Food Stamps OK For Porn, Tatoos, Jewelry

That is interesting

What do you think we should do about it?

1. I have often felt that food stamps should be reserved for purchases labeled as nutritious, but 'no-frills.'
No reason for those accepting 'Food Stamps' to eat better than those paying for the benefit.

2.Further, there should be government-sponsored church and other food kitchens available to any with a food stamp 'doggie bags.'

They are called 'Food Stamps" for a reason.

Wadda you think?

the first amendment called.

it said smarten the fuck up.

And BANG! DULL misses the point. What a fucking surprise.
Actually, Im in agreement that the government sponsored Church thing is not what we need.
1) Should not have to even stipulate this.. and it shows the pitiful state our country is because it has to be stipulated
2) But we should not have welfare anyway...

Food stamps is a different program from welfare, just sayin.

It is a form or welfare or entitlement.. just because multiple departments or systems run differing aspects of entitlement programs does not make them inherently different

But you are right.. I should have stated that we should not have entitlements anyway

FYI there is a difference between food stamps and cash benefits on EBT. For people who receive what is the modern equivelent of food stamps they are unable to use them for anything that is not edible. Even edible things are limited to non-prepared items, and you cannot buy alcohol products with them. There are cash benefits given through the EBT system which is just a debit card system for the states to use to distribute benefits. Tghings like unemployment, disability, and much harder to get welfare cash benefits are distributed by these systems. However, you can't actually buy any of those items mentioned with food benefits from the state.

The most common benefit the state gives is the food assistance program which is available to people making below 12 to 15 grand a year. It is quite difficult for a healthy person able to work to get more than just food assistance, but things like facts simply are not meant for pundits, the news sites, or idiots like yourself who have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.
That is why everyone wants to be poor

Champagne, Lobster, Filet Mignon with an occaisional Deep Fried Twinkie thrown in

College students would like to EAT like the poor.

The Poor would like to DRINK like College Students

Wrong considering food stamps are unable to be used to purchase products with alcohol in them despite what you believe. Also, you are not going to be eating very long if you purchase expensive food items. 200 dollars or less a month in food is good nough to survive on if you buy the right things, but it certainly won't get you far on lobster tails and brand names. Even things like twinkies and expensive snack foods tend to not go very far on food stamps.

If you really think it is a great system that makes it so the poor are drinking champagne and eating caviar try living by it for a month. Take 200 dollars, and use it to buy your food for the month. See how long you last on that much money for your food. this is also great practice for those who want to learn how to shop for food and save themselves a shitload of money.
There is no true poverty in the United States of America.
That is, material poverty. But there is spiritual poverty, poverty of character.
And there is a virulent political philosophy that encourages taking, rather than earning....
...pleading and demanding based on envy.

Food stamps for those who need food, and cannot provide for old and honorable heritage in America: "On January 6, 1657 twenty-eight “Scottish men” signed the Laws Rules and Order of the Poor Boxes Society” in Boston, New England and formed the Scots’ Charitable Society."

But what the Left has made common is a blemish on the nation and the people...

1."Mass Gov. Deval Patrick Vetoes Ban On Using Welfare EBT Cards To Purchase Porn, Tattoos, Manicures Because It Would “Humiliate Poor People”…No surprise he’s a close friend of Barack Obama (Axelrod ran his first campaign for Mass governor).

2. Patrick vetoed the reforms Sunday while signing the state’s $32.5 billion budget.

3. According to the Boston Herald, which first reported the veto, the governor berated the legislature’s stab at banning the purchase of specific items like manicures, tattoos, guns, porn, body piercings, jewelry, and bail by saying the move was “political grandstanding” at a time when such reforms are already on track elsewhere.

4. “I’m not going to do anything that makes vulnerable people beg for their benefits.This notion of humiliating poor people has got to be separated from how we make a program, and frankly separated and disposed of, from how we make a program work and work well,” Patrick said,...

5. Patrick allowed bans on the use of EBT cards in establishments known for the sale of seemingly controversial items — such as tattoo parlors, gun shops, casinos, cruise ships, and adult entertainment facilities —- to stand."
Exposing Liberal Lies: Deval Patrick OKs Porn, Tatoos, Jewelry with Food Stamps

We live in a time when the welfare industry needs to convinced well-meaning folks that there is a 'need.'
Rather it is a 'want.'

Consider the above when you vote.

Once again the OP succeeds in exhibiting her ignorance and demonstrates she’s nothing more than a tedious partisan hack.

The bill was a state measure, and Federal restrictions still apply to what may or may not be purchased using SNAP benefits:

Households CANNOT use SNAP benefits to buy:

Beer, wine, liquor, cigarettes or tobacco;

Any nonfood items, such as:

pet foods;
soaps, paper products; and
household supplies.

Vitamins and medicines.

Food that will be eaten in the store.

Hot foods.

