Foolproof recession indicator is glowing red

The spike in Sub-Prime lending only happened after Bush Signed American Dream Down-payment Act In 2003.

Bush did force Fannie and Freddie to make 55% of their mortgage purchases sub-prime mortgages.

Much, much worse than Clinton's 50% mandate.
Bush went around Fannie & Freddie who only did 2,5% as subprime by using other shadow banks to lend government backed loans! Bush increased subprime lending from Clinton's 2.5% to 14% on only a 3% reserve ratio. Anyone can see that 3% reserves can't cover 14% faulty loans. Your man Bush fleeced US taxpayers by backing this shit!!

Dude... why do you keep saying Bush Bush Bush?
You act as if there was no Congress/Senate during his 8 years.
Bush wasn't that involved. He went along with what he was told to support.
Ever hear of Barney Frank? Never heard of him? Rubin a name that sounds familiar?
Larry Summers?

You are brainwashed by FAKE NEWS!

There is a MAJOR HUGE DIFFERENCE between Fannie & Freddie backing a few loans of vetted hard working people WITH DOWN PAYMENTS & JOBS who have short loan history and how REPUBLICANS & BUSH made DOWN PAYMENTS for irresponsible BUMS who couldn't even scrape together a small down payment to qualify for PMI insurance! Because they had NO JOBS. Income or Assets!, (NIJA Loans) One page LIAR LOAN application!

SB. 811 (108th): American Dream Downpayment Act 2003
All 9 cosponsors were REPUBLICANS
Sessions, Jefferson “Jeff” [R-AL]
Crapo, Michael [R-ID]
Brownback, Samuel “Sam” [R-KS]
Burns, Conrad [R-MT]
Hagel, Charles “Chuck” [R-NE]
Santorum, Richard “Rick” [R-PA]
Campbell, Ben [R-CO]
Enzi, Michael [R-WY]
Murkowski, Lisa [R-AK]

Passed by REPUBLICAN House & Senate, REPUBLICAN Majority Leaders Senate: Frist, William H. (R-TN) House: Tom DeLay (R-TX) unanimous consent & signed into law by REPUBLICAN President BUSH!!!
I am sorry guy, but you are white washing. You are wearing blinders and that is sadly an epidemic today on both sides.
If I cared to, I could sit here and play tit for tat with you all day showing how Democrats took part. And then you could bounce back showing how Republicans did it.
The truth is BOTH SIDES did it.
Quite frustrating for those of us who removed the blinders and abandoned the rock throwing contest between the two sides to see people, such as yourself, who are smart... but make yourself ignorant by only paying attention to what the other side does..

View attachment 274899
I was a Republican until the blinders came off after the Bush Depression. I don't belong to any party anymore & hate Democrats & Republicans! I am only stating FACTS!

There was not a subprime problem until 2003! Prior to that democrats only helped people with incomes & down payments, who maybe bought in a bad area, had no credit history or was late on a few bills at one time. Those type only had a 1% default rate that was easily covered by 10% bank reserves.

The disaster was caused by Republicans making down-payments for people who did not have enough income to live on & pay mortgage. Deregulated Shadow Banks were allowed to only keep 3% reserves because prior default rate was only 1%. Government making down-payments skyrocketed defaults to 18% & increased subprime lending ratio from 2% to 14% of all loans. That increase in people borrowing on homes drove prices up so fast bankers figured they could make money selling foreclosure if the borrower defaulted and borrowers thought their house would go up to bail them out even if they made negative equity payments. There is no way 3% reserves will ever cover an 18% default rate!

I'm with you, I don't like both parties. Some of these dem candidates are just scary. BUT at the end of the day Bush was the worst president we ever had and he has really caused the bulk of all our problems: he inherited a Government budget surplus and caused a total financial meltdown, the mess in the Mid East, and he gave NKorea nukes by canceling to working deal.

