Fool me once......


Aug 11, 2010
Former Vice President Dick Cheney to FormerTreasury Secretary Paul O'Neill in 2002.

"You know, Paul, Reagan proved deficits don't matter," he said, according to excerpts. Cheney continued: "We won the midterms (congressional elections). This is our due."

I seem to recall the GOP wailing that if unemployment was extended, the deficit would balloon....if the Bush tax cuts were allowed to sunset, then jobs wouldn't be created, and the deficit would continue to grow.

Well, now that it seems that the rich will keep their additional $100 thousands or millions, their minions in the Senate and Congress don't give a rat's ass about extended unemployment and deficits, and are trying to paint themselves as looking out for the welfare of the people.

Barack Obama got a new welfare booty bigger than the tax cuts for upper wage earners.

I guess THAT was paid for, but the tax cuts were not.

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