Food Stamps OK For Porn, Tatoos, Jewelry

Those things are ALREADY not legally purchasable with SNAP.

So he is right...that legislation WAS nothing more than political grandstanding.
Those things are ALREADY not legally purchasable with SNAP.

So he is right...that legislation WAS nothing more than political grandstanding.

yep, he was right and this is nothing but faux outrage, partisan hot expected at this point, from PC and her ops as of late. :(
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USDA still stuffs foodboxes.

Guess where they're usually distributed?

From churches.

Can't have that! Separation! Where's the Governor? The president? My Senator?

Actually....I believe that the Supreme Court would allow same....

....I say that based on Zelman v. Simmons-Harris, in which taxpayer funds were allowed to pay for religious school tuition.

They set up a set of criteria that had to be met:

a the program must have a valid secular purpose,
b aid must go to parents and not to the schools,
c a broad class of beneficiaries must be covered,
d the program must be neutral with respect to religion, and
e there must be adequate nonreligious options. Zelman v. Simmons-Harris - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And, with the right Justices on the Court, the bogus idea of 'separation' will be put to rest.
There is no true poverty in the United States of America.
That is, material poverty. But there is spiritual poverty, poverty of character.
And there is a virulent political philosophy that encourages taking, rather than earning....
...pleading and demanding based on envy.

Food stamps for those who need food, and cannot provide for old and honorable heritage in America: "On January 6, 1657 twenty-eight “Scottish men” signed the Laws Rules and Order of the Poor Boxes Society” in Boston, New England and formed the Scots’ Charitable Society."

But what the Left has made common is a blemish on the nation and the people...

1."Mass Gov. Deval Patrick Vetoes Ban On Using Welfare EBT Cards To Purchase Porn, Tattoos, Manicures Because It Would “Humiliate Poor People”…No surprise he’s a close friend of Barack Obama (Axelrod ran his first campaign for Mass governor).

2. Patrick vetoed the reforms Sunday while signing the state’s $32.5 billion budget.

3. According to the Boston Herald, which first reported the veto, the governor berated the legislature’s stab at banning the purchase of specific items like manicures, tattoos, guns, porn, body piercings, jewelry, and bail by saying the move was “political grandstanding” at a time when such reforms are already on track elsewhere.

4. “I’m not going to do anything that makes vulnerable people beg for their benefits.This notion of humiliating poor people has got to be separated from how we make a program, and frankly separated and disposed of, from how we make a program work and work well,” Patrick said,...

5. Patrick allowed bans on the use of EBT cards in establishments known for the sale of seemingly controversial items — such as tattoo parlors, gun shops, casinos, cruise ships, and adult entertainment facilities —- to stand."
Exposing Liberal Lies: Deval Patrick OKs Porn, Tatoos, Jewelry with Food Stamps

We live in a time when the welfare industry needs to convinced well-meaning folks that there is a 'need.'
Rather it is a 'want.'

Consider the above when you vote.

That is interesting

What do you think we should do about it?

Any one who believes there is no poverty in America isn't thinking; still, food stamps should be used for food (.) Florida allows such a small amount for food, one cannot buy "jewelry", except for plastic baubles.*

*I have seen the amounts for a foster family of up to six.

Poverty: no home, no heat, no food.

Know any such?
Almost half my students are on free lunch but the majority have tattoos. Whenever they show me their new artwork I always say "Wow How much did that cost? You must have a great job".

Well....since you are, with tongue in cheek, making a clearly cannot be a Liberal.
1) Should not have to even stipulate this.. and it shows the pitiful state our country is because it has to be stipulated
2) But we should not have welfare anyway...

No, we shouldn't.

Every American should have a renumerative job. FDR called for it in his "Second Bill of Rights" in 1945, and it was a great idea.

But our system is based on playing everyone off against each other by keeping just enough people unemployed that the rest of us accept less when times are tough.

I'd have no problem replacing welfare with workfare. I think it would be a great idea.

But the people who scream loudest about "them welfare people" would have the biggest problem with it.
Really? They're "close friends"? How often do they hang out together?

I don't vote in Massachusetts.

