Foolish Ideas of Many GOPs Causing Red States To Go Blue

Here is a link to the thread in question, if anyone wants to see for themselves: Yes, I'm a Conservative, But SOME Rent Control IS Necesary

I see you cannot find any quotes from the thread that show anyone supporting a 600% increase in rent. Not surprising.

You started a thread whining about the need for rent control (after you laughingly claimed to be a conservative). I don't think there was a single person who agreed with you. You got mad, threw a temper tantrum, and now you lie about what was actually said.

If pointing out the actual truth is trolling, I'm fine with the title.
You are not only trolling, but now you have compounded the offense, by posting a link to a thread that you know I am banned from, and couldn't continue to post in, while you kept on posting a lot.

As George H. Bush used to say >> "Bad! Bad!"

I'll give you another example...So-called "conservatives" (whatever the hell that's supposed to mean anymore) who say; "Yes, I'm a conservative, BUT....", followed by a litany of leftist drivel.
BUT.... they support Islam. BUT.... they want amnesty for illegal aliens. BUT, they won't arm teachers and staff. BUT, they're OK with racial affirmative action. etc etc
Can you cite the evidence you have of this widespread cheating?

Please and thanks.
Of course, but first I have to ask, at this late date, with all thay has been revealed, do you really think you NEED evidence ? Like we haven't had enough shown already ? Although if you are a leftist media watcher, you could actually not know.

1. In Arizona - 136,587 more registered Republicans than Democrats. State is heavily red. McSally ought to be ahead by 136,000+ votes,... but she's behind by 30,000 ?

Voter Registration & Historical Election Data | Arizona Secretary of State

Oh yeah, :right:......……:puhleeze:… mystery.

2. Illinois Woman Catches Democrat Voter Fraud in St. Clair County -- Where They Have a History of Selling Votes for Crack

And in Georgia:

Voter Fraud: 670 Ballots Cast in Georgia Precinct with 276 Voters

Voter fraud database - It's over 1,000 >>

Voter Fraud Database Tops 1,000 Proven Cases

Duplicate voting. Yup. That too. …

Immigration = Votes for Democrats

In Texas:

Texas Democrats ask noncitizens to register to vote

In Florida :

1. The supervisor of elections shall upload into the county’s election management system by 7 p.m. on the day before the election the results of all early voting and vote-by-mail ballots that have been canvassed and tabulated by the end of the early voting period.

That didn’t happen, nor was any expedited effort made to attempt to comply with the law. Early votes and votes-by-mail were still being tabulated in Broward on Friday and Saturday. In other words, not only was this illegal, it was blatant disregard for the law.

2. The canvassing board shall report all early voting and all tabulated vote-by-mail results to the Department of State within 30 minutes after the polls close. Thereafter, the canvassing board shall report, with the exception of provisional ballot results, updated precinct election results to the department at least every 45 minutes until all results are completely reported. The supervisor of elections shall notify the department immediately of any circumstances that do not permit periodic updates as required.

Once again, not only did none of that occur, there was blatant disregard for the law as no effort to come into compliance with it was ever made.

3. If the county canvassing board determines that the unofficial returns may contain a counting error in which the vote tabulation system failed to count votes that were properly marked in accordance with the instructions on the ballot, the county canvassing board shall >>> Correct the error and retabulate the affected ballots with the vote tabulation system

What happened in this case was a series of law-breaking maneuvers. The “corrective action” taken for these ballots, was for the Supervisor to unilaterally decide what voter intent was and have her staff fill out new ballots in their place.
Anybody wanna guess what candidate the staff chose ? This is also illegal, and blatant disregard for the law. Florida law mandates that the canvassing boards make these decisions.

4. Art. V, § 5 of the Florida Constitution and the Public Records Act.
On Friday afternoon, Broward’s Judicial Circuit Court found Brenda Snipes violated that law in two additional ways related to that act. First, that it was unlawful to not provide a vote total for the election itemized by vote type.

5. It was found that Brenda broke the law by not being able to provide voter data publicly as mandated by Florida law. Compliance was ordered by 7pm Friday. 7pm came and went and no compliance occurred once again.

