Food Stamps OK For Porn, Tatoos, Jewelry

Total pubcrappe for the dupes no matter how you look at it, 90% of whom would get the idea that food stamps CAN be used as cash- Pubcrappe as always. Lying POSs....

But still accepted, isn't it? C'Mon DERP? YOU can do better than this.

"YOU can do better than this."

And what makes you think this???

I direct you to the 2013 version of the merriam-webster dictionary:

fran-co [fran-ko]
lacking ordinary quickness and keenness of mind; dull.
characterized by or proceeding from mental dullness; foolish; senseless: a stupid question.
tediously dull, especially due to lack of meaning or sense; inane; pointless: a stupid party.
annoying or irritating; troublesome: Turn off that stupid radio.
in a state of stupor; stupefied: stupid from fatigue.

If this was a multiple choice question, I would have to flip a coin between #3 and #5.
Really? And what is the socialist program in India that feeds the poor?

I believe that the great idol of the left, Josef Stalin, coined the term "useless eaters."

Socialism rarely helps anyone but the 1% ruling caste. It's kind of the point of socialism.

There's always a 1%, isn't there. That fact is totally ignored by the libturd left. They seem to think that by endorsing their favored 1% they will somehow benefit.

Sure, there's always a 1%. There will always be the ones who take advantage of any system.

Doesn't mean that you can't take care of the other 99% and limit the abuses of the 1%.
Private charities and individuals providing charity have grown soft since the government has taken over. We need to revive them. There is alot of work to do. But it can and will be done.

The best system I've ever seen is the Mormon system.

This was many years ago, but my first wife's sister was Mormon. She split with her husband and had no income, with a passel of kids (she was MORMON!) So what the Mormons did for her was to give her groceries. I mean, she got a form that listed all sorts of food, from ground beef to cheese to canned goods. Then once a week (or month, I don't really recall) the food would be delivered. Obviously, this wasn't junk food, it was simple and nutritious. But it was also plenty. The Bishop paid her rent and utilities, directly to the landlord and utility companies. She was required to go work at the food distribution center once a week, where they trained her to have a job, and eventually they helped her get a regular job.

It worked and wasted zero resources. From that time on, I said "that is the way welfare should work."

Honestly, it's not really much different than the way welfare works now. Section 8 housing is paid directly to landlords. Energy assistance is paid directly to the utility companies. The only difference is that food stamps don't include food being delivered to your door, and there's no job training involved. Personally, I firmly support tying welfare with some kind of job training/education. But that's going to require MORE tax money be spent.

Limit the length of time any one family/individual can receive benefits and provide training or job placement. Big savings in the long run.
Lentils and rice is a complete protein, and as such is perfectly acceptable.

I fed my family of 3 a roast dinner last night for about $10...and that also provided us lunch today. So two meals for about $11 (I'll add on a dollar for bread/mustard) for 3 people. Three meals if we had had fried mashed potatoes for breakfast....

I can take a $10 package of pork chops or chicken and feed my family dinner for a week on it.

We had spaghetti dinner a couple of nights ago. $4 for italian sausage, $.95 for sauce, $1 for bread, we'll say $.50 for cheese. $6.45 for a family of 3 for one night...

Except we had enough for 2 more meals. So less than $3 per meal. Even with milk to drink.

I get about 5 gallons of milk daily. Make cheese, yoghurt, etc, from that milk. Excess animals are sold or slaughtered for meat for the family. Not only do I know that the quality of my food is first class, I have plenty to share. The shame is, government regulation prohibits my sharing with my fellow man. Doesn't stop me. I have often enough passed homemade cheese and bread to a homeless and hungry person. Raising your own food isn't for everybody, but you are correct about there being ways to make ends meet without begging.
I know the conservatives here don't care about this, but to the rest of you,

PoliticalChic is lying.

