for how long will Ukraine be able to fight?

To the last freedom-loving citizen of Ukraine is dead. The only other option is slavery and oppression if they surrender.
The United Nations could step in and force a negotiation but both sides do not want that.
what do you think?
They should study Hamas and take notes on how long to last.

After WW2, there were Nazi insurgencies lasting about a decade, and that was without outside countries pouring money and troops in for them to fight.
They should study Hamas and take notes on how long to last.

After WW2, there were Nazi insurgencies lasting about a decade, and that was without outside countries pouring money and troops in for them to fight.
ukrainians are not like hamas
Morons Nazi Troll Winkle and Savant Idiot Ze Bra cannot believe that Moscow has smashed five different UAF forces and that Kyiv has resorted to literally putting OAPs , women and 15 year old lads into the front line trenches .

Nazi Zelensky is an Evil and insane individual and our two moronic Trolls , along with poor Horsey Horsey , support these fiendish Nazis.

Time for low IQs to support the IDF , another Nazi serving group .

I expect more of what has happened this past year moving forward. IOW not much. There's no weapon system that can be a "game changer". There's just going to be small front line changes in various places. Continued fighting though.

One thing of note. Russia proper in cities like St Petersburg and Moscow are having power, heat or other infrastructure outages. They are saying the maintenance teams have been sent to Ukraine.

So where Russians are used to such things and have never depended upon the power or heat does give rise to a possible "Black Swan" event. Especially if Ukraine sends more spies into Russia to wreak havoc.

Pitin can only mobilize so many so fast...too much and the people will revolt. Sure many support the war but if they can't eat or buy vodka....things go south politically for putin. The knock off Amazon warehouse in Russia burning to the ground was a massive blow. (Stupid things always are)

So...war is hard and stupid expensive. And Putin only thinks he needs a win.
Biden is mired in the Ukraine and Gaza war with no solution for peace. Folks that voted for this clown got what they deserve.
Biden is mired in the Ukraine and Gaza war with no solution for peace. Folks that voted for this clown got what they deserve.
The next president will inherit these wars and more. Looks like Somalia and Ethiopia are about to go at it as well. That's gonna hurt some feelings. Azerbaijan and Armenia are still pissed off at each other. That's going to continue.

CCP is having corruption issues within its military and where normally reserved militarily will be even moreso going forward. It's missile defense is a huge dud. The troops have been using rocket fuel to cook hot pots. The silo doors don't open. It's in a huge mess. So no help from them for several years. Nevermind the longest running Civil War in world history to their south....Burma has never stopped fighting except now they are fighting over rare earth elements and strip mining for lithium batteries.

In South America Ecuador is having internal issues. So are a few other states. Also looks like there might be a few other flare ups with fighting over territory and resources.

There's a lot a new President (and a new one is coming) is going to have to deal with. The quiet races....for Congress is the huge tale. That means more. Which fights are they going to support? Both Ukraine and Israel are necessary to support. How about Yemen against the Houthis? Congress can...but will they? What about the American Military? Recruitment is so low at the moment its an embarrassment. If it's anything like Social Security they had better raise their pay if they want soldiers and stop with some of the other things causing Recruitment problems. (Shaving requirements and Marijuana restrictions during off duty)
Navy is in real need for soldiers. Tours of duty are so long with so little stateside time nobody wants to step on a boat.

I expect more of what has happened this past year moving forward. IOW not much.

So...war is hard and stupid expensive. And Putin only thinks he needs a win.

All you are telling us is that you have no idea what happened .

Suffice to say that the remnants of the UAF fifth army include OAPs , women and 15 year old boys .
And you think little has happened .
A bigger Fool is hard to imagine .

Untrue . There is Moron Troll Winkle way out in the lead .
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To the last freedom-loving citizen of Ukraine is dead. The only other option is slavery and oppression if they surrender.
The United Nations could step in and force a negotiation but both sides do not want that.
There was a peace deal in March 2022 that “Biden” (WEF) ordered Zelen$ky to reject

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