Then there’s this zinger. Brenda Snipes personally placed disqualified votes into a batch of eligible qualifying votes and tabulated them into Broward’s count. That’s voter fraud.

If you’re keeping score that’s minimum of six laws being broken and two court orders ignored. Those who lack morality or integrity might attempt to argue its simply incompetence. Even if that were the case, it’s still criminal incompetence. But that’s also clearly not the case. Even if one is incompetent, once they’ve been notified of their incompetence and ordered to comply – one can control effort. When effort isn’t placed on compliance all doubt is removed. Let me be crystal clear. Brenda Snipes, the Broward Supervisor of Elections has presided over substantial illegal activity. There needs to be full accountability under the law. Snipes must do JAIL TIME. Anything less is an attack on our fundamental system of democracy, and we then can forget claiming to be that.
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It also has a lot to do with republicans being little more than controlled opposition jobbers in states like Minnesota.
"controlled opposition jobbers" ? Sounds like you might have a good point here, but could you clarify, a little ?
I'll give you another example...So-called "conservatives" (whatever the hell that's supposed to mean anymore) who say; "Yes, I'm a conservative, BUT....", followed by a litany of leftist drivel.
"Anything preceding 'but' in a political statement may be ignored" Michael Malice
Here is a link to the thread in question, if anyone wants to see for themselves: Yes, I'm a Conservative, But SOME Rent Control IS Necesary

I see you cannot find any quotes from the thread that show anyone supporting a 600% increase in rent. Not surprising.

You started a thread whining about the need for rent control (after you laughingly claimed to be a conservative). I don't think there was a single person who agreed with you. You got mad, threw a temper tantrum, and now you lie about what was actually said.

If pointing out the actual truth is trolling, I'm fine with the title.
You are not only trolling, but now you have compounded the offense, by posting a link to a thread that you know I am banned from, and couldn't continue to post in, while you kept on posting a lot.

As George H. Bush used to say >> "Bad! Bad!"


I didn't suggest you post there. I simply put up that link so that others could see that you are lying.

While you cannot post there, you CAN still read the posts. No need for a link. Just give the post number of anyone who supported a 600% rent increase.
'Foolish Ideas of Many GOPs Causing Red States To Go Blue'

Continuing Butt-Hurt and refusal to accept the outcome of election.

Continued emotional manipulation of the ignorant, Trump-Hating snowflakes / Leftists....

Attempted control of the masses by continuing to dominate the news realm with their Fake News propaganda / messaging....

THOSE are the keys to Socialist Democrats regaining and maintaining control of power.
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It’s funny when “conservatives” argue to “protect the people” from the evil capitalists.

I close my eyes and hear Karl Marx.
This makes no sense. It's OFF TOPIC.

The topic was part your rant in the OP. "These might also include the insane ideas I recently saw in a thread about massive housing rent increases (600%), which some so-called conservatives actually voiced support for."

That sentence, in addition to being a lie, was a cry for the gov't to protect you from "evil" capitalists.
When the truth isn't something that supports their hopes and lies, they just make shit up, like this thread. It makes them feel better, and when you're a mongrel democrat that's angry 99% of the time, it's nice to feel good once and awhile... even if you have to lie to yourself to do it.
This post doesn't specify what it's talking about. Who made up what ? Who's "lying" about what ?
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I didn't suggest you post there. I simply put up that link so that others could see that you are lying.

While you cannot post there, you CAN still read the posts. No need for a link. Just give the post number of anyone who supported a 600% rent increase.
Not read. Ignored.
I didn't suggest you post there. I simply put up that link so that others could see that you are lying.

While you cannot post there, you CAN still read the posts. No need for a link. Just give the post number of anyone who supported a 600% rent increase.
Not read. Ignored.

Yes, that does make it easier for you doesn't it? lol
When the truth isn't something that supports their hopes and lies, they just make shit up, like this thread. It makes them feel better, and when you're a mongrel democrat that's angry 99% of the time, it's nice to feel good once and awhile... even if you have to lie to yourself to do it.
This post doesn't specify what it's talking about. Who made up what ? Who's "lying" about what ?