"NILES, Ohio — With the next round of voters set to weigh in on the Democratic presidential race, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton’s campaign on Monday accused Senator Barack Obama of committing plagiarism in a weekend speech. Mr. Obama dismissed the charge as absurd and desperate.

Mr. Obama told reporters he should have credited Gov. Deval Patrick of Massachusetts, a friend, for a passage in a speech he delivered on Saturday in Milwaukee. But Mr. Obama said his rival was “carrying it too far.”

I used to enjoy eviscerating your posts and showing what a dunce your are....

...but, frankly, it has become far too easy.....not that much fun anymore.

A friend, or a "close friend" ?

I actually anticipated this retreat of a post from you....

Are you inerudite, or close to inerudite?
1) Should not have to even stipulate this.. and it shows the pitiful state our country is because it has to be stipulated
2) But we should not have welfare anyway...

No, we shouldn't.

Every American should have a renumerative job. FDR called for it in his "Second Bill of Rights" in 1945, and it was a great idea.

But our system is based on playing everyone off against each other by keeping just enough people unemployed that the rest of us accept less when times are tough.

I'd have no problem replacing welfare with workfare. I think it would be a great idea.

But the people who scream loudest about "them welfare people" would have the biggest problem with it.

Erroneous Joe....was that the same FDR who extended a recession some 7 years, and made it a Great Depression?
I used to work at DSHS. People would come in with brand new tattoos, smoking name brand cigs, and driving nice cars. There were many young men coming in dressed like NBA all stars and picking up food stamps. The USA is sick.

They're drug dealers, Buford. Drug dealers don't report their income. They're also criminals, so its hardly surprising they commit crimes, is it? Should we punish the law abiding citizens in genuine need of public assistance because drug dealers exist?

They are not all drug dealers and I would bet an extremely small portion of them were. Most drug dealers have not the time nor the inclination to collect government benefits. What they are is irresponsible. They are on EBT precisely because they have chosen to buy the frivolous things instead of what matter.

EBT should be run just like WIC. No money you are going to get healthy foods. Vegetables, dairy meat ect. Nothing premade, all food., just a simple list of foods that you can get. No substitutions. If you want government assistance then

EBT food benefits, which is the only thing most qualify for, is restrictive in that manner. It is not as restrictive as WIC in what you can buy, but it is restricted o edible items. There is cash benefits on welfare, but those are harder to get appoved for, and i think you need dependents. I assume that disability would go over EBT, but i am not sure, so that may be where cash benefits are. Unemployment may also use the EBT system now, but I am not sure. i know they have moved to an electronic debit card also for their cash benefits.

I agree with you that those people made poor choices and played too much and now we pay while they still ride around in their luxury rides. that also does anger me, but I know 2 things. the first is that the people who are using EBT out of a legitimate needs and are the type you want to help out because they are actively trying to get on their feet again are not people who openly admit to being on welfare. Shocantell and her 50 kids get on the news because they are loud, stupid, and the news often wants you to be angry with people on welfare. Most people on WIC and food assistance are decent people, and some are even employed at a hard job for minimum wage. The second part of this is that food assistance causes consumption. That creates jobs. So in the end it stimulates the economy, even with the scammers, and iot helps people who really need it while creating demand to create jobs. The welfare system can be made better, but we need it and it does make a difference.
Those things are ALREADY not legally purchasable with SNAP.

So he is right...that legislation WAS nothing more than political grandstanding.

yep, he was right and this is nothing but faux outrage, partisan hot expected at this point, from PC and her ops as of late. :(

One of the defining characteristics of the Left is the pretended- or actual- inability to connect the dots based on real world experience, if it infracts their political philosophy.

I'm surprised and disappointed in you, Care, if you have fallen into that mode.
Erroneous Joe....was that the same FDR who extended a recession some 7 years, and made it a Great Depression?

Considering in your bizarre history Joe McCarthy was a wonderful human being and we treated native Americans totally humanely and not in a genocidal way at all, this is probably as laughable as the rest of your history.

Now, how about addressing the point. Why not a system that makes sure every able-bodied person has a job? That would be better for the economy than a few rich douchebags holding half the wealth.
USDA still stuffs foodboxes.