“Junk Food” & Luxury Items

The OP is consequently wrong when she states SNAP benefits may be used to buy “Porn, Tatoos [sic], Jewelry” – anyone engaging in such activities will be subject to a criminal investigation:

OIG Oversight of SNAP

In providing oversight of the SNAP program, OIG employs a two-pronged approach involving audits and criminal investigations. OIG Investigations staff conducts criminal investigations into alleged fraud perpetrated against the program, while OIG Audit staff conducts reviews of SNAP intended to improve FNS’ overall management controls for the program.

Moreover, the legislation was returned to lawmakers with an amendment to shift the onus from benefit recipients to business owners:

In signing the budget for the fiscal year that started July 1, Patrick also rejected the Legislature's plan for an expanded ban on the use of electronic benefit cards that would include prohibitions on the purchases of items such as firearms, tattoos and pornography. Instead, Patrick sent those provisions back to legislators with an amendment that would forbid the use of the cards in businesses where those items are sold such as gun dealers, tattoo parlors and adult bookstores and strip joints.

Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick signs $32.5 billion state budget, vetoes $32.1 million in spending |

It’s therefore a conservative lie that Patrick wants to allow SNAP benefits to be used for the noted unauthorized items, as the amendment seeks to stop fraudulent use of Food Stamps at the source.
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That is interesting

What do you think we should do about it?

1. I have often felt that food stamps should be reserved for purchases labeled as nutritious, but 'no-frills.'
No reason for those accepting 'Food Stamps' to eat better than those paying for the benefit.

2.Further, there should be government-sponsored church and other food kitchens available to any with a food stamp 'doggie bags.'

They are called 'Food Stamps" for a reason.

Wadda you think?

I actually agree within reason

I don't want to start a Twinkee Police or play the "poor people should eat gruel" game

I support sane restrictions on what food stamps can buy. Basically, grocery store only

Private charity is private charity. They can do what they want. I don't want government sponsorship. It opens up too many opportunities for less than honest charities

well, way back when you could ONLY buy specific items with foodstamps...I ate gov. cheese, literally and drank powered milk it sucked but was better than going hungry.

I am not sure if they even do that anymore but the foodstamp prgm. , I understood when I was growing up, was to buttress basic nutrition via making staples available; milk cheese bread , freeing up what monies you had for other things, like meat, could not though buy steak and certain high cuts of meat liquor, ciggs etc. with foostamps, mother was embarrassed just using them and would wait till there was no line in the market if she could.....those days are long fucking gone apparently.
Government cheese and powdered milk weren't purchased with foodstamps, they were passed out by the dept of agriculture, for free. You showed up and they handed it out.
I am not sure if they even do that anymore but the foodstamp prgm. , I understood when I was growing up, was to buttress basic nutrition via making staples available; milk cheese bread , freeing up what monies you had for other things, like meat, could not though buy steak and certain high cuts of meat liquor, ciggs etc. with foostamps, mother was embarrassed just using them and would wait till there was no line in the market if she could.....those days are long fucking gone apparently.

The volunteer the time and labor to divvy up the stuff, to interview the recipients, and add their own contributions to it.

Damn them! How dare they interfere!
1. I have often felt that food stamps should be reserved for purchases labeled as nutritious, but 'no-frills.'
No reason for those accepting 'Food Stamps' to eat better than those paying for the benefit.

2.Further, there should be government-sponsored church and other food kitchens available to any with a food stamp 'doggie bags.'

They are called 'Food Stamps" for a reason.

Wadda you think?

I actually agree within reason

I don't want to start a Twinkee Police or play the "poor people should eat gruel" game

I support sane restrictions on what food stamps can buy. Basically, grocery store only

Private charity is private charity. They can do what they want. I don't want government sponsorship. It opens up too many opportunities for less than honest charities

well, way back when you could ONLY buy specific items with foodstamps...I ate gov. cheese, literally and drank powered milk it sucked but was better than going hungry.

I am not sure if they even do that anymore but the foodstamp prgm. , I understood when I was growing up, was to buttress basic nutrition via making staples available; milk cheese bread , freeing up what monies you had for other things, like meat, could not though buy steak and certain high cuts of meat liquor, ciggs etc. with foostamps, mother was embarrassed just using them and would wait till there was no line in the market if she could.....those days are long fucking gone apparently.

Please educate yourself on the simple things. Yes, they still limit your purchasing with food stamps despite the bullshit the OP is trying to say. It is also much harder to purchase other items with food stamps as modern cash registers do all the limitations. The modern inventory systems of places that can allow you to use an EBT card define the products in the store that can be purchased by the EBT card, and it simply will not allow a clerk to ring up a non-food product for purchase with food benefits. They are also no longer really tradeable for money as you do not get "stamps" you might be able to swap for cash. Simply you have a debit card, and you cannot sell parts of that to get money for smokes or alcohol like they used to.

It is also good to note the present food stamp system gives you less than 7 dollars a day to eat with, and that is if you are getting the best and full benefits. If you want to eat all month you really have to buy non-brand name and bulk food options. Even the idea some states wish to pass that would allow people to buy prepared foods like fast food items is really stupid as you could barely afford one meal at McDonalds a day.

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