Food Stamps OK For Porn, Tatoos, Jewelry

Why on earth couldn't any person who wants a job do it?

And my roots are deep. I know how to use a phone, and save money for visits. I can do that, because I'm employed! So they're happy to see me a few times a year, rather than depressed that they see me every day because I'm camped on the couch, eating cheetos and flipping channels they pay for.

It all comes down to how much you want to work, and how much you want other people to pay for your reluctance to do what's necessary so obtain employment.
Why on earth couldn't any person who wants a job do it?

And my roots are deep. I know how to use a phone, and save money for visits. I can do that, because I'm employed! So they're happy to see me a few times a year, rather than depressed that they see me every day because I'm camped on the couch, eating cheetos and flipping channels they pay for.

It all comes down to how much you want to work, and how much you want other people to pay for your reluctance to do what's necessary so obtain employment.

I think it's called "being good at math".

At the time, I was employed, but I knew the job was going south sooner or later. The whole company was.

So the out of state offer looked pretty good... until I started crunching the numbers. And figured I'd lose more than I'd gain.

(This was before your good Christian Hero Bush completely tanked the economy, of course.)

Still found a job, locally, after the last one went south... but frankly, I've had it with worshipping plutocracy... the sooner we get rid of it, the better.
They're unemployed because they won't do what has to be done to be employable.

For many of them, that would mean MOVING. In the old days, people MOVED to find work. With welfare, suddenly you can just sit on your ass when the job market dries up and no moving is required...and now people think that if there are no jobs in their immediate vicinity, then they don't have to work.

Out forefathers would be horrified to see the absolute SCALE thier prodginy have turned into a nation of WIMPS.

and drunks
Care represents Christians who are pro-babykilling the world over.

God likes dead babies!

Didn't God kill the first born sons of Egypt?
Didn't God kill millions of babies in his flood?
You got that right. God aborted the babies by drowning the mother. What a great God!!!

Psalms 137: 9 Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.
PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) -- A criminal swindle of the nation's $64.7 billion food stamp program is playing out at small neighborhood stores around the country, where thousands of retailers are suspected of trading deals with customers, exchanging lesser amounts of cash for their stamps.

Authorities say the stamps are then redeemed as usual by the unscrupulous merchants at face value, netting them huge profits and diverting as much as $330 million in taxpayer funds annually. But the transactions are electronically recorded and federal investigators, wise to the practice, are closely monitoring thousands of convenience stories and mom-and-pop groceries in a push to halt the fraud.

Known as food stamp trafficking, the illegal buying or selling of food stamps is a federal offense that has resulted in 597 convictions nationwide and $197.4 million in fines, restitution and forfeiture orders, over the past three years, according to the U.S.

"It's misuse of the program. It's a misuse of taxpayer dollars at a tough time. Not only the people who need the program are having a tough time, but the people who are paying for the program are having a tough time, too," said Kevin Concannon, USDA Undersecretary for Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services.

The fraud is almost always found among the 199,000 smaller stores that process 15 percent of the nation's total food stamp transactions, Concannon said.
USDA Cracks Down On Food Stamp Trafficking
Proving it has NOT BEEN OK and has been ILLEGAL all along....

thanks for refuting your op title and on duval Patrick! ;)

Can I assume that you found my post documenting State Senator Obama supported allowing babies born as a result of a botched abortion to die, dispositive?

If you need more convincing, I certainly can do that.
nope, haven't found that to be true...i don't need a link, i can read and UNDERSTAND what I've read on it... it's you that is having the problem....

so, the title of this thread is a lie...are you admitting that yet?
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Proving it has NOT BEEN OK and has been ILLEGAL all along....

thanks for refuting your op title and on duval Patrick! ;)

Can I assume that you found my post documenting State Senator Obama supported allowing babies born as a result of a botched abortion to die, dispositive?

If you need more convincing, I certainly can do that.
nope, haven't found that to be true...i don't need a link, i can read and UNDERSTAND what I've read on it... it's you that is having the problem....

so, the title of this thread is a lie...are you admitting that yet?

1. Now, must know by now that I never lie.

If you read post #444 and still refuse to believe that the import of the post is untrue, well...then you've become one of the "shut my eyes and cover my ears and it isn't" folks.

That would be a disappointment.

2. The same applies to the truth about Barack Hussein Obama (peace be on him) as far as allowing new-born babies to linger until they die.

He prevented the bill from becoming a law.
To be clear, the issue is not why he did he...but whether or not he stopped the bill.
I contend that the man has no moral center.

I suspect that you might have reconsidered your support for him if you knew the truth back in ' least if you are the person I believe you to be.

Here, from CNN:

[ame=]CNN: Barack Obama's opposition to Born Alive Act - YouTube[/ame]
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This is a prime example of why we simply need to end all welfare programs.

The intentions my be good from the start, but it ends up being abused by people who don't deserve it.

We need to end all welfare and put people back to work.

Maybe we need to end all gun manufacturing. The intentions may be good from the start, but it ends up being abused by bad people.
So, the welfare state has ended 'true poverty', according to the OP and others,

but they agree we should get rid of the welfare state.

Logically, that means they want to bring back 'true poverty'.

See, I told you so, a hundred zillion times. The primary goal of conservatism in this area is to widen the gap between rich and poor, between the haves and the have nots.

Ending aid to the poor is the main thrust of this effort, to achieve that goal.