If he went to the thread you talked about, it would be obvious to him who is lying and about what. Because no one in that thread posted in support of increasing rents by 600%. And you know that. Otherwise you would have posted or linked where they did so.
In addition to the screwball ideas of the so-called "conservatives" in the thread >>

Yes, I'm a Conservative, But SOME Rent Control IS Necesary

who posted in support of increasing rents by 60%, many so-called cons also support tax cuts for Hollywood star Trump bashers, overpaid pro athletes, and even national anthem kneelers. Helping Democrats win elections.
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Some red states and House districts went blue in the 2018 midterms. In some cases, like Arizona I believe, was because of cheating. In others, Like Florida, the cheating wasn't enough to overturn the real results, which put Republicans in the Senate and governorship.

But even where Republicans won, it was close, and there is no way that it should have been. Sure, there's cheating big time on the Democrat side, with elections supervisors coming up with make- believe votes, illegal aliens voting heavily for Democrats (look at a voting map of Texas), and Black Panthers intimidating voters.

But, even with all these things happening, Republicans should be able to win elections easily because of common sense on issues like immigration, Islam, affirmative action, guns, gay rights, the economy, etc. There's one big problem (and Republicans need to take a good hard look at it). That problem is foolishness and selfishness. Having talked to lots of independents (which I used to be before registering Republican in 2016), I'm hearing quite a bit of anti-Republican talk about "tax cuts for the rich", and minimum wage.

Looks like congressional Republicans have been giving away some of their popularity (and votes) to Democrats by taking some unpopular positions. These might also include the insane ideas I recently saw in a thread about massive housing rent increases (600%), which some so-called conservatives actually voiced support for. Now there a vote loser for you. And globalism ? Outsourcing ? And calling that conservative ? Lot of bad ideas floating around. Elections are tough enough without giving them away. Red states going blue.

There was no cheating in Arizona. It is called counting the votes. In Florida and other states like Georgia, it was Republicans who cheated by disenfranchising voters or not counting their votes. What happened in Texas is called ticket splitting. A number of people who voted for Abbott voted for O'Rourke. In Arizona, a large number of people voted for the Republican Doucey for Governor and Democrat Sinema for Senate.

The fact is that you are not espousing common sense. Voters overwhelmingly disapprove of Trump on issues like immigration and healthcare. Healthcare was the biggest issue for many voters and they voted overwhelmingly Democrat. A minimum wage increase to $12 hour in 2023 passed in deep red Arkansas with 68% of the vote. The rich kept big tax ;loopholes that will allow them to lower their taxes even further in the so-called tax reform.

Free trade is conservative. Tariffs are liberal big government ideas. Is it little wonder a socialist like Sanders supports it.
Some red states and House districts went blue in the 2018 midterms. In some cases, like Arizona I believe, was because of cheating. In others, Like Florida, the cheating wasn't enough to overturn the real results, which put Republicans in the Senate and governorship.

But even where Republicans won, it was close, and there is no way that it should have been. Sure, there's cheating big time on the Democrat side, with elections supervisors coming up with make- believe votes, illegal aliens voting heavily for Democrats (look at a voting map of Texas), and Black Panthers intimidating voters.

But, even with all these things happening, Republicans should be able to win elections easily because of common sense on issues like immigration, Islam, affirmative action, guns, gay rights, the economy, etc. There's one big problem (and Republicans need to take a good hard look at it). That problem is foolishness and selfishness. Having talked to lots of independents (which I used to be before registering Republican in 2016), I'm hearing quite a bit of anti-Republican talk about "tax cuts for the rich", and minimum wage.

Looks like congressional Republicans have been giving away some of their popularity (and votes) to Democrats by taking some unpopular positions. These might also include the insane ideas I recently saw in a thread about massive housing rent increases (600%), which some so-called conservatives actually voiced support for. Now there a vote loser for you. And globalism ? Outsourcing ? And calling that conservative ? Lot of bad ideas floating around. Elections are tough enough without giving them away. Red states going blue.
There was no "cheating " - that's a lie.

Given the right's incessant lying, Republicans deserve to lose.
Of course, but first I have to ask, at this late date, with all thay has been revealed, do you really think you NEED evidence ? Like we haven't had enough shown already ? Although if you are a leftist media watcher, you could actually not know.

