For Dark Fury

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012

May the LORD comfort you and hold you close.
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This is for you, Tim. The LORD had me find this song just now and I know He led me to it. I had never heard it before but I know in my heart the message in this song is for you. God bless you.

This is for you, Tim. The LORD had me find this song just now and I know He led me to it. I had never heard it before but I know in my heart the message in this song is for you. God bless you.

You know a lot of what is written about the greatest generation covers the men. But if one looks at what women have done during that same period it's truly outstanding. In just 90 years women have come so far as to abilities and knowledge.

And they had to come from farther back no less. But they did and they did so without looting or killing. They did it with pure spine and will and many many prayer packing grandma's.

Turning down the idea of a "City of Angels" is fine really. But the true water mark of where we have been to where we are is not tied up in some history book. It's our stories as men and woman. The stuff in the books is just surface and often written to please one group or another.

Their lives and our lives are truly the only thing that resembles truth. If you want the word of God you go to the book. If you want your true history it resides in the hearts and minds of your elders.

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