Now we have a wacko in the WH that has mortgaged the entire future of our country with his permanant $1.2T deficits. I think the recession is still a few years away, but when that hits were fucked, we will have $2+ T deficits and we won't be able to properly stimulate our economy. We're going to be just like Europe with negative interest rates.
Bush went around Fannie & Freddie who only did 2,5% as subprime by using other shadow banks to lend government backed loans! Bush increased subprime lending from Clinton's 2.5% to 14% on only a 3% reserve ratio. Anyone can see that 3% reserves can't cover 14% faulty loans. Your man Bush fleeced US taxpayers by backing this shit!!

Dude... why do you keep saying Bush Bush Bush?
You act as if there was no Congress/Senate during his 8 years.
Bush wasn't that involved. He went along with what he was told to support.
Ever hear of Barney Frank? Never heard of him? Rubin a name that sounds familiar?
Larry Summers?

You are brainwashed by FAKE NEWS!

There is a MAJOR HUGE DIFFERENCE between Fannie & Freddie backing a few loans of vetted hard working people WITH DOWN PAYMENTS & JOBS who have short loan history and how REPUBLICANS & BUSH made DOWN PAYMENTS for irresponsible BUMS who couldn't even scrape together a small down payment to qualify for PMI insurance! Because they had NO JOBS. Income or Assets!, (NIJA Loans) One page LIAR LOAN application!

SB. 811 (108th): American Dream Downpayment Act 2003
All 9 cosponsors were REPUBLICANS
Sessions, Jefferson “Jeff” [R-AL]
Crapo, Michael [R-ID]
Brownback, Samuel “Sam” [R-KS]
Burns, Conrad [R-MT]
Hagel, Charles “Chuck” [R-NE]
Santorum, Richard “Rick” [R-PA]
Campbell, Ben [R-CO]
Enzi, Michael [R-WY]
Murkowski, Lisa [R-AK]

Passed by REPUBLICAN House & Senate, REPUBLICAN Majority Leaders Senate: Frist, William H. (R-TN) House: Tom DeLay (R-TX) unanimous consent & signed into law by REPUBLICAN President BUSH!!!
I am sorry guy, but you are white washing. You are wearing blinders and that is sadly an epidemic today on both sides.
If I cared to, I could sit here and play tit for tat with you all day showing how Democrats took part. And then you could bounce back showing how Republicans did it.
The truth is BOTH SIDES did it.
Quite frustrating for those of us who removed the blinders and abandoned the rock throwing contest between the two sides to see people, such as yourself, who are smart... but make yourself ignorant by only paying attention to what the other side does..

View attachment 274899
I was a Republican until the blinders came off after the Bush Depression. I don't belong to any party anymore & hate Democrats & Republicans! I am only stating FACTS!

There was not a subprime problem until 2003! Prior to that democrats only helped people with incomes & down payments, who maybe bought in a bad area, had no credit history or was late on a few bills at one time. Those type only had a 1% default rate that was easily covered by 10% bank reserves.

The disaster was caused by Republicans making down-payments for people who did not have enough income to live on & pay mortgage. Deregulated Shadow Banks were allowed to only keep 3% reserves because prior default rate was only 1%. Government making down-payments skyrocketed defaults to 18% & increased subprime lending ratio from 2% to 14% of all loans. That increase in people borrowing on homes drove prices up so fast bankers figured they could make money selling foreclosure if the borrower defaulted and borrowers thought their house would go up to bail them out even if they made negative equity payments. There is no way 3% reserves will ever cover an 18% default rate!


There was a sub prime problem the day the Clinton admin and Congress started passing "Homes for Everyone". It just took till 2003 before it could no longer be hidden.
More lies & denial from you covering for your party!

There was nothing to hide until 2003! Only 2% of loans were made to barely subprime borrowers until then & less than 1% of them defaulted. Then along came Bush & the Repubtards who changed the scheme handing out down payments for mortgages to 10's of thousands of irresponsible idiots who couldn't afford the home. Bush exploded subprime lending by 700% to even higher risk idiots!
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Dude... why do you keep saying Bush Bush Bush?
You act as if there was no Congress/Senate during his 8 years.
Bush wasn't that involved. He went along with what he was told to support.
Ever hear of Barney Frank? Never heard of him? Rubin a name that sounds familiar?
Larry Summers?

