Food Stamps OK For Porn, Tatoos, Jewelry


you said in your title, food stamps okay for porn, tatoos etc.

and the truth is that foodstamps HAVE NEVER been OKAY to use for that kind of stuff..

it would be breaking the law.

if your title was worded without the OK, then it could be accurate....that we have some people, ripping off the system....

but you implying with this op that duval patrick okay'd the use of foodstamps paying for porn.....that's simply not true.

Valid post...but it comes across as obfuscation.

"but you implying with this op that duval patrick okay'd the use of foodstamps paying for porn.....that's simply not true"

On the contrary. Turning a blind eye, which is what our Democrat officials have done and continue to do....i.e., Duval Patrick's veto, ....makes it the truth.

It is completely false.

1. Massachusetts pays the food stamp benefit via an EBT card.

2. The EBT card and the retailers' recipient scanner, can determine the eligibility of purchases for use with the food stamp benefit balance.

3. You cannot purchase porn with food stamps via an EBT card because porn is not food.

Why is that so difficult for you and the rest of the morons in this thread to comprehend?

Try to overcome your love of the myth for once and accept the truth. You're lying; your source is lying; everyone who agrees with you and your source are lying.
Didn't God kill the first born sons of Egypt?
Didn't God kill millions of babies in his flood?'re still comparing Barack Hussein Obama to God?

Damn Girl!

Not only did you get through college on a "cut and paste" failed logic

The logic of my response to your flippant post was immaculate.

Rather than not comprehending have resorted to dishonesty.
That is interesting

What do you think we should do about it?

We need to start by deporting Communists like you to Cuba or Russia. Then we could end the entitlement/parasite class and get back to what made this country a super-power: capitalism, hard work, freedom, and personal responsibility.

You guys are the cancer that is killing this nation. We need to cut the cancer out.

Dude, Cuba and Russian don't want them, either.
1. Now, must know by now that I never lie.

Your thread title is a lie. As is the main point of this thread.

Spoken like the typical liberal who hates the truth. See, I know when a post is the truth when a liberal wastes the time to post "this is a lie" without a single shred of evidence to back up that statement, or hell, even an OPINION as to why they THINK it is a lie.

The fact that you offered nothing, just proves that you are the liar.

Do you really need it explained to you how an EBT card works?

btw, there has not been a shred of evidence provided that Massachusetts food stamp benefits can buy non-food items with the EBT card.

Shouldn't that be the NUMBER ONE priority here on burden of proof??
1. Now, must know by now that I never lie.

Your thread title is a lie. As is the main point of this thread.

Spoken like the typical liberal who hates the truth. See, I know when a post is the truth when a liberal wastes the time to post "this is a lie" without a single shred of evidence to back up that statement, or hell, even an OPINION as to why they THINK it is a lie.

The fact that you offered nothing, just proves that you are the liar.

If you don't already know that it's impossible to render food stamps as payment for porn, then you're a damn idiot!! If you need proof of that, then you have much bigger issues.
Your thread title is a lie. As is the main point of this thread.

Spoken like the typical liberal who hates the truth. See, I know when a post is the truth when a liberal wastes the time to post "this is a lie" without a single shred of evidence to back up that statement, or hell, even an OPINION as to why they THINK it is a lie.

The fact that you offered nothing, just proves that you are the liar.

If you don't already know that it's impossible to render food stamps as payment for porn, then you're a damn idiot!! If you need proof of that, then you have much bigger issues.

The Right has decided they like this myth, so, as the one poster beautifully put it,

the truth is irrelevant. I have to admit even I didn't foresee any rightwinger being that frank, although I should have.
Dude, Cuba and Russian don't want them, either.

I don't know, Eric Holder would fit perfectly in Putin's gang of thugs. Assuming he's not taking the position with the drug cartels, that is.

I still think that Putin and drug cartels prefer "hanging" with a better class of people than Holder or others of his ilk.

you said in your title, food stamps okay for porn, tatoos etc.

and the truth is that foodstamps HAVE NEVER been OKAY to use for that kind of stuff..

it would be breaking the law.

if your title was worded without the OK, then it could be accurate....that we have some people, ripping off the system....

but you implying with this op that duval patrick okay'd the use of foodstamps paying for porn.....that's simply not true.