The EBT card does not allow non-food purchases out of one's food stamp benefit. The EBT cards cover food stamps and/or cash assistance, and the computers track your food stamp balance and you will only be able to buy non--food off your card if you have a cash assistance balance.

You know, that's really irrelevant. Even cash assistance benefits should be limited to necessities. Tats, drugs, tobacco, and such like are not necessities, despite liberal contention to the contrary.

I don't disagree in principle.

But here's the point. Food Stamps, Welfare, Section 8 housing have one purpose. To keep poor people pacified.

Because honestly, they aren't going to quietly starve to death or freeze to death if we don't give them these things. They'll riot.

Okay, once we've established that. We aren't going to let people starve because starving people tend to really mess things up. Just ask the Bourbons or the Romanovs.

So now that we aren't going to do that, what's next.

You establish a work ethic. You get food stamps, you get section 8, but you do something constructive in return.

Maybe you can't be saved, but your kids will see it.

I'm not seeing how food stamps, Section 8 housing, and cash benefits are establishing a work ethic. Especially when such benefits are now a multi-generational entitlement.
The best system I've ever seen is the Mormon system.

This was many years ago, but my first wife's sister was Mormon. She split with her husband and had no income, with a passel of kids (she was MORMON!) So what the Mormons did for her was to give her groceries. I mean, she got a form that listed all sorts of food, from ground beef to cheese to canned goods. Then once a week (or month, I don't really recall) the food would be delivered. Obviously, this wasn't junk food, it was simple and nutritious. But it was also plenty. The Bishop paid her rent and utilities, directly to the landlord and utility companies. She was required to go work at the food distribution center once a week, where they trained her to have a job, and eventually they helped her get a regular job.

It worked and wasted zero resources. From that time on, I said "that is the way welfare should work."

Honestly, it's not really much different than the way welfare works now. Section 8 housing is paid directly to landlords. Energy assistance is paid directly to the utility companies. The only difference is that food stamps don't include food being delivered to your door, and there's no job training involved. Personally, I firmly support tying welfare with some kind of job training/education. But that's going to require MORE tax money be spent.

Limit the length of time any one family/individual can receive benefits and provide training or job placement. Big savings in the long run.

That is what is being done.
1. Since you will not be able to document that I have said the fabrications you present, here:
"Joe McCarthy was a wonderful human being and we treated native Americans totally humanely and not in a genocidal way..."

...that re-validates your reputation as a fibber.

Documenting your batshit crazy would be full time job...

2. "Why not a system that makes sure every able-bodied person has a job?"

"...makes sure...."

a. There is that element of coercion without which you might lose your totalitarian creds....

Funny, when I was growing up, we called it the "Christian Work Ethic".

b. The unspoken assumption is that everyone wants to work...and even one as "Erroneous" as you wouldn't, I'm certain, propound that theory.

So....another vapid post from 'Erroneous Joe, the prevaricator.'

Too bad you lost that job in Sadat's Security Detail....

I'm not even sure where you are going with the "Sadat Security Detail...." That sounds weird even for you... maybe need to adjust your meds.

It isn't a matter of what people want. If you want to do nothing, you are free to do so... if you have the means to do so. The rest of us shouldn't pay for it.

But we also shouldn't have a situation where we keep a large chunk of people desperate and hungry so that a few rich douchebags can put the screws to them getting them to work for less.

Full work, full renumeration... sounds reasonable and fair and dare I say, even "Christian".

1. So, unable to document statements you claimed that I made, you've essentially admitted that truth is a stranger to you.
I've always tried to be kind, and merely label you as 'Erroneous.'

Clearly I've been too kind, Disreputable Joe.

2. The use of 'crazy,' is, of course, your flimsy attempt to shield the facts, i.e., that I've always documented, while you have never ....never...been able to do so, and, in fact, rely on the sophomoric "everybody knows"....

3. "...we called it the "Christian Work Ethic."
First of all, the use of "we" is a transparent attempt to pretend that there are folks that agree with you....along the same lines as "everybody knows."

