Food stamps or junk food stamps?

It is a big deal when it involves our taxpaing dollars. It is a big deal when our tax paying dollars goes to pay for the medical and dental bills that eventually comes from an idiotic diet. It is a big deal when these people are using our taxpaying dollars to feed their kids a steady diet of unhealthy crap. It is a big deal when our taxpaying dollars are being used to supplement bad parenting.......As i've said in both related threads. If people are buying this crap on their own dollar, and they are providing their own healthcare, then that is their business. When they are collecting off the public dole, are provided healthcare by taxpaying citizens, then it IS my business.

ANd again, you are assuming that all SNAP users are lazy good for nothing assholes who make wrong choices. That's just not true.

Do you realize that a family of four can earn up to $41K a year and still qualify for SNAP benefits? Now what if this family of four has two working adults and two children. They are paying their own mortgage, their own car payment, their own health care insurance, but don't have enough money to eat and they qualify so they sign up for SNAP. Now let's further assume that they don't smoke, they don't drink , and they prepare well balanced meals. Are you saying that that those people should not have the occasional snack simply b/c through no fault of theirs some people are abusing the system?

Who uses food stamps?
I don't have a problem with them occasionally buying a snack. AS I'VE ALREADY STATED. Don't even try to put words in my mouth. I have a problem if that is all they are buying. I have a problem when their lousy diet ends up with my taxpaying dollars going to pay for their medical and dental bills. Don't sit there on your high horse and try to accuse me of assuming anything. Fact of the matter is, there is abuse of the system going on. There are many who are spending that money irresponsibly, and we the taxpayers end up footing the bill for their irresponsibility.....That pisses me off.

And I think the waste and abuse should stop. But I don't consider buying juink food to be an abuse. Sorry it just doesn't fit the criteria.

And sorry if I got your stance confused with Syrenn, thank you for clarifying that that loon stands alone.
Wicked Jackass said:

Settle down Beavis. :lol:
Good for you. I however think it is a big deal.
It is a big deal when it involves our taxpaing dollars. It is a big deal when our tax paying dollars goes to pay for the medical and dental bills that eventually comes from an idiotic diet. It is a big deal when these people are using our taxpaying dollars to feed their kids a steady diet of unhealthy crap. It is a big deal when our taxpaying dollars are being used to supplement bad parenting.......As i've said in both related threads. If people are buying this crap on their own dollar, and they are providing their own healthcare, then that is their business. When they are collecting off the public dole, are provided healthcare by taxpaying citizens, then it IS my business.

ANd again, you are assuming that all SNAP users are lazy good for nothing assholes who make wrong choices. That's just not true.

Do you realize that a family of four can earn up to $41K a year and still qualify for SNAP benefits? Now what if this family of four has two working adults and two children. They are paying their own mortgage, their own car payment, their own health care insurance, but don't have enough money to eat and they qualify so they sign up for SNAP. Now let's further assume that they don't smoke, they don't drink , and they prepare well balanced meals. Are you saying that that those people should not have the occasional snack simply b/c through no fault of theirs some people are abusing the system?

Who uses food stamps?


And you make my case for me very well thank you.

IF they are making money and have CASH to pay for a mortgage, car, and health care, then they can pay for the snack food, junk food and soda themselves.

No one is suggesting that they don't have all the junk they want, all the treats they want, just not on the governments dime...MY dime.
ANd again, you are assuming that all SNAP users are lazy good for nothing assholes who make wrong choices. That's just not true.

Do you realize that a family of four can earn up to $41K a year and still qualify for SNAP benefits? Now what if this family of four has two working adults and two children. They are paying their own mortgage, their own car payment, their own health care insurance, but don't have enough money to eat and they qualify so they sign up for SNAP. Now let's further assume that they don't smoke, they don't drink , and they prepare well balanced meals. Are you saying that that those people should not have the occasional snack simply b/c through no fault of theirs some people are abusing the system?

Who uses food stamps?
I don't have a problem with them occasionally buying a snack. AS I'VE ALREADY STATED. Don't even try to put words in my mouth. I have a problem if that is all they are buying. I have a problem when their lousy diet ends up with my taxpaying dollars going to pay for their medical and dental bills. Don't sit there on your high horse and try to accuse me of assuming anything. Fact of the matter is, there is abuse of the system going on. There are many who are spending that money irresponsibly, and we the taxpayers end up footing the bill for their irresponsibility.....That pisses me off.

And I think the waste and abuse should stop. But I don't consider buying juink food to be an abuse. Sorry it just doesn't fit the criteria.

And sorry if I got your stance confused with Syrenn, thank you for clarifying that that loon stands alone.

