Food Stamps OK For Porn, Tatoos, Jewelry

You can't use the food stamp allowance on an EBT card to buy non-food items.

But you can use the cash benefits of an EBT card to buy non-food items. Don't be a disingenous dick about it.

How many times do you people need to be told that before it will sink in?

Right back at you.

Read the thread title back to me and tell me whether or not it's true.

Or shut up. You're making a fool of yourself.
For purposes of clarity, are you defining 'poor' by the arbitrary calculation put forth by the Liberal cottage industry known as 'the government'?

Or by the more stringent definition, i.e., no home, no food, no heat.

Does someone need to look like a refugee from Biafra for you to consider them poor?

I'm talking about ordinary families who may be down on their luck due to layoffs or other circumstances and may be near the end of their resources. They may still have a roof over their heads but may be in danger of losing that as well. They may still have a car, a refrigerator, a TV, etc. Should they have to pawn all their stuff first, before they get any assistance?

Since the government and private charities provide food, heat, clothing, and shelter to the poor, PoliticalChickenshit does not believe people who are without a home, food, or heat exist in America, and therefore it is all one giant scam.

But at the same time, she brags about the massive sums of money donated to charities which help the poor!

So a poor person who has no food or heat or shelter is given food, heat, and shelter by the government and/or charities. Then Chickenshit comes along and says, "I don't see any people without food, shelter, or heat. Therefore, we are wasting our tax dollars giving help to these non-existent poor."

It is the most bizarre illogic you will see here. Don't waste your time trying to wrap your mind around it. It is one of those weird things that just is.
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I (myself, wife, & 2 kids) recieved foodstamps briefly in the 80's when I was between jobs. I was very grateful for the assistance for the time I recieved it and got off the program as quickly as I could after getting another job. I got actual food stamps, not an EBT card, and they could only be used on food purchases. My wife and I bought no frills food and staples in order to stretch our food supply to last as long as possible. We clipped coupons and shopped sales.

Obviously times have changed since then, but there is no reason that EBT cards should not have the same restrictions as food stamps did. A food assistance program should only offer food assistance.

But this all makes me wonder if in fact, is misuse of the EBT cards as rampant as your OP suggests? Are families who are out of work and struggling to make ends meet actually using their EBT cards for porn, booze, gambling, etc? Or is this another right wing attempt to demonize the poor, and generate outrage at nonexistent problems so that the programs can be abolished to save the rich a buck or two?

For purposes of clarity, are you defining 'poor' by the arbitrary calculation put forth by the Liberal cottage industry known as 'the government'?

Or by the more stringent definition, i.e., no home, no food, no heat.

Does someone need to look like a refugee from Biafra for you to consider them poor?

I'm talking about ordinary families who may be down on their luck due to layoffs or other circumstances and may be near the end of their resources. They may still have a roof over their heads but may be in danger of losing that as well. They may still have a car, a refrigerator, a TV, etc. Should they have to pawn all their stuff first, before they get any assistance?

PoliticalChic simultaneously argues that the war on poverty has been a miserable failure, but, on the other hand, there are no really poor people in America.

And most of the conservatives on this forum, comically, agree with her.
There is no true poverty in the United States of America.
That is, material poverty. But there is spiritual poverty, poverty of character.
And there is a virulent political philosophy that encourages taking, rather than earning....
...pleading and demanding based on envy.

Food stamps for those who need food, and cannot provide for old and honorable heritage in America: "On January 6, 1657 twenty-eight “Scottish men” signed the Laws Rules and Order of the Poor Boxes Society” in Boston, New England and formed the Scots’ Charitable Society."

But what the Left has made common is a blemish on the nation and the people...

1."Mass Gov. Deval Patrick Vetoes Ban On Using Welfare EBT Cards To Purchase Porn, Tattoos, Manicures Because It Would “Humiliate Poor People”…No surprise he’s a close friend of Barack Obama (Axelrod ran his first campaign for Mass governor).

2. Patrick vetoed the reforms Sunday while signing the state’s $32.5 billion budget.

3. According to the Boston Herald, which first reported the veto, the governor berated the legislature’s stab at banning the purchase of specific items like manicures, tattoos, guns, porn, body piercings, jewelry, and bail by saying the move was “political grandstanding” at a time when such reforms are already on track elsewhere.

