Food Stamps OK For Porn, Tatoos, Jewelry

Go put up cross in memory of fallen veterans or a Nativity scene on public land, or take some Easter eggs to your local school and call them Easter eggs instead of "holiday spheres", or put up a plaque with the Ten Commandments in your local courthouse and see what happens.

Public land has NEVER been something to which an individual holds a right to decorate as one sees fit. You can do all those things on your own property, just like you've always been able to. Nobody's rights are being curtailed.
Limit the length of time any one family/individual can receive benefits and provide training or job placement. Big savings in the long run.

Time limits are already in place. Now we just need meaningful job training and education, which will likely a new day care voucher.

Would care to elaborate on the highlighted phrase?
A problem with "meaningful" job training is the fact that there are some pretty unreasonable expectations among the masses. Not every one is intended or inclined to become brain surgeons or rocket scientists. But job training is not the end all solution, either. People need to be trained to a decent work ethic...get to work on time, appropriately attired, sober and clean, and render a decent day's work for the day's wage.
Lentils and rice is a complete protein, and as such is perfectly acceptable.

I fed my family of 3 a roast dinner last night for about $10...and that also provided us lunch today. So two meals for about $11 (I'll add on a dollar for bread/mustard) for 3 people. Three meals if we had had fried mashed potatoes for breakfast....

I can take a $10 package of pork chops or chicken and feed my family dinner for a week on it.

We had spaghetti dinner a couple of nights ago. $4 for italian sausage, $.95 for sauce, $1 for bread, we'll say $.50 for cheese. $6.45 for a family of 3 for one night...

Except we had enough for 2 more meals. So less than $3 per meal. Even with milk to drink.

I get about 5 gallons of milk daily. Make cheese, yoghurt, etc, from that milk. Excess animals are sold or slaughtered for meat for the family. Not only do I know that the quality of my food is first class, I have plenty to share. The shame is, government regulation prohibits my sharing with my fellow man. Doesn't stop me. I have often enough passed homemade cheese and bread to a homeless and hungry person. Raising your own food isn't for everybody, but you are correct about there being ways to make ends meet without begging.

I pick up Road Kill for nothing. It is a little chewy but with a little ketchup it ain't bad

Dumpsters are also a good source of nutrition

I'll sleep more soundly tonight knowing that you have managed to feed yourself yet another day.
Keep in mind though alot of people on food stamps are employed, its income based. If you work at a job that doesn't pay shit you qualify for food stamps, shit when I was in the service I qualified for food stamps even though I never used it.

A sad fact is that many of our service families qualify for food stamps, as well as other public assistance programs, based on the level of their pay. Single soldiers living in the barracks are often allocated less living space than a murderer on death row. Now that's disgusting.

When I got to Travis AFB, I lived in a 30 man open bay barracks. About a year later we got moved into two men rooms. After I got a commission I stayed in the BOQ, and got a one man room about the same size as my previous two man room.

It never occurred to me that we were being mistreated, but I served my tour and didn't make a career out of it.

Since many young people see the military as a stepping stone to improving their lot in life, most do not perceive their living conditions as a hardship.
I'd agree with the national service plan to "earn" your benefits. But the problem with that idea is, the public employee unions pitch a bitch every time it's proposed. Even if the work done is picking litter, it would still help people build the skills needed to make them more valuable to the private sector. They'd have a work history to present to prospective employers.
When I was in Germany, they required every 18 yr old not attending an educational program to perform mandated public service. 18 months under arms (military service) or 24 months in civil service. The guy working at the German kindergarten my daughter attended was serving his 24 months.
Would care to elaborate on the highlighted phrase?

Single mothers can't be expected to easily attend any kind of job training/education program if they have young children who need to be watched after. And they aren't going to be able to afford day care if they're unemployed and receiving government assistance.

A problem with "meaningful" job training is the fact that there are some pretty unreasonable expectations among the masses. Not every one is intended or inclined to become brain surgeons or rocket scientists.

