Foolish Ideas of Many GOPs Causing Red States To Go Blue

The first link just showed that even people registered as republicans didn't vote republican.
Wanna buy a bridge in Brooklyn ?


And my statement was accurate. All you have is that a predominantly republican area elected a democrat. That only shows the democrat got more votes. No evidence of cheating whatsoever. Just because someone is a registered republican does not mean they will always vote for the republican candidate.
Friend, Your first link doesn't cite any form of crime or misconduct, just stats.

The other two links are from hard right partisan conservative hack sites, aka not credible.

Your last link, Washington Post, simply states that Democrats ASKED non-citizens to vote, doesn't say a single, solitary thing about non-citizens ACTUALLY voting.

Get it?

You are funny for trying it though.

The first link shows that it is highly unlikely that Sinema won by 47,000 votes (or at all), when Arizona is a heavily Republican state, out registering Democrats by 136,000 votes. But since Democrats nowadays are famous for being willing to say anything, they'll call this sham a legitimate election. Not hard to see this as a rigging job by Adrian Fontes, Maricopa County's top elections official, >> a Democrat.

The GOP's official Senate campaign arm, in a news release Saturday, accused him of "using his position to cook the books" for Sinema.

"He is a liberal activist masquerading as an election official, and we cannot trust him to oversee this process," state GOP Chairman Jonathan Lines said of Fontes.

The link about Texas Democrats certainly DOES show misconduct. it shows Democrats having sent ballots to non-citizens (thereby ineligible to vote) with the box asking about citizenship already checked ( as being a citizen). If this isn't election fraud, whatever could be ?

As for your Invalidation card flashing, where did you expect me to get information from ? The fake news, laughingstock New York Times, CNN, or media matters ? :rolleyes:

I don't accept invalidation posting. If you want to discredit a report, you need to cite what you believe (specifically) is wrong in that report. But you won't do that, because you have no clue of anything wrong in the 2 links reports that you claim aren't credible. You just thought you could get by, by flashing your little INVALIDATION card, and everybody would back off. Well, I'm fine with those links and those sources, and you are NOT FINE with offering zero substance to refute the CONTENT of the links and associated posts.
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And my statement was accurate. All you have is that a predominantly republican area elected a democrat. That only shows the democrat got more votes. No evidence of cheating whatsoever. Just because someone is a registered republican does not mean they will always vote for the republican candidate.
You didn't answer the question. You wanna buy the bridge ? :biggrin:
There was no "cheating " - that's a lie.

Given the right's incessant lying, Republicans deserve to lose.
Democrats are the ones with a long list of cheating and lying. Recent history backs it all up.

1. Millions of sanctuary city Democrat-protected illegal aliens,

2. fixed debates (ex. Jake Tapper getting Republicans to argue against each other, instead of presenting their strong points

3. , Democrat leaders who had to be fired or resign (Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Scott Foval, Amy Dacey, Brad Marshall, Luis Miranda, Donna Brazile etc),

4. Hillary's debate earpiece, Hillary being fed information,

5. Trump rallygoers being attacked by goons at Trump rallies (Democrat mayors of San Jose, Chicago, etc), set up by Democrat campaign staff who hired homeless people to attack Trump rallygoers

6..disruptors inside Trump rallies,

7. FALSE TV ads (ex. disabled reporter, McCain, outsourcing, Muslim gold star father)

8. Protestors blocking traffic in cities with Democrat mayors (ex. Tampa)

9. Cops standing down while protestors throw rocks and bottle at them - Democrat mayor (Stephanie Rawlings-Baltimore)

10. National Guard sent away from the rioting in Ferguson, MO, by Democrat governor, Jay Nixon.

The purge: Senior DNC staff resigns after email revelations

Donna Brazile is totally not sorry for leaking CNN debate questions to Hillary Clinton
So Republicans: do you really want to give tax cuts to these people ? >>



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And my statement was accurate. All you have is that a predominantly republican area elected a democrat. That only shows the democrat got more votes. No evidence of cheating whatsoever. Just because someone is a registered republican does not mean they will always vote for the republican candidate.
You didn't answer the question. You wanna buy the bridge ? :biggrin:

As you are so fond of saying.... OFF TOPIC!!!!
I'll give you another example...So-called "conservatives" (whatever the hell that's supposed to mean anymore) who say; "Yes, I'm a conservative, BUT....", followed by a litany of leftist drivel.

It's a hoot, isnlt it? Gosh.
I am not trolling. I asked a simple question. Having been a participant in the thread you referenced, I did not see anyone voice support for 600% rent increases.

I did, however, see numerous people voicing support for limiting gov't interference in what a person does with their own property. I also saw numerous people supporting the free market. It is not something anyone was hiding behind. It is the point of their arguments. And quite simply, I defy you to show a single post supporting a 600% rent increase.

View attachment 231121

Here is a link to the thread in question, if anyone wants to see for themselves: Yes, I'm a Conservative, But SOME Rent Control IS Necesary

I see you cannot find any quotes from the thread that show anyone supporting a 600% increase in rent. Not surprising.

You started a thread whining about the need for rent control (after you laughingly claimed to be a conservative). I don't think there was a single person who agreed with you. You got mad, threw a temper tantrum, and now you lie about what was actually said.

If pointing out the actual truth is trolling, I'm fine with the title.

Hey, happens every year at this time in my business and living in a 99% tri county republican area. "How much is my subsidy this year for health insurance"? Yep, they claim to hate all things socialist but by god show me the $20 health insurance plans and let the govt pick up the rest of the premium. But these are conservatives.

It would be real interesting to know how many of these so called conservatives on this board are taking one or more hand outs from the govt.
So Republicans: do you really want to give tax cuts to these people ? >>



Why should they be denied because of their ideology? Are their earnings any less theirs because they are lefties? Is the theft of their earnings any less odious because they would likely support the collectivist notion of rent control?
I am not trolling. I asked a simple question. Having been a participant in the thread you referenced, I did not see anyone voice support for 600% rent increases.

I did, however, see numerous people voicing support for limiting gov't interference in what a person does with their own property. I also saw numerous people supporting the free market. It is not something anyone was hiding behind. It is the point of their arguments. And quite simply, I defy you to show a single post supporting a 600% rent increase.

View attachment 231121

Here is a link to the thread in question, if anyone wants to see for themselves: Yes, I'm a Conservative, But SOME Rent Control IS Necesary

I see you cannot find any quotes from the thread that show anyone supporting a 600% increase in rent. Not surprising.

You started a thread whining about the need for rent control (after you laughingly claimed to be a conservative). I don't think there was a single person who agreed with you. You got mad, threw a temper tantrum, and now you lie about what was actually said.

If pointing out the actual truth is trolling, I'm fine with the title.

Hey, happens every year at this time in my business and living in a 99% tri county republican area. "How much is my subsidy this year for health insurance"? Yep, they claim to hate all things socialist but by god show me the $20 health insurance plans and let the govt pick up the rest of the premium. But these are conservatives.

It would be real interesting to know how many of these so called conservatives on this board are taking one or more hand outs from the govt.

I find it amusing that so many "conservatives" aren't actually interested in avoiding gov't interference when it benefits them.
So Republicans: do you really want to give tax cuts to these people ? >>



Why should they be denied because of their ideology? Are their earnings any less theirs because they are lefties? Is the theft of their earnings any less odious because they would likely support the collectivist notion of rent control?

When you can label people who have different political ideologies the enemy, you can make all sorts of leaps of logic.

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