4. “I’m not going to do anything that makes vulnerable people beg for their benefits.This notion of humiliating poor people has got to be separated from how we make a program, and frankly separated and disposed of, from how we make a program work and work well,” Patrick said,...

5. Patrick allowed bans on the use of EBT cards in establishments known for the sale of seemingly controversial items — such as tattoo parlors, gun shops, casinos, cruise ships, and adult entertainment facilities —- to stand."
Exposing Liberal Lies: Deval Patrick OKs Porn, Tatoos, Jewelry with Food Stamps

We live in a time when the welfare industry needs to convinced well-meaning folks that there is a 'need.'
Rather it is a 'want.'

Consider the above when you vote.

This is a prime example of why we simply need to end all welfare programs.

The intentions my be good from the start, but it ends up being abused by people who don't deserve it.

We need to end all welfare and put people back to work.
Recipients are able to use their EBT Access Card to obtain cash benefits through ATMs located throughout the state. In addition, recipients are able to make cash purchases and receive cash back through POS terminals at participating retailers.

Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT)

A cash benefit is not a food stamp benefit. They are 2 different things.
According to PC,

there is no true poverty in the United States.

That is her argument that the War on Poverty was and is an astounding success.

I think she should carry on a debate with herself on that one.

The side benefit of that might be that she finds out how tedious her own posts are.
I (myself, wife, & 2 kids) recieved foodstamps briefly in the 80's when I was between jobs. I was very grateful for the assistance for the time I recieved it and got off the program as quickly as I could after getting another job. I got actual food stamps, not an EBT card, and they could only be used on food purchases. My wife and I bought no frills food and staples in order to stretch our food supply to last as long as possible. We clipped coupons and shopped sales.

Obviously times have changed since then, but there is no reason that EBT cards should not have the same restrictions as food stamps did. A food assistance program should only offer food assistance.

But this all makes me wonder if in fact, is misuse of the EBT cards as rampant as your OP suggests? Are families who are out of work and struggling to make ends meet actually using their EBT cards for porn, booze, gambling, etc? Or is this another right wing attempt to demonize the poor, and generate outrage at nonexistent problems so that the programs can be abolished to save the rich a buck or two?

The misuse, abuse and fraud in the SNAP (Food Stamps) programs is quite high. Just in the last week there was a news story here in Atlanta about SNAP recipients selling their cards and pin #'s for 50 cents on the dollar and then calling in reporting their card lost and getting a replacement, fully charged, of course. The news piece said it was rampant.

And I heard about another one where a convenience store owner would buy the cards at that same 50% rate and then use the cards to restock his stores.

I know of many food stamp recipients that regularly sell much of their monthly benefit amount at that same 50% rate.
There is no true poverty in the United States of America.
That is, material poverty. But there is spiritual poverty, poverty of character.
And there is a virulent political philosophy that encourages taking, rather than earning....
...pleading and demanding based on envy.

Food stamps for those who need food, and cannot provide for old and honorable heritage in America: "On January 6, 1657 twenty-eight “Scottish men” signed the Laws Rules and Order of the Poor Boxes Society” in Boston, New England and formed the Scots’ Charitable Society."

But what the Left has made common is a blemish on the nation and the people...

1."Mass Gov. Deval Patrick Vetoes Ban On Using Welfare EBT Cards To Purchase Porn, Tattoos, Manicures Because It Would “Humiliate Poor People”…No surprise he’s a close friend of Barack Obama (Axelrod ran his first campaign for Mass governor).

2. Patrick vetoed the reforms Sunday while signing the state’s $32.5 billion budget.

3. According to the Boston Herald, which first reported the veto, the governor berated the legislature’s stab at banning the purchase of specific items like manicures, tattoos, guns, porn, body piercings, jewelry, and bail by saying the move was “political grandstanding” at a time when such reforms are already on track elsewhere.

4. “I’m not going to do anything that makes vulnerable people beg for their benefits.This notion of humiliating poor people has got to be separated from how we make a program, and frankly separated and disposed of, from how we make a program work and work well,” Patrick said,...