Valid post...but it comes across as obfuscation.

"but you implying with this op that duval patrick okay'd the use of foodstamps paying for porn.....that's simply not true"

On the contrary. Turning a blind eye, which is what our Democrat officials have done and continue to do....i.e., Duval Patrick's veto, ....makes it the truth.

It is completely false.

1. Massachusetts pays the food stamp benefit via an EBT card.

2. The EBT card and the retailers' recipient scanner, can determine the eligibility of purchases for use with the food stamp benefit balance.

3. You cannot purchase porn with food stamps via an EBT card because porn is not food.

Why is that so difficult for you and the rest of the morons in this thread to comprehend?

Try to overcome your love of the myth for once and accept the truth. You're lying; your source is lying; everyone who agrees with you and your source are lying.

In addition to being very, very stupid, it seems that you suffer, additionally, from A.D.D.

With that in mind, here, again, is the dispositive evidence:

"I know that you are not lying....I don't suggest that you behave in that manner....

rather, the basis of your posts is that you are very, very stupid.

I doubt there is anything you can do about that....

But, enough chit-chat.
To the point: In addition to everything listed in this thread as abuses of the welfare, EBT, etc. benefits system, the said items are used to make bail or pay fines, to join health clubs, to gamble, or to buy firearms, porn, cosmetics, travel services, tattoos, jewelry, or tickets to sporting events or movies.

Why and how?

Because human beings engage in all sorts of voluntary transfers....

I understand that based on your "limitations" you are unable to imagine that criminality takes place...and is often treated with a blind eye.

Democrats regularly block reforms...

While this won't be of any help to you....others may have an "Oh, I see...." moment:

1. "A fed-up House Speaker Robert DeLeo told the Herald he is fast-tracking EBT card reforms and has proposed tougher crackdowns — including a ban on using the cards for bail money — as a major part of the House budget unveiled today at the State House.

“Having read of some of the abuses which you’ve published at various times, it just continues to anger me in terms of trying to get some control over the program to make sure these types of abuses don’t exist,” DeLeo told the Herald in a sit-down interview inside his State House office this morning.

DeLeo’s plan makes it illegal to use the taxpayer-funded cards to make bail or pay fines, to join health clubs, to gamble, or to buy firearms, porn, cosmetics, travel services, tattoos, jewelry, or tickets to sporting events or movies.

Stores breaking EBT card laws could also lose their liquor or lottery licenses. The reforms are so urgently needed that DeLeo wants to bypass the typical committee process and fast-track them to next year’s budget, he said.

“I think this shows ... how high a priority we see this,” said DeLeo. “Even if (the state) were rolling in money, any abuse of public funds is wrong, and I think we have to send a strong message that we’re going to do everything we can to stop it.”
DeLeo: EBT reform on fast track in House budget -

2. "The crux of the issue surrounding EBT and the abuse of EBT cards has to do with the fact that the cards are easily transferable to cash,”
CLT Update: May 26, 2012 - Senate Dems duck serious reform, spend more on EBT card fraud

3. Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) cards (the debit card equivalent of food stamps) have been at the center of a heated national discussion on welfare reform. There have been numerous reports of EBT card abuse and some states have started cracking down on card holders. Of course, whenever someone talks about welfare reform, one side of the political spectrum claims it’s “racially motivated.”
However, even those claims might be put aside for a moment in Massachusetts after a heroin allegedly posted bail with his EBT card.
Heroin Dealer Allegedly Posts Bail With EBT Card | Video |

My deepest condolences to your caretakers."
[If you don't already know that it's impossible to render food stamps as payment for porn, then you're a damn idiot!! If you need proof of that, then you have much bigger issues.

The reason the original article had to craft a lie for their story is because without the lie, there was no story.

Yes, some people get cash assistance. Yes some people spend the cash assistance on stupid things.

That is not news.

But to falsify it by making it food stamps, then you get something that people like PC, who are looking for attractive lies,

can go with. And the sheep follow.
Valid post...but it comes across as obfuscation.

"but you implying with this op that duval patrick okay'd the use of foodstamps paying for porn.....that's simply not true"

On the contrary. Turning a blind eye, which is what our Democrat officials have done and continue to do....i.e., Duval Patrick's veto, ....makes it the truth.