1. In Arizona - 136,587 more registered Republicans than Democrats. State is heavily red. McSally ought to be ahead by 136,000+ votes,... but she's behind by 30,000 ?

Voter Registration & Historical Election Data | Arizona Secretary of State

Oh yeah, :right:......……:puhleeze:… mystery.

2. Illinois Woman Catches Democrat Voter Fraud in St. Clair County -- Where They Have a History of Selling Votes for Crack

And in Georgia:

Voter Fraud: 670 Ballots Cast in Georgia Precinct with 276 Voters

Voter fraud database - It's over 1,000 >>

Voter Fraud Database Tops 1,000 Proven Cases

Duplicate voting. Yup. That too. …

Immigration = Votes for Democrats

In Texas:

Texas Democrats ask noncitizens to register to vote

In Florida :

1. The supervisor of elections shall upload into the county’s election management system by 7 p.m. on the day before the election the results of all early voting and vote-by-mail ballots that have been canvassed and tabulated by the end of the early voting period.

That didn’t happen, nor was any expedited effort made to attempt to comply with the law. Early votes and votes-by-mail were still being tabulated in Broward on Friday and Saturday. In other words, not only was this illegal, it was blatant disregard for the law.

2. The canvassing board shall report all early voting and all tabulated vote-by-mail results to the Department of State within 30 minutes after the polls close. Thereafter, the canvassing board shall report, with the exception of provisional ballot results, updated precinct election results to the department at least every 45 minutes until all results are completely reported. The supervisor of elections shall notify the department immediately of any circumstances that do not permit periodic updates as required.

Once again, not only did none of that occur, there was blatant disregard for the law as no effort to come into compliance with it was ever made.

3. If the county canvassing board determines that the unofficial returns may contain a counting error in which the vote tabulation system failed to count votes that were properly marked in accordance with the instructions on the ballot, the county canvassing board shall >>> Correct the error and retabulate the affected ballots with the vote tabulation system

What happened in this case was a series of law-breaking maneuvers. The “corrective action” taken for these ballots, was for the Supervisor to unilaterally decide what voter intent was and have her staff fill out new ballots in their place.
Anybody wanna guess what candidate the staff chose ? This is also illegal, and blatant disregard for the law. Florida law mandates that the canvassing boards make these decisions.

4. Art. V, § 5 of the Florida Constitution and the Public Records Act.
On Friday afternoon, Broward’s Judicial Circuit Court found Brenda Snipes violated that law in two additional ways related to that act. First, that it was unlawful to not provide a vote total for the election itemized by vote type.

5. It was found that Brenda broke the law by not being able to provide voter data publicly as mandated by Florida law. Compliance was ordered by 7pm Friday. 7pm came and went and no compliance occurred once again.

Then there’s this zinger. Brenda Snipes personally placed disqualified votes into a batch of eligible qualifying votes and tabulated them into Broward’s count. That’s voter fraud.

If you’re keeping score that’s minimum of six laws being broken and two court orders ignored. Those who lack morality or integrity might attempt to argue its simply incompetence. Even if that were the case, it’s still criminal incompetence. But that’s also clearly not the case. Even if one is incompetent, once they’ve been notified of their incompetence and ordered to comply – one can control effort. When effort isn’t placed on compliance all doubt is removed. Let me be crystal clear. Brenda Snipes, the Broward Supervisor of Elections has presided over substantial illegal activity. There needs to be full accountability under the law. Snipes must do JAIL TIME. Anything less is an attack on our fundamental system of democracy, and we then can forget claiming to be that.

Your first link doesn't cite any form of crime or misconduct, just stats.

The other two links are from hard right partisan conservative hack sites, aka not credible.

Your last link, Washington Post, simply states that Democrats ASKED non-citizens to vote, doesn't say a single, solitary thing about non-citizens ACTUALLY voting.

Get it?

You are funny for trying it though.

Some red states and House districts went blue in the 2018 midterms. In some cases, like Arizona I believe, was because of cheating. In others, Like Florida, the cheating wasn't enough to overturn the real results, which put Republicans in the Senate and governorship.