5. Patrick allowed bans on the use of EBT cards in establishments known for the sale of seemingly controversial items — such as tattoo parlors, gun shops, casinos, cruise ships, and adult entertainment facilities —- to stand."
Exposing Liberal Lies: Deval Patrick OKs Porn, Tatoos, Jewelry with Food Stamps

We live in a time when the welfare industry needs to convinced well-meaning folks that there is a 'need.'
Rather it is a 'want.'

Consider the above when you vote.

This is a prime example of why we simply need to end all welfare programs.

The intentions my be good from the start, but it ends up being abused by people who don't deserve it.

We need to end all welfare and put people back to work.

Restrict the programs. Make getting on them more difficult...and getting off EASIER.

Make it SHAMEFUL to be on it to begin with. Make it uncomfy as hell.
1. I have often felt that food stamps should be reserved for purchases labeled as nutritious, but 'no-frills.'
No reason for those accepting 'Food Stamps' to eat better than those paying for the benefit.

2.Further, there should be government-sponsored church and other food kitchens available to any with a food stamp 'doggie bags.'

They are called 'Food Stamps" for a reason.

Wadda you think?

I (myself, wife, & 2 kids) recieved foodstamps briefly in the 80's when I was between jobs. I was very grateful for the assistance for the time I recieved it and got off the program as quickly as I could after getting another job. I got actual food stamps, not an EBT card, and they could only be used on food purchases. My wife and I bought no frills food and staples in order to stretch our food supply to last as long as possible. We clipped coupons and shopped sales.

Obviously times have changed since then, but there is no reason that EBT cards should not have the same restrictions as food stamps did. A food assistance program should only offer food assistance.

But this all makes me wonder if in fact, is misuse of the EBT cards as rampant as your OP suggests? Are families who are out of work and struggling to make ends meet actually using their EBT cards for porn, booze, gambling, etc? Or is this another right wing attempt to demonize the poor, and generate outrage at nonexistent problems so that the programs can be abolished to save the rich a buck or two?

You can't use the food stamp allowance on an EBT card to buy non-food items. How many times do you people need to be told that before it will sink in?

At least give me an estimate so I can figure out how many more times I'll have to post it.

Sorry, I didn't read the entire thread before I responded to the OP. So this is all just manufactured outrage at a nonexistent problem, just as I suspected.
I (myself, wife, & 2 kids) recieved foodstamps briefly in the 80's when I was between jobs. I was very grateful for the assistance for the time I recieved it and got off the program as quickly as I could after getting another job. I got actual food stamps, not an EBT card, and they could only be used on food purchases. My wife and I bought no frills food and staples in order to stretch our food supply to last as long as possible. We clipped coupons and shopped sales.

Obviously times have changed since then, but there is no reason that EBT cards should not have the same restrictions as food stamps did. A food assistance program should only offer food assistance.

But this all makes me wonder if in fact, is misuse of the EBT cards as rampant as your OP suggests? Are families who are out of work and struggling to make ends meet actually using their EBT cards for porn, booze, gambling, etc? Or is this another right wing attempt to demonize the poor, and generate outrage at nonexistent problems so that the programs can be abolished to save the rich a buck or two?

For purposes of clarity, are you defining 'poor' by the arbitrary calculation put forth by the Liberal cottage industry known as 'the government'?

Or by the more stringent definition, i.e., no home, no food, no heat.

Does someone need to look like a refugee from Biafra for you to consider them poor?

I'm talking about ordinary families who may be down on their luck due to layoffs or other circumstances and may be near the end of their resources. They may still have a roof over their heads but may be in danger of losing that as well. They may still have a car, a refrigerator, a TV, etc. Should they have to pawn all their stuff first, before they get any assistance?

1. Why are you having difficulty answering the question?

Are you basing your understanding on the government definition of poverty?

Do you know how the government arrives at their definition?
I do.

2. "...ordinary families who may be down on their luck due to layoffs or other circumstances and may be near the end of their resources. They may still have a roof over their heads but may be in danger of losing that as well. They may still have a car, a refrigerator, a TV, etc. Should they have to pawn all their stuff first,...

Is it copacetic with you that I define 'ordinary families' in terms of folks, some of whom posted in this thread, who chose not to burden their neighbors?

Especially if they own homes, AC's, flat screens, cars, trucks, and even jacuzzi's.