You are brainwashed by FAKE NEWS!

There is a MAJOR HUGE DIFFERENCE between Fannie & Freddie backing a few loans of vetted hard working people WITH DOWN PAYMENTS & JOBS who have short loan history and how REPUBLICANS & BUSH made DOWN PAYMENTS for irresponsible BUMS who couldn't even scrape together a small down payment to qualify for PMI insurance! Because they had NO JOBS. Income or Assets!, (NIJA Loans) One page LIAR LOAN application!

SB. 811 (108th): American Dream Downpayment Act 2003
All 9 cosponsors were REPUBLICANS
Sessions, Jefferson “Jeff” [R-AL]
Crapo, Michael [R-ID]
Brownback, Samuel “Sam” [R-KS]
Burns, Conrad [R-MT]
Hagel, Charles “Chuck” [R-NE]
Santorum, Richard “Rick” [R-PA]
Campbell, Ben [R-CO]
Enzi, Michael [R-WY]
Murkowski, Lisa [R-AK]

Passed by REPUBLICAN House & Senate, REPUBLICAN Majority Leaders Senate: Frist, William H. (R-TN) House: Tom DeLay (R-TX) unanimous consent & signed into law by REPUBLICAN President BUSH!!!
I am sorry guy, but you are white washing. You are wearing blinders and that is sadly an epidemic today on both sides.
If I cared to, I could sit here and play tit for tat with you all day showing how Democrats took part. And then you could bounce back showing how Republicans did it.
The truth is BOTH SIDES did it.
Quite frustrating for those of us who removed the blinders and abandoned the rock throwing contest between the two sides to see people, such as yourself, who are smart... but make yourself ignorant by only paying attention to what the other side does..

View attachment 274899
I was a Republican until the blinders came off after the Bush Depression. I don't belong to any party anymore & hate Democrats & Republicans! I am only stating FACTS!

There was not a subprime problem until 2003! Prior to that democrats only helped people with incomes & down payments, who maybe bought in a bad area, had no credit history or was late on a few bills at one time. Those type only had a 1% default rate that was easily covered by 10% bank reserves.

The disaster was caused by Republicans making down-payments for people who did not have enough income to live on & pay mortgage. Deregulated Shadow Banks were allowed to only keep 3% reserves because prior default rate was only 1%. Government making down-payments skyrocketed defaults to 18% & increased subprime lending ratio from 2% to 14% of all loans. That increase in people borrowing on homes drove prices up so fast bankers figured they could make money selling foreclosure if the borrower defaulted and borrowers thought their house would go up to bail them out even if they made negative equity payments. There is no way 3% reserves will ever cover an 18% default rate!


There was a sub prime problem the day the Clinton admin and Congress started passing "Homes for Everyone". It just took till 2003 before it could no longer be hidden.
More lies & denial from you covering for your party!

There was nothing to hide until 2003! Only 2% of loans were made to barely subprime borrowers until then & less than 1% of them defaulted. Then along came Bush & the Repubtards who changed the scheme handing out down payments for mortgages to 10's of thousands of irresponsible idiots who couldn't afford the home.

Then along came Bush & the Repubtards who changed the scheme handing out down payments for mortgages to 10's of thousands of irresponsible idiots who couldn't afford the home.

Tens of thousands? That's hardly the difference between 2% subprime and 14% subprime.

Your theory needs a little work.
More lies & denial from you covering for your party!

The entire legislative branch is hopelessly corrupt and inept.
I don't care what party they are. They are all bought and paid globalist/corporatist.
You are brainwashed by FAKE NEWS!

There is a MAJOR HUGE DIFFERENCE between Fannie & Freddie backing a few loans of vetted hard working people WITH DOWN PAYMENTS & JOBS who have short loan history and how REPUBLICANS & BUSH made DOWN PAYMENTS for irresponsible BUMS who couldn't even scrape together a small down payment to qualify for PMI insurance! Because they had NO JOBS. Income or Assets!, (NIJA Loans) One page LIAR LOAN application!