Guess where they're usually distributed?

From churches.

Can't have that! Separation! Where's the Governor? The president? My Senator?

Actually....I believe that the Supreme Court would allow same....

....I say that based on Zelman v. Simmons-Harris, in which taxpayer funds were allowed to pay for religious school tuition.

They set up a set of criteria that had to be met:

a the program must have a valid secular purpose,
b aid must go to parents and not to the schools,
c a broad class of beneficiaries must be covered,
d the program must be neutral with respect to religion, and
e there must be adequate nonreligious options. Zelman v. Simmons-Harris - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And, with the right Justices on the Court, the bogus idea of 'separation' will be put to rest.

Yep! The concept of the "separation of church and state" is not in the Constitution. That was in a letter that Thomas Jefferson wrote to the Danbury Baptist Association in 1802. That letter has been used in a series of SCOTUS rulings to restrict religious freedom starting in 1947.
Individual RESPONSIBILITY is a great start.

It's not just a great start. It's the answer to everything.

Personal responsibility to provide for oneself and live within ones means.
Personal responsibility to make our families work as they should so we have a place we can immediately turn to for assistance.
Personal responsibility in helping our local communities through individual charity and person ministering.

I think the government should withhold all assistance from anyone who is a high school dropout.

If you aren't trying, then neither should we try to help you.

On the flip side, I can tell you that private charities suck at due diligence even more than the government does. Fraud is quite rampant in the private charity arena. Private charities are a soft touch.

I haven't heard about the rampant fraud in the private charity arena. Since I help at my Church food bank, I would like to know how the fraud works. Perhaps I could nail the guys that buy the food with the Church donations.

So, give me some names and method being used by these crooks.
Public education provided to those who can't afford it is welfare too. If conservatives ruled, and the public eduation system disappeared, and the only people who got educated were those who could pay for it,

how would that make this country better?
Yep! The concept of the "separation of church and state" is not in the Constitution. That was in a letter that Thomas Jefferson wrote to the Danbury Baptist Association in 1802. That letter has been used in a series of SCOTUS rulings to restrict religious freedom starting in 1947.

Please give us a list of religious "freedoms" tha thave been restricted since 1947.


There haven't been any.

No prayer in schools, for instance, expands religious freedom.

Because eventually, if you are going to make your child do a state-mandated prayer, someone is going to write that prayer you might not agree with.
There is no true poverty in the United States of America.
That is, material poverty. But there is spiritual poverty, poverty of character.
And there is a virulent political philosophy that encourages taking, rather than earning....
...pleading and demanding based on envy.

Food stamps for those who need food, and cannot provide for old and honorable heritage in America: "On January 6, 1657 twenty-eight “Scottish men” signed the Laws Rules and Order of the Poor Boxes Society” in Boston, New England and formed the Scots’ Charitable Society."

But what the Left has made common is a blemish on the nation and the people...

1."Mass Gov. Deval Patrick Vetoes Ban On Using Welfare EBT Cards To Purchase Porn, Tattoos, Manicures Because It Would “Humiliate Poor People”…No surprise he’s a close friend of Barack Obama (Axelrod ran his first campaign for Mass governor).

2. Patrick vetoed the reforms Sunday while signing the state’s $32.5 billion budget.

3. According to the Boston Herald, which first reported the veto, the governor berated the legislature’s stab at banning the purchase of specific items like manicures, tattoos, guns, porn, body piercings, jewelry, and bail by saying the move was “political grandstanding” at a time when such reforms are already on track elsewhere.

4. “I’m not going to do anything that makes vulnerable people beg for their benefits.This notion of humiliating poor people has got to be separated from how we make a program, and frankly separated and disposed of, from how we make a program work and work well,” Patrick said,...

5. Patrick allowed bans on the use of EBT cards in establishments known for the sale of seemingly controversial items — such as tattoo parlors, gun shops, casinos, cruise ships, and adult entertainment facilities —- to stand."
Exposing Liberal Lies: Deval Patrick OKs Porn, Tatoos, Jewelry with Food Stamps

We live in a time when the welfare industry needs to convinced well-meaning folks that there is a 'need.'
Rather it is a 'want.'

