For Democrats : Are you feelin' the Bern ?

For Democrats : Are you feelin' the Bern ?

  • Yes , he will win!

    Votes: 4 57.1%
  • No, Hillary will win!

    Votes: 3 42.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Bernies proposals are unrealistic and quite frankly, absurd. Now, some are all right, but wanting a $15 minimum wage? Bernie doesn't want to lower the corporate tax rate, which is something I believe needs to happen. If anything, he wants more taxes on corporations. (I'm fine with closing loopholes though.) I find myself in a situation where the only candidate I find myself attracted to is Hillary.

Yet you find Hillary's realistic?
Yes, I do. It should be noted nothing is perfect and I find faults with some of her ideas, but this is the real world. Hillary is better then any of the GOP choices as of right now. Her record speaks for itself, once you look past the partisan dog shit. You can read her plans if you like.

You said you think the corporate tax rate should be lower. Are you saying Hillary supports that?

What record? Defending a playboy husband while 1st "Lady", lying about being under sniper fire, or avoiding taking responsibility for 4 honorable people being killed in Benghazi while under her watch?
Cause things are working out so great in Venezuela, let's do it here.

Pulling 19.6 trillion out of the private sector to throw into the gaping maw of a bigger, more bloated government will have a hard time passing congress. A lot of workers feel like they are overburdened enough providing for those who just can't be bothered to work. Many congressmen and senators know they'd pay at the polls for squeezing the turnip for more blood.

Bernie is still far more attractive than Her Royal Thighness. He's been in a government job since 1981. He knows how the system works. If he gets the WH, he'll know he'll have to compromise or it will just be more gridlock and people are sick of that. The "I'll give you all free stuff" is working for now with the young and naïve but his campaign will soon have to get more realistic to reach thinking adults. If it doesn't and it becomes clear he really does want to turn this country into a larger Venezuelan catastrophe, he'll have an impossible sale.

Here's a list of Bernie Sanders' $19.6 trillion in tax hikes

Anyone trying to compare Venezuela and the United States is a fool.
Bernies proposals are unrealistic and quite frankly, absurd. Now, some are all right, but wanting a $15 minimum wage? Bernie doesn't want to lower the corporate tax rate, which is something I believe needs to happen. If anything, he wants more taxes on corporations. (I'm fine with closing loopholes though.) I find myself in a situation where the only candidate I find myself attracted to is Hillary.

Yet you find Hillary's realistic?
Yes, I do. It should be noted nothing is perfect and I find faults with some of her ideas, but this is the real world. Hillary is better then any of the GOP choices as of right now. Her record speaks for itself, once you look past the partisan dog shit. You can read her plans if you like.

You said you think the corporate tax rate should be lower. Are you saying Hillary supports that?

What record? Defending a playboy husband while 1st "Lady", lying about being under sniper fire, or avoiding taking responsibility for 4 honorable people being killed in Benghazi while under her watch?
Hillary certainly doesn't want to raise it the way Bernie does. I already told you candidates aren't perfect. I don't care about Bill clintons personal life, he was a great president and his wife has a record that clearly shows her experience. Don't get me started on the Benghazi crap, the partisan hacks never showed any rage when similar incidents happened under different presidents when their party was president.
Bernies proposals are unrealistic and quite frankly, absurd. Now, some are all right, but wanting a $15 minimum wage? Bernie doesn't want to lower the corporate tax rate, which is something I believe needs to happen. If anything, he wants more taxes on corporations. (I'm fine with closing loopholes though.) I find myself in a situation where the only candidate I find myself attracted to is Hillary.

Yet you find Hillary's realistic?
Yes, I do. It should be noted nothing is perfect and I find faults with some of her ideas, but this is the real world. Hillary is better then any of the GOP choices as of right now. Her record speaks for itself, once you look past the partisan dog shit. You can read her plans if you like.

You said you think the corporate tax rate should be lower. Are you saying Hillary supports that?

What record? Defending a playboy husband while 1st "Lady", lying about being under sniper fire, or avoiding taking responsibility for 4 honorable people being killed in Benghazi while under her watch?
Hillary certainly doesn't want to raise it the way Bernie does. I already told you candidates aren't perfect. I don't care about Bill clintons personal life, he was a great president and his wife has a record that clearly shows her experience. Don't get me started on the Benghazi crap, the partisan hacks never showed any rage when similar incidents happened under different presidents when their party was president.

But she wants to raise it yet you still support someone that does what you say you don't like.

His personal life is as important as anything else. It shows a lack of character.

Oh, the other guy did it, too argument. Weak.
Bernies proposals are unrealistic and quite frankly, absurd. Now, some are all right, but wanting a $15 minimum wage? Bernie doesn't want to lower the corporate tax rate, which is something I believe needs to happen. If anything, he wants more taxes on corporations. (I'm fine with closing loopholes though.) I find myself in a situation where the only candidate I find myself attracted to is Hillary.
What in gods name do you find attractive about corrupt cankles?
Sanders's retort to the cost of single payer healthcare is that whatever you pay in extra taxes is less than what you spend every year on healthcare.

Per capita spending is about $9,000.
His explanation is that families who pay 10 grand a year in private premiums will be ahead of the game under single payer because they’ll only see their taxes go up by 5 grand a year, so they’re saving 5 grand.

