For everyone writing off the Trump legal team's chances of proving election fraud.

For those of you who keep watching youtube videos with your mouth open and calling it 'research'....
Not too good at the humor thing are you robot ?

Notice how you edited all mention of the massive set backs Trump's imaginary claims of 'fraud' took. Pretending that Michigan didn't certify. And the Pennsylvania supreme court didn't shut down your last remaining certification injunction lawsuit. And that a federal judge in Pennsylvania dismissed Trump's injunction lawsuit with prejudice only days before.

Closing your eyes and ignoring the evidence doesn't magically make it disappear. No matter what the lady in the youtube video tells you.
The current issue is not fraud, it's counting ballots that came in after the expiration date/time.
Maybe you should wait until you've seen the evidence they have. Jenna Ellis gives a heads up on where things stand with Sidney Powell and explains the rest of the situation as it stands now.

For those of you who keep watching youtube videos with your mouth open and calling it 'research'....

Today they certified the election results in Michigan AND the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania dismissed the last surviving lawsuit trying to prevent the certification of the election in Pennsylvania.

This after a life long republican federal judge threw out Trump's lawsuit in Pennsylvania...with prejudice. So he can't refile it.

But please tell us again how the youtube video makes all that better.

Certification now is completely irrelevant if the vote count changes.

Says who?

And of course, what vote count change?

When the lawsuits are complete thousands of ineligible ballots will be tossed, changing the final results. The certification wouldn't be valid.

The guy on Newsmax says so, huh?

What's the Election Board of Michigan and the Secretary of State of Pennsylvania against a *youtube* video?

What are you yammering on about? Nobody said that on YouTube. If the court cases change the vote counts then the certification is no longer valid, the results would not be what was certified.
Maybe you should wait until you've seen the evidence they have. Jenna Ellis gives a heads up on where things stand with Sidney Powell and explains the rest of the situation as it stands now.

For those of you who keep watching youtube videos with your mouth open and calling it 'research'....

Today they certified the election results in Michigan AND the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania dismissed the last surviving lawsuit trying to prevent the certification of the election in Pennsylvania.

This after a life long republican federal judge threw out Trump's lawsuit in Pennsylvania...with prejudice. So he can't refile it.

But please tell us again how the youtube video makes all that better.

Certification now is completely irrelevant if the vote count changes.

Says who?

And of course, what vote count change?

When the lawsuits are complete thousands of ineligible ballots will be tossed, changing the final results. The certification wouldn't be valid.

The guy on Newsmax says so, huh?

What's the Election Board of Michigan and the Secretary of State of Pennsylvania against a *youtube* video?

What are yammering on about? Nobody said that on YouTube. If the court cases change the vote counts then the certification is no longer valid, the results would not be what was certified.

Liberals do not absorb facts that disrupt their emotional state of being.
Skylar has the attention span of a gnat.
Jenna Ellis ;
This is basically an opening statement so the American people can understand what the networks have been hiding and what they refuse to cover, because all of your fake news headlines are dancing around the merits of this case and are trying to de-legitimize what we are doing here. Let me be very clear that our objective is to make sure to preserve and protect election integrity. President Trump has been saying from day one, that this is about maintaining free and fair elections in this country. It is not about overturning an outcome. It is about making sure that election integrity is preserved and every American should want that. If every American is not on board with that, you have to ask yourself why. If your fake news network is not covering this or allowing you to cover it fairly and accurately, you should ask yourself why. This is absolutely a legitimate legal basis. We have been asked to provide an entire case that generally would take years in civil litigation. I’ve been a prosecutor, I have tried cases with far simpler facts. One thing happened in a matter of minutes and it still takes days. We go through a jury process. This is the court of public opinion right now. We are not trying our case in the court of public opinion, because if we were, we would get unbiased jurors, I would strike 99% of you from the jury and I would be allowed to, because of the fake news coverage you provide. You’re not unbiased jurors. Until you step out of your role as a journalist and actually go into a courtroom and you are a judge on a bench that has sworn an oath to be unbiased in our separation of powers, then your opinion does not matter.