What I mean when I say "meaningful" is that the training has to be effective to impart the proper job-specific skills, in jobs that are themselves meaningful. No point in providing "job training" so that people can be better burger flippers. Nor is there much good in training people to do computer work, as the IT field is highly over saturated. Same for Massage Therapy. There are plenty of areas in which people can be trained to fill areas of demand. We need to train people to be able to be CNAs, dental assistants, truck drivers, etc.

But job training is not the end all solution, either. People need to be trained to a decent work ethic...get to work on time, appropriately attired, sober and clean, and render a decent day's work for the day's wage.

I don't really buy the "work ethic" argument. There are plenty of people who have good work ethics, but who just need an opportunity to actually work. At any rate, work ethic is something that is best learned on the job.
I get about 5 gallons of milk daily. Make cheese, yoghurt, etc, from that milk. Excess animals are sold or slaughtered for meat for the family. Not only do I know that the quality of my food is first class, I have plenty to share. The shame is, government regulation prohibits my sharing with my fellow man. Doesn't stop me. I have often enough passed homemade cheese and bread to a homeless and hungry person. Raising your own food isn't for everybody, but you are correct about there being ways to make ends meet without begging.

I pick up Road Kill for nothing. It is a little chewy but with a little ketchup it ain't bad

Dumpsters are also a good source of nutrition

I'll sleep more soundly tonight knowing that you have managed to feed yourself yet another day.

Tastes like chicken
Yep! The concept of the "separation of church and state" is not in the Constitution. That was in a letter that Thomas Jefferson wrote to the Danbury Baptist Association in 1802. That letter has been used in a series of SCOTUS rulings to restrict religious freedom starting in 1947.

Please give us a list of religious "freedoms" tha thave been restricted since 1947.


There haven't been any.

No prayer in schools, for instance, expands religious freedom.

Because eventually, if you are going to make your child do a state-mandated prayer, someone is going to write that prayer you might not agree with.
Go put up cross in memory of fallen veterans or a Nativity scene on public land, or take some Easter eggs to your local school and call them Easter eggs instead of "holiday spheres", or put up a plaque with the Ten Commandments in your local courthouse and see what happens.

Your abusing public land what if we all put something up on public cus we thought it was our right ,would you object ?
if you want to put up a nativity scene on land fucking purchase it first.

you want prayer in schools what prayers to what god ?
there or over 1000 religions recognized under our laws why should yours have any more rights than any of the others ?
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And, with the right Justices on the Court, the bogus idea of 'separation' will be put to rest.

Yep! The concept of the "separation of church and state" is not in the Constitution. That was in a letter that Thomas Jefferson wrote to the Danbury Baptist Association in 1802. That letter has been used in a series of SCOTUS rulings to restrict religious freedom starting in 1947.

Oh, both of you just be quiet with this "no separation" bullshit. You're wrong, the concept IS INDEED in the constitution, it's just the words that are missing. Honest adults with only slightly lower than average-range IQs have the reading comprehension skills to detect that concept in the first amendment. Dishonest trolls like you two, do not.

The Founders haggled for months about what words went into the Constitution, and now you say some are MISSING?!?!? Have you called the police? :lol::lol:
I know the conservatives here don't care about this, but to the rest of you,

PoliticalChic is lying.

The EBT card does not allow non-food purchases out of one's food stamp benefit. The EBT cards cover food stamps and/or cash assistance, and the computers track your food stamp balance and you will only be able to buy non--food off your card if you have a cash assistance balance.

You know, that's really irrelevant. Even cash assistance benefits should be limited to necessities. Tats, drugs, tobacco, and such like are not necessities, despite liberal contention to the contrary.

It's irrelevant that the thread is premised on an outright LIE?

