For any and all pro wrestling fans

Should a professional wrestling thread really be in the Sports section? Isn't there a Fiction section or something?
Interesting story Auditor...

Im a huge mixed martial arts fan, and i watch EVERY UFC fight, and most of the other organizations fights too.

I dont get fake wrestling and i dont understand how people enjoy it, especially adults. It wouldnt be nearly as bad if the acting was at least somewhat good, but theres almost no wrestlers out there that can pull it off without looking VERY corny. The dialogue between the wrestlers is over the top and akward often times. The fights themselves arent even realistic either. None of the punches or kicks look realistic, and all the flipping and jumping around is just indulgent nonsense that never happens in the real world. Its just so god damned corny to me, but i understand everyone has their own personal taste, so who am i to say whats entertainment and whats not.

I suggest all WWE fans stop watching that garbage and start watching MMA fights.

The outcome of professional wrestling matches is predetermined. I'd like to see you fake getting slammed through a table ...:eusa_whistle:

You obviously are quite ignorant to any history concerning professional wrestling. Most people that used to like it don't like the current product. The interest in professional wrestling would be the same as most anything on television -- entertainment.

As far as MMA goes, why don't you save yourself some money and just go watch dogfights or cockfights? It really amounts to little more than that.

Oh, and I DID used to kickbox, before you tell me what I don't know. That required some skill besides chokeholds or laying on top of someone and hammering their brains out. I can do that at the local watering hole.

I am OBVIOUSLY quite ignorant about the history of wrestling? Where did i mention anything about the history of wrestling for you to even come up with that theory? Dont assume that you know what i know.

As for MMA and your comparison to dog fighting and cock fighting, it is apparent that YOU are the ignorant one here. MMA fighters gladly enter the ring or octagon, where dogs and roosters dont have a choice in the matter, nor do they kill MMA fighters afterwards. Not only that, the injuries are generally minor, and far less than football injuries for example. Boxing is also much more detrimental to the fighters than it is in MMA. You get many serious injuries, and several deaths in boxing, every year. In the UFC's almost 20 year history, theres never been a serious injury or death. What other sport can claim that?

I do not accept your comparisons to cockfighting, nor should anyone else. If you think MMA is dangerous, you are just uninformed.

On a final note, i think its humorous that you bash MMA for being violent, yet when you get offended after i call wrestling fake, you immediately start telling me about how real it is when people are getting slammed through tables, thereby glorifying the level of violence in it. You seem to be impressed with it. Fake wrestling is ALSO far more dangerous than MMA, and like boxing, fake wrestling has also had a fatality.
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This past Thursday night's edition of TNA Impact scored a 1.3 cable rating, which is the same number the show has posted the past 2 weeks. The show had, however, its highest average number of viewers to date, making the episode another record setter for the company. The episode finished second in its time slot amongst basic cable TV programs.

So David S do you still stand by your claim that TNA sucks .....3 straight weeks now of solid, strong ratings and things keep improving....EVEN after they lose the likes of Christian Cage and severalm other top stars!
Interesting story Auditor...

Im a huge mixed martial arts fan, and i watch EVERY UFC fight, and most of the other organizations fights too.

I dont get fake wrestling and i dont understand how people enjoy it, especially adults. It wouldnt be nearly as bad if the acting was at least somewhat good, but theres almost no wrestlers out there that can pull it off without looking VERY corny. The dialogue between the wrestlers is over the top and akward often times. The fights themselves arent even realistic either. None of the punches or kicks look realistic, and all the flipping and jumping around is just indulgent nonsense that never happens in the real world. Its just so god damned corny to me, but i understand everyone has their own personal taste, so who am i to say whats entertainment and whats not.

I suggest all WWE fans stop watching that garbage and start watching MMA fights.

The outcome of professional wrestling matches is predetermined. I'd like to see you fake getting slammed through a table ...:eusa_whistle:

You obviously are quite ignorant to any history concerning professional wrestling. Most people that used to like it don't like the current product. The interest in professional wrestling would be the same as most anything on television -- entertainment.

As far as MMA goes, why don't you save yourself some money and just go watch dogfights or cockfights? It really amounts to little more than that.

Oh, and I DID used to kickbox, before you tell me what I don't know. That required some skill besides chokeholds or laying on top of someone and hammering their brains out. I can do that at the local watering hole.

I am OBVIOUSLY quite ignorant about the history of wrestling? Where did i mention anything about the history of wrestling for you to even come up with that theory? Dont assume that you know what i know.

As for MMA and your comparison to dog fighting and cock fighting, it is apparent that YOU are the ignorant one here. MMA fighters gladly enter the ring or octagon, where dogs and roosters dont have a choice in the matter, nor do they kill MMA fighters afterwards. Not only that, the injuries are generally minor, and far less than football injuries for example. Boxing is also much more detrimental to the fighters than it is in MMA. You get many serious injuries, and several deaths in boxing, every year. In the UFC's almost 20 year history, theres never been a serious injury or death. What other sport can claim that?

I do not accept your comparisons to cockfighting, nor should anyone else. If you think MMA is dangerous, you are just uninformed.

On a final note, i think its humorous that you bash MMA for being violent, yet when you get offended after i call wrestling fake, you immediately start telling me about how real it is when people are getting slammed through tables, thereby glorifying the level of violence in it. You seem to be impressed with it. Fake wrestling is ALSO far more dangerous than MMA, and like boxing, fake wrestling has also had a fatality.

Let's clear up a few things, shall we?

One, I don't have to assume your ignorance. YOU put it on display.

Two, what you choose to accept or reject is completely irrelevant to my opinion based on the obvious. If you think MMA is not dangerous, you're a fool, and obviously have never stepped into a ring.

Third, I am not offended at all in regard to your ignorant opinion of pro wrestling. I set out to pull your chain and it worked like a charm. Always does with overly-zealous droolers like you. :cool:

But I tell you what ... since you think wrestling is so fake, go tell that to a professional wrestler and get in the ring with him. Take along a video camera and someone to hold it to. Watching you squeal like a girl in a fake wrestling hold would be MY idea of entertainment.:lol:
One, I don't have to assume your ignorance. YOU put it on display.

You keep saying im ignorant, but i dont understand what you are referring to. What EXACTLY did i say that "put my ignorance on display"? Be specific or dont bother responding.

If you think MMA is not dangerous, you're a fool, and obviously have never stepped into a ring.

You would be hard pressed to find an athletic sport that isnt dangerous in some way. For the record, i never said it wasnt dangerous and putting words in my mouth doesnt help your case.

Third, I am not offended at all in regard to your ignorant opinion of pro wrestling.

What did i say that was ignorant, and how can an opinion about preference in entertainment be ignorant? You realize there are many people who think wrestling is absurd, right?

But I tell you what ... since you think wrestling is so fake, go tell that to a professional wrestler and get in the ring with him.

Well, given that i wouldnt be stepping in the ring with one of your wrestlers before we rehearsed the "match", i would know exactly what im getting into, and if i felt i was going to get hurt, i would simply omit that part of the act.

I dont understand why you pretend that when we call wrestling fake, we are saying no one can get hurt. You know exactly what we mean and its silly when you play this game. You are making up arguements that dont exist. You know full and well that wrestling is fake and you come off as an idiot when you pretend that its real.

Are movies real then too? As i recall, Brandon Lee lost his life during the filming of The Crow. Is The Crow a documentary then? It would be by the standard you are trying to enforce.
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...and whats with this thing where you feel its necessary to insult people when they disagree with you? Cant you have a debate without all this nonsense where you are calling people ignorant, or fools, or overly-zealous droolers, etc. It makes you look like an ass.

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