3. Poverty is no home, no heat, no food. Not 'I'm not gonna go on any Ramen noodle' budget.

4. I personally know several folks, college educated professionals, who worked the midnight shift on the docks while they looked for work.

Did you?
Did you put on a sweatshirt and show up at a 'shape-up' where you might be selected or a night's employment?

Collect soda cans for the nickel deposits?
Walk dogs, cut other folks' lawns, deliver newspapers?
None of 'em?

We're speaking of different 'ordinary folks,' it seems.

5. There is a dunce in this thread who manages to work into each and every thread how he owns or organizes a charity. Perhaps you could get in touch with him. I'm certain he'll pat you on the head, so he can pat himself on the back.

6. There is a difference between 'I need"

and 'I want."

Learn the difference. Then you can teach it to your children.
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There is no true poverty in the United States of America.
That is, material poverty. But there is spiritual poverty, poverty of character.
And there is a virulent political philosophy that encourages taking, rather than earning....
...pleading and demanding based on envy.

Food stamps for those who need food, and cannot provide for old and honorable heritage in America: "On January 6, 1657 twenty-eight “Scottish men” signed the Laws Rules and Order of the Poor Boxes Society” in Boston, New England and formed the Scots’ Charitable Society."

But what the Left has made common is a blemish on the nation and the people...

1."Mass Gov. Deval Patrick Vetoes Ban On Using Welfare EBT Cards To Purchase Porn, Tattoos, Manicures Because It Would “Humiliate Poor People”…No surprise he’s a close friend of Barack Obama (Axelrod ran his first campaign for Mass governor).

2. Patrick vetoed the reforms Sunday while signing the state’s $32.5 billion budget.

3. According to the Boston Herald, which first reported the veto, the governor berated the legislature’s stab at banning the purchase of specific items like manicures, tattoos, guns, porn, body piercings, jewelry, and bail by saying the move was “political grandstanding” at a time when such reforms are already on track elsewhere.

4. “I’m not going to do anything that makes vulnerable people beg for their benefits.This notion of humiliating poor people has got to be separated from how we make a program, and frankly separated and disposed of, from how we make a program work and work well,” Patrick said,...

5. Patrick allowed bans on the use of EBT cards in establishments known for the sale of seemingly controversial items — such as tattoo parlors, gun shops, casinos, cruise ships, and adult entertainment facilities —- to stand."
Exposing Liberal Lies: Deval Patrick OKs Porn, Tatoos, Jewelry with Food Stamps

We live in a time when the welfare industry needs to convinced well-meaning folks that there is a 'need.'
Rather it is a 'want.'

Consider the above when you vote.

This is a prime example of why we simply need to end all welfare programs.

The intentions my be good from the start, but it ends up being abused by people who don't deserve it.

We need to end all welfare and put people back to work.

I certainly get your drift, Hawk...

I'm embarrassed that I actually had to explain that to a grown man in post #430.

The avalanche of transfer payments are accepted by the public only if they are trained to accept what William Voegeli calls ‘non-Euclidean economics,” in which taxpayers are led to believe that all the goodies are paid for by someone else….the welfare state manages the perceptions of its cost s and benefits to encourage them to believe an impossibility: that every household can be a net importer of the wealth redistribution by the government.”
William Voegeli, “Never Enough, America’s Limitless Welfare State,” p. 7.
I (myself, wife, & 2 kids) recieved foodstamps briefly in the 80's when I was between jobs. I was very grateful for the assistance for the time I recieved it and got off the program as quickly as I could after getting another job. I got actual food stamps, not an EBT card, and they could only be used on food purchases. My wife and I bought no frills food and staples in order to stretch our food supply to last as long as possible. We clipped coupons and shopped sales.

Obviously times have changed since then, but there is no reason that EBT cards should not have the same restrictions as food stamps did. A food assistance program should only offer food assistance.

But this all makes me wonder if in fact, is misuse of the EBT cards as rampant as your OP suggests? Are families who are out of work and struggling to make ends meet actually using their EBT cards for porn, booze, gambling, etc? Or is this another right wing attempt to demonize the poor, and generate outrage at nonexistent problems so that the programs can be abolished to save the rich a buck or two?