Please tell us how, exactly, any of us should even entertain the possibility of having an intelligent conversation with people such as yourself, not to mention the OP,

for whom fact and fiction have become irrelevancies?

Is everyone else here in agreement with this poster, i.e., that the simple fact that a story is simply false is irrrelevant?

Can thus get you people to defend Mitt Romney's secret fundamentalist Mormon marriage to a 12 year old Utah girl?

Shouldn't that disqualify him from ever being president?
1. I have often felt that food stamps should be reserved for purchases labeled as nutritious, but 'no-frills.'

No reason for those accepting 'Food Stamps' to eat better than those paying for the benefit.

2.Further, there should be government-sponsored church and other food kitchens available to any with a food stamp 'doggie bags.'

They are called 'Food Stamps" for a reason.

Wadda you think?
Back in the 40s (and right after WW-II) I can recall there was no such thing as "Welfare" in New York City. Instead there was a City agency called the Department of Home Relief which operated store-front Centers in certain low-income neighborhoods. My aunt worked for that agency as a "Home Economics (cooking) Instructor."

When someone walked into one of the Centers and applied for assistance an investigator was assigned to verify their need. Fraudulent applications were treated as attempted theft by fraud.

If rent or utility payment was due the investigator would pay with "emergency funds" directly to the landlord or provider.

Each Center was also a food bank where food parcels were given to people who needed them and those who didn't know how to cook inexpensive but healthy meals could attend cooking classes when my aunt came around to their Center. They also issued vouchers to be redeemed at local butchers to buy certain (non-luxury) meats only. The food parcels, meat and milk vouchers were issued in proportion to family size.

When the Civil Rights Act of 1964 caused a massive migration of indigent Blacks from the Southern states into New York and other Northern cities that migration overwhelmed the NYC Department of Home Relief which was replaced by the Welfare Department bureaucracy and the policy of mailing monthly welfare checks was commenced and subsidized by federal money.

That transition from relatively small, well-managed, local Home Relief services to a huge centralized bureaucracy is what led to development of what is known today as the "welfare culture" giving rise to massive housing projects -- which quickly became known as "ghettos." Eventually these ghettos expanded outward into entire neighborhoods or sections of neighborhoods.
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The only thing you've nailed is that you are a resident of Bizarro World.

Not that this is something to be proud of.


Wrong again, Disreputable Joe, the Prevaricator!

I've got better abs.....
They are on EBT precisely because they have chosen to buy the frivolous things instead of what matter.

Actually, you have NO IDEA why they are on government assistance, and that's first part of the problem here. Too many people talk about this stuff as if they knew all the details of other people's lives, when in fact you don't.

People also act as if ending up on government assistance is something that happens from the "bottom up" and that people never fall into unfortunate times from "above." You see someone drive to the store in a nice car, wearing nice clothes, and then pulling out the food stamp card and you assume that they're some kind of irresponsible welfare junkie. In fact that's a person who had a well paying job but lost it in the recession, and hasn't been able to find meaningful work other than a minimum wage job they've accepted in the meantime. All those "nice things" they have were bought and paid for before they ever ended up on government assistance, but they need the assistance now because minimum wage just ain't enough to feed three kids and try avoiding becoming another foreclosure statistic.

EBT should be run just like WIC. No money you are going to get healthy foods. Vegetables, dairy meat ect. Nothing premade, all food., just a simple list of foods that you can get. No substitutions. If you want government assistance then

Your poor-derangement is pathetic. Now you want the government to control what people are going to eat? Absolutely mind boggling. It's up to individuals to decide what is best for them to eat. Generally, food stamps can't be used for pre-made food anyway, so I don't know why you're even babbling. But this "list of foods that you can get" is a pretty frightening concept that you're trying to introduce. There should be no "list" other than the current, normal requirements that food stamps be used only on grocery items. I don't really care if someone buys frozen pizza with their food stamps because it's their decision what the best use of their allotment is. Personally, I think it's always a smart idea to have some kind of quick preparation food in one's home at any given time, which is why frozen pizzas and pop tarts are pretty much considered a necessity in my house. Because sometimes things get busy and it's better to have something I can throw in the oven while I'm in the shower, than to have to skip a meal because I didn't have the time to sit down and make my citrus broccoli and ginger chicken sushi salad. Same would be true for any family.