LOL That's it Sanders run on the platform that families are going to get hit for 10K a year. Only a left loon is going to vote for that
What is your counter to his argument that you will come out five grand ahead? Ten grand you no longer have to spend on health care, minus five grand in new taxes equals five grand ahead of where you are now.

Got anything besides empty laughter? Because that is not a winning strategy.
Sanders's retort to the cost of single payer healthcare is that whatever you pay in extra taxes is less than what you spend every year on healthcare.

Per capita spending is about $9,000.

Is he saying that those extra taxes will amount to less than $750/year?
Sanders's retort to the cost of single payer healthcare is that whatever you pay in extra taxes is less than what you spend every year on healthcare.

Per capita spending is about $9,000.

Is he saying that those extra taxes will amount to less than $750/year?
I seriously doubt anyone spends less than $750 for health care a year, except a very healthy person with no insurance.

As I said, the average is $9,000. Bernie is claiming single payer will cost you less than $9,000 a year. That could be anywhere from $1 in new taxes, to $8,999.
What is your counter to his argument that you will come out five grand ahead?

of course you will because communism makes you richer not poorer!! First it will make us richer in health care and then in everything until finally the right is out of the way and we can enjoy a soviet standard of living!!

All you need to know about Bernie is that he chose the USSR as his honeymoon destination. A liberal is naturally and treasonously stupid
Sanders's retort to the cost of single payer healthcare is that whatever you pay in extra taxes is less than what you spend every year on healthcare.

Per capita spending is about $9,000.

Is he saying that those extra taxes will amount to less than $750/year?
I seriously doubt anyone spends less than $750 for health care a year, except a very healthy person with no insurance.

As I said, the average is $9,000. Bernie is claiming single payer will cost you less than $9,000 a year. That could be anywhere from $1 in new taxes, to $8,999.

My insurance through work costs me nothing in premiums and the most I'll pay in a year out of pocket is $750. Doubt all you want but I'm the one paying.

Bernie is CLAIMING . . ? Obama claimed if you like your policy you could keep it and we both know that was a lie.
See, here's the thing.

Bernie is putting a plan on the table.

You can't just laugh at it. That didn't work before against ObamaCare, and only an insane person would think doing the same thing over and over will get a different result.

You can't just show it's flaws, either. Any jackass can attack the other guy's plan.

Where the Right has been falling on its idiot face these past eight years is in its failure to put a BETTER plan on the table. Worse, it has failed to put ANY plan on the table.

If the American people are faced with a choice between Plan A and NOTHING, they will always choose Plan A.

Figure it out!
Sanders's retort to the cost of single payer healthcare is that whatever you pay in extra taxes is less than what you spend every year on healthcare.

Per capita spending is about $9,000.

Is he saying that those extra taxes will amount to less than $750/year?
I seriously doubt anyone spends less than $750 for health care a year, except a very healthy person with no insurance.

As I said, the average is $9,000. Bernie is claiming single payer will cost you less than $9,000 a year. That could be anywhere from $1 in new taxes, to $8,999.

My insurance through work costs me nothing in premiums and the most I'll pay in a year out of pocket is $750. Doubt all you want but I'm the one paying.

Bernie is CLAIMING . . ? Obama claimed if you like your policy you could keep it and we both know that was a lie.
It's funny how right wingers jeer at leftists for thinking shit is "free" when it really comes at the cost of someone else, and yet utterly fail to see the things they defend cost us much more.

Tax expenditures, for example.

Now go back and look at your post again, and see if you can get what I am driving at.

Start with the phrase, "My insurance through work..."
Sanders's retort to the cost of single payer healthcare is that whatever you pay in extra taxes is less than what you spend every year on healthcare.

Per capita spending is about $9,000.

Is he saying that those extra taxes will amount to less than $750/year?
I seriously doubt anyone spends less than $750 for health care a year, except a very healthy person with no insurance.

As I said, the average is $9,000. Bernie is claiming single payer will cost you less than $9,000 a year. That could be anywhere from $1 in new taxes, to $8,999.

My insurance through work costs me nothing in premiums and the most I'll pay in a year out of pocket is $750. Doubt all you want but I'm the one paying.

Bernie is CLAIMING . . ? Obama claimed if you like your policy you could keep it and we both know that was a lie.
It's funny how right wingers jeer at leftists for thinking shit is "free" when it really comes at the cost of someone else.

No go back and look at your post again, and see if you can get what I am driving at.

Start with the phrase, "My insurance through work..."

The lefties use the term free when it comes to things they support. Apparently they don't understand someone has to pay.

Are you claiming that if we had single payer that what my employer funds for my coverage would come to me in the way of a higher salary? That benefit is part of my compensation and unless it comes to me in the way of a higher income because premiums are no longer a part of how insurance works, I lose.
Bernies proposals are unrealistic and quite frankly, absurd. Now, some are all right, but wanting a $15 minimum wage? Bernie doesn't want to lower the corporate tax rate, which is something I believe needs to happen. If anything, he wants more taxes on corporations. (I'm fine with closing loopholes though.) I find myself in a situation where the only candidate I find myself attracted to is Hillary.

Yet you find Hillary's realistic?
Yes, I do. It should be noted nothing is perfect and I find faults with some of her ideas, but this is the real world. Hillary is better then any of the GOP choices as of right now. Her record speaks for itself, once you look past the partisan dog shit. You can read her plans if you like.

Hillary is finished:

IG: Some emails on Clinton's server were beyond top secret

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