SB. 811 (108th): American Dream Downpayment Act 2003
All 9 cosponsors were REPUBLICANS
Sessions, Jefferson “Jeff” [R-AL]
Crapo, Michael [R-ID]
Brownback, Samuel “Sam” [R-KS]
Burns, Conrad [R-MT]
Hagel, Charles “Chuck” [R-NE]
Santorum, Richard “Rick” [R-PA]
Campbell, Ben [R-CO]
Enzi, Michael [R-WY]
Murkowski, Lisa [R-AK]

Passed by REPUBLICAN House & Senate, REPUBLICAN Majority Leaders Senate: Frist, William H. (R-TN) House: Tom DeLay (R-TX) unanimous consent & signed into law by REPUBLICAN President BUSH!!!
I am sorry guy, but you are white washing. You are wearing blinders and that is sadly an epidemic today on both sides.
If I cared to, I could sit here and play tit for tat with you all day showing how Democrats took part. And then you could bounce back showing how Republicans did it.
The truth is BOTH SIDES did it.
Quite frustrating for those of us who removed the blinders and abandoned the rock throwing contest between the two sides to see people, such as yourself, who are smart... but make yourself ignorant by only paying attention to what the other side does..

View attachment 274899
I was a Republican until the blinders came off after the Bush Depression. I don't belong to any party anymore & hate Democrats & Republicans! I am only stating FACTS!

There was not a subprime problem until 2003! Prior to that democrats only helped people with incomes & down payments, who maybe bought in a bad area, had no credit history or was late on a few bills at one time. Those type only had a 1% default rate that was easily covered by 10% bank reserves.

The disaster was caused by Republicans making down-payments for people who did not have enough income to live on & pay mortgage. Deregulated Shadow Banks were allowed to only keep 3% reserves because prior default rate was only 1%. Government making down-payments skyrocketed defaults to 18% & increased subprime lending ratio from 2% to 14% of all loans. That increase in people borrowing on homes drove prices up so fast bankers figured they could make money selling foreclosure if the borrower defaulted and borrowers thought their house would go up to bail them out even if they made negative equity payments. There is no way 3% reserves will ever cover an 18% default rate!


There was a sub prime problem the day the Clinton admin and Congress started passing "Homes for Everyone". It just took till 2003 before it could no longer be hidden.
More lies & denial from you covering for your party!

There was nothing to hide until 2003! Only 2% of loans were made to barely subprime borrowers until then & less than 1% of them defaulted. Then along came Bush & the Repubtards who changed the scheme handing out down payments for mortgages to 10's of thousands of irresponsible idiots who couldn't afford the home.

Then along came Bush & the Repubtards who changed the scheme handing out down payments for mortgages to 10's of thousands of irresponsible idiots who couldn't afford the home.

Tens of thousands? That's hardly the difference between 2% subprime and 14% subprime.

Your theory needs a little work.
Bush's government down payments created a sudden 22,000+ annual increase in housing demand & price that got everyone drinking the Kool-Aid. Bankers & investors now saw the house as a value increasing asset backing the loan instead of focusing on the debt quality of the borrower, so they jumped into subprime lending. Bush's 2003 skyrocketing 700% increase in subprime lending it the proof! Again unsustainable Republican government market manipulation created an enormous feeding frenzy home loan bubble!
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Recession indicator with perfect track record flashing red

What will be the fix this time?
Bush/Obama admin spent over a $trillion bailing out the central banks, investment groups and $billionaires that resulted in the widest earnings gap in American history and rocketed stock prices beyond absurd.

That was never going to fix the problem of an entire economic industry dependent on ever rising stock values despite reality.