The misuse, abuse and fraud in the SNAP (Food Stamps) programs is quite high. Just in the last week there was a news story here in Atlanta about SNAP recipients selling their cards and pin #'s for 50 cents on the dollar and then calling in reporting their card lost and getting a replacement, fully charged, of course. The news piece said it was rampant.

And I heard about another one where a convenience store owner would buy the cards at that same 50% rate and then use the cards to restock his stores.

I know of many food stamp recipients that regularly sell much of their monthly benefit amount at that same 50% rate.

Definitely wasn't my experience. I heard of people trading 2/1 foodstamps for money, but I never saw it happen or knew anyone personally do this. When you have to watch every buck, you aren't going to squander it on porn, booze, gambling, cigs, etc.
So now it's coming out that the real conservative consensus is that they want to end ALL welfare programs...

So how come every time I've pointed that out in the past I get howls of protest from the right saying oh no we don't!?
I (myself, wife, & 2 kids) recieved foodstamps briefly in the 80's when I was between jobs. I was very grateful for the assistance for the time I recieved it and got off the program as quickly as I could after getting another job. I got actual food stamps, not an EBT card, and they could only be used on food purchases. My wife and I bought no frills food and staples in order to stretch our food supply to last as long as possible. We clipped coupons and shopped sales.

Obviously times have changed since then, but there is no reason that EBT cards should not have the same restrictions as food stamps did. A food assistance program should only offer food assistance.

But this all makes me wonder if in fact, is misuse of the EBT cards as rampant as your OP suggests? Are families who are out of work and struggling to make ends meet actually using their EBT cards for porn, booze, gambling, etc? Or is this another right wing attempt to demonize the poor, and generate outrage at nonexistent problems so that the programs can be abolished to save the rich a buck or two?

The misuse, abuse and fraud in the SNAP (Food Stamps) programs is quite high. Just in the last week there was a news story here in Atlanta about SNAP recipients selling their cards and pin #'s for 50 cents on the dollar and then calling in reporting their card lost and getting a replacement, fully charged, of course. The news piece said it was rampant.

And I heard about another one where a convenience store owner would buy the cards at that same 50% rate and then use the cards to restock his stores.

I know of many food stamp recipients that regularly sell much of their monthly benefit amount at that same 50% rate.

Definitely wasn't my experience. I heard of people trading 2/1 foodstamps for money, but I never saw it happen or knew anyone personally do this. When you have to watch every buck, you aren't going to squander it on porn, booze, gambling, cigs, etc.

PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) -- A criminal swindle of the nation's $64.7 billion food stamp program is playing out at small neighborhood stores around the country, where thousands of retailers are suspected of trading deals with customers, exchanging lesser amounts of cash for their stamps.

Authorities say the stamps are then redeemed as usual by the unscrupulous merchants at face value, netting them huge profits and diverting as much as $330 million in taxpayer funds annually. But the transactions are electronically recorded and federal investigators, wise to the practice, are closely monitoring thousands of convenience stories and mom-and-pop groceries in a push to halt the fraud.

Known as food stamp trafficking, the illegal buying or selling of food stamps is a federal offense that has resulted in 597 convictions nationwide and $197.4 million in fines, restitution and forfeiture orders, over the past three years, according to the U.S.

"It's misuse of the program. It's a misuse of taxpayer dollars at a tough time. Not only the people who need the program are having a tough time, but the people who are paying for the program are having a tough time, too," said Kevin Concannon, USDA Undersecretary for Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services.

The fraud is almost always found among the 199,000 smaller stores that process 15 percent of the nation's total food stamp transactions, Concannon said.
USDA Cracks Down On Food Stamp Trafficking
So, the welfare state has ended 'true poverty', according to the OP and others,

but they agree we should get rid of the welfare state.

Logically, that means they want to bring back 'true poverty'.

See, I told you so, a hundred zillion times. The primary goal of conservatism in this area is to widen the gap between rich and poor, between the haves and the have nots.

Ending aid to the poor is the main thrust of this effort, to achieve that goal.
The welfare state has ended starvation.

However it generates more welfare recipients.

The goal of progressives is to kill off welfare recipients, and the wealthy, and make sure the rest of the country is static, stuck in poverty...except for a few who exist as parasites, above the fray. They also believe in killing off those who can't make it...but they propose to actually KILL them, instead of providing them with the opportunity to pull themselves out of their situation and succeed.