Good analysis.
Actually, single mothers/fathers could be enlisted to assist in daycare centers for others attending training. Make it a "rotating" duty for all participants. Not only would that give them some interaction with their own children, we could incorporate parenting skills classes, first aid, budgeting, and nutrition programs, an entire curriculum that would help them learn to be better parents.

That's a very intriguing and creative idea. My compliments. I pretty much agree with everything else you said.
They're unemployed because they won't do what has to be done to be employable.

For many of them, that would mean MOVING. In the old days, people MOVED to find work. With welfare, suddenly you can just sit on your ass when the job market dries up and no moving is required...and now people think that if there are no jobs in their immediate vicinity, then they don't have to work.

Out forefathers would be horrified to see the absolute SCALE thier prodginy have turned into a nation of WIMPS.

and drunks

No, our forefathers were bigger drunks than we are.
Actually, single mothers/fathers could be enlisted to assist in daycare centers for others attending training. Make it a "rotating" duty for all participants. Not only would that give them some interaction with their own children, we could incorporate parenting skills classes, first aid, budgeting, and nutrition programs, an entire curriculum that would help them learn to be better parents.

That's a very intriguing and creative idea. My compliments. I pretty much agree with everything else you said.
It is a nice idea, however very impractical...most people who need day care, need it because they work a FULL TIME JOB....they are not paying for Daycare because they have the time to babysit their own kid....

Being that most daycares are run during a monday through friday 8-6pm normal work week....I can't imagine many of these families needing daycare, being able to volunteer during these working hours....when this is the time that they are working at their job.

I did work for a corporation that had a Daycare center onsite, of which our company allowed them one hour of their worktime to share in taking care of the kids in there....but that was a perk from the company I worked for....
It is a nice idea, however very impractical...most people who need day care, need it because they work a FULL TIME JOB....they are not paying for Daycare because they have the time to babysit their own kid....

I think you missed it. We're talking about tying benefits to job training/education. Now, I know this is all hypothetical, but think for a moment of being in a job training program, where you go to class four days a week, and your fifth day you're part of a rotation at the day care center. Other people in similar training programs for different fields have different days off, and are in the rotation accordingly. These mothers are able to provide a significant portion of the necessary labor to provide day care services to all people in the system, thus allowing single mothers to be provided benefits like food stamps, and also connect those benefits to a requirement to also be in job training, and also provide the additional benefit of child care provisions, all while minimizing the increase in costs. I think there's a genius to it. Actually getting such a scheme organized might prove difficult, and actually pulling it off might ultimately prove impossible in the long run. But hell, it would be worth a try, wouldn't it? Think of how many lives could possibly be improved, actually and tangibly improved, for the long run. I'd love to see a state launch a pilot program similar to this.

One of the things I like about the whole idea is that as a secondary product, it would create a kind of support circle for people who are similarly going through difficult times, and who are all putting their hearts into improving their situation. I think that a strong support circle is important when people are struggling to overcome hardships. I just feel like the whole thing could/would be very humanitarian.
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It is a nice idea, however very impractical...most people who need day care, need it because they work a FULL TIME JOB....they are not paying for Daycare because they have the time to babysit their own kid....

I think you missed it. We're talking about tying benefits to job training/education. Now, I know this is all hypothetical, but think for a moment of being in a job training program, where you go to class four days a week, and your fifth day you're part of a rotation at the day care center. Other people in similar training programs for different fields have different days off, and are in the rotation accordingly. These mothers are able to provide a significant portion of the necessary labor to provide day care services to all people in the system, thus allowing single mothers to be provided benefits like food stamps, and also connect those benefits to a requirement to also be in job training, and also provide the additional benefit of child care provisions, all while minimizing the increase in costs. I think there's a genius to it. Actually getting such a scheme organized might prove difficult, and actually pulling it off might ultimately prove impossible in the long run. But hell, it would be worth a try, wouldn't it? Think of how many lives could possibly be improved, actually and tangibly improved, for the long run. I'd love to see a state launch a pilot program similar to this.
ahhhh, in that case :thup:


It's just that there was a thread by chanel recently that spoke on single mother women and women within marriages wanting to get jobs and go back to work but their daycare costs make this prohibitive or not worth it.
Can I assume that you found my post documenting State Senator Obama supported allowing babies born as a result of a botched abortion to die, dispositive?

If you need more convincing, I certainly can do that.
nope, haven't found that to be true...i don't need a link, i can read and UNDERSTAND what I've read on it... it's you that is having the problem....

so, the title of this thread is a lie...are you admitting that yet?

1. Now, must know by now that I never lie.

If you read post #444 and still refuse to believe that the import of the post is untrue, well...then you've become one of the "shut my eyes and cover my ears and it isn't" folks.

That would be a disappointment.

2. The same applies to the truth about Barack Hussein Obama (peace be on him) as far as allowing new-born babies to linger until they die.

He prevented the bill from becoming a law.
To be clear, the issue is not why he did he...but whether or not he stopped the bill.
I contend that the man has no moral center.

I suspect that you might have reconsidered your support for him if you knew the truth back in ' least if you are the person I believe you to be.

Here, from CNN:

[ame=""]CNN: Barack Obama's opposition to Born Alive Act - YouTube[/ame]
Don't you ever get tired of lying?????

If the bill contained EXACTLY the same language as the federal bill, as Slick Willie Bigot said in the video, then why would the law be needed????? It wouldn't!!!!!

The reporter said the wording of the bill was only similar to the federal law, and therefore not exactly like the federal bill, and the difference in the wording would have made all abortions illegal. Obama was right and you are a liar!!!!!

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