The facts matter. The truth matters. And if you are fair reporters, you will cover that fairly and appropriately and you will allow coverage of our media team here and our legal team. That is absolutely shocking, that all you cover are around the margins, and I’ve seen all of you taking pictures right now, and I can anticipate what your headlines are going to be. If you are not willing to talk about the evidence that has been presented, then that is absolutely unacceptable for journalistic standards. This is an opening statement. This is something where we have told you what the evidence will show and we have given you a brief description. That happens in a courtroom all the time, where that’s not the fact-finding process, that is just an overview. That is what we have given you today, because the American people deserve to know what we have uncovered in the last couple of weeks. Remember, this is such a short timeframe, and this is an elite strikeforce team that is working on behalf of the President and the campaign to make sure that our Constitution is protected. We are a nation of rules, not a nation of rulers. There is not someone that just gets to pick who the next President is outside the will of the American people. That is our task, because when we talk about voter fraud, it’s actually election official fraud. That cannot stand. The Constitution requires that the State Legislatures are the ones that make election law. It still has to go by the US Constitution. But what has happened in this case is that state and local level officials and all the way up, have changed the rules. That’s what the Democrats do. If they don’t like the rules, they change them and they change them at the last minute, they manipulate them. They want to tear down our American system.

Our founders were so brilliant that they anticipated this, that there would be corruption. There would be foreign influence, there would be attempts to manipulate the outcome of the election, especially with who they called our Chief Magistrate. I would encourage all of you to go home and actually read Alexander Hamilton’s Federalist 68 and see what he described as an advocacy position to adopt and ratify the Electoral College and the process by which we select our President. We select our President through the Electoral College, not because it disenfranchises voters, but because it is a security mechanism for exactly the type of corruption that we are uncovering. Every American should be grateful and thankful that our founders had the foresight to put in those protections and provisions to make sure that your legitimate legal vote is not disenfranchised. That is what we are advocating for.

We want to make sure to protect election integrity and your President, President Trump, we are so proud that he is in this fight, because he understands that when he swore his oath of office, he swore an oath to uphold and defend the United States Constitution. That is what he is doing and that is what we are doing. We are confident that through this multiple pathway to victory, we will get to the actual outcome that the evidence shows, but this is not about overturning an election on our part. It’s about making sure that we protect and preserve free and fair elections for all future American elections. If the United States caves to corruption or this type of election integrity disaster, then no election will be secure from here on out, and we all need to be keenly aware of that. We are the representatives here that are standing in this gap and defending President Trump and defending you, the American people at the end of the day. This is ultimately about the United States of America and we want to make sure to protect and defend that.

As my colleagues have said, we will not back down. We won’t be intimidated. President Trump will not be intimidated. You, the American people should not be intimidated. You, the press, should cover this fairly and should know that this matters to election integrity and it matters to the future of our nation. So we have given you an overview, but recognize this is not a court of law. We will get there and we have time and we have constitutional provisions that will step in when we show the corruption and the irredeemably challenged and overturned votes that are absolutely corrupt in all of these counties. It is irredeemably compromised. We will show that, but you have to give us that opportunity. This has been just our opening statement and we have an opportunity to get there and we have time and we will do that. This is the United States of America, and we stand proudly for President Donald J. Trump. Thank you.

Oh, the merits of the case were directly addressed in the court rulings:

Federal Judge Matthew Brann said:

Now how is it you've never heard about these rulings, directly contradicting your assertions?
Maybe you should wait until you've seen the evidence they have. Jenna Ellis gives a heads up on where things stand with Sidney Powell and explains the rest of the situation as it stands now.

I've seen candidates contest the vote based on hacking before. . . it doesn't go well. We have been here before, the other party complained, and the GOP didn't give a shit.

The folks behind the throne of both parties want it this way, and the media and the legal system of the nation are set up to protect the corruption, just get used to the fact that it is here to stay and your vote doesn't matter. I have been telling you this for nearly half a decade now.

You best get used to the idea of a president Biden now. These financial interests manipulate everyone's emotions and THEY are the ones that select your leaders based on their long ranging goals.

Maybe you should wait until you've seen the evidence they have. Jenna Ellis gives a heads up on where things stand with Sidney Powell and explains the rest of the situation as it stands now.