Second, it is a misuse of the concept of 'work ethic' that only the uneducated would trip into. Tocqueville, in fact, commented on the American's free engagement in physical labor.

"A free society had to be one in which people could pursue economic opportunity with only minimal interference from the state."
Whatever Happened to the Work Ethic? by Steven Malanga, City Journal Summer 2009

Are you able to detect the difference between this, and your idea of government coercion?
What a shock.

4. "I'm not even sure where you are going with the "Sadat Security Detail...."
My bad...I gave you credit for more intelligence than you have....and I forgot that you
are clueless about history.

Anwar Sadat was the Egyptian President, assassinated by radicals. His security detail did as good a job as you do.

5. Clearly you are disheartened by the choices you've made in life, and how it has turned out.
Thus the constant envious slander of those who have done better, achieved more than you have, the 'rich.'
Introspection might give you a clue as to the difference in results.

So...the birth of 'Disreputable Joe, Prevaricator.'
It should still be that way. Add a bag of rice and beans and see 'em next month.

Go to Haiti or the Honduras, or back in time in this country before the Not-So-Great Society and see if you see any morbidly obese poor people.


The idiot leftists pretend that America is just like Calcutta. That we have people starving to death in back alleys while Republicans render them for soap whilst bathing in piles of gold coins.

America has people who have needs - we in fact do NOT have poverty, not real poverty. We have people who might become truly impoverished if we didn't have a safety net, but we do - we have dozens of layers.

Our welfare system is badly broken and needs to be overhauled - but that doesn't mean that those of us on the right want no sort of safety net. We want to help those who truly need help, but not those who are leeches.

May I give you an AMEN for that statement.
1. Since you will not be able to document that I have said the fabrications you present, here:
"Joe McCarthy was a wonderful human being and we treated native Americans totally humanely and not in a genocidal way..."

...that re-validates your reputation as a fibber.

Documenting your batshit crazy would be full time job...

Funny, when I was growing up, we called it the "Christian Work Ethic".

b. The unspoken assumption is that everyone wants to work...and even one as "Erroneous" as you wouldn't, I'm certain, propound that theory.

So....another vapid post from 'Erroneous Joe, the prevaricator.'

Too bad you lost that job in Sadat's Security Detail....

I'm not even sure where you are going with the "Sadat Security Detail...." That sounds weird even for you... maybe need to adjust your meds.

It isn't a matter of what people want. If you want to do nothing, you are free to do so... if you have the means to do so. The rest of us shouldn't pay for it.

But we also shouldn't have a situation where we keep a large chunk of people desperate and hungry so that a few rich douchebags can put the screws to them getting them to work for less.

Full work, full renumeration... sounds reasonable and fair and dare I say, even "Christian".

1. So, unable to document statements you claimed that I made, you've essentially admitted that truth is a stranger to you.
I've always tried to be kind, and merely label you as 'Erroneous.'

Clearly I've been too kind, Disreputable Joe.

2. The use of 'crazy,' is, of course, your flimsy attempt to shield the facts, i.e., that I've always documented, while you have never ....never...been able to do so, and, in fact, rely on the sophomoric "everybody knows"....

3. "...we called it the "Christian Work Ethic."
First of all, the use of "we" is a transparent attempt to pretend that there are folks that agree with you....along the same lines as "everybody knows."

Second, it is a misuse of the concept of 'work ethic' that only the uneducated would trip into. Tocqueville, in fact, commented on the American's free engagement in physical labor.

"A free society had to be one in which people could pursue economic opportunity with only minimal interference from the state."
Whatever Happened to the Work Ethic? by Steven Malanga, City Journal Summer 2009

Are you able to detect the difference between this, and your idea of government coercion?
What a shock.

4. "I'm not even sure where you are going with the "Sadat Security Detail...."
My bad...I gave you credit for more intelligence than you have....and I forgot that you
are clueless about history.