But even where Republicans won, it was close, and there is no way that it should have been. Sure, there's cheating big time on the Democrat side, with elections supervisors coming up with make- believe votes, illegal aliens voting heavily for Democrats (look at a voting map of Texas), and Black Panthers intimidating voters.

But, even with all these things happening, Republicans should be able to win elections easily because of common sense on issues like immigration, Islam, affirmative action, guns, gay rights, the economy, etc. There's one big problem (and Republicans need to take a good hard look at it). That problem is foolishness and selfishness. Having talked to lots of independents (which I used to be before registering Republican in 2016), I'm hearing quite a bit of anti-Republican talk about "tax cuts for the rich", and minimum wage.

Looks like congressional Republicans have been giving away some of their popularity (and votes) to Democrats by taking some unpopular positions. These might also include the insane ideas I recently saw in a thread about massive housing rent increases (600%), which some so-called conservatives actually voiced support for. Now there a vote loser for you. And globalism ? Outsourcing ? And calling that conservative ? Lot of bad ideas floating around. Elections are tough enough without giving them away. Red states going blue.

There was no cheating in Arizona. It is called counting the votes. In Florida and other states like Georgia, it was Republicans who cheated by disenfranchising voters or not counting their votes. What happened in Texas is called ticket splitting. A number of people who voted for Abbott voted for O'Rourke. In Arizona, a large number of people voted for the Republican Doucey for Governor and Democrat Sinema for Senate.

The fact is that you are not espousing common sense. Voters overwhelmingly disapprove of Trump on issues like immigration and healthcare. Healthcare was the biggest issue for many voters and they voted overwhelmingly Democrat. A minimum wage increase to $12 hour in 2023 passed in deep red Arkansas with 68% of the vote. The rich kept big tax ;loopholes that will allow them to lower their taxes even further in the so-called tax reform.

Free trade is conservative. Tariffs are liberal big government ideas. Is it little wonder a socialist like Sanders supports it.

In Georgia they did more than disenfranchise voters and not count their votes. The man running for Gov was also in charge of the voting system. Anyone with any integrity would have recused himself from that job. But instead he removed 330,000 names from the voter rolls. And limited the number of voting machine in key democrat areas.
Of course, but first I have to ask, at this late date, with all thay has been revealed, do you really think you NEED evidence ? Like we haven't had enough shown already ? Although if you are a leftist media watcher, you could actually not know.

1. In Arizona - 136,587 more registered Republicans than Democrats. State is heavily red. McSally ought to be ahead by 136,000+ votes,... but she's behind by 30,000 ?

Voter Registration & Historical Election Data | Arizona Secretary of State

Oh yeah, :right:......……:puhleeze:… mystery.

2. Illinois Woman Catches Democrat Voter Fraud in St. Clair County -- Where They Have a History of Selling Votes for Crack

And in Georgia:

Voter Fraud: 670 Ballots Cast in Georgia Precinct with 276 Voters

Voter fraud database - It's over 1,000 >>

Voter Fraud Database Tops 1,000 Proven Cases

Duplicate voting. Yup. That too. …

Immigration = Votes for Democrats

In Texas:

Texas Democrats ask noncitizens to register to vote

In Florida :

1. The supervisor of elections shall upload into the county’s election management system by 7 p.m. on the day before the election the results of all early voting and vote-by-mail ballots that have been canvassed and tabulated by the end of the early voting period.

That didn’t happen, nor was any expedited effort made to attempt to comply with the law. Early votes and votes-by-mail were still being tabulated in Broward on Friday and Saturday. In other words, not only was this illegal, it was blatant disregard for the law.

2. The canvassing board shall report all early voting and all tabulated vote-by-mail results to the Department of State within 30 minutes after the polls close. Thereafter, the canvassing board shall report, with the exception of provisional ballot results, updated precinct election results to the department at least every 45 minutes until all results are completely reported. The supervisor of elections shall notify the department immediately of any circumstances that do not permit periodic updates as required.

Once again, not only did none of that occur, there was blatant disregard for the law as no effort to come into compliance with it was ever made.