All progressives think they'll be a part of the parasitic group.
The misuse, abuse and fraud in the SNAP (Food Stamps) programs is quite high. Just in the last week there was a news story here in Atlanta about SNAP recipients selling their cards and pin #'s for 50 cents on the dollar and then calling in reporting their card lost and getting a replacement, fully charged, of course. The news piece said it was rampant.

And I heard about another one where a convenience store owner would buy the cards at that same 50% rate and then use the cards to restock his stores.

I know of many food stamp recipients that regularly sell much of their monthly benefit amount at that same 50% rate.

Definitely wasn't my experience. I heard of people trading 2/1 foodstamps for money, but I never saw it happen or knew anyone personally do this. When you have to watch every buck, you aren't going to squander it on porn, booze, gambling, cigs, etc.

PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) -- A criminal swindle of the nation's $64.7 billion food stamp program is playing out at small neighborhood stores around the country, where thousands of retailers are suspected of trading deals with customers, exchanging lesser amounts of cash for their stamps.

Authorities say the stamps are then redeemed as usual by the unscrupulous merchants at face value, netting them huge profits and diverting as much as $330 million in taxpayer funds annually. But the transactions are electronically recorded and federal investigators, wise to the practice, are closely monitoring thousands of convenience stories and mom-and-pop groceries in a push to halt the fraud.

Known as food stamp trafficking, the illegal buying or selling of food stamps is a federal offense that has resulted in 597 convictions nationwide and $197.4 million in fines, restitution and forfeiture orders, over the past three years, according to the U.S.

"It's misuse of the program. It's a misuse of taxpayer dollars at a tough time. Not only the people who need the program are having a tough time, but the people who are paying for the program are having a tough time, too," said Kevin Concannon, USDA Undersecretary for Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services.

The fraud is almost always found among the 199,000 smaller stores that process 15 percent of the nation's total food stamp transactions, Concannon said.
USDA Cracks Down On Food Stamp Trafficking
Proving it has NOT BEEN OK and has been ILLEGAL all along....

thanks for refuting your op title and on duval Patrick! ;)
Definitely wasn't my experience. I heard of people trading 2/1 foodstamps for money, but I never saw it happen or knew anyone personally do this. When you have to watch every buck, you aren't going to squander it on porn, booze, gambling, cigs, etc.

PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) -- A criminal swindle of the nation's $64.7 billion food stamp program is playing out at small neighborhood stores around the country, where thousands of retailers are suspected of trading deals with customers, exchanging lesser amounts of cash for their stamps.

Authorities say the stamps are then redeemed as usual by the unscrupulous merchants at face value, netting them huge profits and diverting as much as $330 million in taxpayer funds annually. But the transactions are electronically recorded and federal investigators, wise to the practice, are closely monitoring thousands of convenience stories and mom-and-pop groceries in a push to halt the fraud.

Known as food stamp trafficking, the illegal buying or selling of food stamps is a federal offense that has resulted in 597 convictions nationwide and $197.4 million in fines, restitution and forfeiture orders, over the past three years, according to the U.S.

"It's misuse of the program. It's a misuse of taxpayer dollars at a tough time. Not only the people who need the program are having a tough time, but the people who are paying for the program are having a tough time, too," said Kevin Concannon, USDA Undersecretary for Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services.

The fraud is almost always found among the 199,000 smaller stores that process 15 percent of the nation's total food stamp transactions, Concannon said.
USDA Cracks Down On Food Stamp Trafficking
Proving it has NOT BEEN OK and has been ILLEGAL all along....

thanks for refuting your op title and on duval Patrick! ;)

Did you miss reading that the above refers to a federal program?
For purposes of clarity, are you defining 'poor' by the arbitrary calculation put forth by the Liberal cottage industry known as 'the government'?

Or by the more stringent definition, i.e., no home, no food, no heat.

Does someone need to look like a refugee from Biafra for you to consider them poor?

I'm talking about ordinary families who may be down on their luck due to layoffs or other circumstances and may be near the end of their resources. They may still have a roof over their heads but may be in danger of losing that as well. They may still have a car, a refrigerator, a TV, etc. Should they have to pawn all their stuff first, before they get any assistance?

