For First Time in 8 Years, US Likes George W. Bush


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Gallup favorability ratings tip into positive territory

By John Johnson, Newser Staff, Posted Jun 11, 2013

(Newser) – It's a milestone any former president would love: For the first time since 2005, more Americans approve of George W. Bush than disapprove, reports Gallup. He now stands at 49-46—up 9 in the "view favorably" category and down 13 in "view unfavorably" since he left office in 2009. (He still registers only a 24% favorable rating among Democrats, 60 points below his score among Republicans.)

All the recent former presidents are at 60% favorable or above, including Bush senior at 62%. He turns 89 tomorrow, incidentally, and his foundation wants everyone to wear brights socks (and photograph them) to mark the occasion, notes the Dallas Morning News. GHWBush: Sock it to me | Trail Blazers Blog (It's his signature style now.)

After 4+years of Obama, why not? :clap2:
I approve of W as well, he went into hiding under a rock in Crawford after leaving office in disgrace and has barely been seen since. :clap2:
I like George W Bush
I like him no longer being President

and a Happy Birthday to his father GHW Bush!
Ah, yes. As certain conservatives rail in their outrage at the current administration's legally sanctioned use of data mining which is subject to judicial oversight and congressional updates, I think back ever so fondly to the days when President George W. Bush went ON THE RECORD to assure the American public that there were absolutely NO wiretaps without court approval even AS Bush authorized warrantless wiretaps in clear violation of the law.

Sure Bush is missed...until the moment that people start to remember the specifics of his numerous leadership debacles which were of epic proportions. You know what I mean? Like the WMDs they just KNEW were in Iraq, and they knew just where they were? Or failing to understand the tribal and religious rivalries in Iraq's population or take into consideration the very real possibility of an Iraq insurgency in response to the American occupation and the power vacuum created by the exit of Saddam. Or "Brownie, you're doing a heckofa job". Or tossing the economy into the crapper. Or cutting taxes in a time of war, and busting the budget in the process. Or sitting on his ass while America was under attack. Or letting bin Laden get away and then saying he didn't spend much time thinking about the man who orchestrated the largest attack on the USA mainland since the War of 1812. Or the devastating PR disaster of Abu Ghraib which made Americans look like perverts and sadists in the eyes of the world.

Should I go on? Miss Bush? It's like missing your old flame until you're reminded of how that person lied and cheated on you all those times and then tried to make you feel like it was your fault in some way. All Americans really need is a little reminder. And when it all comes back to them, their semi fond nostalgia (temporary insanity) will be instantaneously cured.
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