usually puts them out of the running. Or they can exclude the foster kids and their foster $$...

in theory no, you are not supposed to be able too.
She makes sense. Which is why you loons race around proclaiming "she doesn't make sense! Don't listen to her! She's stoopid!!"

She's lost every argument she's ever tried to engage in with me. Of course that doesn't necessarily make her stupid,

many marginally intelligent people have lost arguments to me.
Government cheese and powdered milk weren't purchased with foodstamps, they were passed out by the dept of agriculture, for free. You showed up and they handed it out.

It should still be that way. Add a bag of rice and beans and see 'em next month.

Go to Haiti or the Honduras, or back in time in this country before the Not-So-Great Society and see if you see any morbidly obese poor people.
There is no true poverty in the United States of America.
That is, material poverty. But there is spiritual poverty, poverty of character.
And there is a virulent political philosophy that encourages taking, rather than earning....
...pleading and demanding based on envy.

Food stamps for those who need food, and cannot provide for old and honorable heritage in America: "On January 6, 1657 twenty-eight “Scottish men” signed the Laws Rules and Order of the Poor Boxes Society” in Boston, New England and formed the Scots’ Charitable Society."

But what the Left has made common is a blemish on the nation and the people...

1."Mass Gov. Deval Patrick Vetoes Ban On Using Welfare EBT Cards To Purchase Porn, Tattoos, Manicures Because It Would “Humiliate Poor People”…No surprise he’s a close friend of Barack Obama (Axelrod ran his first campaign for Mass governor).

Really? They're "close friends"? How often do they hang out together?

Consider the above when you vote.

I don't vote in Massachusetts.

"NILES, Ohio — With the next round of voters set to weigh in on the Democratic presidential race, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton’s campaign on Monday accused Senator Barack Obama of committing plagiarism in a weekend speech. Mr. Obama dismissed the charge as absurd and desperate.

Mr. Obama told reporters he should have credited Gov. Deval Patrick of Massachusetts, a friend, for a passage in a speech he delivered on Saturday in Milwaukee. But Mr. Obama said his rival was “carrying it too far.”

I used to enjoy eviscerating your posts and showing what a dunce your are....

...but, frankly, it has become far too easy.....not that much fun anymore.

A friend, or a "close friend" ?
I used to work at DSHS. People would come in with brand new tattoos, smoking name brand cigs, and driving nice cars. There were many young men coming in dressed like NBA all stars and picking up food stamps. The USA is sick.

Some people do the same thing here. They have brand name clothes, smoke and buy grog, yet they need welfare to survive. They can't seem to get it through their thick skulls that if they quit smoking and drinking, they might actually have an income to live on.
I used to work at DSHS. People would come in with brand new tattoos, smoking name brand cigs, and driving nice cars. There were many young men coming in dressed like NBA all stars and picking up food stamps. The USA is sick.

They're drug dealers, Buford. Drug dealers don't report their income. They're also criminals, so its hardly surprising they commit crimes, is it? Should we punish the law abiding citizens in genuine need of public assistance because drug dealers exist?
I used to work at DSHS. People would come in with brand new tattoos, smoking name brand cigs, and driving nice cars. There were many young men coming in dressed like NBA all stars and picking up food stamps. The USA is sick.

They're drug dealers, Buford. Drug dealers don't report their income. They're also criminals, so its hardly surprising they commit crimes, is it? Should we punish the law abiding citizens in genuine need of public assistance because drug dealers exist?

They are not all drug dealers and I would bet an extremely small portion of them were. Most drug dealers have not the time nor the inclination to collect government benefits. What they are is irresponsible. They are on EBT precisely because they have chosen to buy the frivolous things instead of what matter.

EBT should be run just like WIC. No money you are going to get healthy foods. Vegetables, dairy meat ect. Nothing premade, all food., just a simple list of foods that you can get. No substitutions. If you want government assistance then
I used to work at DSHS. People would come in with brand new tattoos, smoking name brand cigs, and driving nice cars. There were many young men coming in dressed like NBA all stars and picking up food stamps. The USA is sick.

They're drug dealers, Buford. Drug dealers don't report their income. They're also criminals, so its hardly surprising they commit crimes, is it? Should we punish the law abiding citizens in genuine need of public assistance because drug dealers exist?

They are not all drug dealers and I would bet an extremely small portion of them were. Most drug dealers have not the time nor the inclination to collect government benefits.

Why on Earth wouldn't they? I'm not talking about your pot dealer, I'm talking about crack dealers, amphetamine dealers, people with no regard for any rule of law. If they can get free money off the taxpayers you think they wouldn't?

What they are is irresponsible. They are on EBT precisely because they have chosen to buy the frivolous things instead of what matter.

Whether or not you get an EBT card depends on your income, not how many frivolous things you can buy. You honestly think someone with a brand new BMW who has a reported income of 15k a year actually only makes 15k and has poured every cent of income for the last year+ to buy a car? Fuck no. They sell drugs. They probably have reported incomes of near zero.