It is completely false.

1. Massachusetts pays the food stamp benefit via an EBT card.

2. The EBT card and the retailers' recipient scanner, can determine the eligibility of purchases for use with the food stamp benefit balance.

3. You cannot purchase porn with food stamps via an EBT card because porn is not food.

Why is that so difficult for you and the rest of the morons in this thread to comprehend?

Try to overcome your love of the myth for once and accept the truth. You're lying; your source is lying; everyone who agrees with you and your source are lying.

In addition to being very, very stupid, it seems that you suffer, additionally, from A.D.D.

With that in mind, here, again, is the dispositive evidence:

"I know that you are not lying....I don't suggest that you behave in that manner....

rather, the basis of your posts is that you are very, very stupid.

I doubt there is anything you can do about that....

But, enough chit-chat.
To the point: In addition to everything listed in this thread as abuses of the welfare, EBT, etc. benefits system, the said items are used to make bail or pay fines, to join health clubs, to gamble, or to buy firearms, porn, cosmetics, travel services, tattoos, jewelry, or tickets to sporting events or movies.

Why and how?

Because human beings engage in all sorts of voluntary transfers....

I understand that based on your "limitations" you are unable to imagine that criminality takes place...and is often treated with a blind eye.

Democrats regularly block reforms...

While this won't be of any help to you....others may have an "Oh, I see...." moment:

1. "A fed-up House Speaker Robert DeLeo told the Herald he is fast-tracking EBT card reforms and has proposed tougher crackdowns — including a ban on using the cards for bail money — as a major part of the House budget unveiled today at the State House.

“Having read of some of the abuses which you’ve published at various times, it just continues to anger me in terms of trying to get some control over the program to make sure these types of abuses don’t exist,” DeLeo told the Herald in a sit-down interview inside his State House office this morning.

DeLeo’s plan makes it illegal to use the taxpayer-funded cards to make bail or pay fines, to join health clubs, to gamble, or to buy firearms, porn, cosmetics, travel services, tattoos, jewelry, or tickets to sporting events or movies.

Stores breaking EBT card laws could also lose their liquor or lottery licenses. The reforms are so urgently needed that DeLeo wants to bypass the typical committee process and fast-track them to next year’s budget, he said.

“I think this shows ... how high a priority we see this,” said DeLeo. “Even if (the state) were rolling in money, any abuse of public funds is wrong, and I think we have to send a strong message that we’re going to do everything we can to stop it.”
DeLeo: EBT reform on fast track in House budget -

2. "The crux of the issue surrounding EBT and the abuse of EBT cards has to do with the fact that the cards are easily transferable to cash,”
CLT Update: May 26, 2012 - Senate Dems duck serious reform, spend more on EBT card fraud

3. Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) cards (the debit card equivalent of food stamps) have been at the center of a heated national discussion on welfare reform. There have been numerous reports of EBT card abuse and some states have started cracking down on card holders. Of course, whenever someone talks about welfare reform, one side of the political spectrum claims it’s “racially motivated.”
However, even those claims might be put aside for a moment in Massachusetts after a heroin allegedly posted bail with his EBT card.
Heroin Dealer Allegedly Posts Bail With EBT Card | Video |


Nothing you said refutes the fact that the food stamp benefit cannot be converted into cash via the EBT card.
i couldnt decide if political chunk is a pathological liar or as dumb as a box of rocks, then i decided that the two aren't mutually exclusive.
If someone proves to me that a person in MA with an EBT card with $100 worth of food stamp benefit on it can go to an ATM and get $100 cash,

then I will admit I am wrong.
If someone proves to me that a person in MA with an EBT card with $100 worth of food stamp benefit on it can go to an ATM and get $100 cash,

then I will admit I am wrong.

A friend of my brothers next door neighbor lives in Mass and he gets lap dances for food stamps

Is that enough proof?
i couldnt decide if political chunk is a pathological liar or as dumb as a box of rocks, then i decided that the two aren't mutually exclusive.

She can't think for herself. She can transfer information, but she can't create it. Almost never do you see a post from her that contains any personal insight or creative thought or an original argument.

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