Will the FEDS and Trump do the same as Obama/Bush bail out the super corporations/investment banks to maintain the gross over valuation?
We should solve simple poverty by correcting for capitalism's natural rate of unemployment on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.
I am sorry guy, but you are white washing. You are wearing blinders and that is sadly an epidemic today on both sides.
If I cared to, I could sit here and play tit for tat with you all day showing how Democrats took part. And then you could bounce back showing how Republicans did it.
The truth is BOTH SIDES did it.
Quite frustrating for those of us who removed the blinders and abandoned the rock throwing contest between the two sides to see people, such as yourself, who are smart... but make yourself ignorant by only paying attention to what the other side does..

View attachment 274899
I was a Republican until the blinders came off after the Bush Depression. I don't belong to any party anymore & hate Democrats & Republicans! I am only stating FACTS!

There was not a subprime problem until 2003! Prior to that democrats only helped people with incomes & down payments, who maybe bought in a bad area, had no credit history or was late on a few bills at one time. Those type only had a 1% default rate that was easily covered by 10% bank reserves.

The disaster was caused by Republicans making down-payments for people who did not have enough income to live on & pay mortgage. Deregulated Shadow Banks were allowed to only keep 3% reserves because prior default rate was only 1%. Government making down-payments skyrocketed defaults to 18% & increased subprime lending ratio from 2% to 14% of all loans. That increase in people borrowing on homes drove prices up so fast bankers figured they could make money selling foreclosure if the borrower defaulted and borrowers thought their house would go up to bail them out even if they made negative equity payments. There is no way 3% reserves will ever cover an 18% default rate!


There was a sub prime problem the day the Clinton admin and Congress started passing "Homes for Everyone". It just took till 2003 before it could no longer be hidden.
More lies & denial from you covering for your party!

There was nothing to hide until 2003! Only 2% of loans were made to barely subprime borrowers until then & less than 1% of them defaulted. Then along came Bush & the Repubtards who changed the scheme handing out down payments for mortgages to 10's of thousands of irresponsible idiots who couldn't afford the home.

Then along came Bush & the Repubtards who changed the scheme handing out down payments for mortgages to 10's of thousands of irresponsible idiots who couldn't afford the home.

Tens of thousands? That's hardly the difference between 2% subprime and 14% subprime.

Your theory needs a little work.
Bush's government down payments created a sudden 22,000+ annual increase in housing demand & price that got everyone drinking the Kool-Aid. Bankers & investors now saw the house as a value increasing asset backing the loan instead of focusing on the debt quality of the borrower, so they jumped into subprime lending. Bush's 2003 skyrocketing 700% increase in subprime lending it the proof! Again unsustainable Republican government market manipulation created an enormous feeding frenzy home loan bubble!

Bush's government down payments created a sudden 22,000+ annual increase in housing demand

22,000 out of how many?
I was a Republican until the blinders came off after the Bush Depression. I don't belong to any party anymore & hate Democrats & Republicans! I am only stating FACTS!

There was not a subprime problem until 2003! Prior to that democrats only helped people with incomes & down payments, who maybe bought in a bad area, had no credit history or was late on a few bills at one time. Those type only had a 1% default rate that was easily covered by 10% bank reserves.

The disaster was caused by Republicans making down-payments for people who did not have enough income to live on & pay mortgage. Deregulated Shadow Banks were allowed to only keep 3% reserves because prior default rate was only 1%. Government making down-payments skyrocketed defaults to 18% & increased subprime lending ratio from 2% to 14% of all loans. That increase in people borrowing on homes drove prices up so fast bankers figured they could make money selling foreclosure if the borrower defaulted and borrowers thought their house would go up to bail them out even if they made negative equity payments. There is no way 3% reserves will ever cover an 18% default rate!


There was a sub prime problem the day the Clinton admin and Congress started passing "Homes for Everyone". It just took till 2003 before it could no longer be hidden.
More lies & denial from you covering for your party!

There was nothing to hide until 2003! Only 2% of loans were made to barely subprime borrowers until then & less than 1% of them defaulted. Then along came Bush & the Repubtards who changed the scheme handing out down payments for mortgages to 10's of thousands of irresponsible idiots who couldn't afford the home.