Anwar Sadat was the Egyptian President, assassinated by radicals. His security detail did as good a job as you do.

5. Clearly you are disheartened by the choices you've made in life, and how it has turned out.
Thus the constant envious slander of those who have done better, achieved more than you have, the 'rich.'
Introspection might give you a clue as to the difference in results.

So...the birth of 'Disreputable Joe, Prevaricator.'

Limit the length of time any one family/individual can receive benefits and provide training or job placement. Big savings in the long run.

Time limits are already in place. Now we just need meaningful job training and education, which will likely a new day care voucher.
Lentils and rice is a complete protein, and as such is perfectly acceptable.

I fed my family of 3 a roast dinner last night for about $10...and that also provided us lunch today. So two meals for about $11 (I'll add on a dollar for bread/mustard) for 3 people. Three meals if we had had fried mashed potatoes for breakfast....

I can take a $10 package of pork chops or chicken and feed my family dinner for a week on it.

We had spaghetti dinner a couple of nights ago. $4 for italian sausage, $.95 for sauce, $1 for bread, we'll say $.50 for cheese. $6.45 for a family of 3 for one night...

Except we had enough for 2 more meals. So less than $3 per meal. Even with milk to drink.

I get about 5 gallons of milk daily. Make cheese, yoghurt, etc, from that milk. Excess animals are sold or slaughtered for meat for the family. Not only do I know that the quality of my food is first class, I have plenty to share. The shame is, government regulation prohibits my sharing with my fellow man. Doesn't stop me. I have often enough passed homemade cheese and bread to a homeless and hungry person. Raising your own food isn't for everybody, but you are correct about there being ways to make ends meet without begging.

I pick up Road Kill for nothing. It is a little chewy but with a little ketchup it ain't bad

Dumpsters are also a good source of nutrition
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There are time limits for tanf.

Not for medical, or for foodstamps.

However, in many branches, food stamp recipients are required to look for work, or work in a program that will improve their chances of getting hired. However the funding for that program takes hits on a regular basis, and the exemptions are many and liberally applied.
1. So, unable to document statements you claimed that I made, you've essentially admitted that truth is a stranger to you.
I've always tried to be kind, and merely label you as 'Erroneous.'

Clearly I've been too kind, Disreputable Joe.

No, the truth is the truth. Most SANE people realize McCarthyism was a horrible betrayal of our ideals- we essentially became what we were fighting against - and the genocide of whole cultures was a bad thing. Sane people realize this..

You don't, which I guess kind of makes you a sociopath... One who thinks she's "Patriotic", I guess.

But Hitler thought he was a great patriot.

Patriotism means nothing without compassion. We did horrible things in our history we ought to be ashamed of. Taxing rich douchebags isn't one of them.

2. The use of 'crazy,' is, of course, your flimsy attempt to shield the facts, i.e., that I've always documented, while you have never ....never...been able to do so, and, in fact, rely on the sophomoric "everybody knows"....

No, everyone knows things to be true. As a wise man said, you are entitled to your own opinions, not your own facts.

3. "...we called it the "Christian Work Ethic."
First of all, the use of "we" is a transparent attempt to pretend that there are folks that agree with you....along the same lines as "everybody knows."

Second, it is a misuse of the concept of 'work ethic' that only the uneducated would trip into. Tocqueville, in fact, commented on the American's free engagement in physical labor.

Yawn... so seriously, did you learn that an FundiTard U? You know, the kind of place where they teach there aren't any dinosaurs because Noah didn't have room for them on the Ark?

My bad...I gave you credit for more intelligence than you have....and I forgot that you
are clueless about history.

First, the University of Illinois gave me a degree in history in 1985. What do you have?

Second, I was around in 1981, when Sadat was killed, because most of his own people considered him a traitor. So I'm guessing you are pretty young, and just buy whatever shit you hear on Hate Radio and think this must be true. A critical mind would do you a world of good.