Seems to me conjob WickedJester an i are saying the same thing.
It is a big deal when it involves our taxpaing dollars. It is a big deal when our tax paying dollars goes to pay for the medical and dental bills that eventually comes from an idiotic diet. It is a big deal when these people are using our taxpaying dollars to feed their kids a steady diet of unhealthy crap. It is a big deal when our taxpaying dollars are being used to supplement bad parenting.......As i've said in both related threads. If people are buying this crap on their own dollar, and they are providing their own healthcare, then that is their business. When they are collecting off the public dole, are provided healthcare by taxpaying citizens, then it IS my business.

ANd again, you are assuming that all SNAP users are lazy good for nothing assholes who make wrong choices. That's just not true.

Do you realize that a family of four can earn up to $41K a year and still qualify for SNAP benefits? Now what if this family of four has two working adults and two children. They are paying their own mortgage, their own car payment, their own health care insurance, but don't have enough money to eat and they qualify so they sign up for SNAP. Now let's further assume that they don't smoke, they don't drink , and they prepare well balanced meals. Are you saying that that those people should not have the occasional snack simply b/c through no fault of theirs some people are abusing the system?

Who uses food stamps?


And you make my case for me very well thank you.

IF they are making money and have CASH to pay for a mortgage, car, and health care, then they can pay for the snack food, junk food and soda themselves.

No one is suggesting that they don't have all the junk they want, all the treats they want, just not on the governments dime...MY dime.

My offer stands you cheap bitch. You do some research and find out how many dollars are spent in S.F. County california on SNAP and then divide that by the number of tax payers in S.F. Country and send me that figure and I will reimburse you for YOUR dime.

Just shut the fuck up about it.
ANd again, you are assuming that all SNAP users are lazy good for nothing assholes who make wrong choices. That's just not true.

Do you realize that a family of four can earn up to $41K a year and still qualify for SNAP benefits? Now what if this family of four has two working adults and two children. They are paying their own mortgage, their own car payment, their own health care insurance, but don't have enough money to eat and they qualify so they sign up for SNAP. Now let's further assume that they don't smoke, they don't drink , and they prepare well balanced meals. Are you saying that that those people should not have the occasional snack simply b/c through no fault of theirs some people are abusing the system?

Who uses food stamps?
I don't have a problem with them occasionally buying a snack. AS I'VE ALREADY STATED. Don't even try to put words in my mouth. I have a problem if that is all they are buying. I have a problem when their lousy diet ends up with my taxpaying dollars going to pay for their medical and dental bills. Don't sit there on your high horse and try to accuse me of assuming anything. Fact of the matter is, there is abuse of the system going on. There are many who are spending that money irresponsibly, and we the taxpayers end up footing the bill for their irresponsibility.....That pisses me off.

And I think the waste and abuse should stop. But I don't consider buying juink food to be an abuse. Sorry it just doesn't fit the criteria.

And sorry if I got your stance confused with Syrenn, thank you for clarifying that that loon stands alone.
Actually, her view pretty much mirrors mine. She too has said that she has no problem with an occasional snack. I guess she isn't standing alone. And Syrenn is far from a loon. She's one of the smartest posters on this board. She's a true conservative who is tired of the BS. And as we all can see before our very eyes, she will not back down when vociferously and baselessly attacked.
Great, now we have petty assholes who want to turn grocery store check-out clerks into the food stamp police.
It is a big deal when it involves our taxpaing dollars. It is a big deal when our tax paying dollars goes to pay for the medical and dental bills that eventually comes from an idiotic diet. It is a big deal when these people are using our taxpaying dollars to feed their kids a steady diet of unhealthy crap. It is a big deal when our taxpaying dollars are being used to supplement bad parenting.......As i've said in both related threads. If people are buying this crap on their own dollar, and they are providing their own healthcare, then that is their business. When they are collecting off the public dole, are provided healthcare by taxpaying citizens, then it IS my business.

ANd again, you are assuming that all SNAP users are lazy good for nothing assholes who make wrong choices. That's just not true.

Do you realize that a family of four can earn up to $41K a year and still qualify for SNAP benefits? Now what if this family of four has two working adults and two children. They are paying their own mortgage, their own car payment, their own health care insurance, but don't have enough money to eat and they qualify so they sign up for SNAP. Now let's further assume that they don't smoke, they don't drink , and they prepare well balanced meals. Are you saying that that those people should not have the occasional snack simply b/c through no fault of theirs some people are abusing the system?

Who uses food stamps?


And you make my case for me very well thank you.

IF they are making money and have CASH to pay for a mortgage, car, and health care, then they can pay for the snack food, junk food and soda themselves.