Then along came Bush & the Repubtards who changed the scheme handing out down payments for mortgages to 10's of thousands of irresponsible idiots who couldn't afford the home.

Tens of thousands? That's hardly the difference between 2% subprime and 14% subprime.

Your theory needs a little work.
Bush's government down payments created a sudden 22,000+ annual increase in housing demand & price that got everyone drinking the Kool-Aid. Bankers & investors now saw the house as a value increasing asset backing the loan instead of focusing on the debt quality of the borrower, so they jumped into subprime lending. Bush's 2003 skyrocketing 700% increase in subprime lending it the proof! Again unsustainable Republican government market manipulation created an enormous feeding frenzy home loan bubble!

Bush's government down payments created a sudden 22,000+ annual increase in housing demand

22,000 out of how many?

There are more empty houses today that ever before.
It is estimated there are 30% more vacant homes in America now then before 2008
Here's an interesting take on the yield curve inversion:

The Perversion Of The Yield Curve Inversion

The point it makes is that the portion of U.S. bonds owned by central banks has grown to about 48%, so it is no longer a true indicator of market sentiment but is distorted by political needs of the central banks.

View attachment 274636

I don't agree with their math.
Foreign banks (officially) hold $4.1 trillion.
The Fed holds about $2.1 trillion.
Debt held by the public is about $16.5 trillion.

Less than 38% owned by central banks.
Still plenty large enough to affect the bond yields. And totally something I wouldn’t put past the establishment to do to try and make trump look bad enough to lose the election.
I'm still calling a 50% correction. I sincerely hope everyone is ready for it.
Trump is not allowing the market to correct until after the election. He is injecting printed QE cash, slashing rates & pushing another tax cut to increase unsustainable market stimulation.
I'm still calling a 50% correction. I sincerely hope everyone is ready for it.
Trump is not allowing the market to correct until after the election. He is injecting printed QE cash, slashing rates & pushing another tax cut to increase unsustainable market stimulation.
Trumps injecting cash? Trump? Not an independent central bank that transcends the person in the Oval Office at any given time, but instead you’re saying TRUMP injected cash. Gotcha.
I'm still calling a 50% correction. I sincerely hope everyone is ready for it.
Trump is not allowing the market to correct until after the election. He is injecting printed QE cash, slashing rates & pushing another tax cut to increase unsustainable market stimulation.
Trumps injecting cash? Trump? Not an independent central bank that transcends the person in the Oval Office at any given time, but instead you’re saying TRUMP injected cash. Gotcha.
A Fed President & Treasury Sec Hand Picked by Trump & Bullied by Trump is NOT Independent!!!

Trump has HIS "Plunge Protection Team" blowing our future to make him look good.
I'm still calling a 50% correction. I sincerely hope everyone is ready for it.
Trump is not allowing the market to correct until after the election. He is injecting printed QE cash, slashing rates & pushing another tax cut to increase unsustainable market stimulation.

He is injecting printed QE cash

I'll add QE to the list of things you don't understand.
I'm still calling a 50% correction. I sincerely hope everyone is ready for it.
Trump is not allowing the market to correct until after the election. He is injecting printed QE cash, slashing rates & pushing another tax cut to increase unsustainable market stimulation.

He is injecting printed QE cash

I'll add QE to the list of things you don't understand.
It’s a shame, this guy used to be a pretty good read on economics here years ago. He may have always had a more liberal POV on things but he was never this partisan about it. And he would’ve NEVER said something like “<random president> injected cash”
Recession indicator with perfect track record flashing red

What will be the fix this time?
Bush/Obama admin spent over a $trillion bailing out the central banks, investment groups and $billionaires that resulted in the widest earnings gap in American history and rocketed stock prices beyond absurd.

That was never going to fix the problem of an entire economic industry dependent on ever rising stock values despite reality.

Will the FEDS and Trump do the same as Obama/Bush bail out the super corporations/investment banks to maintain the gross over valuation?
We are all hoping that Nancy Pelosi doesn't cause another Great Recession

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