For 2 YEARS the left all claimed Mueller would find illegality


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
They claimed he was above reproach and for months have been demanding that NO ONE could question Mueller's findings or his facts. Barr was specifically warned by top democrats NOT to question the facts. Now that the report does NOT prove Trump broke any laws the same idiots are demanding Barr review the evidence. That is NOT his job never was. That was Mueller's job. So basically a whiny butt hurt left is claiming Mueller lied or misrepresented evidence now after 2 YEARS of unwavering support. Sounds like what Obama did with the election. Before Hillary LOST everyone on the left DEMANDED the right ACCEPT the election results no matter what they were. Hillary lost and suddenly those results were called into question by the same people that had INSISTED before hand they were absolutely to be respected and accepted.

Sour Grapes, whiny little democrats complaining about losing then and now. We even have MORONS claiming Barr never read Mueller's report and claiming no Republicans read it either.

Grow a pair of balls and accpt you LOST.
For 2 YEARS the left all claimed Mueller would find illegality

He didn't? he didn't indict people and put people in jail? wha?

Also, I think trump's obstruction was illegal. A lot of people do.

For 2 YEARS the left all claimed Mueller would find illegality
He didn't? he didn't indict people and put people in jail? wha?
Also, I think trump's obstruction was illegal. A lot of people do.

Weren't they after TRUMP? The others were merely collateral damage.
WHAT obstruction? He did the EXACT opposite of obstruction.

And this is why the Left and Right will never come together and why Civil War is probably in the cards for America.
Because some still believe they are justified, regardless of facts. You cannot deal with insanity on a rational basis. And this is exactly what most of the Left is.

"A nation divided against itself cannot stand"
Abraham Lincoln
(The Left intends to exploit that fully)
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For 2 YEARS the left all claimed Mueller would find illegality

He didn't? he didn't indict people and put people in jail? wha?

Also, I think trump's obstruction was illegal. A lot of people do.

Not a single member of Trumps team was accused or convicted of Collusion or Obstruction of the Investigation. Further be specific and show ANY action by Trump that slowed stopped or even effected the investigation, or admit you are full of shit. But none of that has anything to do with this thread the left right nw is bat shit crazy and claiming Barr was supposed to review evidence they specifically told him not too and they are INSISTING now that Mueller made a mistake somehow.
Not a single member of Trumps team was accused or convicted of Collusion or Obstruction of the Investigation.
Okay...? The mandate:

(i) any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump; and

(ii) any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation; and

(iii) any other matters within the scope of 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a)

He found all of those things. You can check all 3 boxes.
Now you are equating talk of violence with ideas and feelings. You are a strange one.

At least I'm not babbling and deflecting like you are. So typical of Snowflakes like you.
You are yours are all mental rejects. It's obvious from the nonsense you post.

The investigation was a fraud and a political ploy that cost American taxpayers millions PERIOD.

We may yet avoid civil war,.....if we bring back mental institutions and "cram" you folks in them and throw away the keys.
At least I'm not babbling deflecting like you are.
See? This is the idiotic behavior I am talking about. I am literally posting the text of the mandate, and pointing out that plenty of illegality was found, and was found right within the framework of the mandate. You are throwing a little hissy fit and biting at my ankles like a little attack poodle. Rambling on about conspiracies and Civil War. Clearly, of the two of us, only one is babbling and deflecting. that one is you. You really need to toughen up, son.

Wait... the investigation you have been touting as finding the truth and exonerating your dear leader ... is now a fraud? What? Dude, are you on drugs? what the hell is wrong with you?
Not a single member of Trumps team was accused or convicted of Collusion or Obstruction of the Investigation.
Okay...? The mandate:

(i) any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump; and

(ii) any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation; and

(iii) any other matters within the scope of 28 C.F.R. § 600.4(a)

He found all of those things. You can check all 3 boxes.
NOT a single incident of Trump's team or Trump was found NONE NADA ZIPPO, but again it is not me disagreeing with Mueller it is YOUR SIDE, YOUR people are claiming the evidence is faulty and that somehow Barr not redoing the investigation to test the evidence is wrong. NOT Rightwingers, not republicans NOT TRUMP. YOUR DEMOCRATS and YOUR side on this board.
Kamila Harris vs this Barr character. Looks like Mueller didn't exonerate trump by a long shot and Harris made a fool out of Barr.


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