No one is suggesting that they don't have all the junk they want, all the treats they want, just not on the governments dime...MY dime.

Obviously they can and do. These programs are finely tuned machines and they aren't easily changed.

Even the Rs on here think your solutions suck.
ANd again, you are assuming that all SNAP users are lazy good for nothing assholes who make wrong choices. That's just not true.

Do you realize that a family of four can earn up to $41K a year and still qualify for SNAP benefits? Now what if this family of four has two working adults and two children. They are paying their own mortgage, their own car payment, their own health care insurance, but don't have enough money to eat and they qualify so they sign up for SNAP. Now let's further assume that they don't smoke, they don't drink , and they prepare well balanced meals. Are you saying that that those people should not have the occasional snack simply b/c through no fault of theirs some people are abusing the system?

Who uses food stamps?


And you make my case for me very well thank you.

IF they are making money and have CASH to pay for a mortgage, car, and health care, then they can pay for the snack food, junk food and soda themselves.

No one is suggesting that they don't have all the junk they want, all the treats they want, just not on the governments dime...MY dime.

My offer stands you cheap bitch. You do some research and find out how many dollars are spent in S.F. County california on SNAP and then divide that by the number of tax payers in S.F. Country and send me that figure and I will reimburse you for YOUR dime.

Just shut the fuck up about it.

LMAO! You shut the fuck up conjob.

So long as anyone is on the taxpayer dole then I do have a say in it regardless if you like it or not.
The point being, regulating commerce isn't the same thing as regulating what people are legally allowed to eat... which was the clear implication of the OP


I was not saying they cant eat what they want.

From your OP...

Considering that the government is now telling us what we can and cant eat...

sorry mani... but taking soda out of vending machines IS the government telling us what we can and cant eat.

Careful now, you seem to be tripping over your own fail. :lol:

First you say the government is already dictating what we can and can't eat.

Then you say you didn't say that, when you clearly did.

And then upon having this pointed out to you, you defend the same ludicrous hyperbole that you wrongly insisted you didn't say in the first place.

Having a rough day are you? :rofl:
I don't have a problem with them occasionally buying a snack. AS I'VE ALREADY STATED. Don't even try to put words in my mouth. I have a problem if that is all they are buying. I have a problem when their lousy diet ends up with my taxpaying dollars going to pay for their medical and dental bills. Don't sit there on your high horse and try to accuse me of assuming anything. Fact of the matter is, there is abuse of the system going on. There are many who are spending that money irresponsibly, and we the taxpayers end up footing the bill for their irresponsibility.....That pisses me off.

And I think the waste and abuse should stop. But I don't consider buying juink food to be an abuse. Sorry it just doesn't fit the criteria.

And sorry if I got your stance confused with Syrenn, thank you for clarifying that that loon stands alone.
Actually, her view pretty much mirrors mine. She too has said that she has no problem with an occasional snack. I guess she isn't standing alone. And Syrenn is far from a loon. She's one of the smartest posters on this board. She's a true conservative who is tired of the BS. And as we all can see before our very eyes, she will not back down when vociferously and baselessly attacked.

You are completely wrong about Syrenn. But we'll just stick to this SINGLE topic. You're wrong that she has no problem with the occasional snack, she has pointedly said that she thinks NO snacks should be bought with SNAP. If you agree with that, then back on the asshole shelf you go.
The point being, regulating commerce isn't the same thing as regulating what people are legally allowed to eat... which was the clear implication of the OP


I was not saying they cant eat what they want.

From your OP...

sorry mani... but taking soda out of vending machines IS the government telling us what we can and cant eat.

Careful now, you seem to be tripping over your own fail. :lol:

First you say the government is already dictating what we can and can't eat.

Then you say you didn't say that, when you clearly did.

And then upon having this pointed out to you, you defend the same ludicrous hyperbole that you wrongly insisted you didn't say in the first place.

Having a rough day are you? :rofl:

The government is dictating what we can and cant eat in SF. So following that, why not do the same thing with food stamps.

I am saying they can BUY what ever they want with their own cash if it is not covered with food stamps.
The point being, regulating commerce isn't the same thing as regulating what people are legally allowed to eat... which was the clear implication of the OP

sorry mani... but taking soda out of vending machines IS the government telling us what we can and cant eat.

Careful now, you seem to be tripping over your own fail. :lol:

First you say the government is already dictating what we can and can't eat.

Then you say you didn't say that, when you clearly did.

And then upon having this pointed out to you, you defend the same ludicrous hyperbole that you wrongly insisted you didn't say in the first place.