1. Why are you having difficulty answering the question?

Are you basing your understanding on the government definition of poverty?

Do you know how the government arrives at their definition?
I do.

2. "...ordinary families who may be down on their luck due to layoffs or other circumstances and may be near the end of their resources. They may still have a roof over their heads but may be in danger of losing that as well. They may still have a car, a refrigerator, a TV, etc. Should they have to pawn all their stuff first,...

Is it copacetic with you that I define 'ordinary families' in terms of folks, some of whom posted in this thread, who chose not to burden their neighbors?

Especially if they own homes, AC's, flat screens, cars, trucks, and even jacuzzi's.

3. Poverty is no home, no heat, no food. Not 'I'm not gonna go on any Ramen noodle' budget.

4. I personally know several folks, college educated professionals, who worked the midnight shift on the docks while they looked for work.

Did you?
Did you put on a sweatshirt and show up at a 'shape-up' where you might be selected or a night's employment?

Collect soda cans for the nickel deposits?
Walk dogs, cut other folks' lawns, deliver newspapers?
None of 'em?

We're speaking of different 'ordinary folks,' it seems.

5. There is a dunce in this thread who manages to work into each and every thread how he owns or organizes a charity. Perhaps you could get in touch with him. I'm certain he'll pat you on the head, so he can pat himself on the back.

6. There is a difference between 'I need"

and 'I want."

Learn the difference. Then you can teach it to your children.

I would say first that someone who is without shelter, heat, and food is not going to derive much benefit from foodstamps alone.

The government defines poverty, the "absolute poverty line", as the threshold below which families or individuals are considered to be lacking the resources to meet the basic needs for healthy living; having insufficient income to provide the food, shelter and clothing needed to preserve health. The poverty line for a family of 4 in 2012 is a little over $22,000. They need to draw the line somewhere to determine whether or not someone gets help, don't they? Apparently, the "liberal" line is 22K for a family of 4, while the "compassionate conservative" line is $0.

And, yes. I did whatever I could for money. I showed up for day labor jobs at 4AM to see if I could work the day unloading trucks, moving furniture, etc. I wasn't too proud to push a broom, wash dishes, or do anything else I had to do. I've been there. I've had to pawn my stuff to pay bills. It wasn't fun. It wasn't living in the lap of luxury.

I even had to apply for charity from a food bank. Now that I have a good job, I always contribute food and clothing to my Church, local food bank, and Goodwill / Salvation Army.

I think looking after our own is a good thing, not a bad thing.
Definitely wasn't my experience. I heard of people trading 2/1 foodstamps for money, but I never saw it happen or knew anyone personally do this. When you have to watch every buck, you aren't going to squander it on porn, booze, gambling, cigs, etc.

PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) -- A criminal swindle of the nation's $64.7 billion food stamp program is playing out at small neighborhood stores around the country, where thousands of retailers are suspected of trading deals with customers, exchanging lesser amounts of cash for their stamps.

Authorities say the stamps are then redeemed as usual by the unscrupulous merchants at face value, netting them huge profits and diverting as much as $330 million in taxpayer funds annually. But the transactions are electronically recorded and federal investigators, wise to the practice, are closely monitoring thousands of convenience stories and mom-and-pop groceries in a push to halt the fraud.

Known as food stamp trafficking, the illegal buying or selling of food stamps is a federal offense that has resulted in 597 convictions nationwide and $197.4 million in fines, restitution and forfeiture orders, over the past three years, according to the U.S.

"It's misuse of the program. It's a misuse of taxpayer dollars at a tough time. Not only the people who need the program are having a tough time, but the people who are paying for the program are having a tough time, too," said Kevin Concannon, USDA Undersecretary for Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services.

The fraud is almost always found among the 199,000 smaller stores that process 15 percent of the nation's total food stamp transactions, Concannon said.
USDA Cracks Down On Food Stamp Trafficking
Proving it has NOT BEEN OK and has been ILLEGAL all along....

thanks for refuting your op title and on duval Patrick! ;)

Can I assume that you found my post documenting State Senator Obama supported allowing babies born as a result of a botched abortion to die, dispositive?

If you need more convincing, I certainly can do that.

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