For those of you who keep watching youtube videos with your mouth open and calling it 'research'....

Today they certified the election results in Michigan AND the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania dismissed the last surviving lawsuit trying to prevent the certification of the election in Pennsylvania.

This after a life long republican federal judge threw out Trump's lawsuit in Pennsylvania...with prejudice. So he can't refile it.

But please tell us again how the youtube video makes all that better.

Certification now is completely irrelevant if the vote count changes.

Says who?

And of course, what vote count change?

When the lawsuits are complete thousands of ineligible ballots will be tossed, changing the final results. The certification wouldn't be valid.

The guy on Newsmax says so, huh?

What's the Election Board of Michigan and the Secretary of State of Pennsylvania against a *youtube* video?

What are yammering on about? Nobody said that on YouTube. If the court cases change the vote counts then the certification is no longer valid, the results would not be what was certified.

Maybe you should wait until you've seen the evidence they have. Jenna Ellis gives a heads up on where things stand with Sidney Powell and explains the rest of the situation as it stands now.

For those of you who keep watching youtube videos with your mouth open and calling it 'research'....

Today they certified the election results in Michigan AND the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania dismissed the last surviving lawsuit trying to prevent the certification of the election in Pennsylvania.

This after a life long republican federal judge threw out Trump's lawsuit in Pennsylvania...with prejudice. So he can't refile it.

But please tell us again how the youtube video makes all that better.

Certification now is completely irrelevant if the vote count changes.

Says who?

And of course, what vote count change?

When the lawsuits are complete thousands of ineligible ballots will be tossed, changing the final results. The certification wouldn't be valid.

The guy on Newsmax says so, huh?

What's the Election Board of Michigan and the Secretary of State of Pennsylvania against a *youtube* video?

What are yammering on about? Nobody said that on YouTube. If the court cases change the vote counts then the certification is no longer valid, the results would not be what was certified.

Liberals do not absorb facts that disrupt their emotional state of being.
Skylar has the attention span of a gnat.

Or.....I put more credibility with the Michigan Election Board than I do what some dude on NewsMax Tv does.

As would rational person.

But tell us again how Newsmax trumps election certification. For the giggles.

The Sidney Powell that was just disavowed by the Trump campaign for her spectacular failure in proving her conspiracies? The one who hasn't managed to present a page of her evidence to any court, any law enforcement agency, or even Tucker Carlson?

That Sidney Powell? I just want to make sure we're talking about the same person.
Okee Dokee, what actually, did she actually, explain? If you understood her dance, could you explain it?
Basically she said liberals are too stupid to understand the process so they jump to meaningless feel good conclusions.
So, once again, it was just a bunch of hot air nothingness?


I'll stick with the actual election results and leave feel good conspiracy fantasies to our conservative friends
Maybe you should wait until you've seen the evidence they have. Jenna Ellis gives a heads up on the situation with Sidney Powell and explains the rest of the case as it stands now.

This would be the same Sidney Powell Trump had to disassociate himself from because she was such a nut?

The polls said Biden would win, and Biden won. I'm not sure what the issue is here, exactly.

The only thing this election proved is why the Electoral College needs to go. That's about it.
The current issue is not fraud, it's counting ballots that came in after the expiration date/time.

Which is fine if they were postmarked before, and there weren't enough of them to change the outcome anyway.

The current issue is mollifying the Orange Man Baby and his followers.
Maybe you should wait until you've seen the evidence they have. Jenna Ellis gives a heads up on the situation with Sidney Powell and explains the rest of the case as it stands now.

Its all up to roberts and the next weakest link on the court now and he’s a lib media sucking asshole
Maybe you should wait until you've seen the evidence they have. Jenna Ellis gives a heads up on the situation with Sidney Powell and explains the rest of the case as it stands now.

Its all up to roberts and the next weakest link on the court now and he’s a lib media sucking asshole

Only one court case has gotten anywhere near SCOTUS, counting of late mail in ballots in Pennsylvania. That case has no chance to affect the outcome of the election. SCOTUS has given zero indication they will be doing anything about it too.

No other court case has gotten anywhere near SCOTUS.

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