But there is a list made by the Federal Government for children. The part that galls me is that the feds pay for higher priced organic foods that many of us can't afford.

The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (abbreviated as WIC) is a federal assistance program of the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) for healthcare and nutrition of low-income pregnant women, breastfeeding women, and infants and children under the age of five. (See Child nutrition programs.) The eligibility requirement is a family income below 185% of the U.S. Poverty Income Guidelines. If a person participates in other benefit programs, or has family members who participate in the Food Stamp Program, Medicaid, or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, they automatically meet the eligibility requirements. This program is unrelated to the USDA's Food Stamp Program. Currently, WIC serves 53% of all infants born in the US.

The food items provided by WIC are juice (single strength), milk, breakfast cereal, cheese, eggs, fruits and vegetables, whole wheat bread, whole grain items including brown rice and tortillas, fish (canned), legumes (dry), and peanut butter. The program also provides tofu, soy milk, and medical foods for children and women with various metabolic or other diseases. Since the white potato was deemed less nutritious than other produce, the WIC commission banned white potatoes from the list, causing protests.[11] Organic fruits, vegetables, legumes and grains are covered under WIC while organic milk, cheese, juice, peanut butter and eggs are not covered under the program.

WIC - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Here in NJ, food stamps may be used at produce markets, but only for "Jersey Fresh" produce. If they want to buy Florida oranges or California strawberries, they have to get them at the grocery store or pay cash.

I do like the promotion of locally grown produce. It's cheaper, healthier, and helps our local farmers.
The Founders haggled for months about what words went into the Constitution, and now you say some are MISSING?!?!? Have you called the police? :lol::lol:

I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention to what you were saying. Try again when you're willing to honestly characterize what I've said.
But there is a list made by the Federal Government for children. The part that galls me is that the feds pay for higher priced organic foods that many of us can't afford.[/url]

Er, no, not quite. WIC is a program specifically intended to help offer specific nutritional needs for women, infants, and young children. SNAP is not intended to provide specific nutritional needs. It's meant to simply offer assistance in the way of making food available those who are needy.
The only thing you've nailed is that you are a resident of Bizarro World.

Not that this is something to be proud of.


Wrong again, Disreputable Joe, the Prevaricator!

I've got better abs.....

Somehow, I suspect what you have is a spare tire..

People who brag how good they look on the internet are kind of pathetic.
The Founders haggled for months about what words went into the Constitution, and now you say some are MISSING?!?!? Have you called the police? :lol::lol:

I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention to what you were saying. Try again when you're willing to honestly characterize what I've said.

That's funny, you asking for 'honesty' after that BS claim that the Constitution has missing words. Sometimes I agree with you, but in this case, FUGETABOUTIT...
bottom line, FOOD STAMPS can not and have not ever been legal to use to buy porn or tatoos. The op headline is a LIE....just tell the truth, the op headline is a lie...say it, it's not hard to say...the op headline is a lie.
But there is a list made by the Federal Government for children. The part that galls me is that the feds pay for higher priced organic foods that many of us can't afford.[/url]

Er, no, not quite. WIC is a program specifically intended to help offer specific nutritional needs for women, infants, and young children. SNAP is not intended to provide specific nutritional needs. It's meant to simply offer assistance in the way of making food available those who are needy.

I see. When you posted this,
Your poor-derangement is pathetic. Now you want the government to control what people are going to eat? Absolutely mind boggling. It's up to individuals to decide what is best for them to eat.

you were only kidding. Or, you think it is OK for the government to control what some people eat but not others.

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