5. Clearly you are disheartened by the choices you've made in life, and how it has turned out.
Thus the constant envious slander of those who have done better, achieved more than you have, the 'rich.'

Ain't an issue of envy.

The day I get up and say, "I'm going to make myself richer (even though I don't need the money) by taking food out of the mouths of working people" is the day I would truly be disheartened by the choices I've made in life.

Because it would be the anti-thesis of everything my salt-of-the-Earth, Working Class Christian parents taught me.
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I've said it before. If you WANT to stand on the corner all day and do nothing, then I think as Americans, you should have that right. BUT, that means that you don't get SQUAT. Where your next meal comes from is NOT MY PROBLEM. If that means you have to live under a bridge, then I hope that you have a good sleeping bag because if you DO NOTHING, then you GET NOTHING.

It really doesn't surprise me that there are some liberals out there that think that guns, tatoos, porn, lap dances, etc., should and could be paid for with an EBT card. As I grow older, I'm not really surprised by the lengths that liberals will go to keep people relying on government assistance. After all, we know that those who don't NEED the government, will not vote to make it bigger and stronger.

And a weak central government is a nightmare for those who have wet dreams in the vein of 1984...

Another GREAT post by Political Chic...

Keep in mind though alot of people on food stamps are employed, its income based. If you work at a job that doesn't pay shit you qualify for food stamps, shit when I was in the service I qualified for food stamps even though I never used it.

A sad fact is that many of our service families qualify for food stamps, as well as other public assistance programs, based on the level of their pay. Single soldiers living in the barracks are often allocated less living space than a murderer on death row. Now that's disgusting.

When I got to Travis AFB, I lived in a 30 man open bay barracks. About a year later we got moved into two men rooms. After I got a commission I stayed in the BOQ, and got a one man room about the same size as my previous two man room.

It never occurred to me that we were being mistreated, but I served my tour and didn't make a career out of it.
I'm not seeing how food stamps, Section 8 housing, and cash benefits are establishing a work ethic. Especially when such benefits are now a multi-generational entitlement.

Nor do I.

But let's say we did it differently.

Let's say we established a system where if you can't get a job in the private sector, we assign you to public works brigades. You get the benefits listed above, but you have to do at least 40 hours a week of actual labor in some constructive pursuit. Don't care if it's picking up litter off the street, as my mom used to say.

The problem with the system of "private sector" is that they only take the ones they want, and they play them off against each other. And frankly, it gets crueler during a recession, where you are happy to throw your co-worker under the bus.

Heck, I'd be for a National Service Plan. Every 18 year old has to do two years of national service before going on to College or the Private Sector.
1. So, unable to document statements you claimed that I made, you've essentially admitted that truth is a stranger to you.
I've always tried to be kind, and merely label you as 'Erroneous.'

Clearly I've been too kind, Disreputable Joe.

No, the truth is the truth. Most SANE people realize McCarthyism was a horrible betrayal of our ideals- we essentially became what we were fighting against - and the genocide of whole cultures was a bad thing. Sane people realize this..

You don't, which I guess kind of makes you a sociopath... One who thinks she's "Patriotic", I guess.

But Hitler thought he was a great patriot.

Patriotism means nothing without compassion. We did horrible things in our history we ought to be ashamed of. Taxing rich douchebags isn't one of them.

2. The use of 'crazy,' is, of course, your flimsy attempt to shield the facts, i.e., that I've always documented, while you have never ....never...been able to do so, and, in fact, rely on the sophomoric "everybody knows"....

No, everyone knows things to be true. As a wise man said, you are entitled to your own opinions, not your own facts.

Yawn... so seriously, did you learn that an FundiTard U? You know, the kind of place where they teach there aren't any dinosaurs because Noah didn't have room for them on the Ark?

My bad...I gave you credit for more intelligence than you have....and I forgot that you
are clueless about history.

First, the University of Illinois gave me a degree in history in 1985. What do you have?