EBT should be run just like WIC. No money you are going to get healthy foods. Vegetables, dairy meat ect. Nothing premade, all food., just a simple list of foods that you can get. No substitutions. If you want government assistance then

Great. Lets make the system so complicated that no grocer would dare even bother with it, that will be effective. You know healthy foods quite often are the more expensive ones, right?
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EBT should be run just like WIC. No money you are going to get healthy foods. Vegetables, dairy meat ect. Nothing premade, all food., just a simple list of foods that you can get. No substitutions. If you want government assistance then

I agree.

The other night on 'Today Tonight', (a current affairs show here in Australia) there was a story about 'Basics Cards' which is the same thing as food stamps. You swipe the card to pay for your groceries, and you can't get smokes or alcohol with it. Its given to people on welfare, and is only active in certain states, but we expect other states to pick up the program as well.

Obviously, the dole bludgers were outraged at this, but I think its fair enough. Its taxpayers money that goes to these people to sit on their bums all day, why shouldn't we decide how our money is spent?
I used to work at DSHS. People would come in with brand new tattoos, smoking name brand cigs, and driving nice cars. There were many young men coming in dressed like NBA all stars and picking up food stamps. The USA is sick.

They're drug dealers, Buford. Drug dealers don't report their income. They're also criminals, so its hardly surprising they commit crimes, is it? Should we punish the law abiding citizens in genuine need of public assistance because drug dealers exist?

Should society support drug dealers and users?

That's the real question.
I used to work at DSHS. People would come in with brand new tattoos, smoking name brand cigs, and driving nice cars. There were many young men coming in dressed like NBA all stars and picking up food stamps. The USA is sick.

They're drug dealers, Buford. Drug dealers don't report their income. They're also criminals, so its hardly surprising they commit crimes, is it? Should we punish the law abiding citizens in genuine need of public assistance because drug dealers exist?

Should society support drug dealers and users?

That's the real question.

It shouldn't support people who make enough to support themselves, reported income or not. Where have I ever said I think drug dealers that pull in good money off the books should get government welfare?
They're drug dealers, Buford. Drug dealers don't report their income. They're also criminals, so its hardly surprising they commit crimes, is it? Should we punish the law abiding citizens in genuine need of public assistance because drug dealers exist?

They are not all drug dealers and I would bet an extremely small portion of them were. Most drug dealers have not the time nor the inclination to collect government benefits.

Why on Earth wouldn't they? I'm not talking about your pot dealer, I'm talking about crack dealers, amphetamine dealers, people with no regard for any rule of law. If they can get free money off the taxpayers you think they wouldn't?
Simple answer - navigating the government programs is far harder than cooking up some more crack and selling it. They also are turning far too much profit to even bother. It does not matter anyway, your assertion has ZERO evidence and is moot. If you have something more than baseless accusations then lets hear it.
What they are is irresponsible. They are on EBT precisely because they have chosen to buy the frivolous things instead of what matter.

Whether or not you get an EBT card depends on your income, not how many frivolous things you can buy. You honestly think someone with a brand new BMW who has a reported income of 15k a year actually only makes 15k and has poured every cent of income for the last year+ to buy a car? Fuck no. They sell drugs. They probably have reported incomes of near zero.

And you missed the point entirely. Try again.
EBT should be run just like WIC. No money you are going to get healthy foods. Vegetables, dairy meat ect. Nothing premade, all food., just a simple list of foods that you can get. No substitutions. If you want government assistance then

Great. Lets make the system so complicated that no grocer would dare even bother with it, that will be effective. You know healthy foods quite often are the more expensive ones, right?
? Because no one accepts WIC? Dont be dense. WIC is FAR easier to understand than EBT is. Here is the list of goods, you can get anything on that list. Very simple.

And yes, I am fully aware that healthy foods do cost more in many cases. What is your point? If we are in this to actually HELP people then perhaps we should actually try helping them by giving them good, healthy foods.
And yes, I am fully aware that healthy foods do cost more in many cases. What is your point? If we are in this to actually HELP people then perhaps we should actually try helping them by giving them good, healthy foods.

So their poverty is due to poor diet choice? That's a new one. Maybe we should give them a summer reading list while we're at it.
They're drug dealers, Buford. Drug dealers don't report their income. They're also criminals, so its hardly surprising they commit crimes, is it? Should we punish the law abiding citizens in genuine need of public assistance because drug dealers exist?

Should society support drug dealers and users?

That's the real question.

It shouldn't support people who make enough to support themselves, reported income or not. Where have I ever said I think drug dealers that pull in good money off the books should get government welfare?

Damn! We finally agree on something!

And yes, I am fully aware that healthy foods do cost more in many cases. What is your point? If we are in this to actually HELP people then perhaps we should actually try helping them by giving them good, healthy foods.

So their poverty is due to poor diet choice? That's a new one. Maybe we should give them a summer reading list while we're at it.

Shit you are dense. Never mind then. Continue to spew nonsense and avoid the actual points presented.

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