3. If the county canvassing board determines that the unofficial returns may contain a counting error in which the vote tabulation system failed to count votes that were properly marked in accordance with the instructions on the ballot, the county canvassing board shall >>> Correct the error and retabulate the affected ballots with the vote tabulation system

What happened in this case was a series of law-breaking maneuvers. The “corrective action” taken for these ballots, was for the Supervisor to unilaterally decide what voter intent was and have her staff fill out new ballots in their place.
Anybody wanna guess what candidate the staff chose ? This is also illegal, and blatant disregard for the law. Florida law mandates that the canvassing boards make these decisions.

4. Art. V, § 5 of the Florida Constitution and the Public Records Act.
On Friday afternoon, Broward’s Judicial Circuit Court found Brenda Snipes violated that law in two additional ways related to that act. First, that it was unlawful to not provide a vote total for the election itemized by vote type.

5. It was found that Brenda broke the law by not being able to provide voter data publicly as mandated by Florida law. Compliance was ordered by 7pm Friday. 7pm came and went and no compliance occurred once again.

Then there’s this zinger. Brenda Snipes personally placed disqualified votes into a batch of eligible qualifying votes and tabulated them into Broward’s count. That’s voter fraud.

If you’re keeping score that’s minimum of six laws being broken and two court orders ignored. Those who lack morality or integrity might attempt to argue its simply incompetence. Even if that were the case, it’s still criminal incompetence. But that’s also clearly not the case. Even if one is incompetent, once they’ve been notified of their incompetence and ordered to comply – one can control effort. When effort isn’t placed on compliance all doubt is removed. Let me be crystal clear. Brenda Snipes, the Broward Supervisor of Elections has presided over substantial illegal activity. There needs to be full accountability under the law. Snipes must do JAIL TIME. Anything less is an attack on our fundamental system of democracy, and we then can forget claiming to be that.

Your first link doesn't cite any form of crime or misconduct, just stats.

The other two links are from hard right partisan conservative hack sites, aka not credible.

Your last link, Washington Post, simply states that Democrats ASKED non-citizens to vote, doesn't say a single, solitary thing about non-citizens ACTUALLY voting.

Get it?

You are funny for trying it though.


The first link just showed that even people registered as republicans didn't vote republican.
There was no cheating in Arizona. It is called counting the votes. In Florida and other states like Georgia, it was Republicans who cheated by disenfranchising voters or not counting their votes. What happened in Texas is called ticket splitting. A number of people who voted for Abbott voted for O'Rourke. In Arizona, a large number of people voted for the Republican Doucey for Governor and Democrat Sinema for Senate.

The fact is that you are not espousing common sense. Voters overwhelmingly disapprove of Trump on issues like immigration and healthcare. Healthcare was the biggest issue for many voters and they voted overwhelmingly Democrat. A minimum wage increase to $12 hour in 2023 passed in deep red Arkansas with 68% of the vote. The rich kept big tax ;loopholes that will allow them to lower their taxes even further in the so-called tax reform.

Free trade is conservative. Tariffs are liberal big government ideas. Is it little wonder a socialist like Sanders supports it.
I disagree with just about everything you said here. Free trade aka Globalism is distinctly a liberal Democrat position. Obama supported it (NAFTA, TPP, etc). Same thing with Hillary, a pure globalist who even belongs to major globalist organizations like the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Trilateral Commission, as well as supporting open borders. In contrast, Trump has pulled us out of TPP, renegoiated NAFTA, and fought the unfair traders with tariffs to protect American business and workers.

Minimum wage increase passed. So what ? nationwide most Republicans support minimum wage increases. And those that don't, should, if they ever want to win more elections.
As for Trump on immigration, wow, are you ever off-track. It was Trump's position on immigration (more than anything else) that got him elected. Here's what got him elected >>

Trump speech about Mexicans bring crime - Bing video

As for the elections, they were Democrat cheat jobs. Sinema should not be recognized as a US Senator. When she goes to the podium to speak in the Senate, Republicans should all walk out. When she's finished talking, they should come back in, and vote against whatever she proposes. She should get no acceptance whatsoever.
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