Consider the above when you vote.

Another "let's all hate the poor" post CG? I wonder how many of those purveyors of porn, jewelry and body art are small business owners who accept government 'welfare' in terms of tax incentives. Think maybe the local tattoo artist writes off his office space, ink, needles and advertising and likely votes Republican? Accepting Food Stamps in any manner for goods or services other than healthy food (oops, there's that big government reach telling others which food to buy, but I digress) is fraud. Why not argue that such white collar criminals be sanctioned? Why do you always pick on the weak? Are you a bully?

Some people need help, some of us support government providing help, others, like you, do not; therefore, Americans are not Democrats or Republicans, Liberals or Conservatives - we are simply either bleeding hearts or black hearts. How did you become the latter?
Think maybe the local tattoo artist writes off his office space, ink, needles and advertising and likely votes Republican?

No, I don't.

Accepting Food Stamps in any manner for goods or services other than healthy food (oops, there's that big government reach telling others which food to buy, but I digress) is fraud

Take that up with Mayor Bloomberg or Michelle Obama and be ready to be bitch slapped.
Why not argue that such white collar criminals be sanctioned?

The bill Patrick signed in MA does exactly that.

Patrick allowed bans on the use of EBT cards in establishments known for the sale of seemingly controversial items — such as tattoo parlors, gun shops, casinos, cruise ships, and adult entertainment facilities —- to stand."

Erroneous Joe....was that the same FDR who extended a recession some 7 years, and made it a Great Depression?

Considering in your bizarre history Joe McCarthy was a wonderful human being and we treated native Americans totally humanely and not in a genocidal way at all, this is probably as laughable as the rest of your history.

Now, how about addressing the point. Why not a system that makes sure every able-bodied person has a job? That would be better for the economy than a few rich douchebags holding half the wealth.

1. Since you will not be able to document that I have said the fabrications you present, here:
"Joe McCarthy was a wonderful human being and we treated native Americans totally humanely and not in a genocidal way..."

...that re-validates your reputation as a fibber.

2. "Why not a system that makes sure every able-bodied person has a job?"

"...makes sure...."

a. There is that element of coercion without which you might lose your totalitarian creds....

b. The unspoken assumption is that everyone wants to work...and even one as "Erroneous" as you wouldn't, I'm certain, propound that theory.

So....another vapid post from 'Erroneous Joe, the prevaricator.'

Too bad you lost that job in Sadat's Security Detail....
Public education provided to those who can't afford it is welfare too. If conservatives ruled, and the public eduation system disappeared, and the only people who got educated were those who could pay for it,

how would that make this country better?

It wouldn't it would turn into a shit hole, there are several countries like that where only the people who could afford it go to school and they are totally fucked.
Can't have that! Separation! Where's the Governor? The president? My Senator?

Actually....I believe that the Supreme Court would allow same....

....I say that based on Zelman v. Simmons-Harris, in which taxpayer funds were allowed to pay for religious school tuition.

They set up a set of criteria that had to be met:

a the program must have a valid secular purpose,
b aid must go to parents and not to the schools,
c a broad class of beneficiaries must be covered,
d the program must be neutral with respect to religion, and
e there must be adequate nonreligious options. Zelman v. Simmons-Harris - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And, with the right Justices on the Court, the bogus idea of 'separation' will be put to rest.

Yep! The concept of the "separation of church and state" is not in the Constitution. That was in a letter that Thomas Jefferson wrote to the Danbury Baptist Association in 1802. That letter has been used in a series of SCOTUS rulings to restrict religious freedom starting in 1947.

To be clear, the letter to the Danbury Baptists was merely an affirmation that the federal government would not meddle in their practices.
She makes sense. Which is why you loons race around proclaiming "she doesn't make sense! Don't listen to her! She's stoopid!!"

She's lost every argument she's ever tried to engage in with me. Of course that doesn't necessarily make her stupid,

many marginally intelligent people have lost arguments to me.

There's none so blind as those who will not see.

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