Having a rough day are you? :rofl:

The government is dictating what we can and cant eat in SF. So following that, why not do the same thing with food stamps.

I am saying they can BUY what ever they want with their own cash if it is not covered with food stamps.

Except that isnt what they are doing at all, rather they are dictating where soda may be sold, you can still buy and drink soda in SF though.

Failure, surely you're used to it by now.
Careful now, you seem to be tripping over your own fail. :lol:

First you say the government is already dictating what we can and can't eat.

Then you say you didn't say that, when you clearly did.

And then upon having this pointed out to you, you defend the same ludicrous hyperbole that you wrongly insisted you didn't say in the first place.

Having a rough day are you? :rofl:

The government is dictating what we can and cant eat in SF. So following that, why not do the same thing with food stamps.

I am saying they can BUY what ever they want with their own cash if it is not covered with food stamps.

Except that isnt what they are doing at all, rather they are dictating where soda may be sold, you can still buy and drink soda in SF though.

Failure, surely you're used to it by now.

Just as someone on food stamps would be able to buy soda with their own money. No one would be telling them that they cant have all the junk they want.
The point that people are missing, and which I missed myself for a long time, is this: restricting what food products can be purchased with snap in no way is eliminating people's right to any food products they want.

It just means that if they want those other types of food, they have to buy them themselves.

SNAP (foodstamps) is a program meant to keep people from starving. It is not a program meant to prop up the poor so they can have all the perks that money provides.

As I said, I had this pointed out to me (and I am now convinced) by my supervisor, who has worked with these programs for almost 30 years. Restricting the uses of foodstamps in no way violates anyone's rights. People can still get whatever they want - nobody is making it illegal for them to buy crap. It's just that if they want it, they'll have to find the money elsewhere. It's not the government's job to subsidize obesity and crappy cooking. It's the government's duty (as of now) to keep children from starving. Not to promise t-bone steak barbecues and bakery cakes for all....
The point that people are missing, and which I missed myself for a long time, is this: restricting what food products can be purchased with snap in no way is eliminating people's right to any food products they want.

It just means that if they want those other types of food, they have to buy them themselves.

SNAP (foodstamps) is a program meant to keep people from starving. It is not a program meant to prop up the poor so they can have all the perks that money provides.

As I said, I had this pointed out to me (and I am now convinced) by my supervisor, who has worked with these programs for almost 30 years. Restricting the uses of foodstamps in no way violates anyone's rights. People can still get whatever they want - nobody is making it illegal for them to buy crap. It's just that if they want it, they'll have to find the money elsewhere. It's not the government's job to subsidize obesity and crappy cooking. It's the government's duty (as of now) to keep children from starving. Not to promise t-bone steak barbecues and bakery cakes for all....

well, if we just get to it, it isn't the government's job to provide any money at all for food. However, we have given them the power to do so. Why further add to that power by allowing them to dictate what that money is spent on? If a family of four wants to buy $400 worth of cheetos a month, what do you care? That $400 is gone either way.
I don't care.

But it's not a right to buy cheetos with government handouts is all I'm saying.

And whether or not we think it's the gov't's job to buy food, the fact is, it does, which is what I was referring to. So long as it does, the responsibility is to keep people from starving, not provide them with every form of oral gratification known to man.

If we're going to give people money to buy whatever they want, might as well make it enough that they can just live like humans on it (or support their drug habits in style) and forget about it. Just send every addict, layabout and flake a check for $2000 a month and screw individual programs. Let them use it on whatever they want!
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I don't care.

But it's not a right to buy cheetos with government handouts is all I'm saying.

And whether or not we think it's the gov't's job to buy food, the fact is, it does, which is what I was referring to. So long as it does, the responsibility is to keep people from starving, not provide them with every form of oral gratification known to man.

If we're going to give people money to buy whatever they want, might as well make it enough that they can just live like humans on it (or support their drug habits in style) and forget about it. Just send every addict, layabout and flake a check for $2000 a month and screw individual programs. Let them use it on whatever they want!

SO there is no middle ground for you? Either screw these people or let's just make them complete government wards? By the way , if we're talking about people who make a lifestyle out of SNAP, well that's another problem entirely, and totally not what the program was meant for. I am only talking about the family who maybe has a rough year and needs help. Who gives a shit what that family spends that $400 a month on.
Because if the goal is to prevent people from starving, those people aren't in the equation anyway.

My middle ground is that I'm willing to hold onto the FS program, which is at odds with my conservatism and perhaps even puts me out of that loop...but I think the program should be revamped so it works more like the WIC program - in other words, the funds can be used on fresh or healthy foods only.

That's about as middle ground as you get.

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