Second, I was around in 1981, when Sadat was killed, because most of his own people considered him a traitor. So I'm guessing you are pretty young, and just buy whatever shit you hear on Hate Radio and think this must be true. A critical mind would do you a world of good.

5. Clearly you are disheartened by the choices you've made in life, and how it has turned out.
Thus the constant envious slander of those who have done better, achieved more than you have, the 'rich.'

Ain't an issue of envy.

The day I get up and say, "I'm going to make myself richer (even though I don't need the money) by taking food out of the mouths of working people" is the day I would truly be disheartened by the choices I've made in life.

Because it would be the anti-thesis of everything my salt-of-the-Earth, Working Class Christian parents taught me.

The 'documentation' of Disreputable Joe, the Prevaricator...

"Most SANE people blah blah blah..."

"...everyone knows...blah blah blah...."

Did I nail it or what.

With your foot that firmly planted in your mouth, you are probably very attractive to Rex Ryan.
The only thing you've nailed is that you are a resident of Bizarro World.

Not that this is something to be proud of.

I'm not seeing how food stamps, Section 8 housing, and cash benefits are establishing a work ethic. Especially when such benefits are now a multi-generational entitlement.

Nor do I.

But let's say we did it differently.

Let's say we established a system where if you can't get a job in the private sector, we assign you to public works brigades. You get the benefits listed above, but you have to do at least 40 hours a week of actual labor in some constructive pursuit. Don't care if it's picking up litter off the street, as my mom used to say.

The problem with the system of "private sector" is that they only take the ones they want, and they play them off against each other. And frankly, it gets crueler during a recession, where you are happy to throw your co-worker under the bus.

Heck, I'd be for a National Service Plan. Every 18 year old has to do two years of national service before going on to College or the Private Sector.

That would be...

communism. Why don't you just say it, instead of presenting it as if it's this new, brilliant concept?
I'm not seeing how food stamps, Section 8 housing, and cash benefits are establishing a work ethic. Especially when such benefits are now a multi-generational entitlement.

Nor do I.

But let's say we did it differently.

Let's say we established a system where if you can't get a job in the private sector, we assign you to public works brigades. You get the benefits listed above, but you have to do at least 40 hours a week of actual labor in some constructive pursuit. Don't care if it's picking up litter off the street, as my mom used to say.

The problem with the system of "private sector" is that they only take the ones they want, and they play them off against each other. And frankly, it gets crueler during a recession, where you are happy to throw your co-worker under the bus.

Heck, I'd be for a National Service Plan. Every 18 year old has to do two years of national service before going on to College or the Private Sector.

That would be...

communism. Why don't you just say it, instead of presenting it as if it's this new, brilliant concept?

No, that would be efficient usage of human resources.

if you wonder why the Chinese are beating the pants off of us, instead of screaming "communism", maybe you should look at some of what they do that's smart.

My own opinion, letting able body people sit around, make babies and vote for Democrats is actually a pretty horrible idea. It's part of the reason I was a Republican for as many years as I was.

But the GOP's had just as much a vested interest in keeping those people idle.. to keep those of us who do work wiling to accept less, lest we be replaced...

Which is kind of stupid.
Yep! The concept of the "separation of church and state" is not in the Constitution. That was in a letter that Thomas Jefferson wrote to the Danbury Baptist Association in 1802. That letter has been used in a series of SCOTUS rulings to restrict religious freedom starting in 1947.

Please give us a list of religious "freedoms" tha thave been restricted since 1947.


There haven't been any.

No prayer in schools, for instance, expands religious freedom.

Because eventually, if you are going to make your child do a state-mandated prayer, someone is going to write that prayer you might not agree with.
Go put up cross in memory of fallen veterans or a Nativity scene on public land, or take some Easter eggs to your local school and call them Easter eggs instead of "holiday spheres", or put up a plaque with the Ten Commandments in your local courthouse and see what happens.

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